Unexpected House Guest

By Jasper

Published on Oct 14, 2021


Unexpected house guest -- chapter 13

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I felt great after my huge load of cum. I felt my legs tremble, but I forced myself to clean the wall before my cum dried and it would be hard to get it off. After cleaning I got myself a drink and sat down. While sitting I started to think of Steve, still bound in the basement with alligator clips on his nipples. They hurt when put on and after a while the pain will be subside, but his nipples certainly will be painfull when the aligator clips will be removed and the blood start flowing again. The thought of it made my cock erect again. I noticed I could hardly wait to get down to see that hot boy laying there for me to with. To free him off the clips and give him agony. I quickly stood up and went down to the basement. When I arrived Steve lay there with his eyes closed. His bronzed skin was glinstering of sweat. I placed myself between his legs and when I placed a hand on his thigh Steve moved and got aware of my pressence. "you did great Steve, that was a hard workout for your biceps. I am proud of you" I said and winked to him. I removed the alligator clips of the metal ring and then the metal ring itself. To get the blood flowing I started to massage his balls and soft dick. I expected Steve to tense up, but he didn't so I started to massage his balls harder. I could feel his balls move around in his ballsack and gave more pressure to stop them moving away from my fingers. Steve reacted a little by moving his hips, but still lay still and accepted me playing his balls and dick, like a good slave boy. I asked "are you alright boy?". He turned his eyes away ans said "yes master I am fine". On that moment I gave more pressure and tried to rolls those nice balls in my hand. Steve arched his back. "Good to hear you fine boy" I said with a smile. Then I placed a chastity cage, but this time one with small spikes inside. So when his dick tries to get hard the spikes will push deep in his skin and will give the necessary discomfort. The moment I pushed the cage further on his dick to lock the padlock I saw Steve face tense and lift his head. He tried to see what was different, but didn't say anything. He must have felt the spikes. I let him and had no intention to tell him.

After putting the paw mits back on his hands I replaced myself next to his well build torso. One hand I placed on his stomach. It felt so great, the outline of his hard stomach muscles made me want to freeze the moment. "Steve, I have to remove the alligator clips now. It will hurt, certainly when the blood starts to flow. You are allowed to scream, but I want you to thank me for removing them. Is that clear." Steve looked at me in disbelieve and said "so in a sence to thank you for hurting me, .... master". He said the word master with some anger in voice. I smiled and said "yes, you also could interpred it that way.". I placed my fingers on one of the alligator clips and asked "are you ready boy?". Steve took a deep breath and answered "yes master". At that moment I removed the clip. Steve pushed his head backwards and started to breath deeply. With my finger tips still near his nipples I started to rub his nipple, forcing the blood to move and created intence nipple pain. When I did Steve started to scream outloud. My erect dick jumped in my shorts and I felt my juices flowing. I said "This will help boy" and I started to lick and suck his nipple. After a while his breathing got normal and he slightly started to moan, so I stopped and said "aren't you forgetting something boy?". Steve looked at me and reluctantly said "Thank you master for removing the alligator clip". I padded him on the head and said "good boy". Without giving any warning I removed the other clip and Steve gave a scream. I quickly started to rub the nipple and Steve started to scream louder. I felt a wet spot forming in my underwear. When I saw a tear run over Steve his face, I started to lick and suck that nipple. After a while a stopped and placed my face just in front of his. "Well boy, what do you say!". "Thank you master for removing the alligator clip" Steve said almost wispering. "That didn't sound sincere. Kiss me and try again". I saw fear in his eyes, but without saying a word he gave me a big kiss on the mouth. He said "Thank you very much master for releasing me of the alligator clips" and kissed me again. I responded by saying "Thank you boy for those kisses, you did great. I will release you now so you can drink and eat something." And so I did. I needed to help him get on his feet. His arms where trembling. I questioned myself 'should I let him crawl or walk?'. I decided he had enough discomfort for the moment and said "you may walk normally for now boy". He looked at me and said "thank you master". I helped him up the stairs and into the kitchen. There I sat him down on the floor next to his food and drinking bowl.

