Unexpected House Guest

By Jasper

Published on Aug 15, 2021


Unexpected House Guest -- Chapter 6

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The next morning when I woke up I noticed my underwear was sticking at my pubic hear. I was clear I had a nice dream that night. Looking at the monitor I saw Steve was lying restless in his cage. Curious I was and started to go to the start of the recording. Then I started to play fast forward and saw Steve hadn't much sleep that night. Once he was asleep and I saw him stretch his legs. The pain in his balls woke him up. I suspected he slept bad in the little space and from my own experience I know when you work your muscles hard they get restless during the night. First I took a shower and tried to get the dried cum of my crotch. After I got dressed I went to Steve. While opening the door "Good morning boy, ready to get out of the cage". Steve didn't respond so I had to do something. "See you are not wickling your tale so you do not want to get out yet, fine by me." I turned to go away and I heard Steve call "I am sorry, please let me out." I kept walking and heard "Please sir, please master I be good, please let me out". How adorable it was, the first time he accepted me as his master, I got choose bumps. But of course I still had to teach him a lesson for speaking.

I turned towards him and made sure I waited a moment before talking. "What should I do now! You did not shown happines when you saw me like a good dog would. You also spoke and that is against the rules. But what you said and how you said is was like you really submit to me." Again I made sure a moment of silence was felt. "Alright I let you out now, but for breaking the rule I ad 12 hours that you have to stay as a dog for me". I did not say it like a question. But Steve remaind in the cage for a while. It probably hit him he had to stay another night in this uncomfortable cage. Then suddenly he grawled out and started to shake his ass, so the tail would move. For me it felt like he agreed to his position. While I patted his head I said "Good doggy, come lets go". He moved very slow, probably his balls hurt but also he would have muscle ace from the workout yesterday. I made sure not to wait for him and went to the kitchen to make some coffee and breakfast. After a while he finaly made it to the kitchen. I immediately walked to the backdoor and said "come boy, come". He looked up to me with fear showing in his face. "Come boy, don't let me wait. I know is is light outside, but you know from last night where you can move with being seen. So come". That last 'so come' I made sure it sounded a bit angry. That did the trick. He started moving to the door. Quickly I opend it. It was a nice sunny day. I stepped outsite and took a deep breath. Steve slowly moved his head outside and tried to see if no one would see him. Then he quickly tried to move to the place by the hedge. He looked so hot. Of course he couldn't move fast. Every time his movements went to big the humbler made him feel his balls, what made him slow down again. While on his way to the hedge the sun hit his tanned firm body. His back muscles rolled fort and back while moving. Suddenly I hear my name be called "Jasper" and I came out of my staring at Steve. I looked up."Oh hi Suzan. Good morning.". I saw Steve make himself as small as possible, trying not to be seen in this humiliating position. "How is Steve doing" she asked. "He is fine, he is still asleep I think. But stop worrying Suzan. He is a young man and I don't think he would appriciate it when his mother sees him like a little pet boy". Immediately I saw Steve trying to make himself smaller then he already was. "I think your right. Say hi from me will you." After I said I would she finally closed the window and turned away. "Come on boy do your business and then lets eat". I turned around and walked back inside. By the time Steve walked in I already had his bowl of food ready and placed it on the floor next to my chair.

He walked over and started to eat. I wanted him close so I could touch hem. Hoping he would be more and more at ease by my touch. I placed a hand on his back. He stopped eating and when he resumed after a few seconds I slowly moved my finger tips up and down. "I have to leave and pick up some things from work, so after breakfast I will remove your tail and the humbler. That way you can do a leg press workout downstairs. Also try to move your arms so your muscle ace will go away". I stood up and placed my things in the diswasher. Steve wasn't finished, but I left the kitchen anyway. When I was ready to leave I called him "Doggy, come boy". Not long after he walked into the living room. "Good boy, come in front of me and face to the window." When he was between my legs I took my time to watch him. "relax boy so I can remove te tail easier" While I said that my hands where on his nice firm hairy cheeks slowly touching them. Then it was time for the tail. Slowly i grabbed it and started to push and pull a little. It was easier if I pulled it out immediately, but I wanted to play him. I repeated it several times each time i pushed harder and pulled it a little bit further. After a few push and pulls Steve started to let out a moan. When he heard his own moan he tensed up and was quiet again. He was probably scarred he liked it this much. Then I pulled the tail out totally and dropped it in a bucket. His nice whole was open and I had to control myself not to pull my dick out and fuck that nice ass. Now it was time for the humbler. I took his balls in my hand and squese them a little. Steve tried to pull away, but I holded them and took my time to removes the humbler. As finishing touch I joggled his balls a bit. I had to force myself to stand up and leave. "You better do your workouts boy" I said and closed the door.

When I came back, Steve was in the basement doing legg press exercises. He had not heard me come in and I stayed a moment on the stairs, watching him. He had a nice glinstering of sweat over his body. It looked a bit strange to see him excersice with those paw mits on. But the collar made it al the better. I decided to aproche him as a friend so trying to make our connection stronger. "Hi Steve, how is your workout going?". He looked a bit surprised and hessitated. Probably thinking if he should answer now he's my dog. After a few seconds he still did. "Hi, you startled me, I hadn't seen you. Yes, it is going well I am almost at 300 repeats. Only my chest still hurts from yesterday.". "You are doing great Steve, you should be proud". "Thanks" he replied. "When you finished come and get me I will help you. With those mits it is hard to shower." finishing it with a wink. I turned around and went to the living room and started to read a book. After about 20 minutes Steve walked in and I saw his dick dangling from left to right. He stretched his arm and asked "If you can get these off I can take that shower." I closed the book and put it away. I stood up and walked towards him. Wow he looked hot. Nice big pecs and a good formed sixpack al glinstering of the sweat. I reached my hand to his head and rubbed it. And with a smile I said "No Steve, I said I would help you. But I never said I would take the mits off. We agreed you still would be my dog till tomorrow morning." The look in his eye of disapointment made my cock twitch again.

