Unexpected House Guest

By Jasper

Published on Jul 16, 2021


Unexpected house guest -- chapter 3

After we ate breakfast I said "If you do the dishes I will get the short". Steve picked up the plates and walked by me to the sink. While he walked by me, I stood up and slapped his bum and said "see you downstairs at the gym". I just got the uneased look from him. But it was worth it. He had a firm butt.

A few years ago I bought a set of shorts. Some were to small and tight for me and the others that I could wear did not feel comfortable. They are tight. So my bulge was coming out and I felt the short between my buttocks. I quickly looked for the small ones. Steve should fit them and they would still be tight. I found the light blue one and took it downstairs. Steve already was down there. "I found it. You said you don't like lose cloths so I had to look further to get the right ones. Here you are." I said. "Thanks" Steve said and took the short. "And a shirt?" he asked. "Oh. Sorry, I only has loose ones. And I didn't think of it because I always train shirtless." And quickly wanted to get to another subject "What are you going to train today?" I asked. "Think my chest." He said and kept looking at me with the short in his hands. Probably he is waiting for me to leave. "Go on, change Steve" and I turned towards the air conditioning. While still kept watching him in the mirror. Turning away was apparently enough for Steve to lose the towel and started opening the short. I turned on the air conditioning and turned back to see his nice junk. Steve saw me turning and tried to pull the short up quickly, as he was humiliated. "That is a tight short" He said. As he looked at me I took his remark to look closer at the short, showing his crotch. There was no mistake possible to know where his dick and balls where. So yes it was a nice tight short. "That is better then so loose ones during workout. So you will be fine." I answered and walked away.

I didn't want to push him too much, he was already out of his comfort zone, so I went upstairs and try to read my book. That was hard. My mind went off to Steve a lot and since he was in my house I had a hard or a semi hard dick.

After about two hours Steve came up and sat down. His torso glistered. "you already finished?" I asked. "yes, I am" he answered. "That is half a workout, you are a young men and must have more energy, how come?". He gave me a questioned look. Probably asking himself why I gave him a hard time. A two hour workout is normally good enough. It was nice to see him look for a response and finally he said "Yes, but I got hungry and did not get the proper nutrition's". I nodded and got an idea "I know the feeling. During my college time I started to work out with professionals and they taught me a nice strange trick for that. But probably you don't want to." Hoping he got interested and didn't want to look like a wimp. He took the bait. "If it works I want to try. So what is it?". "It is almost time to lunch so I get some for you. Wait and rest here for a while. After lunch you definitely can do a second workout this afternoon. Oh, and do not forget your laundry." He smiled and said thanks. He looked happy.

When I was in the kitchen I heard Steve shout some, not to repeat, words. I asked "What is wrong Steve?". He came down with a red angry face and said "I must have pushed the wrong buttons, all my clothes are ruined. Now I am here with nowhere to go and have no clothes. " I placed my hand on his shoulder and said "Sorry for your clothes, but it will be fine Steve. We are both men so we can work this out." and gave a smile. It helped him to relax a little. "Now you are here let's get lunch, maybe that will make you happy." I don't think he would be happy if he knew I planned to give him. "Alright, bring me try the professional stuff" Steve said. Of course there were no professionals. A few months ago my dog died and I still had some food. After I made me some sandwiches I took a can of dogfood and placed it on a plate. "Lunch is ready." I quickly sat down so I could watch his face when he came to realise what he was given. He looked at his plate and didn't recognise it yet. "What is it?" He asked. I had to push him a bit "Something I ate a lot during my workout with the profs. Dog food. It looks strange but it is really good for your body." He looked disgusted and watched to my sandwich. I took my sandwich and before I took a bite I said "Go on, eat. You wanted to try it. " With my free hand a padded him over his head and said "The taste isn't that bad and you will learn to like it." My hand still going through his hair, probably too long to be a nice friendly gesture. His mind was with the dog food and he didn't notice. He picked up his spoon and slowly started to eat the dogfood. Small bites and with a disgusted look on his face. My cock was rock hard and leaking precum again. I had this stud humiliate himself by eating dog food. I tried to make conversation, but Steve was still with his mind at the food and didn't say much. "What kind of straining stimulants do you normally use Steve?". That got his attention. He looked up and asked "What do you mean." I smiled. "you know to push your body and mind to train more intense." "I don't think I used such stimulants. Do you use some and what kinds are there?". With the right answer I could manipulate him in wanting to try something. "I am not using them anymore, but during my time with the profs I did. We used all kind of stimulations like small electrical shocks, sexual stimulation, sexual frustration and punishment. All these things helped to push your mind to push your body." He looked at me and said "They all sound horrifying." Thinking of something else he took bigger spoons of the dog food in his mouth. "Yes, you are probably right that they sound horrifying. But I can tell you, I used all of them and during that time a made the most progress." That last thing was of course a lie. "I think you get used to them as well as the dog food. Your first bites tasted strange but see now you finished all of it and didn't even notice." Steve looked at his plate and I couldn't tell if he was shocked or surprised. I saw him thinking and there it was "Maybe I want to try a stimulant." "you are sure Steve? They can be uncomfortable and I do not want a little boy crying and run to his mother, so I have an angry neighbour." Hoping to play on his pride. "No, I can take it like a man". Alright rest for a while and I see you downstairs in a hour again.

