Unexpected House Guest

By Jasper

Published on Aug 29, 2021


Unexpected house guest -- chapter 8

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At dinner I saw Steve again. He was quiet and had to focus to bring food to his mouth. He had sore arms and while bringing them up his arms trembled. After diner I took the plates and said "You did great today Steve, go relax I will do the dishes". After I did the dishes and cleaned the kitchen I entered the living room to find Steve sleeping in a chair. I sat down and then my phone rang. I picked up and it was Suzan. "Hi, I just called to ask if everythigs goes well. I haven't talked to Steve yet, so is he in?". I answered "Hi, Suzan. Everything is alright. Steve is a great man. But he is is sleeping after a hard workout and has fallen asleep in the chair. Here I sent you a picture of it." Click, I took a picture and sent it. "If you want me to wake him up I will, but I think he deserves the rest." I heard Suzan click on her phone. "Ahh, I see. He really looks like he could use the sleep. He fel a sleep with his working out clothes. So let him". If she knew that were his only clothes and he was nacked most of the time. I quickly responded "I believe he would appreciate that. I will tell you called and have a great night". We finished the call and hang up. I watched a movie and after it finished I was ready to go to bed. Steve was still asleep. I walked up to him "Steve, wake up. You must go to bed". He slowly woke up and smiled. Then he stood up and wanted to walk with me to the bedroom. I had him put his arm around me and I helped him up the stairs. This night he would sleep on the air bed. As soon as he layed down he was asleep again. I placed my hand on his chest and slowly ran down to the shorts. Then I hold a moment and got an idea. I quickly grapped the band of the short and pulled it down. All the way. Steve would sleep naked this night. Then my fingers went slowly up to his balls and I softly started to touch those nice balls. Then I noticed his dick got hard and I also had a hardon and needed to stop myself. Then I undressed, went to my own bed and turn off the lights. That night I woke up a lot and every time I looked at Steve. The moonlight gave enought light to see his great body.

The next morning I woke up first. Of course with morning wood. I quickly looked at Steve. He was still sleeping and he didn't even took the blanket. Then I saw his booner. Yes, a healty reaction in the morning I thought. I got up and quickly took a shower and couldn't help myself and jerked off. I knew the door was not locked, but I really needed to cum. Luckely Steve was still asleep. After showering I quickly got dressed and walked to Steve. I placed my hand on his side and said "Steve, time to wake". Slowly let my hand go down. Then with my fingertips I softly touched his still hard dick and started playing with it. Steve woke up and quickly grabbed the blanket to cover him. "What are you doing?" he said. "Just an attempt to wake you, you didn't wake up. Probably a bad joke" I said and got of the bed and walked away. "See you downstairs for breakfast".

At breakfast, Steve had found the short and had it back on, we talked more then yesterday. We talked about how tyred he was and slept a lot. How sore his musscles were. At a moment I asked "Beside the soreness, doesn't you feel great? Strong and proud?". He looked at me for a while and then said "Yes, I feel great and sore". We both smilled. "If you clean this up I wil go and prepare for this morning workout. See you downstairs in a minute".

When he came down is saw in his eyes his was a bit affraid. "Steve this morning you do the legg press again. But this time with a punishment move. Please take your short down and take you place on the legg press." He looked at me and ask "Why should I take my short down again?". I looked at him and said "Again Steve. You still are ashamed. I saw you naked already several times, with a soft dick and with a booner. I even touched your dick. SO drop the shorts, sit down and don't act like a teenage boy!". He looked at me and slowly moved his hands to band of the short. Then he dropped them and sat down on the legg press. "So Steve like yesterday I will bound you leggs to the plate and your wrists to the seat. So put your feet on the plate please". He responded by placing his feet. I bound his feet so that his leggs were a little separated. Then I bound his wrists. "Now please push and sit back in the seat." He did as asked. I quickly place a leather strap around his neck that I attached to some heavy weights. I saw some fear in Steve his eyes. "So Steve, as you can see the spinning wheel is under your seat. He looked down. In a moment I will turn it on. Today you will do three times 100 legg pushes. This is how it works. If you bent your leggs the leather strap will start pulling. The further you go the more you choke, so you want to go back. But if you pushed full and stretch your legg full the spinning wheel make a leather belt turn and slap you in the balls." I saw Steve swallow and then he said "Do I really have to do this?" I smilled "yes, of course boy. You are doing so well it would be pitty of you stop this great workouts".