I grabbed his collar and leaded him to the bathroom. There I placed some plastic bags over his paws so they would keep dry. After that I ordered him to get on all fours in the bathtub. He got that nice sceared look on his face again. Knowing that I was going to wash him. I saw him verry slow getting on all fours. His arms trembling a bit. For me it was a sign I had to calm him down so I asked him a question "Did you ever get washed by somenone?" "As a child my parrents washed me, but after that no one did" he answered. "ohh, it hasn't changed much till then. And I saw you naked for a few hours now, so believe me when I say as a man you have nothing to be embarressed about". With extra attention to the words 'a man" so I play on his proudness as a young men. I turned on the water and it was still cold, but that did not stop me to get water over Steve. His breathing immediately got heavier. Slowly the water was getting warm. I first got Steve totally wet and then I turned the water of and got the soap. First washing his head and slowly getting down to his back. Turning to his chest and I felt his nipple stick out and slowly started to make circling motions on his chest and try to stimulate his nips. I felt my own erection in my trousers. From his chest I got to his pits and to his strong arms. His big biceps. Steve didn't move a single inch. After his arms I went back to his pecs and slowly went down to his stomach, where I felt all his muscles tenche up. He definitely was reacting but the tension on his muscles made clear he was nervous. When I reached to his treasure trail he reacted and tried to pull away. "Stay still boy" I said and reached between his legs. There I found his fleshy dick and yanked it a few times. I heard Steve breathing heavy and said "Relaxe Steve you doing great, we are almost done". I grabbed his balls a started to soap them up an softy massage them. Now I felt i was leaking pre cum. I had to go on before I cum without touching myself. Quickly I went to his cheeks and cyrcling to his ass. Again I noticed Steve tensed up. "Relaxe boy it is just like a prostate exam. Over before you know it" and while I said it I popped my indexfinger in his hole. I feel his muscles tighten. Probaly this is still to soon. I quickly get my finger out and started to wash his hairy legs. I turned back the water on and let the soap wash slowly of this hot body. I quickly dried him, removed the plastic bags and ordered him to get on all fours again. I quickly replaced the humbler so he would not get up. "Relax Steve, I am going to put the tail back in" I said. What he did not know that I did not go to work that day, but went shopping. I got a bigger tail plug with a remote trembling action on it. When I applied some lube on his nice hole I saw him flench a bit. "relax boy". Slowly I started to work his ass with the larger plug, pushing it further every time. Steve his breathing got heavy and he made some sounds like he was in pain. I ignored it and went on. Pulling it less and pushing it more and more. Finally it pupped in place and Steve made a sound off relieve. I ordered him to go to the living room to wait while I cleaned up. I almost couldn't wait till he was gone. Then I closed the door and got my dick out. Two strokes was enought to make me cum. I continued stroking and by my surprise I came a second time. Then I cleaned up and went down.

After diner, Steve had of course a bowl of dog food, we were in the living room watching tv. Steve lying on the floor and I lay on the couch. "how is your chest doing Steve?" He turned his head and watched me. "Yes, I give you permission to answer" I said. "They are still sore" he answered. "Alright then come and sit on the couch with me, your back agains my chest. I will massage your chest a bit while we watch a movie". Slowly he stood up and moved closer. I was offious he made a second thought about placing himself between my legs and in my arms. After a while he sat down as good as it gets with a humbler and a tailplug in his ass. I started a action movie and after a few minutes I placed my hand on his pecs and started to massage them. Immediately I felt Steve breathing go faster. I slowly kept going and after a while he relaxed more. While we were still watching I slowly started to circle my finger tips to his nipples and started playing with them. They started to stick out more and more. Softly squezing them and with my nails going over the tips of his nipples. Slowly I saw his dick starting to get hard. That brought Steve out of the movie and quickly placed his paws in front of his crotch. I smiled. So adorable that he is humiliated by his boner. I quickly got the remote of the plug and pushed it. Immediately Steve felt the tremble and placed his paws on my legs to move his ass up. Of course his hardon was now showing and he couldn't hide it anymore. "like my new toy?" I asked and pushed the button again. Steve trew his head backward on my shoulder. With my other hand I kept playing his nipple. I soft moaning came out. "Please stop" he asked. With I answered with a nother trembling in his ass. "Why good boys should be rewarded" I said and saw a clear drop of pre cum forming on his dick. I had to contain myself. Moving to fast was not the best way. So I stopped. Immediately Steve replaced his paws for his boner. "Really Steve! You still cover your hardon while I seen It just minutes ago". I made sure it sounded like a statement. That was enough. He realised it was no use to cover up and slowly moves his paws away. After the movie I said "Tomorrow we are going to continue with the professional training. You now had experienced the electrical shocks, that worked very well on you. We have sexual stimulation/sexual frustration and punishment left. Tomorrow we start punishment and see how that works for you. I think you can handle it because you have shown you are a real man and can handle some discomfort. Now lets go to bed."

I walked to the kitchen door and opend it while Steve crawled behing my. He took a leak in the garden and made sure he was out of sight. After that we walked upstairs and I locked him up again in the cage. "Sleep wel boy. Hope you forget the rules again like this morning. I like to have a pet" and winked to him. He gave a fake smile back and I could see the anger in his eyes. I turned off the light and went to my room and wanked again. After that I fell asleep thinking of this nice muscular boy who I manipulate and this perfect slave position.

Next: Chapter 7

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