Unexpected Moon

By James Bernard

Published on Nov 26, 2010


Same rules apply, for this chapter that is in and applied to all chapters and stories; I submit to nifty. I don't own any of the figures and hope you enjoy this chapter. Reach me at james17bernard@yahoo.com

Unexpected Moon: Chapter 2

I waited all day, I was on my bed. Just laying there, but wasn't tired of the action. I noticed it being true, I didn't need air to breathe. I held my breath for a whole hour, but since I knew it was pointless, I started to breathe again. I got up and looked at myself in the mirror......almost what I was like.....just my features were changed alittle bit.

My parents were hippies....or the closest things to a hippie. They would love nature and make me go with them and protest against animal cruelty. I had my mother's hair.... which was straight, that went past my shoulders briefly.The color of it is red like a fire....but the venom made it a bit brighter and deeper at the same time it's hard to describe,but it matched my eyes. My pale skin was even paler...I looked like a marble statue, a marble statue that was 5ft and 7in tall. I'm not skinny, I never was...but I wasn't fat. I had curves, I looked like a girl from behind. I had no hair on my body besides my head, underarms, and pubic area. I always kept myself trimmed, so lucky me, I trimmed before the trip and the change. My high cheek bones, carved chin, slopped nose, and full red lips that looked redder compared to my white marble skin; seemed to complement my face.I turned on my stereo and one of my favorites played, ("Check On It" by Beyonce.) Beyonce's voice filled the room as I got dressed. My steps were elegant, I felt like as if I was walking on air. The door opened and I was singing along with Beyonce, word for word, our voices seemed to work together and blend, but still stand out to let two voices be heard. To bad I couldn't go anywhere humans, I would've loved to vocalize with her. My voice got higher and sounded like a woman's for a moment as I went into a soprano...apparently vampires have many talents...or the human's are just amplified. Either way, I loved it. I took off my shirt, and looked at me reddish brown nipples, they always seemed to be wanting to be touched. I smirked at the thought, and changed into a silky white shirt, black leather pants and a leather chocker with a silver catholic looking cross. I put on a black leather, silver studded belt, and let it hang to a droop. It reminded me of a flirty look, I've seen in a magazine. I put on socks, and put on Harley-Davidson Hustin-Black smooth boots. I went with the look I was going for.

"Ooo boy you lookin' like you like what you see.Won't you come over and check up on it? I'ma let you work up on it.Ladies let ?im check up on it. Watch it while he check up on it. Dip it, pop it, twork it, stop it, check on me tonight." I sang, while posing, and I heard footsteps behind me.

Whistling"You are pretty cute." I turned and it was Bella, Rosalie, and Alice were there smiling. I would be blushing like crazy if it wasn't for the fact that I couldn't blush anymore. From what I've heard is that, vampires cannot don't have blood pulsing through them like regular humans do. The only thing possible is for the males, to get hard and cum...the females could cum as well, but they weren't able to get pregnant...much to Rosalie's dismay.

"Sorry, I was just......ummm........." I started but Rosalie cut me off, "Yeah, we know what you were doing. Trying to give me a run for my money." She laughed followed by the other two. "So....it's Thanksgiving!!!! Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!!We know we can't celebrate it like regular humans can, and sometimes that bums us out, but we plan on going into the woods and feeding on all the animals we can, until were all satisfied." Bella said, looking at me warmly. "That's right, so you need to hurry up." Edward said, walking in with a smirk on his face. "Hey, you ready for the fun." Jasper and Emmett say walking in, and I feel like a caged lion, leaping on my bed in hopes to distance myself from everyone else. Taking the hint, they back up a bit, "Sorry...were usually all touchy feely and grabbing onto eachother like no tomorrow. " Jasper says, a texan accent is heard. I smirk at it, it was the cutest thing I have ever heard, and Jasper rubs his head feeling the emotion. Edward just coughs, trying to break the tension. "Oh sorry. Let's go." We all jump out of the window one at a time, with me last. "Wow, that was....extremely graceful." Alice said, "Even for a vampire." Bella finished.

I ran off, from the start. Not wanting to hear anymore complements, just wanting to feed. The complements seemed to be more in a way to help me relax, or so I thought. I'm sure Jasper and Edward caught the thoughts and feelings. How could they care and love me, from the start. It never works like that, it's always something different...but they just seem to like having me around.

I stalked a mountain lion, as I got closer....Roar I turned my head to see a bear swipe at me. I was hit, but barely felt it. The bear seemed to get hurt from the action though, so I grabbed his paw and wrenched it. Causing it's shoulder to pop until it was completely ripped off. It wailed in pain, as I beat it with the bloody end of its arm. As it slooped to the ground dead or unconcious, I ripped into it's neck and fed. Laughing "Wow, that was great. Much better than wrestling." It was some guy....a brunette, with black eyes,(matching the Cullen's black eyes when they need to feed.) and a pale complexion...he was obviously a vampire. "You know it's fake, right?" I ask smirking. "Yesssss...I know it is. Uh so!" he said, he was next to me in a second. He was taller than me...probably 6ft. and 11in. Almost the same height as the Jacob is.

