Unexpected House Guest

By Jasper

Published on Sep 6, 2021


Unexpected house guest -- chapter 11

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When it was time to go to bed Steve suddenly asked me "Can I please sleep without the chastity cage master. It is hard to sleep and I really need to rest?" I looked at him and answered "Let me think off it a moment". All kind of things went through my mind and I god an idea. I let Steve wait for the answer and just before he stept in the cage for the night. "Alright Steve, go and lay on your back with your arms above you". He did as ordered. I wrapped his wrists with some rope and tied them to the corners of the cages. Because he had the mits on with weights he wasn't able to get out of them. "Bend your knees boy" and he again did as ordered. I ropped up his ankles and tied them to the other corners of the cage. I saw that Steve was nervous. I placed a hand on his thigh and went up and down. "Relax Steve, you wanted out of the chastity one night. Of course I can't do that without precautionary measures." Then I unlocked his meat from the chastity cage. Steve made a sigh of releave. "Of course Steve. You took a relax day and even cum without permission. So that will have consequences." He lifted his head and looked at me with fear in his eyes. Then he saw me pick something up and asked "What is that.....master". I smiled and said "This is a ball parachute." I did not give more explanation, because I wanted Steve to feel nervious. I placed the ball parachute on his ballsack and pulled his skin so his big balls were nice and tight in the parachute. His balls looked so nice I couldn't help myself playing with them. I ran my nails over his tight skin and heard Steve gasp for air. Then I placed a rope on the chain of the parachute and threw the other end of the rope over the top bars of the cage. While closing the cage I said "Off course when working out you get your points down, so for this night you can also get your points down. For every 2 minutes you will stay in the cage this night you get a point reduction." He looked at me and his eyebrows told me he was questioning what I ment. Then I started to pull the rope very slowly so I was pulling his balls up. To relieve the pressure he had to raise his hips more and more. After a while he raised his hips so high he was almost on his toes. At that moment I wrapped the rope around the bars so it would stay in place. When I turned to leave the room it became clear to Steve that he wasn't to get any sleep and said "Please sir don't let me like this, please..." He knew if he relaxed and let his hips down he would pull his own balls. I kept walking and said "Sleep well boy". Knowing very well he wouldn't. When I reached my own bed I set the alarmclock at 5:30 and layed down thinking off this hot slave boy and fell asleep nicely.

I woke up by the alarmclock and felt very relaxed. I set the alarmclock because I wanted to get out of the house, but ofcourse to a place where not many people would. Thinking of Steve was helping to loose my morning wood so I got out of bed to see Steve. When I openen the door I saw him fighting the pain in his legs and his balls. He was breathing heavy and very sweaty. His legs were trembling. Not so strange after this endurance workout for 6 hours. I release the rope and slowly let go so Steve could let his hips down. "So how was your workout boy" I asked. With a crying voice he answered "hard master, my muscles ace, my balls are in pain and I haven't got any sleep.". I looked him in the eyes, smilled and winked "So you are doing fine". I quickly released him of the parachute and replaced the chastity cage. Then I removed all the ropes and his mits. "Boy come with me. I am horny again and I want you to do the thing you did yesterday morning." He only looked at me and wispered "yes master". He slowly came out of the cage and crawled behind me to my bedroom. In bed he placed himself between my legs and started to lick an suck my balls. After a while I couch and he took the sign and went up for my dick. His hot wet lips felt great again. I was almost ready to shoot my load and he felt it and wanted to back down a litte. I quickly grapped his head and said "No boy, stay and take it." He had no choise and kept his warm mouth on my dick. And then I shot my warm jizz in his throat. Like yesterday my dick was so deep in his throat the only thing he could do was swallow. After that Steve kept licking my dick clean and I rubbed my hand through his hair. "Well done boy. I am proud of you. You help me and I help you to get your points down. And you do it like a pro. I even like it so much from now on this will be our regular morning routine." He lifted his eyes and looked at me with anger. I only smiled and said "What do you think of that boy?" He knew he had no choise and answered "yes, sir". I got out of bed and took a shower. Leaving Steve in bed so he could rest a bit. In the shower I questioned myself what else I could let Steve do. When I was finished and dressed I woke up Steve "Come boy, let's eat"

