Unexpected Job Opportunity

By Robert Winthrop

Published on Jan 25, 2023


Unexpected Job Opportunity 3

By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have comments send them to winarch47@yahoo.com

The situation was bizarre and complicated. I was afraid it could turn out badly. Fortunately, everyone had a good attitude. Franklin and Leonard had a long and successful conversation. Before Leonard was born, Franklin had overheard a conversation between his ex wife and her boy friend. It had been a strongly non platonic conversation. When Leonard was born, Franklin had a DNA test done to confirmed Leonard was his son.

Leonard confessed he was gay and expected Franklin to disown him. Franklin told him that he had taken a few trips to the wild side and had enjoyed them. He understood his son and hoped his son understood him.

This seemed good for both of them. There was another little drama that I missed. Bruiser was next to us. He had told me he liked younger guys. That was true, but he was open minded. Franklin was a big, aggressive man. I was never close enough to see him other than a shape in dark clothes.

Naked he was big with broad shoulders with panda like body hair. I couldn't tell if he was muscular since his body about all I could sort of see. That was okay for me. Bruiser liked Franklin a lot. It was almost as if Bruiser and Franklin were contestants in a Bigfoot look alike contest. They paired off I was with Leonard.

Bruiser noticed that while Franklin was much bigger that his son, they were both well hung. People can be strange. While Franklin had told Leonard he was his father, DNA tests are just a test. When Leonard saw his father's erect cock, he knew they were related. Franklin connected with Bruiser.

Leonard later told me that he had suspected that his father told him he was gay to make him feel better. His dad and Bruiser were not faking sexual interest. Franklin took Bruiser's cock up the ass. Bruiser had a very vocal orgasm.

Later that night, Leonard's cock made an exploratory visit to my ass. He was well equipped, but he was timid and careful. Once he popped past my sphincter, his cock and my prostate met. It wasn't true love, but it was spectacular lust.

I was good for me but it was great for Leonard. When it comes to sex, Leonard was impressively uninformed. I think that under the guidance of his mother's fourth husband, every myth, every old wives tale and every bit of fantasy "facts" on the web were treated as a Biblical truth. I hadn't realized that the bible was an anti-gay sex manual.

Fortunately I suspected that cocks have their own ways for a man about to learn about sex. Fortunately, those lessons are instantaneously taught. No one shoots off and doesn't realize it was a good experience until months later. No one needs to tell you how it felt. The party was a success both as a sexual romp and a learning experience. I think Leonard learned he could believe and trust his father. Lies and misunderstandings, mostly spread by Leonard's mother, had crippled their lives. They were able to clear all that away and start again.

Two weeks after the party, I found out that Bruiser had asked Esteban if I could give him a massage. I wasn't sure that would be good, but I decided to do it. I was worried this might confuse things with Leonard and Franklin, but Bruiser turned me on. The mini-brain in my cock overruled the bigger brain in my head.

Bruiser was direct when he entered my room. "I saw you in action, you made Leonard a happy man. He told me you area good guy." he said. "Did it bother him when he saw me and his dad going at it?"

"I don't think so. I got the impression that he was relieved his dad wasn't anti-gay." I said. "I'm not sure telling the truth was normal at his home very often. I assume you guys weren't faking it?"

"I was afraid watching his father's cum drool form his ass would be too much," Bruiser said. "I don't know if you know I like young guys. I'm not in to boys or delicate youths. I like them full grown and ready to boogie." He paused and added, "Leonard is a good looking, intelligent guy, but he's not my type. To be direct, you might be my type."

"What is your type?" I asked.

"Well, first of all, you didn't run from the room in terror when you met me," he said. "I know the seeing me is questionable in your case, but an old pal of mine told me that seeing a little of me is more than enough to scare most men."

"I do like manly men," I said.

"Some guys say that in a man verses ape comparison, I am on the ape end of the scale," Bruiser said. "I am afraid I might scare or hurt you."

"I'm not fragile. I'm just blind," I replied as I started the massage. He was wearing a towel. When he turned over on his back, the towel fell off and he was erect.

"Is that the way you usually make a pass?" I asked.

"Some times," he replied. "Has it worked for you?"

I stroked his cock in answer. "It has, I'm embarrassed to be so obvious." I said.

"We are both horny men. Getting embarrassed is an occupational hazard," Bruiser said, "When I was coaching I used to wear baggy shorts and what was almost a cast iron jock to hide problems. Am I right in thinking this isn't a problem for you?" I said it wasn't a problem.

"The secret of my success was turning a problem into an asset," he said. "I do need to make sure you know in advance: you are not going to make the cut for the basketball team."

I laughed and said, "I can accept that, but if I could make to golf team, I might be able to make a hole in one." Bruiser reach out and stroked my cock. In spite of his name and his physique, Bruiser was careful and considerate. He was a big boy and he knew it.

