Unexpected House Guest

By Jasper

Published on Aug 31, 2021


Unexpected house guest -- chapter 9

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That night I noticed Steve woke up a few times. Probably because his disk tried to get hard. With a chastity that will not work. The ring will push against his balls. But every time he fell quickly back asleep on my chest. Probably he is too tired. The next morning I woke up with a booner and noticed I must have had a wet dream. Dried cum was on my belly and the skin of my dick got stock in it. Then Steve woke up, but still kept laying on my chest. "Sleep well Steve". He answered "Yes, the bed is great. I only woke up a few times when my dick was trying to get hard in this thing". I smiled "That is normal." I tried to find an explanation to tell Steve why I have dried cum on myself. "Our bobies respond sometimes the way we wouldn't expect or want. For me it was a long time someone else was in my bed or in my arms. So I shot a load during sleep. Sorry about that". I waited for a respons but he didn't give one. I continued "Why you snuggled up to me and placed yourself in my arms?" Now he should react. "I don't really now. Probably my sore muscles needed your body warmth and I feel kind of safe." I padded his head and said "It's alright boy". We both laid there for a while before we got up.

We were in the kitchen for breakfast. For me some sereals and for Steve a bowl of dog food. I started to talk "Steve, today the training will be some what different. You start with the sexual stimulation/sexual frustration run." He wanted to say something, but I stopped him."Please Steve let me explane first. This is exspecially the last run. Your muscles are still sore and need a rest. So today we start the sexual stimulation and tomorrow a workout. The idea is that you are so sexual frustrated you will do a heavy work out to get points. With those points you can earn a release and blow your load." He looked at me with some kind of disbelieve on his face then he said "that is sick". I smiled "Yes it is, but it works really well. For this run I already placed you in chastity." He turned his head down facing the table so I continued "Don't try to judge Steve, maybe at the end you like this run the best. So give it a change." I placed my hand on his firm shoulder and squeezed a little. Finally he said "alright let's do it". I responded "To get started I need to know what kind of sexual stimulations work best on you. I already know playing and licking your nipples work. Also playing with your balls work. And I noticed the special vibration plug works. But what else?". His face turned red and he avoided to make eye contact. "Don't be ashemed boy, these are normal healty things. Every one has erotic places." I said and I felt my dick press against my trousers. Finanlly he said "I like to get licked and softy touched in my neck, the rest you already know.". I looked at him and replaced my hand from his shoulder to the side of his face. "It is alright Steve. Let us get down to the basement to start."

Downstairs I already cleared the middle of the room and placed a mat on the floor. "So Steve, go lay down in the middle off the mat and make a sea star shape." I winked to him and he looked scared. He placed himself on the mat and spread his arms and legs. "So Steve now I am going to tie you down." and I started to place a rope on one of his wrists and connected it to a ring in the floor in the corner. After that I did the same with his other arm. Then I placed ropes on his ankles and connected it to rings half way to the sealing so his legs were spread and somewhat elevated. After I bound him a took a moment to just look at his courgeous and vulnerable boy. I noticed his breathing increased a bit. "Steve I am going to blindfold you. It will intensify your senses" then I put the blindfold on. I walked to his legs and placed myself between his legs. As I did I slowly let my fingertips run over his hairy leg from his ankles to his crotch, where I started to unlock the padlock and removed the castity so his meat was free. I noticed Steve was starting to hyperventilate. To let this work he had to relax, so I leand forward and brought my mouth to his ear. In a whispering voice I said "Steve, relax and try to breath slowly. You are safe. Try to relax and enjoy what is happening". I softly kissed his neck and continued "Try to focus on the touch and just let things happen". I licked his neck and slowly went down to his nipples. With one hand I played one nipple and with my tongue a played the other. Slowly his nipples where getting hard. Then I switched nipples and continued. I tried to look down to see if it was working and yes it did. His cock was getting hard. I continued licking en kissing and went slowly down to his stomach. He tenched up and it made his sixpack show. I started to kiss the ribbles of his pack and slowly went down. Just before I would get to his hard cock I stopped and started to softy play with his balls. Steve started to moan. Then I let my fingertips go up his shaft to the tip of his dick. It was clear he liked it. After a half hour a pool of pre cum was on his his stomach. It was so hot. I looked down to my own pants and saw a big wet spot. It was good Steve was blindfolded.

