Unexpected House Guest

By Jasper

Published on Jul 16, 2021


Unexpected house guest -- chapter 4

After about 15 minutes of rest I said "Go to the bench pressing Steve. It is time to go on". And I made sure it sounded more as a command then as a request. He got up and get himself to the bench. As he laid down on his back I had a hard time not to watch at his crotch. The tight short and him lying on his back made his cock pop out. Now he is on his back his nice six pack also was showing again. Oh this is going to be fun. I could just stop in time before I grabbed my own dick and started to play. Suddenly I heard Steve voice "Can I get some of the weight down, it is still the same as this morning?". I quickly responded "No of course not. Then it is not going to work. You have to push yourself then the more effective it will be. So now shut up and start pressing. Good to see you have the safety on so it cannot drop on you." Steve started the workout.

It was clear he had a hard time immediately at the start. I had to hold myself back and not push him too much otherwise he wouldn't go for the last exercise and the finale of my mind fucking game. After about ten presses I had start vocally pushing him "Go on Steve, you are doing great. Keep breathing. At twenty I noticed he was slacking his posture and pushing his back up. I hit him in stomach. Not so hard he would be out of breath, but hard enough he would feel it. "Keep your muscles tight, boy". That kept him going again. Probably the anger against me was giving him strength. Of course he was going slower and slower. At thirty two I saw he was pulling up his legs. "Keep your legs down boy and do the workout with your chest." While I said it I hit him hard with my open hand on his inner thigh. That must had hurt, because I felt my hand burn. I kept my hand in place like I was reminding him to hold his legs down. I felt his muscles rolling under his soft skin. I started softly to go up and down and felt his soft hairs tickling my hand. "You doing great Steve. Just fourteen to go. " I didn't know if h e noticed my hand. It was clear he had to focus on his workout. His arms and chest were already trembling. At ten to go I had to shock him at level four. Never expected him to come this far. He almost lost his grip of the bar when I shocked him again at 47 at level 5. The anger was showing on his face. In the corner of my eye I saw the nice outline of his dick and balls thru the short. "Go on Steve, push yourself." While I said it I slowly moved my hand up on his thigh. When he was at 49 I had the nerve to go up and softly touch one of his balls like it was a mistake. The last one took him a long time. The trembling of his muscles was so enormous. But when he had 50 he placed the bar back and let his arms fall down. "I am impressed Steve. You handling this like a real man." Still with my hand moving up and down his inner thigh and again I was up softly touching his balls. I had to force myself to stop doing that. I again wondered if he didn't notice it or he was too tired to respond or liked it.

I said. "take a 30 minute rest and some water before you do the last exercise". He shook his head and spook softly "no". I had to let him know that stopping was not an option. "No boy, that are not the rules. You go on and do it. After you rest you can go on and after your workout you feel good about yourself." He still shook his head and said "No". Thad was my sign and I shocked him at level 5. He immediately grabbed to his neck. "I already told you boy that stopping is not an option." I turned away and got myself a seat in the corner, watching him and let my fantasy go wild. He was so tired that he it stayed in that position more than 25 minutes. After that he came up and tried to move his arms around. He was clearly slowly getting better.

Just for the 30 minutes I saw him look at the clock a shook his head. I wanted him not to hate me so I gave him another few minutes. In that time he looked twice at the clock, he must have noticed by now I gave him more time. So it became time to move on. "Alright Steve you next exercise. 50 push ups. Take your position." I saw him look at me with hesitation. I quickly showed the remote. He responded "alright I am going" and he got into the position. "Count out loud boy, that will help you focus. And do not forget our bet." He started and it went so slow. "Go on boy, I don't want to be here whole day." And I shocked him. That helped he went faster. Around 30 he again went slower and was trembling all over. I shocked him again, this time at level seven. That had a nice response. He felt down and grabbed the collar. "Go on boy, show me you are a real man and can do it." He got up and was continuing. I got on my knees beside him and started to whisper in his ear. "You think maybe a different stimulant works better on you, we have time and can find out. " I slowly put my hand on his side and moved it slowly to his chest. He still tried to go on. There I found his soft nipple and I started to play with it. Slowly pinching it and it started to get harder. That gave Steve new energy and he started to shout out the numbers and came to 37. I stopped and got up. "Keep going boy" and I shocked him again at level 8. His trembling body and with his breathing like he was crying I new I had him close to lose the bet. He got up and tried to continue. I walked to his feet and kicked his legs so he head to spread them more. Then I stepped between his legs and placed a foot under his crotch. Steve response was to push up his butt so I quickly shouted "Keep your butt down boy.". He did as ordered. I slowly started to move up my foot with his movement so it was in constant contact with his crotch. That kept him going some more. At 46 I slowly started to hit his balls with my foot and said "Keep going boy". He was shacking like crazy and was sweating like hell. At 48 he almost stopped so I shocked him twice. And there it was. He grabbed the gasp of the collar and tried to remove it. Just to find the padlock. He immediately noticed his mistake. "Yes, you are right boy. You lost the bet. Seems I have a pet for a day." I said with a smile. "Go on boy or do I have to shock you again. " That made him go and he got to 50. Then he felt down breathing deeply. I padded him on the back "To bad you broke down just 2 before the end Steve. But I am still impressed you did way better then I did my first time I worked out this way. Well done." I got up and walked to the stairs. "Take your time to rest and drink some water. Report in the living room in a hour. And again well done Steve". Hoping to give him a feeling of proudness that while he acted like a slave boy.

