Unexpected Health Club Benefits

By Mark Hall

Published on Feb 6, 2018


That night we slept in the bed together with Malcolm wearing sweats and a T-Shirt while I went naked. He woke up in the middle of the night, urinating then returning to bed. The night had cooled considerably so covers were necessary. With the size of Malcolm, and my own stocky frame, our bodies could not help but touch.

"Come here boy," said Malcolm, holding up his arm. Assuming he wanted me to get closer, I laid my head on his massive chest. He wrapped his arm around me, then kissed the top of my head. The silence felt awkward. We were both wide awake and aware of each other but no conversation. I felt compelled to break it. A slight, musky odor came from his armpit, not unpleasant at all.

"Going to the health club with me tomorrow?" The next day was Monday, my customary beginning of the work week and health club routine.

"Depends on what time you are going."

"I wake up at five a.m. and get here by six."

"Too early for me," said Malcolm, kissing me on the head again, stroking my hair.

"Kind of figured that, but thought I'd ask. I usually see you there at around 7."

"If Richard is there I will play racquetball, if not I'll lift weights. But I'll take the bus, but first get some shut eye and go later," he said, continuing to stroke my head. His chest under my head felt solid, his extended nipple could be felt under his shirt, brushing my lips.

"Is Richard your friend?"

"No, we just meet at the racquetball court on occasion."

"Does he know about you?" I asked, knowing I may have crossed the line.

"That's not a conversation we have, James," said Malcolm, with a sarcastic tone. "So how many men are you doing there?"

I hesitated to answer, trying to be accurate but realizing that I had been quite busy the first month or so. "A few."

"I do know that you and Cole are getting it on, I assume he is fucking you."

This really caught me by surprise, that Malcolm knew Cole and his relations with me. "Yeah we are."

"That must stop immediately James. You have committed yourself to me, so no one else is to have you."

I was dumbfounded by his increasingly pretentious nature. Just a day ago I was single and enjoying myself at the health club and now I had someone in my bed who not only claimed me, but talked of me being his wife. I finally decided to stand up for myself. "I think that needs discussion, I mean we've only really know each other for a short while," I said, lacking confidence that I meant to deliver.

Malcolm got quiet, then turned to look at me. "Time to make a decision James," he said hoisting his big body up, causing the bed to roll and shake. "Look at me in the eyes," he said, turning on the lamp next to the bed. I looked him in his beautiful, almond shaped eyes set into his dark, ebony skin. "I told you earlier that you can tell me to leave anytime, didn't I?"

"Yes Sir," I said, acknowledging his superiority over me.

"Good. Now do you understand that if you do not cooperate with me, I will leave right now?"

I couldn't fathom having Malcolm leave. While things were changed too rapidly, I was enjoying the ride. "I do understand."

"So, James, tell me now. Are you going to be faithful to me?"

"Of course, Malcolm," said unconvincingly.

Malcolm shook his head. "Don't lie to me James, there will be consequences."

At this point I was beginning to feel intimidated and unnerved. He just threatened me with unknown fallout should I ever be untruthful to him. I had a history of lying to men to get me out of situations, but this was different. He was much smarter and intuitive than anyone I ever knew. "I will be faithful to you Sir," I said, knowing I was getting myself into unchartered territory of being faithful to one man.

Malcolm kissed my forehead. "Go get me some water," he said as he turned off the lamp.

I came back with the water to see Malcolm sitting up in bed watching TV. "And fix me a sandwich."

As instructed, I went into the kitchen and prepared him a sandwich, trying not to assume the worst which was that my life would become difficult and unmanageable in Malcolm's presence. But here it was a few hours from the time I was to wake up and get ready for the next day and I was busy satisfying Malcolm. The worst was that he seemed not to care about my needs.

I handed him the sandwich on a plate and got under the covers, turning my back to him and trying to get some sleep. For the next half-hour I could not sleep, hearing the television, him laughing and moving in the bed.

Finally, he shut off the television, got up to use the bathroom, then came back into bed and immediately put his hand on my bare ass. I could feel his breath on my neck, his chest hair tickling my back, then the heat of his cock growing against my ass. I pretended to be asleep, hoping he would stop and I could at least get a couple hours of shut-eye before going to the gym. Instead, Malcolm pulled the covers back, exposing my nakedness in the cool night air. While I was craving sleep, his seductiveness was taking over. He began to kiss and lick my back and neck, down to my ass where he spread my cheeks and tongued my hole which was still wet and loose from earlier that evening. I could not help but moan at the sensations.

"So, you are awake, pretending to be asleep," he said, stopping to reposition himself so that he was pressed up against my back, cock hard. "No matter, I'm going to give you another load." With that he roughly pulled me up, got behind me, and in on motion thrusted his cock inside of me. The pain was intense so I cried out.