After breakfast I gave Steve permission to walk up straight and ordered him to come with me to the garage. In the garage I said "Get in the car boy, we are going out". He hesitated so I asked "What is wrong boy?" He answered "I can't master I am naked". I looked at him and said "I know boy. Now get in the car". He replied "But sir, if we go outsite my family can look from upstairs into the car and they would see me naked.". I laughed "Then you better hope they won't look outsite the same moment we leave boy. Now get in the car or do I have to punish you?". He got in the car and closed the door. I got in and with a remote I opened the garage. In the corner of my eye I saw Steve place his hands in front of his crotch. Immediately I ordered him to place his hands beside him and drove outside. Reluctantly he did as ordered. After we got of the driveway the garage door closed behind us. "I thought it would be nice to get out of the house for a moment boy. So we go to the nearby beach to get a walk.". Steve was moving around in his seat and it was clear he was uncomfortable. Not surprising when you are naked in a car and everyone who passed by could see him. And now he also knew we were going for a walk at the beach. After a quiet drive of 11 minutes we got to the beach. When I parked the car, exspecially not to close to the beach, Steve got more and more nervous. I turned towards him and grabbed a bag of the back seat. I gave it to him and said "You can wear that Steve.". He looked at me and opened the bag. He took out a light blue swimshort with small palmtrees on it. "It is early and there aren't many people, but we are not alone so put it on boy" I said. He did as ordered and after he did we got out of the car. I was a chilly early morning. I got a sweater, but Steve only walked in a swimshort. I noticed the cold breeze made his nipples to stick out. We started walking. At the beach we first had to get by some pebbles before he got to the sand. Steve not wearing any shoes had some trouble getting over them. After a few minutes we saw someone aproching with a dog. I noticed Steve got nervous again so I said "What the matter boy?". He answered "I walk only in a swimshort on a cold morning, what would they think." while he looked at the person walking toward us. I smiled and placed an arm around his shoulders "don't worry boy, they probably think you are here for a swim.". I felt the warmth of his skin and it felt nice. It didn't made him less nervous, but I kept walking anyway and with my arm over his shoulder I pushed him forward. After 20 minutes we past several people and Steve got more relaxed. Then we turned around and went walking back the same way.

When we were almost at the end of the beach I stopped walking. Steve turned around and looked at me. "you haven't cleaned yourself for a while boy, so now you are going to take a swim and clean yourself a bit" I said. He looked at the water and said "but it is cold sir". With a more stern voice I said "I don't care, get a the water now". He did as ordered. It was clear the water was cold, every step I could see he was breathing deeply. He pulled in his stomach showing his sixpack on that nice bronsed skin. After a while he was in too his armpits when he suddenly let himself go down under. When he came up he started to swim a litte before he stood up and washed his armpits. It looked bad, but he tried to comply with the order. When he came out I saw him trembling off the cold so I said "let's get back to the car quickly." Just before we walked up to the parkinglot I stopped Steve and said "Get out of those wet swimshort boy so you can warm up." He quickly looked afraid around. It was another 50 metre before we would reache the car and we had to pass some parked cars, but it was mostly open space. "But sir, I will be naked then" he said. I said "You better hurry boy or they will see you" and I looked at the enterance off the parkingspace where just a car pulled up. I never saw Steve move so fast. He pulled the short down and threw it to me and started running to the car. Seeing that ass shake while he tried to run was hot and I wanted to slap those cheeks. Of course I had not opened the car yet, but when he reached the car he immediately tried to open it. He quickly looked at me and then moved his head to see where the entering car was. I smiled and kept slowly walking to the car. The moving car was getting closer and Steve had to walk more to the back of the car so they wouldn't see him nacked in a chastity cage. Finally I unlocked the doors and Steve quickly openen the back door and got into the car, laying down on the back seat. I got a towl out of the trunk and also went to the back seat. "Come and sit against me Steve so we can get you warmed up" while I wrapped the towl around him. He got up and placed his back against me. I wrapped my arms around his cold slim body and tried to comfort and warm him. We sat there for 40 minutes before we heart other people get to their car. Steve quickly pulled the town and placed it before his crotch. We waited till that car left and then I said "give me the towl and take your seat so we can leave." I took the towl and we both got out of the car to get to the frontseats. Steve still naked, kept looking around. I quickly got in and locked the door just before Steve could open it. "Please sir, please open up" he said while he looked at me with some puppy eyes. I unlocked the door and laughed. Steve got in the car and we drove back home.