"Once I get into it, I'm a fucker, not a lover," he said.

"That id fine. You may be fucking, but if your cock is doing some loving, things are just fine." I said.

"Things are fine with me too. My sessions with Franklin were unexpectedly good too," Bruiser said. "I am not normally a show-off, but Franklin thought his son didn't believe him when he said he was gay. Leonard's mother was never truthful unless she forgot the most recent lie. I was supposed to just suck him off. I got carried away."

"Was that a problem with Franklin?" I asked.

"It might have been a problem, but my cock rammed his ass on the first thrust. Franklin did know what hit him. He couldn't talk!" Bruiser explained. "By the way, I know you aren't a virgin. Does you ass like company?"

"It does. I do like it when a guest leaves a thank you gift as deep in my ass as possible," I said.

"I can do that," Bruiser said. "My ass is accepting guests. If you shoot off in me I won't catch a case of blindness will I."

"No one had had that problem yet," I said.

"You aren't hypersensitive are you?" he asked.

"I was mostly blind the day I was born. That apparently was too much for my mother. Dad was okay. Someone once asked him if I was too much for him," I explained. "Dad just said I was his son."

"That's pretty much what Franklin said about Leonard," Bruiser said.

I was fully erect. Bruiser coated my cock was lube, got on the table and skewered himself on my cock. He began to bounce.

"Will you shoot off in me?" he moaned.

"I don't think I can do anything other than give your ass a sperm bath," I replied. I don't know how long he bounced on my cock. I shot off in his ass. His cock all but exploded covering my chest. A few drops landed in my mouth. He kissed me and tasted his cum. He dressed and left after he asked if he could meet with me again. Of course I said yes.

Leonard had an appointment the next day. He surprised me when he came with a friend Jim. Jim was beefy and tall. He was a painter, a house painter. Jim was polite and very uneasy. Leonard said he was a playmate but hadn't mentioned my eyesight. I realized he was shy and being naked with a guy he didn't know was a problem. Jim seemed to relax when he realized I couldn't see him.

He and Leonard stripped and came over to me. Jim bent over and sucked Leonard. I got on the floor and sucked Jim's cock. I didn't quite get whiplash as Jim's cock came to life. It was big and I licked it two or three times before precum began to drip from his piss slit. Almost immediately I remembered that a tender tongue caressing a bloated cock head can makes friends quickly. I think the sexual sensations were so intense most of Jim's other fears and worries faded in importance.

It may have been my imagination, but I could sense Jim's tenseness vanish as I sucked his cock. A few minutes later he let himself relax. When Leonard shot off in Jim's ass, Jim's cock flooded my ass with his own home brew. He shot a huge load and enjoyed the new sensations. They were happy men when they dressed and went home.

A few days later Leonard invited me to his apartment. He said Jim wanted to see me again. I said that was fine. Leonard asked if 10:00 Sunday morning would be okay for me. I said yes and he said he would pick me up 9:45 that morning.

He was on time. I told him I might need some help negotiating a new location. I knew my way around the New Horizon's Spa, but sometimes a new location was difficult.

"Billy, by sometimes do you mean every time?" Leonard asked.

I laughed. "That is exactly what I meant," I said. We were at his house ten minutes later. It had a gravel driveway, but it was well compacted.

"This is my father's house. He is away on business. Jim is here already. That was his truck in the drive," Leonard said.

We went to the den, or at least I thought I was a den. It was not near the front door. Jim and Leonard guided me to a chair.

"I had a great time with you the other day," Jim said. "I don't want to sound like a stupid hick, but I don't really know the rules. I don't know what I am supposed to do. What is too much, and what is not enough?"

"I tried to explain it to Jim, but when I came to putting things into words, my words didn't seem right," Leonard said.

"I assume that if it hurts your partner or you, it's wrong. If it results in an orgasm, it's right," I said. "Some guys like a quicky: quick in, quick out. While the overall objective is shooting off, I enjoy foreplay. If a guy asks you to take it slow, take it slow. If my cock is up his ass, I will pull out, add some lube and slowly ease it back into my playmate's ass."

"If you don't want to take a guys load, ask him to warn you when he's close. That goes for some guys sucking and fucking. If he pushes you away, pull away," I added.

"Do guys do that to you?" Leonard asked.

"Of course they do. If you pull away, there is a good chance you will be unloading in their mouth or ass eventually," I said. "Some men want it to be their choice not yours."

"You're okay with that?" Jim asked.

"I sure am. Once and a while a guy shoots off as I climax in his ass. My cock can feel his cock twitching. That is a real turn on. It's the same when you are sixty-nining with a guy. It is great when I take his load as he takes mine." I explained. "Guys don't have babies, it's all fun."