I turn on the spinning wheel and Steve started his work out. The first 100 where no problem. "Well done Steve." I stopped the spinning wheel so he could rest. He stretch his leggs full so he could rest. I gave him some water and made sure I spilled some on his body. I took a towl and started to dry him of all the way down to the base of his dig. It was so hot. After 20 minutes I said "Let's go again" and started the spinning wheel again. This time it was much harder for Steve. However he was happy with the 20 minutes rest. During his rest he had to push full to keep the pressure of his troath so his muscles didn't really got any rest. By 41 his muscles started shaking and he wanted to give his muscles a rest so he bent his legs. Steve noticed that bending his legs more wasn't the best way to rest. It was harder to push back again and the strap around his neck made sure he did not get any oxyden, so he pushed. By 43 he pushed full out and the leather belt his his nutts for the first time. I saw his body tense up again. By the time he got to 100 he was hit several times in the nutts. Every time he tensed up and every time I felt my dick jump in my pants. I turned off the spinning wheel again. "Take a rest Steve". Again he pushed full out and locked his knees to stay there. I asked Steve how he was doing and if his balls hurt a lot. He acknowledged he felt his balls, but it was nothing in comparisment to his sore muscles. Again I gave him some water and of course I spilled some. With the town I tried to dry of his body from the water and sweat. When I went down to the base of his dick I noticed he was semi hard. I grabbed his dick with the towl like I was drying him off. Then without the towl I grabbed his balls and slowly massaged them. Steve didn't respond. "Only 100 left to do." He still didn't respond to me touching his balls. His dick also stayed semi erect. After 20 minutes it was time to go on. "Let go Steve" I said and turned on the spinning wheel.

This time Steve got in trouble at 28. More and more his ball got hit. His body tensed up more and more and I saw tears forming in his eyes. My own dick was leaking pre cum again. And then I noticed Steve's dick was still semi erect. Did he like the hits to his balls or was it so long ago that he blown his load that the touching made his dick respond. It made me curious. Steve was breathing heavier and was making more sounds. I snapped out of my own thoughts. Luckely Steve was still counting couse I lost count. "Go on Steve, you can do it" I said it almost shouting. Steve really pushed himself. At 94 he took longer at full push out and that made the leather belt slap his balls twice, before he could go on. "Use the discomfort to push yourself Steve. I know you can do it" I said. When he hit 100 I turned of the spinning wheel and removed the strap around his neck. "How are you doing Steve?" I asked. I saw his eyes were semi closed. "my balls hurt" he said. I quickly grabbed them and softly joggled them around for a while. After a few joggles Steve asked "please stop they are very sensative now". I stopped and saw Steve was still semi hard. That made me more curious. I untied his wrists and feet. Then I helped him off the legg press. He had trouble standing. He only wanted to ly on the floor. Finally I let him. "Alright Steve I am proud of you, you did very well." Rest now and drink something. I see you at lunch. When I passed the mirror in the hall way I say a wet spot on my pants. I immediately was afraid Steve noticed, but I convinced myself he didn't because he was to tyred. I quickly went to clean myself up. Upstairs I had an idea. I took a paperclip and turned it open, then I placed it under the airbed so that the pin was agains the bed. With any presseure the bed will go spring a leak. While doing I still thought of Steve's semi hard dick and got and idea to feed my curiousity.