"Should have had that pussy ready," said Malcolm as he slowly slid out, "You want this cock baby?" he whispered in my ear, his forearm pressing down on the back of my head. Before I could respond He delivered another hard thrust, driving my head into the headboard. Then there was a rapid succession of his thrusts as my head repeatedly banged the headboard. He moaned loudly just before I felt the throbbing as he deposited another load inside of me. After catching his breath, he pulled out, then rolled onto his side of the bed and was soon asleep.

Malcolm's snoring was extremely loud, causing me to be unable to fall asleep. I finally got up and laid on the couch, trying to get some sleep in, deciding I would not work out at the gym. About 3 hours later, I woke up, realizing that I had not set my alarm and was late for work. I quickly showered and dressed, checking in on Malcolm before I left. He was still asleep, snoring as loud as I had ever heard before.

Normally being on time and alert at work, people noticed I was tired and not focused. Several of my work buddies mentioned that I looked like shit and should go home. My boss, a very understanding woman, took me aside and asked if there was anything wrong. She noticed my clothes were not ironed, that I looked tired, and breath smelled of alcohol. She was sympathetic, ordered me to go home, but not to come in to work unprepared.

I decided to walk the 3 miles home, giving me time to think about the quick turn of events in my life. I had not planned to start any kind of relationship with Malcolm, but there was no denying that I was extremely attracted to him despite his challenging personality. A myriad of possibilities ran through my head, from asking him to leave, to becoming the woman he said I would. I decided to stick the course set by Malcolm, trust him, and experiment with the latter.

When I walked in, the apartment was the same as when I left. I could still hear him snoring so fixed myself lunch before going to bed, taking advantage of the time I had to myself.

I slid under the covers hoping not to disturb Malcolm, and get myself some much-needed rest. After waking up hours later, I discovered Malcolm was nowhere in the apartment. He had indicated he would go to the health club so I assumed that's where he was. After realizing I had not given him a key to the apartment, I left the door unlocked while showering. His bag was not there, and some clothes were strewn about. A few hours later, I was beginning to get worried so tried calling him, knowing he was no longer with his relatives, but it went straight to voice mail. Another deep sleep followed, but this time was interrupted by the door buzzer. Figuring it was Malcolm, I let him in.

"Hello," I said in a welcoming voice.

He had a serious look, put his bag down, and walked over to me. "What did I tell you about being clothed in my presence?" He took my chin in his hand while looking directly in my eyes. I felt like a child in his presence, not the wife I was hoping to be but disrobed anyway without question.

"Very good," he said, sitting on the couch and turning on the TV. "What's for dinner sweetie?"

"Really haven't had time to fix it yet, been catching up on sleep. They let me go early from work today because I looked so bad," I told him, hoping for some understanding.

"Well you did stay up late, which I take the blame for. But your ass is so irresistible James."

I continued to stand in the place where I took off my clothes, looking around my apartment, now our apartment, wondering how far this was going to go. I sat on the chair across from him, waiting to see his reaction.

"Come, sit next to me," said Malcolm, holding his arm out. I received a loving kiss on my head after he pulled me into him. I could tell he was in a very good mood. "You were very good last night, and this morning," said Malcolm, still kissing my head.

I kissed his chest through his shirt, showing my appreciation for his being kind. "Malcolm, I'd like to talk about things."

"Things?" he asked. "Can you be a bit more specific?"

"You and me. I mean, just a couple of days ago I was alone and free and now I sit naked next to a hot man in my place."

"Interesting. So, you need clarification about us. This is a good time for that. So, what is on your mind?"

"So much Malcolm," I said, looking at him.

"Well, before we begin, fix me a drink. I have something to tell you as well."

I was again concerned about his constant need to have a drink in his hand. It was obviously something to be discussed but not at that time. I came back with his drink and sat back next to him. "Where do you see us going in this relationship," I asked.

"It all depends James, while you are horny for me and I certainly am enjoying you, there are other aspects of a bond between two men," he said, sipping his whiskey, turning towards me. "So, let me ask you this, what is your motivation for taking me in, by the way, which is now our place, not yours as you stated earlier."

"That's pretty much what I mean. I did not anticipate having anyone else living with me, it's all so sudden."

"If, at any point James, you don't want me here I have told you I will leave. But you have not so I assume you want me here. We are now at the point when certain decisions are made."

"Agreed. So, I have heard you say that I could be your wife, yet I must be naked when around you. That confuses me."

Malcolm laughed. "There is so much you do not know about me, but we have time."

"I'm ready anytime, I want to know everything about you."

"Well. Let's see, you already know that my circumstances were far from ideal. But let's focus on the expectations I have from you. I am a master of boys, but you already knew that," he said, stopping for me to respond.

"No, I did not, but definitely am comfortable with that. I once had a master."