"I am beginning to think it wrong to treat gay sex like straight sex. The rules and expectation of sex with a woman, are aimed at marriage and having a family. While some men want a single partner and maybe adopted kids, male partnerships and sexual need are different. There is a world of difference between fucking a women, getting her pregnant and having a family and fucking a guy, exchanging sperm and going back to your respective homes," I said.

"I can like a guy, become a friend and have some fun. Enjoying sex with a guy is fun, but it doesn't mean you have a lifetime connection," I added. "The sex is voluntary as is the level of friendship and maybe love."

"Anything goes?" Jim asked.

"Dad always reminded me to say please and thank you," I said. "You always need to treat men as people, not as toys. I have some friends who were movie actors. They attract men who want to be seen with a famous actor. There are gold diggers who want the easy life with a rich man."

"I'm not pretty enough to be a gold digger," Jim said.

"You are a good friend to me," Leonard said. "That all I want." We talked for a little while and somehow sex seemed to pop up on the agenda. As I expected both Leonard and Jim were more relaxed than before and the sex was more intense and relaxed. Both men fucked me. Leonard was first and then Jim used Leonard's sperm as lube. That was a total success for me and for him. When I returned to the New Horizon's Spa they were two happy men.

Back at the Spa I had a new customer signed up for seven that evening, Woodrow Miller. Woodrow turned out to be a just retired coach and a friend of Bruiser.

"Bruiser told me you are a good guy. He said meeting you might be educational," Woodrow said.

"Did he mention I can be both educational and enjoyable?" I asked.

"I am a shy guy except when coaching. I am especially shy about sex. My wife of thirty years died six months ago." he said. "Bruiser thinks I am lost."

"There weren't a line of widows ready to commiserate with you?" I asked.

"My interests are not in widows. We had two children, but with the birth of the second child, my wife's interest in sex declined to zero. We got along well, but as friends," he said. "My interest no longer includes women, but I am too shy to explore the alternative."

"Did Bruiser tell you I'm not considered to be a shy man?" I said.

"He did. I am not much of a catch anymore," Woodrow said.

"I have one question," I asked. "Are you offended by treating sex as plain old pleasure?"

"I am hoping to find out," Woodrow replied. I told him to undress and get on the table.

Ten minutes later the word I would use for Woodrow was ripe. He wasn't a muscle man, like Bruiser, but he was in pretty good shape. I had a feeling that while he was shy, he was desperate to spread his wings and experience new things.

He was on his back with his cock fully erect. He was uncut, but the skin had pulled back and his knob was shiny, I considered stroking it, but I decided to be more adventurous. I leaned over and licked it. I tasted precum immediately. He shot a single blob of sperm into my mouth.

"I'm sorry," he whispered.

"When was the last time you drained your balls?" I asked.

"Two or three weeks," he replied.

"I'm going to take it all, straight from your cock," I said. "Has anyone taken your load straight from your cock before?"

"No, you don't need to do that if it's too much," he whispered. I leaned over and swallowed his entire cock. Ten minutes later Woodrow was a little lighter and his balls were drained.

"Do I have to take yours?" he asked when he got his breath back. I said it wasn't required. I thought he needed to think about it. One of the staff members of the New Horizon's Spa told me that some men lose their nerve as the memory of the orgasm faded. Woodrow was still happy when he left the Spa.

I had a call from Bruiser two days later. He told me that Woodrow had visited him. Woodrow made a visit to his ass and made a meaningful deposit. Bruiser had the honor of having the first cock to visit and seed Woodrow's behind. I felt a little like Dolly Levine in the Matchmaker. Bruiser told me they had never connected before, and it was a total success.

I knew I tended to be sexually accommodating. It turned out that my massage customers knew that too. They liked that. Most of them wanted a balanced sexual relationship. They seemed to want to give and take. Some of the staff were bottoms or tops. Their customers wanted a quick blow job or fuck. My customers wanted to share experiences.

I became friendly a new staff member, Robin. Robin was thirty or so. He had been in a Seminary, and had dropped out. I seemed to me that working at the New Horizon's Spa was more than a major change of direction in his life.

Robin was a nice, rather mellow man. Apparently his family were holy rollers and wanted him to be a preacher and raised him accordingly. All was well until Robin discovered sex, and he soon discovered he had an over sized sex drive. He placed a high value on honesty, and he wouldn't live a lie.

Robin was what Ernesto call an otter. He was tall, with a jogger's body, and a furry chest. Robin liked me a lot. We were close to being the same age, and being mostly blind gave him a chance to be kind and helpful. Normally that would have bothered me, but Robin was a nice guy and I helped him to understand what was helpful and what was embarrassing. That was important to him and he was a quick learner. I had a feeling that a he would be a good physical therapist, or a councilor.

Next: Chapter 4

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