I needed time to prepare. I had to go to the closet in the basement and pick some of my toys. Not to forceful that he wouldn't agree to go a step further, but still strong enough to start breaking him and make him my toy. First I took some whips, but he doesn't like to be touched so that probably would be to strong. No it had to be there and not always bothering him. Their it was a shock collar with the remote control. I can give him a mild setting in the beginning and work my way up. I picked it up and also took a padlock. I replaced the old batteries and locked the door again. Now wait for Steve. It didn't took long before he came downstairs. "There you are already. I found something to stimulate you and help you focus on something else then the burning of your muscles. I still have it from my dog." Steve looked at the collar with a bit of fear. I started to think he would back out. "there are only mild settings otherwise I would have tortured my dog. " That didn't took him to agree. So I quickly had to play on his youthful pride. "Or in your own words `aren't you a man anymore' and a scared boy?" That did it, I saw the change in his eyes. "Alright, let's do it" he said. "Then sit down on your knees before me and I place it on you". He did as asked. I walked around him and placed my hand on his nice tanned strong shoulder and kept it there while I got behind him. "With my hand I started to make a massage move and said " I see you indeed became a real man, your parents should be proud of you." Hoping to reward him of doing well. I placed the collar around his neck and put the leather band in the gasp. I have to test if it is working. So do not be alarmed. I will give you a shock and test the setting. " I set it on setting 1 and pushed the button. I saw him twitch a little and did as if I hadn't noticed. "Did you feel anything Steve?" I asked. "Yes, like a small needle pinching me." He answered. "So that is probably not a good setting for a stimulant. I try a next setting." Of course I didn't and skipped one and went to setting level 3. I pushed the button. Now I saw Steve twitch his neck and got his hand up for the collar. " Looks like that is a better setting." While he still rubbed his neck I placed my hand on his head and started to go thru his hair. "Here are the rules. "you have to push yourself and do as told, if you do not I shock you. If you have a hard time to listen and do not push yourself, I increase the setting. The shock collar has eight settings." Finally I picked up the padlock out my pocket and placed it. The locking sound tricked Steve "What are you doing?" His hand reached to the lock. "Why did you do that?" He asked and wanted to get up. I quickly placed my hands strongly on his shoulders and pushed him down "Relax Steve, that is only for your own good. I know from own experience sometimes the burning of the muscles becomes so heavy that you even do not want a stimulant anymore. But just then you have to go on like a real man. So it is there to keep it in place for your own good." His only response was "that is sick man, I do not want to remove it during workout. Not me". With a deep calmly voice I said "Take a deep breath Steve and relax. If you are so sure you want to take a bet?". "yes, have something in mind?". This couldn't get better and I felt my hart go wild. "Yes, I think so. You already ate dogfood and now wear a collar so if you want to remove the collar during workout you have to go all the way and play my dog for 24 hours. Or are you chickening out?". He kept quiet for a while and then said. "All right you are on. "

"Can you do 50 push ups, 50 times bench press and 50 push ups again?" I asked. "yes, I can" and he walked to the mat. He was so sure of himself. Probably he can handle it at a normal day, but now after he already did a chest workout this morning I think it will be fun for me. The first 30 push ups went well, but he was going slower and slower. I didn't want to look eager to shock him, so I first started with strong loud talking. "Come on Steve keep going. Ignore the burning feeling of your muscles. Come on do it." It worked till about 42. His back looked great. Every muscles pumped up and his skin glistering from the sweat. I saw sweat dripping of his nose and forehead. He definitely had to work for it. I knew he was ready to stop so I pushed the remote and shouted "Go on boy do it. Only 8 left". I saw him twitch a little and he did another 3. Again I shocked him. "Focus on the shocking pain and ignore your burning muscles. The next one will be a level higher and I keep shocking you till you hit 50." I heard him breath loudly thru his nose and made a strange noise. Probably of anger. I turned the remote a level up and hoped Steve wouldn't get to 50. By 49 he hesitated and I took my change and hit him. He shouted "F..ck" and did his last push up. He fel on the mat and was breathing heavily. I quickly put my hand on the site of his back and said " Well done Steve. I didn't think you had it in you. I am proud of you". And slowly rubbed my hand over his wet back. Feeling every muscle. "I can't do the rest. My muscles are still sore of this morning." He said. I kept rubbing his back feeling up his pumped muscles and said "That is not how this work Steve. You agreed, so you have to do them and I have to stimulate you with shocks until you do." I replaced my hand on his head end went thru is moist hair. "Take a 15 minutes rest now Steve, you deserve it." He placed his head on the floor and probably was thinking where he did get himself into. I softly kept going thru is hair, like I softly padded him. " Somehow he accepted it. I do not know if it was because he was too tired, he didn't notice it or if he liked it. I kept going for about five minutes and then I stopped and handed him some water.

Next: Chapter 4

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