Unexpected Job Opportunity

By Robert Winthrop

Published on Jan 14, 2023


Unexpected Job Opportunity

By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have comments send them to winarch47@yahoo.com

I am Billy Williams. I am an ordinary guy. People tell me I am good looking. I hope they are right, but I don't know since I have limited eyesight. My dad said I wasn't blind as a bat, but I was pretty close. Dad was a good man, but he had a shitty job as a Maintenance Manager for the apartment complex we lived in.

When I was five my mother divorced him and married a wealthy man. In the divorce settlement, mom got the money; dad got me. That was good since Dad was good for me and mom wasn't. He was a nice, normal guy. His dad, Grandpa, said he couldn't figure out why he married mom. He was nice too.

My school had sort of a program for "special students." I was an affable and pleasant boy. That wasn't the case with all the kids in my class. That meant I got the least attention of anyone in the class. In high school I was still in a special class, but I was on the swimming team. I wasn't a star, but I was dependable.

On the team I had some pals, Woody and Bob. They were nice guys and were the first friends I really had. We discovered sex together. We couldn't do the "you show me yours and I'll show you mine," stuff, since I couldn't see, but I could feel with my hands and I discovered I could taste. I hadn't known that a cock oozes stuff when it's excited and I liked that. I wasn't sure they liked it as much as I did, but when asked Woody if it was okay for him he said "Shit yes!"

He said he was surprised I asked. He explained, "I thought shooting off in your mouth would show you how much I liked it. Bob has never taken my cum."

Several people at the apartment were nice. I was a good dog and cat sitter. Mr. Andres was away on business a lot, and his dog liked me a lot. He was a nice guy, and he actually came to see some of my swim meets. Dad tried to get to my meets, but sometimes my meets coincided with major plumbing problems.

Dad died of a heart attack a week after I graduated. He was at graduation and was proud of me, since he had never graduated from High School. I was 19, since I had started school late. That meant I was alone.

Mr. Andres said I could stay in his extra bedroom as long as I wanted. "Before you move in, I have to tell you something," he said. "I'm gay and most of my friends are gay. I like older men, so you are way too young, but you need to know."

I told him I had no problem with that. I didn't tell him I had some gay experiences with my pals Woody and Bob. I moved into Mr. Andres apartment. I never had a problem with his sexual life.

Mr. Andres was a salesman for exercise equipment serving spas and gyms. I didn't realize it, but that made big money. He provided and designed the whole package, exercise equipment, whirlpools, endless pools, saunas, and all the accessories associated with the equipment. This stuff was expensive, but when he designed it everything was perfect.

He had consultants who sometimes stayed over at his apartment. One of these men was Marty, the Masseur. He didn't need any fancy equipment, but he was into whirlpools and saunas. Mr. Andres told me Marty looked a bit like a gorilla, but he was funny and pleasant.

While we were talking, I found out that traditionally, masseurs were often blind or impaired. I thought this was odd, but Marty explained. "Men getting a massage are usually nude or semi-nude. Many men are shy and don't want to be naked and exposed. A blind masseur solves that problem."

"Blind guys can feel," I said.

Marty laughed. "They sure can!" he said. "Let me tell you a secret. The feeling aspect tends to get a really good tip after the massage!"

"Does tasting get a bigger tip?" I asked.

Marty paused and then asked, "You know about that?"

"I had some pals in high school. We messed around some," I said.

"You liked it?" he asked.

"To tell you the truth, I liked it a lot," I replied.

"I like it a lot too," Marty said. "For your information, that is an understatement. How old are you?"

"I'll be twenty-one in a week," I said. I knew what Marty wanted, but I didn't know what Mr. Andres might think. "I've been in limbo since my dad died." I said.

"I met Ben Andres years ago when I gave him a massage. It was full service," Marty said with a smile. "It has grown into a friendship with benefits for me and for him." We talked a little longer and then Marty went to a meeting.

While he was at the meeting, I started to think about some possibilities I hadn't considered. I had been considered to be a good student, but I knew a student in a special class isn't the same as a regular student. I had no plan for the future.

Marty went home the next morning and I had a long talk with Mr. Andres. He told me Marty was an old friend with benefits. "The benefits came before the friendship," he said. "He told me that he has a friend who would train you as a masseur. I know the guy, and he is a good man, although his sexual drive is excessive to my mind. That is neither here nor there. I know a number of men who like and trust him."

He then added, "Marty told me you have connected with some friends. I assume they are Woody and Bob?" I nodded.

"I know Marty's friend and he is a normal, oversexed gay man. He is careful and honest," Mr. Andres said. "If you are interested in meeting with him, that is fine. You need to remember if things don't work out, you can come back here. There will always be a room for you here." We talked for a while and I decided to meet Marty's friend.

