Unexpected Moon

By James Bernard

Published on Nov 21, 2010


I don't own any of the characters, Stephanie Meyer does. I'm writing this story, because I love the 'Twilight Saga'. I hope you like this story. Reach my at james17bernard@yahoo.com

Unexpected Moon: Chapter 1

It's funny, I took a camping trip with my parents;as a way to escape the world and the fact that I'm a freak. I have always had moments, were I thought I was affecting the weather and messing with plants...I love them and such, as If I was the 'god of nature; or father nature' compared to the belief of 'goddess of nature, or mother nature'. I always pictured them as friends....that I take care of, but they take care of me. They give me joy, air which I need to live. I think it's a fair trade, if not then I own them more.As well as nature, the wind, the rain, when there's lightning and thunder. I have always had a respect for the elements, even those that destroy, such as fire.

I was walking through the woods collecting fire wood, it was cold. We went to Forks, Washington. I wanted to go somewhere that we haven't ever gone. I was happy, I ran around arms spread out and whirling around.As if I was the only one around exploring this new world like, Adam from THE BIBLE. I was in my own world when all of a sudden, I felt eyes on me. I stopped, a bit dizzy, but I saw them. A whole family of pale people were staring at me. "What?Haven't you ever seen someone on vacation, from the city enjoying the outdoors?" I asked, They just smirked, "Okay. We'll.....I gotta go." I said, walking away, extremely embarrassed. I walked away to back to the tent when I felt funny. I turned around and the family was behind me. "We just wanted to apologize, we just couldn't help but find your enjoyment contagious. You have this air to you that you seem to affect everyone around you." a young blond guy said hugging a darkhaired pixie sized girl. "Umm...thank you. But I have to go." I said, and walked away... I took off running when I heard screaming, my parents were on the ground dead with some pale person standing on top of my mother's body. "Hey!" I yelled, "Get away from them........." Before I could finish, the lady was on me. I tried to push her away, but her body was freezing and she was like a stone. Her mouth was covered by my parents blood, as she bit into my shoulder....I was about to get bit in the neck, but I moved. Screaming! In a matter of seconds, the lady was knocked off of me, and being ripped apart. My body felt like it was on fire...Screaming from pain of insides burning...the burning made the bite wound feel like nothing. But it took over and torchered me far worse. "Carlisle, what do we do......he's changing." I hear as everything is getting blurry. "I say kill him! What happens if he goes for Nessie!" A tall native american said, "Yeah! You didn't think about that did you!" he argued looking at me with hatred. I was out......the darkness called me forward.

"I can't believe this! What if he goes after Nessie, Bella!" I heard the native american's voice arguing, "Then well take care of it, Jake." I heard a girl and guy argue, I opened my eyes and saw them, I'm guessing the giant indian as Jake and the girl as Bella. groaning "Carlisle, he's awake." Bella said, looking at me sadly. "Were sorry, that you have to go through all of this. You parents are dead......." She said, and it all came back to me. The lady she drank from my parents and bit me. I wanted to cry, I sobbed...but they were tearless.With this It made me even more irritated......AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! I yelled angrily that sounded funny. I could hear everything, every tone and sound around me. Then it hit me, the smells the amazing smells of lavender and citrus. It reminded me of my mom's perfume. I looked around and spotted roses next to me. The family came around me, even alittle girl, but Jake wrapped his arms around her possessively almost urging me to try to get to her. That he wanted the pleasure of killing me, "You know about the treaty......." He said, to a blond that I presume to be Carlisle, who nodded, "But WE didn't change him.The treaty is still active, since none of US turned him." Carlisle said to Jake who looked even more annoyed with the fact that he couldn't kill me. I felt sad, I looked at the roses....."Oh do you like the roses?" the pixie girl said coming closer with a blond guy who, when he got closer seemed to sooth me a bit; but kept at a distance since I was still going through strong emotions. I kept looking at the roses, and I felt something happen, I connected with them. With my emotions, they withered and died. (Layla when she was sad at the restaurant, she withers the flower. In "Sky High".) "Oh wow, that's.....depressing." A lady, whom seemed to take the role as a mother for the group, said. She came and hugged me through the protests of others, as I looked at the dead roses in awe. "Did I do that?" I asked, "Yes, honey...apparently you have a give for...plants."She said, I looked at the vase and wanted it to come to me, it lifted in the air and floated to me. "And...telekinesis? hmm....that's amazing and unusual." She said in awe. "This is amazing" Carlisle said to himself, I touched the roses feeling badly about what I did to them, they began to glow from my touch. In a matter of seconds, they were all blooming and smelling better than the entire house. "Wow, these smell...amazing." the lady holding on to me said, while sniffing the flowers. "Well, let's get started....You're a vampire, and so are we." Carlisle said a bit nervously as if trying to anticipate my reaction. "What!?" I exclaimed, standing up out of the lady's arms. I dropped the flowers, but they were caught my a copper haired guy, I felt like my emotions were burning like fire and then being dosed by a water hose.

"Careful......" He said, soothing, yet warning me of my emotions. "Let's just kill him already!" Jake said, with an untrusting expressin on his face. As I looked at him, I jumped on the side of the couch in a crouching position, daring him to come near me. I couldn't believe I was acting like this, Bella started laughing. They all looked at her, "That's how I remember it, after first seeing Jake for the first time as a vampire." She laughed harder followed by all others in the house, in an instant the blond was next to me. Calming me down, "Maybe a introduction is in order." He said, looking at Carlisle. "Uhh, yes. I am Carlisle Cullen, and this is my wife, Esme, as well as my family.