It was not long before Steve fell asleep in the car. He didn't even noticed we got home and drove by his parents house while he was naked in the car. After I parked the car in the garage and closed the garage door I woke up Steve. "Come boy wake up we are home." He woke a little and I helped him out of the car and to the living room. I sat down on the couch and I took Steve in my arms. It took a few seconds before Steve fell asleep again. Probably the sleep deprevation and warm enviroment after a cold period made him fall asleep. It was so nice to have this young stud against me. He had placed his head in my lap with his face to my crotch. I felt my dick twitch. I started to play Steve his neck and torso. He was so tired that he did not woke up. We stayed there a few hours before it was time for lunch and I decided it was time for him to wake up. "Come Steve wake up and let have lunch". He slowly woke up and I noticed his soft limp leaked pre cum while it was in the chastity cage. "Come Steve let's go to the kitchen. You still have permission to stand up straight and because you did so well this morning I give you permission to eat at the table." And so we did.

After lunch I said "Steve, clean up your bowl and my dish. I will see you after that down stairs in the basement." He acknowlegde the order by saying "yes master". I padded him on the head and said "good boy". I quickly went down to the basement and took some heavy bondage straps and a chair. I just placed the chair in the middle off the room when Steve walked down. "Good, you are right in time" I said. Steve looked around and I noticed he didn't tense up that much as usual. Even when he saw the leather bondage straps. I believe he is getting used to being abused. He is starting to thrust me and probably believe I will not torture him. Ohh is he wrong. I ordered "Steve sit down on the chair." And he did. This time I didn't bother to sush his mind by explaning what I was doing. I just started to bound his legs and arms to the chair so he couldn't move. When he was bound I walked behind him and picked up a black ball gag. With one hand a grabbed his chin and pulled his head a bit backwards. "Open you mouth boy". He looked in my eyes and did as told. I quickly placed the ball gag and fastened it behind his head. Stil standing behind him I placed my hand on his pecs and nipples and started to massage them. While I touched his soft warm skin Steve started to moan. I replaced myself between his legs and started to remove the chastity cage. To get him more eroused I started to play softly with his balls. It looked like his dick had his own memory and started to get hard. I softly started to play his shaft and after a while I let my finger tips run over his pink dickhead. A clear drop of precum oozed out of his dick and he was moaning loudly. I kept going and then I saw his balls tense up and his breathing got deeper. I quickly stopped. "No no boy. You are not allowed to cum." After a while I started to play again. This went on for several times. His balls must been hurting like hell with all that stimulation and no release. By now Steve was reguarly trying to ask "Please master let me cum" while spit was dripping out of his mouth. The ball gag did it's work very well. I kept going for a total of 5 hours. His dickhead was red and more and more sensative. By then Steve was crying and pleading to let him cum. "What't that boy. You want to cum.? " Of course I already knew the answer. " yes, pleeeeeaaaaase let me cum" he answered. I continued "But you do know that if I let you cum, you again will get a 1000 points penalty and have to stay my slave much longer?". It was so obvious. "Yes, I know master. Please let me cum." more crying then saying. At this point he would promisse me anything just for emptying his balls. I made sure there was a moment off silence before I said "Alright boy I will go on for 5 minutes. If you don't cum within that time, you lost your permission. " He knodded his head and I started to play his dick and balls again. He was so horny it didn't take long before I saw his balls tense up again. I pushed his dick towards his chest, so if he shot his load I was not targetted. Then thick white cum flew in his face and on his pecs. Now the real torment could get started. I kept jerking his dick and felt my own balls tense up. I kept polishing his already red and super sensative dickhead. Now Steve was bucking around in the chair pleading me to stop. I kept going and said "You don't know what you want. First you didn't want me to stop, then I give you 5 minutes and you want me to stop. Sorry boy you get your 5 minutes." And I kept going polishing his head. By now he was crying, sweating and moving around. I kept going for the full 5 minutes and then stopped. I looked at this hot body in front of me with cum all over him. I took out the ball gag and asked him "Are you thankfull for letting you cum boy.". He knew what to answer and so he did while tears still ran over his face "Yes, master. Thank you very much.". I stepped back and said "You did very well boy. Now take a rest." and I left upstairs. As soon as I could I started to jerk my own meat and it didn't take long before I cum.

Next: Chapter 12

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