While I was reading the paper I heard Steve go to the sleeping room. I quickly got up and went to the basement closet to get the bag with the things for pet play. When I came back up Steve was sitting in the living room and asked "Do you have a charger for my phone" while he showed me the phone. I answered "No, I am sorry I have a different one". Steve continued "I wanted to chat with some friends, but my phone is empty. I thought I had my charger with me, but apparently I lost him.". "You can always call them". Steve answered. "I do not know their numbers. All are in my phone". This was great. More and more I got the only one in Steve's live.

"So Steve you are ready to be my pet for a day" I said more as a remark then as a question. He only looked at me so I continued. "Stand up and come over here." He stood up slowly and walked towards me. "You already has a collar on, but to make sure you take your loss I also have some other toys." I picked a puppy clove out of the bag and said "Give me your hand Steve!". He saw the glove an immediately did a step back and said "no way man". I anticipated that response so I quickly said "Don't go there Steve. You made the bet like a man so now act like a man. And by the way you probably also got something humiliating to do during hazing, this is only going to stay between us. So shut up and give me your hand. " With hesitation he stepped back toward me and gave me his hand. I put the glove on. It fit perfectly. While I took the second glove out of the back I said "Give me you other hand". After putting them both on I looked in Steve's unhappy eyes and said "So now you can't use your hands." Then I stepped towards him and before he could step back I grabbed the shorts he was wearing and pulled them down. Cause his underwear was ruined in the washer he is butt naked and he tried to cover himself with his paws. His face turned red. I felt my own rock hard cock pushing in my trousers. "What the h... man." Steve said. I answered "Shut up boy. Pets do not wear cloths. And I do not know why you would be ashamed. We are both men. So step out of the short and get on all fours". While he was getting down I got the bag and pulled out a humbler. "Now to make sure you stay on all fours like a real pet, I will place this humbler on you." Steve looked at me with a question on his face. I waited a second and thought it would be wise to answer his untold question so his trust will not be flowing away totally. "I take your balls between these sticks and close it. Then I place this sticks behind your legs. That way if you want to stand up you pull your own balls and the uncomforting feeling will keep you on all fours." "Please don't, I will stay down" he said. I only shook my head and walked behind him and said "keep still". I grabbed his low hanging balls and juggled a bit then I softy turned them in my hand. His balls reacted to it and his ball sack tightened. I noticed Steve had to do his best not to pull away and he was breathing heavily. In the same time I had to do my best not to hit or squeeze hard in those beautiful balls. I had to pull the balls more away from his body To place them both between the sticks and closed them together. While I did that I saw Steve twitch probably because of the uncomfortable feeling. Then I pulled them back a little and got the stick behind his legs. Then the final thing a dog tale. I got it out of the bag and immediately Steve saw it he wanted to get up and get away. He tried to stand up a bit wild and he pulled hard on his own balls. That must have hurt. He immediately got back down on his knees and tried to place a paw on his balls. "Please no, please......" he begged. With a smile on my face I responded "It is only for 24 hours Boy so be a man and accept it". I got back behind him again and got some lube and slowly with a finger I turned around his manhole while my other hand a touched his cheeks. The fact it was unwillingly made me horny like hell and I felt precum in my own pants. After there was enough lube and his gold looking ass hair sticked together, I took the dog tale and slowly started to push it inside. Steve was whining and complaining it hurts. I kept the pressure on and said "relax Steve and breath then I would not hurt that much". I slowly kept pushing and when it finally popped in I felt cum flowing out of my own dick. I slapped his bum and said "relax boy, after a while you won't feel it so much". I placed a blanket in the corner and said "that is your place boy". He slowly got to the blanket and placed himself on it. "You stay here boy. I will do some groceries and will be back soon". He needed the time to recover from his humiliation and from his hard workout. Probably he won't even move. I quickly cleaned myself and got out to get some food leaving Steve alone with his thoughts.

Next: Chapter 5

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