Unexpected House Guest

By Jasper

Published on Oct 17, 2021


Unexpected house guest -- chapter 14

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The next morning I woke up after a bad night. I was too horny and troubled by the message John, Steve's roommate, could show up. After a few minutes laying there I got out of bed to let Steve out of his cage and bring him to my bed. When I opened the cage Steve crawled out and went to my bedroom without saying a word. He knew what he had to do. Wen I layed down he immediately removed my underwear and started to lick and suck my balls and dick. It was clear he started to get better at it and got used to it. Even now my mind was at the possible visit his attention and energy gave me pleasure and made my dick fully erect. Steve was really going for it and even took my dick deep in his throat and didn't let a gag reflex stop him. Wow, what a great slave boy I made of him. And then he did something new, when he got my dick fully in his throat he started to lick my balls with his tonque. That brought me over the edge. I wanted to hold back and stretch the moment, but I could hold it. And with a loud moan I shot my cum deep in Steve's throat. As a good boy he swallowed every drop and even sucked the last dops out of my dick. I padded him on the head "that was great boy. Thank you." Normally after our morning ritual he turns away as soon as possible, but this time he moved up a bit and placed his head on my chest and layed down. I placed my arm around him and asked "how did you sleep boy". He answered "Good, it is going better every night." It was obvious he referred to the chastity cage. "How many times you woke up by an attempting boner?" I asked. He started to play with my nipple and the hairs around it and said "Last night only one time". I smiled and played with his hair "Good, your body and mind are getting used to the fact it's needs permission. You are doing better and better. I am proud and believe your father also would be very proud." I noticed the words did him good, he stretched his back and said "Thank you master". We layed there for at least half a hour before I motioned Steve off me and got up to took a shower. While in the shower I thought of how this day would go and I decided to turn John away when he arrived. It was to much off a risk to lose my slave boy.

After my breakfast I cleaned up and watched Steve take the last piece of dogfood out of the bowl. I kept watching at his nice face, his his powerfull jawline moving when he chewed on the food. After a few seconds I said "When you are finished get you ass to the basement boy for your next workout session.". While he crawled away with his head down I noticed I hadn't mentioned the penalty points and Steve didn't ask. Probably because it was clear he wasn't going to get them down soon. For todays workout I had let myself inspired by something I saw on the internet. Down in the basement I started "Today you are going to train your legs and your lower abs. Go stand in the middle and stretch your arm in front of you". He did as ordered and said "yes master". When he stood there I removed his paw mits and placed suspension wrist cuffs. Finally a connected a chain to the cuffs and got a remote. I saw Steve had a questioned look on his face. "Relax boy" and I friendly slapped his face. When I pushed the remote a winch was starting to pull at the chain and slowly was Steve lifted from the ground. Wow he looked so hot. His chest was sticking out now when his arms where pulled above his head. I couldn't help myself and placed my hands on the side of his torso and started to caress his chest. I felt my balls pull up in my pants and my dick was erect again. The warmed soft skin and ribbs under my hands made my dick leaking again. I was snapped out of the moment when Steve said "Sir..". Quickly I continued and remove the chastity cage and placed a ball parachute. Then I took some small rope and order "lift your legs boy". I grabbed his feet and placed the rope around his big toes and finally secured it to the parachute. I stepped back a gave a good look. "By now you know you must keep your legs up boy or you will pull at your balls." I said with a sadistic smile. "Good luck boy" and I turned to get upstairs. Suddenly I heard Steve say "Sir, please don't leave. I don't know how long I can do this master." I continued walking and said "I know you can handle it boy. And if you don't then it is your problem." Upstairs I thought of how long I should stay up before I had to go back. Every time the first workout session it takes between 30 and 45 minutes before Steve had to stop. To make it a real endurance workout I decided to leave him for 60 minutes. A nice time to clean the house a bit.

After the 60 minutes I got downstairs again to see this hot boy hanging there. His whole body was glinstering of sweat. Steve looked up and I could see his eyes where wet. He was ready to break out in tears. The strain on his arms and shoulders must be painfull and his legs where pulling on his balls. He was struggling to keep his legs up high. His balls must be in severe pain. "Wow, you are doing great boy" I said to stimulate him. He answered "I don't have a real choice do I, master". And again he said master with a sound of anger in his voice. I release his agony and untied the rope from the parachute and let his down on the floor. "You did great boy, rest now and I will get you a bottle of water." I did as I said. When I was back with a small bottle Steve quickly drunk it empty and said "Master, may I have another drink sir. I am still thirsty." That begging look on his face gave me a sadistic idea "No boy, but if you are still real thirsty, I have a full bladder." I looked deep in his eyes. He looked shocked. After a few seconds I decided to give some more pressure "You may decide to take it now or at your second rest period.". Now his eyes showed panic and he frozed up. I made the decision for him and I opened my fly and got my semi hard cock out and said "open up boy and don't spill a drop". He slowly opened his mouth in disbelieve and I pushed my cock in. Slowly I started pissing and I felt a warm stream of piss leave my dick. First Steve hold some in is mouth so I said "Start swallowing boy. The longer you keep it in your mouth the harder it will get.". That was what he needed. I saw him press his eyes and his adam's apple move, he started to swallow. I increased pressure and my piss was leaving my body in a full hard stream. Steve really had to swallow quickly or my piss would flow out of his mouth. Looking at his eyes it was clear he did not like it, but I did not care. After I was done I pulled my dick out of his mouth and said "That wasn't that bad was it!" making sure it sounded like a statement and not like a question. Steve gave no reaction. I stood up and placed my dick back in my pants. After watching Steve for another 10 minutes I pushed the remote again and Steve was raised up in the air again. Problaby he feels his shoulder more then his legs and lower abs, but that will change soon enough. I ordered "Pull your legs up boy" and slowly Steve pulled his feet up. I tied the rope to the parachute again and said "Good luck for the second session. Make me proud". Back upstairs I decided to leave him for 30 minutes. This workout will be one of the most hard and painfull ones yet.

