Unexpected House Guest

By Jasper

Published on Jul 18, 2021


Unexpected house guest -- chapter 5

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When I got back home with groceries, I went straight to the kitchen and noticed it was quiet in the house. I think my puppy was so tired of his workouts and his new experiences that he probably is asleep. After I put everything away I walked to the living room to find Steve fast asleep on the blanket and hadn't moved at all. He looked so cute with those paws. Just above his muscular jawline a tear drop was still laying there. Ahh, so sweet the boy cried a bit. He had his arms high in front of him and I saw his nice nipples. I reached in and gave one a very soft touch with the back of my hand. When I continued, his nipples started to stand out. I slowly lowered my hand to his side and to his leg, feeling his soft skin and every manly hair on it. He also had his legs in front of him, but that was obvious. Otherwise the humbler would pull his balls too much. I slowly reached in to his nice formed big balls at the back of his legs. With my fingertips a softly started to make a circular motion. I felt my hard racing. The nice feeling of his firm balls. The soft circular motion had a good effect cause I saw his dick getting hard. I kept going and hear him moan. After a while I started to see a glistering of pre cum leaving his dick. It was time to wake him up. I stopped touching his balls and started to go with my hand over his hair and softly said "Wake up boy, I am home and dogs should agree their masters". I had to repeat it once. Then he opened his eyes and laid there for a few seconds.

Then he must have felt his boner and quickly brought his paw to cover it. I smiled and said "There is no need for that. I already seen your hardon and precum. It is good to see you are a healthy boy and so you like this game we are playing. No harm there." That should be enough to get him doubting about himself if he really liked it. I grabbed the collar and pulled him up. Now he had to remove his hands from his crotch. "Let's go to the kitchen boy to prepare dinner". While I reached for his still hard dick and tucked it I said "and don't feel bad about this erection it is only the two of us". He tried to make himself small but it was already too late. I slapped him on his cheek and walked to the kitchen. He didn't say a word and acted like a good dog. He slowly walked around in the kitchen and I padded him on the head some times to give him attention. His dick was slowly going soft and that made it easier to walk for around for him. When dinner was ready I got two bowls. One I filled with water and the other I filled with dog food. Then I placed them on the ground and said "Here you are boy, your food." He looked at me and as I expected he wanted to say something. I already had the remote out and by the first word I shocked him. He felt on his side and tried to grab the collar. What is impossible with the paws. I said "Dogs don't talk", but think that message already was clear. I got to the table and started my own meal. I placed myself so that I could see Steve. He slowly got up and walked to the bowls, looked at it and then decided to eat it. Slowly bending down his head to take some dogfood with his mouth. During the whole dinner I felt a nice tangling feeling seeing that young hunk becoming a nice slave boy.

After dinner I cleaned up and did the dishes. Without saying a thing I walked to the living room. As a good dog Steve walked with me and got on his blanket in the corner. After about an hour watching television I called him toward me "come here boy". He did as told and come to the couch. I padded him on the head and said "let's play fetch boy" and showed him a small ball. Then I throw it to a corner and said "go get it boy". Steve tried to get the ball as quick as possible, but when he tried to move with big steps the humbler pulled his balls and then the pain slowed him down again. It was so hot to see him work like that. When he brought the ball back I said he did great and padded his head and let my hand go to the side of his face. Then I padded the side of his face somewhat harder and said "Well done boy, here is a reward" and I threw a small dog biscuit on the floor. He looked at it and then to me with a face `you don't think I take that, do you', but he didn't said a thing. "Go on boy eat your biscuit" I said. That was enough to make him do it. He had a hard time to pick it of the floor with only his mouth. Then I threw the ball again. "Go get it boy" I said. And again he started to get it.

To see his nice hairy ass slowly move around and his thighs tremblem a bit, made me of course rock hard. All the times he crawled away from me I rubbed my dick and quickly stopped when he turned. It was so hot to see him wiggle his tail as he walked to get the ball. Again I praised him on his good work and robbed his back now. Feeling his nice well-formed muscles just under his skin. Now I took a dog biscuit and placed him on my shoe. It was shown on his face he didn't like this, but I didn't matter. He took the biscuit from my shoe as a good slave. Again I threw the ball and then quickly took my shoes off. I walked on them a long time and my socks where damp. When Steve walked back I saw him look at my feet and I think he already knew what was coming. A again praised him and placed a dog biscuit on my damp sock and stated "It probably like college hazing all over again". He tried to hold his breath when his lips touched my socks. Then the biscuit slipped and fell just at the side of my foot. I bent over and padded his head "Go boy, get it". He tried to get it and had to dig deep in my damp sock to get a hold on it. Again I threw the ball, but then I placed a biscuit on the top of my thigh. When he saw the new biscuit he looked a bit relieved. What he did not know yet he had to reach in and stretch out what made the humbler pull his balls back harder. To see him strangle with the discomfort and obedience was a delight to see. My rock hard dick was clearly showing thru my jeans. Steve was so busy with his own discomfort he didn't even notice. Again I threw the ball. Now I place a dog biscuit on the place where my dickhead was showing in my jeans. When Steve turned and saw the biscuit he slowed down. I let him, the fight in his mind was showing and it stimulated me. He knew he had to do it. He reached in and he had to push through the pain in his balls to get to the biscuit. And when he was above the biscuit and opened his mouth to get it, I pushed his head down so his hot warm lips where on my dickhead. He quickly pulled away and looked scared now. "You did great Steve" using his name to give him a form of acknowledgement. "You see, I am also a man and get sometimes a hard on. So don't be a shamed next time you do." I got up and walked away and acted like it only was to teach him he shouldn't be a shamed. I walked to the bathroom and quickly took my dick out to wank it. I was so turned on that in a few seconds the cum flew out of my dick and I was in heaven.

After I cleaned up I went to my little office room where I still had a dog cage standing. I got the room ready for the night and then got to the back door. I called out for Steve and he slowly came towards me. "Time to get ready for bed boy" and I placed a leash on the collar. I opened the backdoor and stepped outside. Then out of nothing Steve said "no way man, everyone can see me then." I smiled "No boy, it is dark outsite, the house covers it and only your family can see if they look outsite at the same moment. But if you be quick and get to the side, you are in the cover of the hedge." And I pulled on the leash and grabbed with my other hand the remote. He pulled back, but when he saw the remote he crawled quickly outside and went immediately to the hedge. "See boy, nothing the matter. Now do your business. Do I need the take the tale out?". With an angry voice he said "No". It was so nice to see him this way. He had a hard time to take a piss and wasn't used of being watched. I didn't matter I had the time. The night turned out to be a cold night and I had my clothes on. Steve on the other hand was naked. After a while he was finally finished and we could back inside. I let him straight to my little office. Again I saw some hesitation on his face when he saw the cage. But he didn't acted in that way. "Go in boy" I said while my hand went thru his hair. While he entered the cage I took the leash off and closed the cage behind him with a padlock. I turned up my laptop screen and said "I am upstairs and normally I can't hear you so I turned on the camera so I can watch and hear you. It will not record and stream, but it is only to watch you and keep you save." Then I turned to the door and made clear I didn't expect an answer. It was nice to see his discomfort and his troubling look. Of course I lied and recorded everything. I turned off the big lights and left a smaller one turned on, closed the door and left. He must have felt so helpless and knowing he still had to be my pet a lot more hours.

Next: Chapter 6

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