Unexpected House Guest

By Jasper

Published on Oct 24, 2021


Unexpected house guest -- chapter 15

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After Steve had a bath we had still a few hours left before diner. We both where in the kitchen when the doorbell rang. Steve looked surprissed, but I immediately felt nervous. That is probably John. When I walked to the frontdoor I prepeared myself to sent him away, but when I opened the door I felt silent. There was a gorgeous lad with black hair and brown puppy eyes standing there. He said "Hi, I am John. Steve his roommate. His father told me he was here" and the lad gave me a killer smile. ......... I needed a few seconds to recover and decided to try something else. "Hi I am Jasper. Frank told me you would come over. Come in." He stepped inside and I closed the door. I noticed it was very quiet in the kitchen. Steve was probably hiding. John continued "Where is Steve?". How can I bring this, this will be a important moment. I made sure the next thing I said was loud enough so even Steve could hear. "John, I have to tell you something before I call Steve out here. Steve lost a bet and has to do things. A bit like a hazing?" I looked at John hoping to see what his reaction would be. "Ohh, he again lost a bet. He will never learn " and John smiled while he said it. I relaxed a bit and called Steve "Steve, come here to see your masters.". There was first no reaction, so I shouted again "Steve, come over here your roommate John is here to see you". And there Steve slowly came walking out of the kitchen, naked with his paws in front of his crotch. John eyes got bigger and he started laughing "That was a bad bet Steve". Steve slowly kept walking. He must felt humiliated so I said "hurry up Steve, we are waiting." making clear Steve had no choice in the matter. The look on Steve's face made it clear that deep inside he would run away as fast as he could. When he finally reached us I placed a hand in his neck and said "move your hands Steve". He turned his head and looked deep in my eyes. Alsmost begging me not to let him do that. I cave some pressure in his neck and he got the message. He looked down and slowly moved his paws to the side. John looked down and saw the chastity cage. He kept looking for a while and then said "That is sick man". He laughed and then continued "But it looks good on you, Steve". Steve kept looking down and gave no reaction to it. Suddenly John continued "Steve, you should shave your pubic hair. It is more hygienic and It makes your junk pop out more, certainly when you wear that cage now" Steve gave a nervous little smile as a reaction and I, I found the moment very enjoyable. John continued "But wow beside this all" pointing with his finger to the chastity cage "you look great man. Last time I saw you shirtless your musscles didn't show that much. Your work out programm is definitly doing what it supposed to do. Well done". He kept looking at Steve. I saw Steve liked what John said and it made him proud. He straightend his shoulders and looked up for the first time and said "Thanks John, It is a very hard programme, but it indeed works.". I had the idea I had to say something so I continued "Go sit down boys and I will get you some soda's so you can catch up". While walking to the kitchen I felt great. My dick was semi hard and I had the feeling I still was in control. Steve deserves a break with a friend. I went back to the living room with the soda's and they were talking. I placed the soda's on the table and was ready to leave when I noticed they talked and talked and they both felt relaxed with the fact Steve was totally naked.

Back in the kitchen I started dinner. I expect John would stay for the night. I was confinced Steve liked to have his roommate over so I prepeared a dinner for three. No dog food for him tonight. When diner was ready I called out to the boys "Guy's, diner is ready!" and I quickly took a seat on the head off the table. Both walked into the kitchen and kept talking. I let them, but hated it that my slave boy wasn't paying any attention to me. Almost at the end of diner I asked "John, do you stay for the night? You can sleep on the couch if you want.". Both looked at me. John smiled while Steve looked nervous. "Yes, please. It is a long ride back so I would like to stay over". I continued "It is fine. You can take Steve's place on the couch, he can sleep with me in my queensize bed." John said "Thank you" and Steve looked at me with a question mark on his face. It was clear he had no idea what was going on and it made him nervous, but he said nothing. After diner I cleaned the kitchen and the boys went back to the living room to talk and watch a movie. A few seconds for the end of the movie I brought John his blenckets and pillow. "You better go to bed after this long day" I said. John agreed. But when he stood up I stopped him and said "But after we punished this boy" and I placed my hand on Steve his shoulder. John looked at me surprised and did not understand. I continued "I will explain. One of the wagers of the bet was that Steve here would say master to all the one's wearing cloths. He forgot to say it three times to me today and I believe he forgot it to say seven times to you." John replied "I have not counted, sorry". "No matter I did it for you. For each time he forgot he will get a hit to his nutts so he will not forget next time." Now Steve his eyes got big, but he was smart enough not to say anything. John reacted softly with a "That is sick man, but a bet is a bet" and he turned to Steve with a smile on his face. I ordered Steve to get his hands behind his head and to spread his legs. He gave me a foul look, but still complied with the order. "Go ahead John, punish the boy" and I motioned to Steve his balls. John kept jumping around like a nervous young kitten. And there it was the first hit to Steve's precious balls. That was dissapointing. It was clear John was holding back so I had to do something. "You hit like a girl John! That is no punishment. Here I show you" and pushed John a littel to the side. And Wack, I hit his balls full so Steve tried to lower his hands and bent over a little. By now his balls must have been trying to get away, but the chastity ring kept his balls in place. When Steve was straight up again I hit his balls a second time and without warning a quick third time. Steve place his hands on his legs and was gasping for air. "That is how you punish a boy, John. Now try again. You have still six left" Those stimulation words did the trick. His next hit was full swing on the tender balls. Such a one you even feel it by only seeing it. Steve felt on one knee and gasped for air again. "Get up boy and take your punishment" I shouted at Steve. Quickly I walked behing Steve and grabbed under his arms and hold my hands behind his neck. He wasn't going to move andymore. Now looking straight in John his face I saw he liked hitting and feeling surperior. He had an fire in his eyes and a sadistic smile. And before I knew it he hit Steve his balls again and again. After his seven hits John stopped and I let go of Steve. He felt on his knees and a teardrop fall on the floor. I walked to John and congratulated him on his nice hits. He smiled. I said to him "Time to go to bed" and turned to the stairs. It was a sign for Steve to go upstairs with me. He crawled to the stairs and when he was in reach I placed my hand in his neck and guided him upstairs. On the stairs we both said "Sleep well John".