A week later I was at Marty's house in Los Angeles. It was big and fancy. He was a good cook and we had a good dinner. After dinner he asked me if I wanted to swim, he had an endless pool in the exercise room. I said I would love that, I hadn't been swimming since high school.

"I need to shower before I swim. Will you join me showering?" he asked. I said sure.

"I need to warn you that most guys thing I'm a hairy, ugly man," he said. "I'm not pretty."

"I need to remind you that I'm almost blind," I said.

He burst out laughing and said, "You must think I'm an idiot!"

"I've never showered with a hairy, ugly, idiot before, but I'm game!" I said. Marty laughed. "I do have one question. Do ugly guy's cocks taste different from good looking guys' cocks?"

"If I told you that I will let you answer that question for yourself after the shower, would you be shocked?" Marty asked.

"I don't know, but I kind of doubt it." I answered.

Ten minutes later we were both in the shower and all was well. It was much better than I expected. Even with my dim eyesight, I could see Marty's body was covered in curly black hair that was turning white in the middle of his chest. As a small child I had a stuffed panda. When my father had a night call emergency, he would put the panda in the bed with me and told the bear to take care of me until he came back.

Marty was a life sized panda. I soon discovered he was stuffed with thick, creamy sperm. Unlike a panda, he had bull balls and that served sperm as a warm sticky dessert. I had taken Woody's load a few times, but it was a snack, not a rich, creamy dessert.

The drool was so good I hardly noticed the cock. We alternated swimming and sucking for a few hours before we went to bed. Around nine the next morning we met with his friend, Esteban. He lived in an apartment above the New Horizon's Spa. It was Monday and the spa opened at noon.

Esteban was a tall man dressed in a flowing red robe. His apartment was all white, so it was hard for me to pick out the furniture from the background. Esteban seemed to be pleased to see me. He knew Mr. Andres and Marty well. Apparently their recommendations were valued.

"Billy, the New Horizon's Spa caters to distinguished men," Esteban said. "If you are a harsh realist, you might substitute the word rich for the word distinguished. Everyone here is friendly and helpful. While some people might think that you are handicapped, here you are valued. Some of our patrons are afraid of being recognized. They would be safe with you since that is not a possibility for you."

"We are a happy group. Let me assure you that no irregularities are allowed. There are no injuries and no pain," he continued.

"I assume you know that there is one problem area. For some men it is the primary attraction of the New Horizon's Spa. We focus on health and relaxation, but sometimes our clients and staff include sexual activities as a part of the relaxation aspect of our services. I require and demand nothing. You and your client can make all of those decisions," Esteban explained. "While we select our staff carefully, but we also screen our patrons too."

I told him I understood that and it wasn't a problem. Esteban called out "Roger!" and a slim black man came into the room. Apparently Roger was human equivalent of a guide dog.

Roger said he would like to give me a tour of the club, so I left with him. Once we our out of hearing range we went to his room. It was a big room, but he shared it with two other men, Pete and Don. He introduced me as Billy, a potential new staff member and we talked.

Pete told me were several blind men in the masseurs of the New Horizon's Spa. Some of the more famous men who visit preferred blind men as masseurs. They can't be identified by a blind man, so they are more comfortable.

"I'm not sure I can pass as a professional masseur," I said.

You don't need to worry about that," Don said. "We can give you enough training to pass for a masseur. You are good looking and young, that is enough for most of the guys. Being good looking can substitute for lack of training. How old are you?" I told them my age.

"That is perfect," Pete said. "Some of the men might like a younger boy, but you are a much safer age. If their sexual tastes were discovered, they be in deep shit trouble with under age sex." He paused. "You do like gay sex?"

"I do, but I'm not too experienced," I said.

"Boy are you in luck," Roger said. "I like sex with men, but I am inexperienced. Can you help me with that," is a prefect line to get the ball rolling. I still use the line, "your cock is awfully big, but you are so macho, I will try to take it," still works."

"Roger also uses the line. "It's too big. I can't take it," followed by, "Push it deeper, I want it all!" Pete explained.

"Do you customers believe the line," I asked.

"Most know it's just a sexual fantasy, but it is an enjoyable fantasy," Roger said. We talked for a while, and then Roger and I rejoined Esteban and Marty. We had dinner and spent the night. To be strictly correct I spent the night in a king sized bed with Marty, Esteban and a third man Lewis. Lewis owned the New Horizon's Spa with Esteban and Marty.

I didn't get much sleep, but I was able to confirm my enjoyment of cock sucking. I also discovered that my ass was capable of accommodating thick cocks and multiple loads of sperm. I was a bit tense when Esteban entered my ass, but by the time Marty's thick tool stretched my sphincter, all was well. Actually it was a lot more than just mild enjoyment.