Later in the afternoon I called Steve "Boy come here!" and I saw Steve came crawling out of the kitchen. "Stand up boy" and Steve did as ordered. "I agreed to your father that I would give you a spanking for being disobedient. So get over my knee boy". I tried to look stern, but that was difficult because Steve looked so nice and nervous. He even had moved his paws to his butt, like protection those round firm butt cheeks. After a few seconds he slowly walked towards me and started to place himself over my knees. I felt the warmed of his body and got an instant hard on. He must have felt it, but didn't react to it. With one hand I stroke his hair and got back to his neck, where I increase pressure. Wack, my other hand hit his nice round cheek. Wack, now I hit the other cheek. I let my hand caress his cheeks and then continued spanking him. The longer I spanked him the more he tried to move and protect himself. I grabbed his arm and hold it on his back. Slightly pushing it to his head and I keps spanking him. After a few more hits he suddenly yelded "stop, I am not a little child anymore that have to get a childish spanking". It took me by surprise, but it gave me a new idea and said "You are right Steve. You are way to big and heavy to put over the knee. Stand up and let's go to the kitchen.". Steve stood up and started walking and rubbed over his slightly reed butt. I liked it. In the kitched I ordered "bent over the table boy" and tried to sound as angry as possible. He looked at me in disbelieve so I quickly repeated myself "bent over the table boy". He finally responded and tried to say something "ahh...". Before he could finish I shouted "Shut the fuck up boy". I grabbed some rope and started to bound his wrist to one of the table legs. Then his other wrists to the other table leg. Finally I bound his ankles so his legs where somewhat spread and his ass was high up in the air. Steve layed there sillently waiting for what was comming.

I continued "You where so right boy, over the knee is childish. You are a real man now and should receive a real man punishment." I removed my belt and now Steve reacted "Please sir, no stop, that was not what I ....." Whack. The first hit with the belt made a dark red mark over both his cheeks. I continued and I could hear the belt rushing through the air before it hit again. Steve tried to get away but was tied firmly. He looked so hot doing that. His back muscles looked like metal wires under his skin. I continued and after a few more hits his ass was hot and red. Steve was trembling on his legs and was weeping. I liked it and continued with more power. Each time I let myself go more and before I knew it I wasn't holding back. Steve his ass was shining brightly red and he was trembling all over his body. I heard Steve cry out loud and got some regret for hitting him so hard. The idea made me stop. I grabbed his hair and pulled his head back and I said "Did you learn you lesson boy?". "Yes, master thank you for teaching me a lesson." Steve said. Wauw, that was a surprise. He turned out to be a beter slave boy then expected. I picked up the phone and called Frank. Frank answered the phone "hello". "Hello Frank, I promissed to punish your son and you wanted to see the result. So if you are available go upstairs and look out of your window. I will bring Steve outside so you can see". Frank continued "That is perfect. Everyone else in the house is ill and sleeping so I am available. Hope you haven't hold back and really punished him.". "Don't worry Frank. I didn't pretend. He is a real man and can handle a good punishment now." While I said it I was troking Steve his hair. Frank responded "Good to hear. I will see you in the garden and Thanks. Oh before I forget. John, Steve his college roommate called that he is coming over to bring some books. He couldn't get a hold on Steve. I told him to go to your place. He is tested negative. So it will be save. Hope you don't mind". That was not what I wanted. How should I play this unexpected development, I didn't want to inform Steve in any way so I said "Ohh, See how to deal with that later. Thanks for the warning Frank". We hang up and I started to release Steve from the table. He immediately started rubbing his ass. I slept him on the back of his head. "Stop Rubbing, your father needs to see you had a punishment" and while I said it I hit his cheeks with my bare flat hand. That much have sting, because my hand did. I pushed Steve into the garden and ordered him to put his paws behind his head and turn so his dad could see his red ass. With some hesitation he did as ordered. Then I saw his father behind the window smiling and signing that he was content with the punishment. While Frank seemed to be straight he kept looking lustfull and smiling to his naked good looking son. After a While I found it was enough and ordered Steve to go inside. When Steve passed the door I waved to Frank and also walked inside.

Inside I walked to Steve and gave him a big hug. He needed and deserved it. It was a heavy spanking and a humiliating experence. Steve embrassed me and placed his head in my neck. It gave me goose bumps. We stood there for a while before I said "Go to the living room and lay down on the couch. I will get some oil for your ass. It will help bring down the burning feeling". He nodded and walked away. The next hours I was robbing that beautifull burning round cheeks. Later that night we watched a movi and because Steve had trouble sitting down he layed on top of my chest. I liked the warmed of his body. I kissed him on the forehead and placed a arm around his naked body. The idea of this hot slave boy seeking comfort in his masters arms, made my dick grow again.

Next: Chapter 14

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