When it was time for lunch I noticed Steve still was in the basement. "Steve, time for lunch." I called out. I went to make some sandwiches. Suddenly I noticed Steve entering the kitchen still naked and on all fours. I laughed and said "now I know for sure you like to be my pet boy". Steve responded with a smile on his face "Don't laugh my whole body is sore.". I walked over to him and helped him up a chair. Then I placed some sandwiches in front of Steve, "Here I made you some sandwiches and your power food" and I placed a bowl of dog food next to it. To my surprice he brought his head to the bowl and started to eat the dog food first with no hands. I only looked and said nothing.

After we finished lunch I said "So are you ready for the next exercise Steve?". He looked at me and said "No, please no more I can't." It was time to see if his semi hard dick was a lucky shot or that he liked the attention on his balls. "Alright Steve I will make you a deal. Because it is the punishment run I give you a choice. 1.You do some more workout or 2. the punishment of 50 hand slaps to your already sensative balls. So what will it be?". He looked at the table and was thinking what to do. Then he answered "I rather do nothing, but if I have to choose I take...". He was quiet for a second then he said "I take the 50 hits". I felt my hart go wild. "Alricht Steve go stand in front of me with your hand behind your head and your legs separated". He slowly stood up and got in front of me. I continued "I want you to call them out loud and if you call them wrong or forget I will start over again. Do you understand boy." He replied "Yes, sir" . Then I started hitting and at 7 hits I noticed his dick got hard again. Now I knew for sure, he liked his balls worked on. And then I stopped a moment and massaged his balls a while. "It is supposed to be a punishment run, but I see you have an erection. Think you like it a bit to much." I looked to his face and saw his head turned red. It was clear he was a bit humiliated. I continued "Think I have to hit harder" and continued hitting his balls. To my surpriced Steve got fully erect. When his hands went down to protect them I shouted "Keep your hand behind your head boy or I have to start back at one". He immediately put his hands back behind his head. The last hit I made sure I really hit those swollen balls hard. Steve called out the "fitfty" and bend over and let himself fall on the floor. I said "Wow Steve, I didn't expect you to choose the ball hitting and certainly didn't expect you to do so well. Well done boy. Stay there for a while.". I quickly went downstairs to get a new toy. When I came back Steve was stil lying on his back on the floor. I sat down next to him. His dick was soft again. I started to massage his balls. Steve let me. Then I got my toy and started placing it. Steve immediately reacted "Stop, what is that". I answered "don't be alarmed it is only a chastity device. You finished the two day punishment run, so now we start the sexual stimulation/sexual frustration run. This will make sure you don't get hard and touch your dick. As a healty yound men you probably want to release a load. I noticed you haven's for a few day now. But in this run I decide if you have permission to cum." Steve looked at me speechless. Then I locked the padlock in place.

The rest of the day we spent in the living room. I read a book and Steve was playing, naked, a playstation game. He probably didn't have the energy to go down and get the short of he got more and more used to the fact he was naked. At 21:00 hours Steve said he was going to bed, because he was sleepy. I said I would go with him. We got ready for bed. When Steve jumped on the airbed the paperclip did his job and the airbed got a leak and air flowed out quick. Steve jumped off it. That really looked silly, because it wasn't a real jump with all those sore muscles. He looked at me and said "Sorry, I didn't mean to break it". I looked in his beautifull eyes and said "don't worry boy, those things happen. Come and sleep with me in my bed. We see what to do tomorrow morning." I continued "oh, hope you don't mind I got a normal healty hardon while sleeping." He looked at me with a bit reluctance, but then got in my bed. I turned of the light and we got to sleep. Steve fell soon asleep and soon turned around and put his arm and head on my chest. I placed mine over him and felt my dick twitch. This was going better then expected. Now this nice looking lad was naked in my bed lying in my arms. My plans worked out so far. In two days I would have this guy and can fuck him, I hope.

Next: Chapter 9

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