At eight in the morning, Esteban's cock was fully embedded in my ass when he asked if I would join the staff of the New Horizon's Spa. I said yes. He, Esteban, Lewis, and Marty sequentially injected the entire contents of their balls into my ass. When Marty finished the group orgasm, I realized I would have taken more loads had they been available.

As Marty made breakfast, Esteban used his tongue to coax as much sperm out of my ass as he could. I realized that if I was asked how much is too much, I wouldn't have been able to answer the question. I defiantly hadn't reached my limit.

That morning I took a lesson in massage from Roger. I assumed that we would use a dummy for the first lessons. A patron named Edgar joined us for the lesson. Edgar was in his later sixties. He was affable and he volunteered to work with these massage lessons. While I couldn't see more than a blurred image of him, once I touched him with Roger's guidance, I knew he was in pretty good shape for his age. I could tell he was tanned, since he was brown. I also realized he had a hairy chest covered in white hair. It was almost bushy.

Roger was a good teacher, and much more friendly than he had been the day before. When Esteban and the other owners hired me, he became a supervisor, with much increased pay. I found out that good pay and a friendly boss were key to the success of New Horizon's Spa's success. There were no disgruntled employees.

Esteban took care of any patrons who were too rough or demanded too much. The spa was a safe and accommodating place if you wanted sex with good looking men. Patrons may have wanted more, but they didn't want to lose what they had.

Massages at the spa were not high-tech services. There are no PhD degrees required. Roger was straight forward and direct. I had a suspicion that Edgar liked what he saw and my efforts to massage him were good enough. We spent a little more than a half hour working on massages.

Roger got a call on his cell phone and said he had to meet a potential new patron. After the call he asked, "If I leave you men alone for a while are you okay?"

"I sure am," Edgar said. "Are you okay with that Billy? We could get to know each other better."

"The customer is always right!" I said. Edgar and Roger laughed and Roger left the room.

"Billy, I have a confession to make," Edgar said. "You are a good looking boy and I want to get the know you better. My intentions are strictly not honorable."

"This is my first day here, but I have liked every thing I have done," I said as my hand strayed, touched, and fondled his uncut cock.

"I shoot a big load," he whispered. "Does that bother you? Some men think it's too messy."

"A pal of mine and I discovered that if you suck it up, there is no fuss and no mess," I said.

"I can also deposit it in a dark place, out of view," he said.

"That's okay too, but it ts disappointing in one way. I was hoping to feel it spurting," I said.

"If you could see, you would know I am smiling," he said.

"Will there be a problem when Roger returns?" I asked.

"There is a button on the underside of the table I will press to get him back." Edgar said. "Press it once and he will return. If you press it twice he will come running." Edgar explained. "You will not need to press it twice when you are with me." A few seconds later my cock was in his mouth. A little later we were in the 69 position and Edgar was gently licking and kissing my cock head.

Edgar was careful and gentle. He became more forceful as he tested my limits. He soon realized I was genuinely receptive.

"Is your ass virgin?" he asked. I told him no.

"You know I have a big one," he said. "Are you still interested?" I rolled on my back and pulled up my legs to expose my ass. He did something I couldn't see, but that turned he was lubricated his cock. He slipped it into me. His cock seemed bigger in my ass than it had been in my ass.

He pushed deeper and wiggled a little and I moaned again. "What are you ramming?" I asked. "It's incredible."

"It's your prostate. That is a small stealth gland that directly connects to your brain," Edgar said. "I would like to go deep in your ass, and then leave a sperm deposit. It that too much too fast? That's better for me than it is for you. With my cum in your ass your virgin days are in your past. That is a real turn on for me."

I said okay, but by then he already had his entire cock up my ass and I could feel his sperm shooting into me. I could sense his excitement. I didn't expect to be turned on by feeling his man seed spurting into my ass. His excitement gave birth to my excitement. It was beautiful.

I didn't know it at that time, but Edgar's enjoyment was an all but official seal of approval for the members of New Horizon's Spa. To the members, I was young, good looking, and affable. I was a good masseur and accommodating. For many of them being almost blind was indeed attractive feature. Some were uneasy being nude. Some were embarrassed by their bodies. That was not a problem with a blind man. They were all polite and careful.

I recognized one or two of the men. One guy introduced him self as Al. I recognized his voice as a hillbilly muscleman in a TV program my dad had liked. It was okay for me, because much of the program was sound effects. I could sort of follow the action. I told dad I like the program even though there wasn't much talking.

"Billy, I was looking at the cars, I hardly noticed they were talking!" he said. We both laughed about that.

The star had a Brooklyn accent, but his voice was deep. I knew he had been married many times. He was hairy, but was no longer in good shape. His cock was thin but long. My ass was great for him and good for me. The guy had an almost explosive orgasm of multiple ejaculations. Al asked for me when he visited. He eventually told he his real name and he said he was comfortable with me.

Next: Chapter 2

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