At 28 minutes I heard Steve scream in pain. In my first reaction I stood up and was ready to go down, but I stopped myself. Those last two minutes I can wait. When I finally went back to the basement at 30 minutes it was clear it had not have been any longer. The strain on his balls must have been enormous. Quickly I untied the rope and let Steve down. "Take a rest boy. Do you want another drink?". In a quick respons he said "no". Probably he was afraid he had to drink piss again. The mind fuck must have been extreme for him, because he could know my bladder couldn't fill up so much in 30 minutes. Of course I did not explain that fact to him and that he could have a botle of water. I let him rest for 15 minutes and then he had to continue his workout. That last time I decided to let him have 20 minutes, but instead of going back up I placed myself in front of him. After 12 minutes his legs made shocking motions. I saw him fighting to keep his legs up, but slowly they went lower and lower. Pulling his balls more and more. I expected him to start begging, but he did not. Maybe he realised it does not help. At 16 minutes he started to scream and I felt pre cum flowing out of my piss slit. The longer It took the more and louder Steve started to scream. It was hot to see him struggle and at 20 minutes I let him continue a few minutes more. At 22 minutes he could not hold his legs up and let go. He screamed out loud, the pull on his balls most have been enormous and very painfull. At that moment I felt myself cumming without touching myself. After a few seconds I recovered and released Steve. "Wow, Steve. I understand it was hard, but hell you did a good job". Steve lay exhausted on the floor when I said "stay and rest I will get you later". I left upstairs to clean myself. In the bathroom I decided Steve also could use a bath after this hard workout.

I turned on the water, making sure it was almost cold water. Not that cold that you would freeze and start trembling, but just enough not to be comfortable. While the bathtub was filling I went down to get Steve. He still layed there exhausted on the ground. Where a slave boy should be. I removed the ball parachute and the suspension wrist cuffs. "Come boy, it is time for you to take a bath." Steve tried to get up, but his arms and legs were not going to obey. Placing his arm around my shoulder and my arm under his other arm, we got up. It was clear I had to help him. When we reached the bathroom I helped him put his firs leg inside the bathtub. His first reaction was to pull back for the cold water, but I hold him there and even pushed a little so he had to get his other feet also in the bathtub. "Sit down boy" I ordered. He looked at me and said "The water is a bit cold sir.". I placed my hand on his shoulder and pushed him down while I said "I know boy, but now you are out of chastity I don't want to get you too comfortable and get a boner." He looked at me and sat down. I turned the water flow so the water came from the showerhead and sprayed Steve wet. He gasped for air, but did not move. I said "Good boy, give it a minute and you will be used to the temperature." and I turned off the water. Now I took the soap and started to soap and wash his whole body. It was so stimulation hot. Feeling his body and strong mussles, while he sat there like a little boy which is washed by an elder. The feeling of control made my juices flow again. I wondered if Steve would resist at any point. So I let my hand go to his crotch. Slowly washing his ballsack and his dick. Steve let me without moving or saying a word. I even could clean his sensative dickhead. I knew I had to stop when I felt his dick slowly grow under my touch. I ordered him to stand and started to wash his ass. Still wondering a let my index finger play with his whole. Still no respons. Slowly I pushed my finger in his ass. Now I got a reaction, he pushed his cheeks together and said "is that really nessecary sir?". I had to react and said "Shot up boy, I decide was is nessecary. Relax you whole boy". Steve turned his head and relaxed so my finger was free to go in and out of his ass. Deeper each time. At one moment I looked at the mirrow and I could see Steve had an enormous hard on. That was not what I wanted so I quickly stopped and let him sit down again. I turned the water back on, but this time I made sure it was only cold water. I washed the soap of Steve and the cold water did his job. His dick was soft again. I liked the idea to have control of his pleasure and discomfort. I felt my precum flow again and with this rate I ran would out of clean underwear soon. "Stand up boy" I ordered and when he did I started to dry him off. Before he was free to move around I placed the chastity cage and the paw mits back on him. "Go to the kitchen boy" I ordered. And while I was cleaning the bathroom I only could think of his hot body under my control.

Next: Chapter 15

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