Alice, Jasper, Emmett, Rosalie, Edward and Bella and their child Renesmee..er..Nessie. And this is Jake, he's a shapeshifter...who turns into a wolf. We are natural enemies, but we decided to life past that and are friends, but is why we naturally have a distaste for one another. Let's see, Alice can see the future. Jasper can control and manipulate emotions, Edward can read minds. Bella can put up a mental force field that keeps others mental powers at bay, Renesmee can show others what she's thinking through picture thought;but she needs to be touching that person." He stated, "And you are?" Edward asked, "Oh, I'm....Gaian. It's from Gaia, the mother of nature in Greek mythology. Basically she was depicted as the goddess of earth and nature and all who inhabitated it. My mom said, that when I was in her belly she would always want to be outside and never inside. So my parents gave me that name." I said telling them about my name that I was a bit embarrassed about, "I think it' s beautiful." Nessie said kindly, but as I smiled, Jake put another dirty death glare on. "Enough!" I yelled and the windows opened, blowing a very strong wind through, that pushed Jake against the wall. "Aah! You fucking dirty blood sucker!" Jake said, running at me, but Emmett was infront of me in a second followed by the rest of the Cullens. "Chill out Jake, or your going to be running out your welcome real quick." Bella said, a bit pleadingly. "Fine!" he sat on the ground angrily, crossing his arms. I wish we didn't have to hate eachother, I want to be friends with these people.

"Umm....we are vegetarians....we only drink animal blood, not human. We prefer to life in peace, it keeps us healthy, but never fully satisfied." Edward said, "We were wondering.....would you care to join our family??? Since your family is....umm....not around." Carlisle said, trying to find a way to get through this without setting me off. Apparently young vampires are easily set off, for them to worry about what I'll do rather than what I'll say. "Umm....yeah, sure. I don't have a family. I don't want to be alone so.....yes I will join the Cullen family." I said, hoping not to sound to eager. "Great. We'd love to get to know you and have you know us." Alice says happily, "Don't worry, we'll be all great friends and soon, family. Carlisle is the Patriarch and Esme is the Matriach. They are in charge, mainly Carlisle, but Esme is considered our mother." Rosalie said, finally moving. I was beginning to wonder if she was a statue. "I will be happy to call you my brother. My baby brother." Alice and Rosalie said, pulling me into a hug as I hugged them back. The rest joined in, except Jake. He just nodded a bit angrily, but willing to do whatever to stay with Nessie.

They took me around the house and showed me everything, trusting me completely. I was given a room, with everything I would ever need, a stereo a iPod, a computer a bed (Even though I wouldn't need it. But apparently Alice insisted I would have one.) Clothes off all designer labels, some leathers some silk, cotton. You name it she placed it in there. I was smiling so hard, I thought my cheeks would bust. They went through the whole vampire shtik and I was happy I could atleast pretend to be a normal person. I looked at myself in the mirror, I was pale. My eyes were bright red different from my light green eyes that I use to charish. My bright red hair, that looked like fire. My throat was burning suddenly, it felt like I was inhaling flames an smoke and ashes. coughing "Oh forgive us, we forgot how thirsty you must be. You just have been behaving better than most youngbloods and so, it's like you are an experienced vampire." Esme said, "Follow us" We all left into the woods, as soon as we reached the woods, I could smell animals. It was a bear, I ran at it stopped stalking up to it. It turned not realizing I was there, but it soon caught me and attacked. Out of habit, I put my arms out infront of my face, to protect myself, but with the gesture, the wind picked up and blew it hard against a tree. I leaped on it, and my teeth ripped into the bear's neck. I gorged myself as the blood rushed in and dosed the flames, for only briefly. As I was finished, I went for another smell. It was sweeter, a mountain lion. I did the same to it, besides the protecting myself. I felt bad, I loved animals, but I was so thirsty.

As we ran back to the house, which I was running faster than everyone. Bella and Edward kept a good chase, but in the end I won. I walked inside and watched everyone follow. Then something hit me...they were all paired up, in a big new family...I didn't get someone to love me like they did. I felt so sad and empty. I ignored everything going around as everyone was talking to eachother or to me....I didn't hear anything, I just walked ot my room. I felt bad, I wanted what vampire's have...a mate. I'm gay....so it'll be even harder.

I just layed in bed, covering myself in a blanket. The door knocked, "Come in" I said, really wanting to say, 'Go Away'. All of the Cullen boys came in. "Hey what's wrong...." Emmett said, "He's sad and lonely." Jasper whispered to him. "Guys, he noticed we all have mates, and hes alone. He thinks that it'll be impossible to find a mate, including the fact that he's gay. He thinks that it'll be impossible."Edward whispered, They just smirked, and looked at me funny. All three climbed in bed with me. "Don't worry.It'll get better. Besides it is only your first day as a vampire. You're already ahead of the game." Emmett said, both Edward and Jasper agreed. "It'll never be the same. Besides, eventually we'll have to play the public famliy game. So we can find you one then." They said, hugging me and walking away, I just stayed on my bed.

(I wanted to make a Twilight story...Let me know what you think.) :D

Next: Chapter 2

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