"So...what's a cutey like you doing in a forest like this?" he asked getting closer to me, with his hand almost touching my face. I backed away..."Get away, I don't know you." he just came closer, grabbing my face with his hands cupping my chin. "I don't understand why your so reluctant...I'm hot, your hot....we're perfect for eachother." He said, about to kiss me. I slap him hard,it makes a sound as if to stones clacked together very hard. "How dare you!!!" I yell, trying to even convince myself that I didn't want to do this, but I so obviously wanted to kiss him. "Jeez, I didn't know finding a mate was this hard." he said in fusteration, "Now your going to be my mate and getted fucked, you don't have to enjoy it...but it's going to happen." He said, running at me. I felt a pressure from my head, and I forced it out of my hands and it caused him to hit a tree knocking it down, pulling the roots out from the bottom. "Don't touch me!" Vines and roots grew from the earth and wrapped around his entire body. "You can't stop me! I will have you!" He yelled, "My name is Jackson! Remember it, because it's the name you'll be calling out at night!(SEXUALLY)"He yelled as I walked away, knowing how strong vampires are, I'm sure he just didn't want to put pressure on me...he could've gotten out of the roots and vines at any time easily. I ran back to the house, it was empty of...my brothers and sisters. Esme and Carlisle were in

the study going through books, for some unknown reason. Jake was with Nessie, on the couch, they stared at

me then at eachother and back to me, as I ran upstairs to my room. "Comeon." Nessie said, dragging Jacob with her."Aah, Nessie. Do we have to???" He asked, seriously not wanting anything to do with me. "Yes, or your sleeping alone tonight." Nessie was 15, and was small, like Alice...a pixie. Not like a baby, just short. She and Jake have kissed and hugged and such, but haven't gotten that close. Bella wouldn't allow it, even though Jake wanted to so badly.

Knocking "Hey Gaian, what's the matter?" Nessie asked behind the door, "Nothing, just please. I need some time alone, I hope you understand...." I heard footsteps leaving....I was alone. I heard the rest of the family down stairs, talking about what could be wrong....

"What could've made him act that way?"Nessie asked, wondering what was wrong with me. "I can hear some things...he seems to be getting better at blocking his thoughts." Edward said abit frusterated, that I wasn't letting him. Jasper was the only one who could pick something up and he felt that it was my business to dish so he turned down everyone's thought of him snooping or even manipulating me with his empathy. "Whoa....I'm getting something...He...is worried. He found his mate...or more on the lines his mate found him, and was rather harsh about it. He was more abbrasive than one should be. Gaian, had to bind him to the ground." Alice said, holding her head getting dizzy from the random vision.

"Oh....hmmm, so how do we go about this?" Emmett asked, "I don't know." Esme said wondering herself. "I say we just let him wallow like a little baby, until he mans-up. Wait....He's a fag?????" Jake says and starts laughing, "It's not something I like to say alright!!!!" I yell, right next to them. Startling everyone, and sending Jake flying out the window. He jumped back through and came at me. I was about to throw my hands up, but he caught them and pinned me against the wall hard. "IM SO FUCKING TIRED OF YOU!!!!!!!!!!!" Jake yells in my face, as Jackson crashes through the already open window...(Esme is great at architecte, good thing too.)...he prys Jake off of me and they start wailing on eachother.

Through the complaints and attempts to stop the fight they keep going at it. "ENOUGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I yell pointing at both boys, then swaying my arms to opposite sides, causing them to fly off eachother. The sky was getting dark with all of my collected emotions. My blood red eyes, glowing in the darker atmosphere. "I have had enough of the hate." Jasper's powers finally taking full effect on everyone trying to calm everyone down. I just walk out of the house, with Jackson on my trail.

"Hey....." he started but was cut off as I sobbed tearless tears, in his chest. "Baby....you need to calm down." He said, trying to sooth me of my worries. "I...I'm Gaian. I'm...sorry about earl..." I was cut off by his soft lips. We madeout for 15 minutes, we didn't need air. I could feel electricity static from the kisses to spread across my body, making me tingle all over. "Please....I want to wait.....I want to get to know you first....." I said, truly wanting something out of this than sex. "Alright....well wait, but I'm not waiting for long.....Your such a tease." He said, giving me a smile that could make anyone happy.

He picked me up, and walked with me to the house. He continued kissing me all the way, through the house, everyone was to busy yelling at Jake, that we just passed on by. Edward and Jasper were smiling though, knowing I have finally found a mate. My someone to love...and the fact that their family is getting bigger, makes it that more fun.

Jackson and I laid on the bed, kissing as he pulled me into his chest. We looked out the windows, while cuddling just enjoying the moment, that was total bliss.......

(There's the next chapter. Sorry I have been out for awhile. My computer was tampered with by a friend, and then with the Thanksgiving and soon Christmas, going on...things have been getting crazy. I will try to keep it up though. I don't like how authors will write and drop off the chart completely...I don't want to be like that, so I will try to keep up the pace. Anyways tell me what you think, thanks for reading, I love my fans and all the feedback and can't wait to hear more. I will be doing strange and cool stuff with the stories...I hope you guys trust me with how, I will be doing things. Anyways love ya, Blessed Be!)

Next: Chapter 3

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