It was time to move on. I did some lubricant on some of my fingers. Then with one hand I played his dick and with my lubricated fingers I started to massage his hole. He tensed up and said "please no, don't do that". I smilled and said "Relax boy". To take his mind off the fingers at his hole, I started to lick and kiss his balls. He immediately started moaning again an relaxed. That was were I was waiting for. Now I slowly put a finger in his hole, moving in and out. Everytime a bit further. Then I placed a second finger in and I felt Steve again tense up, so I quickly started to lick and kiss his shaft slowly to the head. That took his mind off my fingers and I could just continue to finger fuck him. After a while I took my fingers out and grabbed a little dildo and placed some lubricant on it. I noticed Steve was curious what was happening because he started to say "Wh..... What are ". I said "Don't say anything". Then I pushed the dildo slowly in his ass. Steve arched his back. I slowly started to fuck him with this litte dildo and kissed now and then his balls and dick. When I noticed he was getting closer to cumming, I stopped a while. This went on for two hours. Steve was laying there breathing heavy and totally wet from sweat when he asked me "Please let my cum. I am so horny." The pool of pre cum was overflowing and dripped down on the mat. Of couse I wouldn't let him cum and pulled the dildo out of him. Then I hit his balls hard a few times and said "No Steve, you have to work for it." I stood up and walked away to the kitchen. Steve was still bound in the basement. After a drink a waited a half hour before I went back. I immediately felt my own erection when I saw this beautifull hunk laying there. His dick was soft and I started to play him all over again. After a long time he again asked me "please stop, I am to horny. Please let me cum my balls hurt.". Again I stopped and hit his balls hard a few times. Steve wanted to protect himself and pulled the ropes. Of course with no result. I said "Now you starting to feel what blue balls really feels. This is the sexual frustration part. So far you are doing great Steve." The I left the basement again.

That time I went up to the bedroom and started to jerk my self. Not only Steve was so horny that his balls started to ace. Mine were too. After about 50 minutes I went down again and started it all over again. Steve was now pleading me to stop. So I said softly in his ear "No Steve not yet, so be quit". I continued playing him. However he wanted me to stop the pre cum kept flowing. His hole was loose now, so I took a bigger dildo and started to fuck him with that. He started to move his hips up and down on the dildo. I loved the way it looked, how he was fucking himself on the dildo. After a long time I stopped again. And when I stopped Steve said almost crying "No, please let me cum...". I left him again and waited 40 minutes before I went back. His dick was soft and Steve looked restless. Then I quickly replaced the castity and cleaned him up a bit. I took the remote plug and placed it in his ass. While I removed the ropes I said "I am going to release you now.". After the last rope I continued "Please try to get up slowly, you have been a long time bound up. Your muscles need the time to recover. After that you come to the kitchen for a snack, because you skipped lunch." He slowly got up and I noticed his dick was still dripping clear liquid. When he was up I placed my hand in his neck and leaded him to the kitchen. There I gave him a small bowl of dog food and some water and said "You did very well Steve, I am proud of you". He only answered with "This is fucking hard and sick man." I laught.

In the few hours before dinner I regularly pushed the button of the remote so the plug will stimulate his prostate. One time I was in the kitchen and Steve was playing a game in the livingroom when I heard him moan and shouting "fuck you..." after I kept pushing the remote a few times. Later that day after dinner we were sitting in the living room. "Steve I want you to choose a movie by calling out a number from 1 to 30. It are all porn movies from a site with normal and bi movies. So choose wisely." He only looked at me. Then he called out "number 11". Of course it didn't matter which number he said I always would start with a bi sexual bondage movie. I looked at him and said "you could have done better." While walking to the couch I continued "Steve place yourself between my legs again with your back against my chest. I will touch you during the movie and for you it is important you will not touch yourself." He did as asked and I started the movie. It was a movie where a nice body builder hunk was bound to a table and played with by a blond babe and a yound lad with black hair. During the movie I started to play with his nipples and softly kissing his neck. It took a while before his body started showed any reaction. Probably he had to get used to the idea of the movie. Suddenly he said "The cage is starting to hurt my dick." I replied "Good, then your dick wants to get hard again. But you have to learn that you need permission for that." And I slowly placed a hand on his balls and started to play with them. He wanted to get away from it so I quickly placed my free arm around his neck and gave it some pressure and said "No, Steve. Keep still and keep watching the movie." He slowed down and did as told. I continued to play his balls and saw a new pool of pre cum formed on his stomach.

