Unexpected House Guest

By Jasper

Published on May 11, 2020


Unexpected house guest -- chapter 1

This story is fiction and has sexual acts & language between men. If material of this nature offends you, or it is illegal in your jurisdiction for you to view it, DO NOT READ any further. Please send your comments to: reepjasper@hotmail.com DON'T FORGET: Nifty needs your donations to keep this service free!

When I was working in the garden, I suddenly heard my neighbour Suzan calling me from over a large distance. We live more than 100 meters of each other, so mostly she walks over to the gate. But now during this Corona virus we all try to keep our distance. I acknowledge her calling with an almost shouting voice "Hi, Suzan". "I want to let you know we are going in quarantine for two weeks. A co-worker of Frank has Corona". Frank is her husband and works at the local bank office. I asked "Oh, Suzan that is terrible to hear. Hope you do not feel ill and stay healthy. How is your daughter holding up? And do you need groceries? ". "We are still fine thanks for asking. We have enough food for at least six weeks. So we are fine. Now school is closed, Sharon is bored and has a terrible attitude. Timing is bad, at this moment Steve is coming home from college. College is also closing now. I tried to call him, but can't reach him anymore."

Steve is their son and is I believe nineteen now. Last time I saw him was at least six months ago at the gym. He just started working out and forming a muscular body. While I just turned thirty, I daydreamed sometimes off Steve being available for me.

I asked " Where is he going to stay?". "That is the problem. Now we are in quarantine he can't stay here and we do not have another place for him." The way she said it was with a packed question if Steve could stay with me and I felt my heard beat harder, Yes of course he could. But I didn't wanted it to sound eager. "If you are in a need Steve can stay here at my place, as a single man I have room enough.". "Oh, that would be great, thank you Jasper." And she walked back inside.

I kept working in the garden. After about 45 minutes I heard a car pass by and stop next door. While sitting on my knees I tried to look thru the hedge. It was a taxi and .........my heart stopped for a moment. There Steve got out of the car. The youngster became a hot tall man with blond hair, nice tanned face and muscular jawline. While he picked up his bag the lines of his biceps where shown thru his jacked. The look of him made me pop a boner. I had to play this cool, but the thought of this hottie staying with me for at least two weeks made my mind spin around.

Before Steve could walk to his front door, I heard a window pop open on the second floor. Suzan hanged out of it. She greeted Steve and brought him the bad news that they were in quarantine and he could not get in. Steve just moved in front of a thick place in the hedge so I couldn't see his reaction, but I could hear him say "But where do I have to stay then?" "Next Door. Jasper offered to let you stay. I think you would like that. Close to home and you love to work out. I believe he has his own gym build in his basement now. Be a good boy a go stay over there." I had no idea she was watching me so closely. I was sure I never told her I placed a gym in my basement. "Alright I will" Steve said. I waited for a moment so he will be closer, then it was time to stand up and act like I hadn't heard what happed. Of course Steve knew I heard. Suzan was shouting so loud it could not been missed. "Hi Steve, welcome back." "Hi, Jasper. So I have to stay over here" he said. "Yes, you can. The door is open, let me put this away and I will meet you." He passed me to the door and I watched his firm butt thru his trousers. It was good I had to put my things away, so I could lose my boner before I met him.

While entering the house I heard Steve walking around. I walked straight to the kitchen and started to wash my hands. Steve walked right behind me into the kitchen. While drying my hands I asked "Would you like something to drink Steve?". "Yes, please" While getting some glasses I said "Over here are glasses and plates. Over there you can find all kind of snacks and in the fridge are the drinks. A soda is fine?". He answered "Yes, please". "Because your mother asked me just an hour ago, I hadn't had time to clear a room. So I will get an airbed out and you sleep in my room. Sorry about that." He looked a bit disappointed and clearly hoped on some privacy but still answered "That is fine, in college I also have to share a room.". We finished our drinks and then I showed him the whole house. Not completely true, I kept him from a closet in the basement where I keep some personal toys. While showing he stayed polite but it was clear his wasn't impressed. That changed when we arrived at the basement. He walked around the gym equipment and his mood lighted up. "wow, man this is great stuff it is even better then at my gym". And we started talking about working out. At one moment when we were back in the kitchen he asked "Can I go to my parents and ask some clothes and things? I haven't brought with me cause I thought I wasn't necessary.". "Sorry Steve, It is not allowed. No one and no things may leave the house". He continued "Can you bring me to the mall then so I can buy some?". My mind was spinning, was this a way to put this situation to my hand. And before I knew It I answered "No, sorry. Also the mall is closed. We only can get groceries. I am somewhat bigger, but you could use some of mine." He was disappointed and impulsively said "I don't like clothes that hang loose and are too big.". "Then you are lucky it is not to cold and there are only us men in house, so you can walk naked. I go and repair the front gate in the garden." During the conversation I had slowly felt my dick starting to get hard again, so this way I could quickly walk away while Steve looked stunned. That was not what he expected.

When I was finished it was almost time for dinner. When I walked in Steve was watching some TV. I said I was going to start dinner and he immediately stood up and said "I will help you". During preparing and dinner we talked a lot so we get know each other better. After dinner he did the dished and I was got his bed ready. After watching some TV together he said "I will go to bed, it was a long day for me.". I nodded and said "sleep well". I waited a while and then I couldn't hold myself. What a hunk is Steve and in my mind I was playing with him. I opened my trouser and my boner popped out. The head already shinning of the pre cum. I started pumping and playing. It did not need long before I felt my balls pull together and thick jizz flew in the air and hit my face. Wow two more weeks. I cleaned up a bit and went to my bedroom. I saw Steve was already asleep and laying on his back. One arm above his head, his other on his nice chest with very good looking firm pecs. He wasn't al covered and I saw the nice flat stomach with the light outlines of a six-pack. Chills went through my body. One of his legs came out of the blanked so his firm muscled leg was showing. I wanted to get down and get my hands over his hairy legs. I quickly stopped my mind and while undressing I told myself "I don't even know if he has a girlfriend or if he is gay, so stop making yourself crazy". And with the hot looks of Steve I fell asleep.

Next: Chapter 2

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