Unexpected Find

By Erik Jager

Published on Mar 24, 2015


The next few days went by the same as usual. I woke up early than I would like to get to the gym and complete my lifting, then join the lifeguards on the beach for our daily run and swim, then spend the day alternating between shifts on the beach and shifts at our HQ. All the while my mind was on those videos. I would play them through my head all day, then go home an crank out a few loads to them after my day lifeguarding was over.

On Friday afternoon I was in my stand on the beach scanning the water, but also the beach. I tended to keep an eye on the guys who I thought were really hot. My gaze was set far away out to the water when I heard someone at the base of the stand call up to me.

"Hey Van! Got a minute?"

The voice immediately brought my gaze back and I looked down a little startled. It was like he had heard my silent yearnings to try and casually run into him.

"Of course, Coach." I replied

I hopped down from my stand in one bound; when I straightened up I was looking at Coach Sims right in the eyes. He smiled and his blue eyes sparkled at me. I couldn't help but notice how he had changed since those videos he had made years ago. By this time I had them (at least the previews! I was 18 and broke) memorized. He was 6'1 with a very powerful build, around 195-200lbs of solid muscle. His brown hair was in the familiar close cropped cut that I had known from my time in high school and on his lacrosse team, his face; clean shaven. He stood there in an old Central High School Lacrosse t-shirt and a pair of gym shorts. His pecs, shoulders and arms filled the shirt out perfectly without giving it the appearance of being skintight. His flip-flops were in his left hand and he reached out with his right.

"Well, it looks like the lifting program they have you on is working out!" commented Coach Sims as he shook my hand and pulled me in for a bro hug.

"It is intense, Coach. I thought you worked us hard, but what they have me doing in the weight room is on another level. What brings you out here?" I asked trying to change the subject from my body in hopes of stopping my growing erection.

"Hopefully you've been keeping up with your stick skills. Don't want ya embarrassing the Central High name!" joked Coach Sims, knowing that I obsessively practice my stick work, footwork, as well as my strength and conditioning.

"Of course, Coach!" I replied motioning up to the stand where I kept a lax stick to practice with during my downtime on the job.

"That's the Van I know! Anyway, I'm here to see if you can swing a few days off next week. I'm running my camp and it would be great to have you work it with me, the guys on the team have a summer traveling tournament next weekend so they won't be able to work the damn thing like they usually do." Asked Caoch Sims

Normally in the summer, Coach Sims ran a lacrosse camp for kids in middle school. It was a way for him to help out young talent and also see where the future of his team lay. It was usually over a weekend, including Friday. He usually had his current varsity players work the camp to help teach the kids the basics of the game and some basic skills. This helped the guys on the team achieve the required community service hours (everyone in the district had to complete mandatory community service to graduate high school) to graduate doing something that they enjoyed. Needless to say, I was well verse in the camps, having attended as a kid and worked as an instructor as a high school varsity player.

"That would be a great time, Coach! I just have to check with my supervisor to see if I can get next Friday off." I exclaimed, blindly jumping at the offer to spend more time with my recently ex-coach.

"I already talked to Sam. She is an old student of mine, and she said it would be no problem to lose you for a day or two." Said Coach Sims with a wink.

I hastily agreed to work the camp and we exchanged a few other pleasantries before he made his way back through the beach and toward where his car was parked. I was so ecstatic the rest of the day flew by.

By contrast, the following week crawled. Everything felt like a grind and I finally just convinced myself that nothing would happen, Coach Sims was married with 2 young kids, whatever he had done on those videos was long in the passed. Forcing myself to realize this, I was able to put it out of my mind and finally stopped watching the previews and resumed my normal porn surfing habits. I was still extremely excited to work the camp since it was the sport I loved, and a man I admired, I had just realized that nothing would happen sexually between us. Though, needless to say, my crush on Coach Sims had been reinvigorated!

Friday finally came when my alarm blared at 5am. Like a zombie, I walked to my jeep and hopped in making my way to my old high school to use the gym for my workout. After 90 grueling minutes I quickly showered and made my way to the 3 practice fields where the camp was to be held. The 8-hour day instructing at camp flew by. I was in my element, on the field and teaching. Once the last of the kids was picked up from the school, Coach Sims and I packed in all of our equipment and began the trek back into the school.

"Well that was a long day. Definitely harder without the full compliment of guys here to coach the youngsters. Ya did well, a natural!" commented Coach Sims as we finished putting away the cones, agility ladders, mini nets, spare sticks, helmets and pads.