After the movie it was time to go to bed. "Steve let us go to bed. Probably you will have a hard time to sleep as horny you are, but let's try anyway. Because you are not allowed to touch yourself I will place your hands in the dog mits again." He replied only with "ahhhhh". I placed the mits on him and leaded him to my bed. When I got in myself I placed one arm around his body and took him close. My dick was hard and I replaced my hips pushed my dick between his ass cheeks. He felt it and tried to get away from me. I kept a firm hold and kept him close. "Relax Steve I am not going to rape you. We are just both healty horny man". He stayed lying in my arms, but it was clear he wasn't really relaxed. It was not long before I was asleep.

The next morning when I woke up I felt very rested and looked at Steve. He was awake and looked like he had a hell of a night. I immediately grabbed with my free hand the remote and let the plug tremble continuously. Steve arched his back and placed his mits on his lower stomach. Then I slowly started to play his nipples and licked his neck. Steve reacted and said "Please sir not again my balls still hurt from yesterdays stimuatlion". I answered "Steve, that is good to hear. The sexual frustration is kind of the point. So you are doing great." I continued playing him for a while and stopped before I noticed he was getting close to cum.

Before breakfast I removed the mits. He sat there for a while so I had to help him relax. I tood up and walked behind him. I said "You need to eat Steve, you will need your energie" and I started to massage his shoulders. I felt his tense muscles roll under my fingers. The massage did him good and he started to eat. After breakfast we went down to the basement and I started to explain "Steve you start with 2000 points. Now you are sexual frustrated you want to get those points away. To be allowed to cum you have to reduce the points to zero. You are free to do what kind off workout you want. Every repeat is one point. Between workouts the stimulation will continue and If you need more days before you hit zero points you will get 500 points extra for each day. Do you understand Steve?" He answered. "Yes, I understand". I continued "You have to use this frustration to push yourself. I am not alowed to mentally support you" Steve looked troubled. And he should be. His body is sore and he was not well rested so 2000 repeats of any workout is hard. But ofcourse I intended it to be. I did not want Steve to finish in just one day. Steve started and did very well the first hours. He lost almost 800 points. But then he slowed down and it got harder and harder. Suddenly he screamed he had a cramp in is leg. I walked up to him and said "turn around I will help you". He turned. I slowly started to massage his leg. My face was right in front of his nice ass. My eyes went down to see those nice dangling balls trapped in his chastity ring. The hairs looked like gold and I licked my lips. My hands went up slowly still give him a massage. One of my hands was on his cheek and I started to massage it. Every time I went closer and closer to his crack. Now my index fingers was at his hole and I started to massage it. It surprised me Steve let me. After last night I did not expected that. I slowly pushed my finger in his hole and that was the limit. Steve immediately stepped away from me and went back to his workouts. We both didn't say anything. He kept working out and between sessions I pushed the remote several times. The result was that you could see where Steve had been, everywhere he dropped pre cum on the floor. By the end of the day he was exhausted and still had 700 points left. He wanted to get upstairs but I stopped him "Hold on boy, you have to clean up first. You dropped your pre cum everywhere" He turned and said "I do that later." I stepped close and hit the back of his head "No, you do it now boy." He stepped down and took a towl to clean. When he was finally done we went upstairs.

After dinner in the living room he suddenly said "I can't..". I asked him "What can't ...." He started to explane "I can't do it. My body is too sore and I can't get the points down. When I start tomorrow I have almost the same number of points I worked down today. Tomorrow my muscles ace more so I can't get to zerro." I smiled and thaught that he finally figured it out. I said "What will you do to get the points away?" It was quiet for a while then he said "I don't know. I am so horny I almost would do anything". Yes, there it was. "Alright, maybe I know something. You noticed I like to have a slave pet, so as you take the role of slave boy you get 150 points off. And for each order I give you and you do, you get another 10 points. And if you do them very well I will give you a bonus of 10 points. How does that sound to you?" He was thinking about it and spoke to himself "150 points to be your slave boy a day......". I heard what he said but did not correct him. I never said 150 points a day. I tried to convice him more and pushed the remote again and said "you are already used to be my dog so how hard could it be!". That drove him the right way and he said "Alright, I will do it". That made my hart jump and I felt great. Now I really can start to play with him.

Next: Chapter 10

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