I leaded my boy further upstairs straight to the bathroom. In the bathroom I ordered "place your hands on your back boy" and he did as ordered. I bound his arms on his back and turned him around. Now I took his chastity cage of. Steve kept looking at me with still watery eyes and wondered was was going on. Then I took shavingcream and a razor. Now Steve knew what would happen and immediately he stepped back. "Stand still boy. Your roommate had a great idea when he said to shave you. It is indeed more hygienic and your dick and balls look better.". I saw fear in his eyes. I wouldn't think it would possible after my dick was hard after seeing the punishment giving to Steve just minutes ago, but I felt my dick still growing. With a big sadistic smile I said "you better stand still boy or I will cut you.". His breahting got heavier, but he stood perfectly still. I creamed his painfull ballsack and dick. It felt so nice and soft with the shavingcream that it was hard not to keep rubbing his balls and dick. Then I took the razor and heard Steve plead "please sir, don't shave me. PLEASE ". I stopped just in front of him, grabbed his hairs and pulled his head back. "You better stop boy or you will walk tomorrow as a bald boy." I made sure it sounded strong and powerfull. Steve was quiet from that moment on and I started shaving. His skin started to feel as smooth like a baby's. After I was done I took a cloth and drenched it in aftershave. I started cleaning the boys crotch with the cloth. First he didn't react to it, but after a few seconds he started to jump around. By now he must felt the burning feeling from the alcohol in the little shave cuts on his dick and balls. I saw Steve with tears in his eyes and I felt my precum flowing from my dick. After a few second just looking at Steve being in agony I replaced the chastity cage and said "Wonder how much your buddy John will like your new look now boy". uhh, he looked so dame angry and hot at me. I ordered him "Go to my BED boy" and he did.

When we both layed in my bed, I still felt my enourmous hardon. I was horny like hell. After today where my slaveboy ignored me sometimes, I decided he should be there for me. "come here boy" and I placed a arm around him and pulled him towards me. He let it, but when he felt me replacing my hardon he wanted to get away. I firmly grabbed him "Where are you going boy" I wispered in his ear. "Please sir, don't. I don't want to sir" he pleaded. I held him firm and said "you don't want to!. You don't have a choice boy, you are mine". And with my free hand I grabbed my dick and guided it to his whole. When my dick head was in front of his ass I slowly pushed in. Steve gave a loud yel. "Be quiet boy or should John hear you. He probably want to join me. So you better be quiet". From that moment he tried to be as quiet as possible. I kept pushing my dick deeper and deeper. It felt like his whole grabbed my dick and swallowed it in further and faster. That warmth around my dick felt great. After a few thrusts I noticed Steve relaxed more. For me the sign to go all in. I pushed fast and deep three times and my lust won it from endurance. Thick warm cum was shooting out of my dick in Steve his ass. But then I noticed Steve also stopped moaning. I quickly grabbed his chastity cage and felt his wet boy juice in my hand. "What the f..ck boy. You did cum without permission and even with a soft dick. You know that means more punishment for you boy." making sure I sounded as angry as possible. "Sorry, master. I did not want to cum, but I couldn't hold back when you hitted my prostate. Sorry master, forgive me." and immediately he went down to my dick and started to lick it clean. I grabbed him by his hair and said with a stern voice "We will talk about your punishment tomorrow boy!" And I let go. Steve was still cleaning me when I fell asleep.