Malcolm smiled, saying, "Let's talk about the future, between us and let the past go. You will learn more about me as we go on."

I had the feeling he was hiding his past, but was pleased at his insistence that we talk about the time ahead of us. I had the same need. "Sounds good to me Malcolm. So, what is it that you want from me?"

"Interesting choice of words, James. It's not so much what I want from you, but what is it that you can do for me? You mentioned being a wife and having to be naked. What I expect from you is toughness, obedience, and someone to worship the ground I walk on. However, I also expect you to have certain feminine characteristics, loving, nurturing, loyal, attractive, and most importantly, good in bed. You have all that. So, at time you will be James, and others, you will be my loving wife, Jamie."

I could not begin to comprehend how to have all those qualities at one time. "I'm glad you think I have those qualities Malcolm, but it sounds as if I almost have to be schizophrenic."

"Oh, but you already do. I can tell you have a Jamie inside of you that wants to get out. I will do that, but really, it won't take much effort."

"But how will I know which one you want?"

"You will know, my dear," he said, stroking my hair. "But right now, I need my dinner fixed," said Malcolm, removing his arm from around my shoulder. "Now go."

"I'm afraid I am not a very good cook," I said, heading towards the kitchen, trying to think of something I can prepare that has received compliments in the past.

"That will have to change if you are to make your husband, and master, happy," said Malcolm as he grabbed my arm and pulled me back into him. I landed awkwardly, tripping over the table and falling hard onto his lap belly first. "You are clumsy fool," he laughed, rubbing his hands over my bare ass. He then slapped my ass forcefully, causing me to cry out in pain.

I got up, rubbing my behind, this time making it to the kitchen where I prepared us a spaghetti and meatballs dinner. As we ate dinner, Malcolm shared more with me about his life. He was married for 22 years and has eight children, all grown, and many grandchildren.

"When did you find out you liked guys also?" I asked.

"As long as I can remember," he said, finishing the last off his plate. "Been doing boys since I was a kid, but enjoyed pussy too.

I got up to clear the table, oddly uncomfortable with my nakedness." Can I get you anything else?"

"That'll be it baby, a glass of wine would be good."

"Malcolm, is it okay if I wear clothes around the house? I feel self-conscious."

"No way, I love the way you look naked, especially now that your ass is good and red. Now don't ask again."

While pouring the wine, I decided I would ask him about his heavy drinking. After setting both glasses down, I sat down across from him.

"Malcolm, I noticed you drink a lot of alcohol. I'm not judging but am concerned about your health."

"I can take care of myself James. Right now, I'm going to relax and enjoy the evening." Malcolm sat in the living room watching TV, watching crime shows while I read a book.

"I've got to get to bed Malcolm, can't miss tomorrow."

"You go on, will be in later. By the way, saw your man Cole at the gym today. You will not allow him to touch you again, nor will you approach him."

"Is there a problem?" I asked innocently.

"Yes, there's a fucking problem," he said angrily. "You're my bitch and no one touches you unless I arrange it."

I had a look of confusion on my face, and was angry myself. At no time did I agree to exclusivity, nor want it. We are at a definite crossroads. "We've only been together for 2 days, Malcolm. I want to be with you but at the same time, enjoy the company of others as well."

"No, not even to be considered," said Malcolm gulping down the last of the wine. "Now go to bed and leave me with my television."

I felt my tolerance had reached its saturation point, but was too weak to act up my anger. I obediently went into the bedroom, shut the door and got into bed. I then heard Malcolm open the door.

"Make sure your pussy is ready for my cock, I don't like mess," he said before closing the door. I felt like I was in for another long night and being sleep deprived.

While preparing myself and showering, I thought about Malcolm's aggressiveness and was getting an erection. He was taking me to places that I fantasized about, but making it real. I wasn't aware that men like Malcolm existed, much less have him in my apartment. Either this was becoming a dream come true, or a nightmare. I was admittedly excited about the prospects he proposed for me, and anxious to explore them. Malcolm came in, took a piss, and left without saying anything. Wondering if he was still angry, I got into bed and tried to fall asleep. I decided to get up and get a glass of water to see if his mood had changed. He was still sitting on the couch watching TV, large feet propped up on the coffee table. I walked over to him to apologize for making him angry.

"Sorry Malcolm that I upset you," I said, caressing his thick strong neck. He reached and brought one of my arms forward, kissing it.

"You cannot make me happy all the time, you will do and say things that upset me, but I get over it quickly. Come sit down," he said as he released my arm.

I sat next to Malcolm, put my head on his shoulder. He folded me into his body with his large arm, kissing the top of my head.

"What are you watching?" I asked, making small talk.

"The usual crime shows." There was a silence for a while. I felt his belly rise and down as he gently stroked my nipple. "So, we got to go get me a cell phone soon, figured we can go tomorrow and get on your plan. Then we get you some clothes for the evening."