The next morning I woke up by a blowjob of my boy. His wet tonque felt great and he was going for it full. Probably he knew he better do well today. After a few minutes his tonque licked my balls again while he had my dick deep in his mouth and that did it. I shot my load again. He took every drop of it. I didn't thank him for it like usual because I wanted him to work for my forgiveness. Time to hit the shower. Untill breakfast nothing special happend. I was making scrambled eggs and Steve didn't dare to get up and sat on the floor next to his bowls. "When John wakes up I allow you to get at the table, but you better behave boy" I said. He answered with a soft voice "yes master". It didn't took long before we heard John walking. Steve quickly moved to the table and was gladd he had not to act like a dog with his roommate around. I looked up and saw that twink boy in his loose boxer walking into the kitchen so I said "Goodmorning John, sorry if we woke you." He smiled and said "Goodmorning, the nice smell of the eggs woke me up".

He got to the table and I gave him some eggs. I noticed he looked to Steve his crotch and smiled "See, you took my advice" and he pushed Steve at his shoulder. It was so nice to see those boys together. And it made me smile that John thought it was Steve choice to shave his hair. Steve looked a little embaressed away so I quickly said "Yes John, you gave good advice. Even just after shaving it was clear it helps to keep clean." Refering to the cumming without permission. Steve turned red so he knew what I was talking about. I did not know if John understood what was going on. We kept eating and making small talk. John took some sandwitches with strawberry jam, but at one moment a bit of jam dropped on his foot. "ahhh, damm sticky jam" John said. I smiled "Steve you know what to do boy. Get on your knees and start licking". Steve turned red and slowly moved down while John just looked in disbelieve. I continued "And make a good effort boy, it is your roommate and friend" and I made a wink to John. He still looked at me in disbelieve, but that look disapeared when he felt the warm wet tongue of Steve licking and kissing his foot. He smilled. I asked "Is he doing a good job, John?". He looked at me and said "yes, I like it" and at that moment he placed a spoon of jam just above shin and dropped it. Steve did move up and started to lick and suck the jam of his hairy shin. John looked at me "wow, I did not expect this". "yes, John. When you lose a bet and deserve punishment yoe get it". And at the same moment I got a spoon full of jam and placed it above John his boxershort. John his eyes went big, but before he could react I dropped the jam right next to the opening in the boxersohort. I noticed Steve watched it from the corner of his eyes, but did not react to the new spot. "You better can get going boy, I know you have seen it" I loudly said. That did the trick. Steve went up to the crotch of his buddy and roommate. While he was licking the boxer it was clear John slowly got a hardon and his dickhead started to stick out of his boxer. I quickly walked behind John and when he noticed the situation he felt uncomfortable. Getting an erection of a friend licking him and he wanted to get up. I placed my hands on his shoulders and pushed him down. "Relax John and enjoy it". He looked up and at that moment Steve took his dick in his mouth. I saw John's eyes role in extasy. Is a young horny student it did not take long before he arched his back and blew his load. And Steve as a good slaveboy did as expected off him and took every drop. After Steve cleaned the dick he sat back down on the chair. John sat quiet and just kept looking straight ahead. "See boy, you did a great job. Your friend needs time to recover." I said with a laugh. Steve again got a red face. But I think John realized at that moment there was more going on then just a simple bet.

After breakfast John got his stuff together and was ready to leave. We all got together by the front door. "Ohh, here is your book Steve. I almost forgot." John said and looked at Steve for the first time after the blowjob. He continued "eh........ If you want you also can get back with me to our room." Probably he hoped to get more nice blowjobs from his friend. The silence was killing me. Then out of nothing Steve reacted "No, thanks. I think I will stay here. The workouts are hard, but deffinitly work for me". Wow I felt my hard race like hell. I did it, I made myself my own slaveboy. Then I continued "But John, now Steve is going to stay here" and I looked in Steve his deep warm eyes and smiled so he would know he made me happy "you can come over regularly to help him study and finish his college, would you like that?" John immediately hugged me and then he hugged Steve. We both waved at John with an open door. Steve was still naked, but did not bother if everyone could see him. I closed the door and it was clear I now have a slave boy and his friend comes over to play sometimes and I felt like I was in heaven. The end.


Thank you all for the many mails. I like to write but it also take's a lot of time. Due to work time is limited at the moment, so this for now is the last chapter.

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