"Not a problem," I said, knowing that I had a free line on my plan. "Not sure what you mean about evening wear."

"You kind of slow, aren't you? We talked about this James. Get you some sexy looking clothes, panties, negligees, heels, all that shit, didn't we?" he said, tugging hard on my nipple.

Although I remember having this conversation I didn't remember the shopping part. But I didn't want to anger him again so I agreed. "Yes, I'm sorry, we can go tomorrow."

"Come here baby," said Malcolm turning my face towards his, then kissing my lips gently. His lips were extremely soft and large, perfect for kissing, but the facial hairs had a habit of tickling my nose, so I sneezed.

"You mind if I trim your beard?" I asked.

"Not sure I want a white boy messing my hair, but yeah, I'll show you how. Fuck it up and I'll kick your ass."

"I won't, actually pretty good at it." I had some boyfriends in the past whose hair I cut and trimmed. I surprised many Black men by my grooming talents.

"Well you better get your ass back to bed to get some sleep, I'll be in later," said Malcolm. As I got up and headed toward the bedroom, I wondered had he remembered asking me to clean my ass.

Just as I was dozing off, I felt him get into bed with me. "Come suck my dick," he said, pulling his sweats down. It didn't take him long to grow to its full ten inches. His cock was curved upward and slightly to the side so I had to get in position to deep throat it, putting my ass near his face. I slowly pulled all of him into my mouth, massaging the head with my throat. Malcolm was moaning and telling me what a good bitch I was, fingering my ass.

"I'm going to bust this nut in your pussy baby, sit on Daddy's dick."

"Can I lube you up?" I asked, knowing how much it hurt with just my saliva.

"Do what you need to do," he said. I fumbled in the night stand drawer, going through all the sexual devices I accumulated until I found the high-quality silicone lube.

"Damn, how much shit you got in there?" he asked.

I started lubing up his stiff rod when he stopped me. "What you got in that drawer?" I was too embarrassed and horny to stop and show him, but he was insistent. "You're not going to tell me huh? That just makes me want to look. Pull all that shit out and show me."

I reluctantly started pulling out items and laying them on the bed. First, the 8" black dildo, then the anal beads, tubes of various lubes, rubbers, handcuffs, rope, butt plug, blind folds, various jock straps, cock rings, and my least favorite, the cock cage.

"What the fuck is that?" asked Malcolm when he saw the cage. I went on to explain, telling about a man I met who was into domination and wanted me in chastity. "Hell, that's something I'd be interested in you wearing, how does it work?"I was hoping we would get further into the relationship before introducing it, but I felt I had no choice. I really had no interest in wearing it again, and wished I had tossed it. I noticed Malcolm's erection was gone as he listened to me explain how it worked.

"Put that shit on," he said.

"Can we wait?" I asked.

I didn't expect it but, much to my relief, he agreed to not do it right then and there. He was interested in some of the other toys, particularly the anal beads. "Legs up bitch," he said as he stood beside the bed with the beads in his hand, turning on the bedside lamp.

I spread and rose my legs, waiting for the insertion of the beads. "Damn bitch, did anyone tell you, that you have one pretty cunt," he said as he rubbed has hand over my hole. "But this hair got to go. I want my bitch to have a smooth pussy." I loved the fact the Malcolm was so turned on by my ass, more than any other lover I ever had. I felt him slowly insert the beads until the last one was in, then slowly pull out. I looked up to see that his cock was dangling between his large thighs at least 7 inches, but getting hard. I was moaning with pleasure as he repeated it several times.

"Your pussy lips gripping it," he commented as he slowly pulled them out. Anal beads are one of my favorite sex toys and he was working it. After pulling them out he inserted the 8-inch, ultra-thick dildo which I didn't like so much because of the hard plastic. After begging him to stop he did and immediately entered me with his cock, locking lips on mine as he relentlessly pounded as I held him around his neck to keep my hole at a perfect position.

"Squeeze your cunt, bitch," he said as he was closer to orgasm. I clamped down the best I could on his cock and within minutes he was shooting inside of me. His sweaty body lie on top of mine as he spent himself, then kissing my forehead. When he pulled out, I could feel a rush of air followed by the warm liquid of Malcolm's seed. As had become the routine, I got on my knees and sucked him clean.

"What do you say to your master?" he said, asking, taking his large hand and placing it under my chin to look up at him.

"Thank you, Sir Malcolm," I returned, fully knowing my place.

"Good boy, one day, when you are my wife, you will thank me as your husband. Right now, go to bed and get some sleep."

I felt secure and safe with Malcolm. I was slowly becoming more comfortable when he referred to me as his future wife, regardless of the lack of clarity that brought. I immediately fell asleep, waking up at the sound of my alarm, my head on the massive chest of what I was hoping to be my future husband.

Next: Chapter 7

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