"I just love being out on the field, Coach." I replied as he locked the equipment room.

"Well, time to hit the showers, kid... think I got too much sun today... feeling drained..." rambled Coach Sims who was just thinking aloud as he made his way to the coaches' offices.

I began to walk towards the student locker room to grab a shower before heading out, when I felt a hand on my shoulder, "Whaddaya doing?" asked Coach Sims.

"Was gonna grab a shower before heading out..." I said more like a question than a statement.

"Well, you aren't a student anymore. Might as well shower in the coaches' offices. Plus that locker room takes a long time for the water to heat up." Suggested Coach Sims as he turned and walked away into the offices without waiting for my reply.

Instantly I backtracked and followed Coach Sims. I was very familiar with the coaches' offices. It was one big open space with different desks for each of the coaches, football, basketball, soccer, and lacrosse. There were a few TVs which is why I was familiar with the space, I had spent many hours in the room learning how to study game tape of myself and my opponents.

On the far back left corner of the largely square room was an opening to the coaches' showers. I had never dared to poke my head in there, but I heard the water running and Coach Sims must have heard me come in because I also heard a shout from the showers, "Van! Come on in, it's already heated up!"

I stripped quickly and put my towel around my waste, walking into the showers. It was a narrow corridor but fairly deep, at 6'3 I could put my hands out and touch both walls and four shower heads staggered on either side of the wall so that where two on each wall. I hung my towel up and took the showerhead closest to the opening to the office; Coach Sims was at the third showerhead down, leaving one as a buffer.

Coach Sims' back was to me as I walked in; it was broad, muscular, and chiseled. The muscles rippled under the soapy water as he lathered his back up. His back tapered down to his hard, perky, full ass, which was coated in a dark hair, which continued down his bulging hamstrings and cut calves.

I instantly threw wood just looking at his back! This was going to be a disaster! Quickly I turned around and began to lather myself up under my showerhead, trying to think about anything to get my mind off of Coach Sims. I closed my eyes and thought about the new tires I wanted to put on my Jeep before the summer was over.

"Toldya these showers heat up quick!" called over Coach Sims.

I looked up and over at him out of instinct at hearing his voice. He had turned towards me and was just finished soaping up his front. My erection immediately returned to full mast. I tried to angle my cock away from him so that he wouldn't see, but that it also wouldn't seem as though I was trying to hide it.

"Whattaya hiding there? Get a boner? I figured kids your age were just always whackin' it." laughed Coach Sims.

My face burned with embarrassment. I turned to face him and bared my erection.

"Wow, well, that would be a hard one to hide! No need to feel ashamed, men get erections." Smiled Coach Sims. His eyes twinkled as he smiled making my cock throb harder.

I just continued to blush and keep my eyes low. It was unlike me to be so quiet, but I was at a complete loss at what to say. I just stood there with the water coursing over my muscular naked body.

"Guess I should have taken care of it this morning." I finally stammered out.

"I got two kids now, I know the feeling. Relax, Van it's natural." Smiled Coach Sims as he returned to soaping up his body.

Now he spent a few extra seconds lathering his cock, and it began to spring to life. He slowly began to stroke his lengthening cock with the lather he had created on his hairy chest and abs. My gaze was glued to his cock as it expanded to it's full dimensions.

"See? It's natural. I'm hard now so you don't have to feel uncomfortable. I can't have you feeling weird around me just because of a boner now." Joked Coach Sims, knowing how to put me at ease.

"Haha, thanks, Coach. I'll have to take of this bad boy when I get home." I laughed, gesturing to my throbbing cock.

I was in complete disbelief that I was standing here with an erection in front of my idol, and he had went and gotten himself hard! I could not stop staring but I knew that I had to so that I didn't get caught.

"Looks like you want to take care of it now." Coach Sims' voice broke my gaze.

He was looking right at me. He had caught me staring, though that wouldn't have been too hard. He was still smiling and didn't seem upset about it. As he looked me in the eyes he began to stroke his hard cock again. The lather clung to his chest hair, matting it down to his muscular and chiseled body. His cock engorged and throbbed in his hand. All the while his eyes roamed my body, drinking in my taught, muscular frame.

My hand found my cock and began to pump. It felt like I was floating, I scoured his body with my eyes, yearning to reach out and feel it, but holding myself back not wanting to give any reason to end this prematurely.

"You have really filled out that body since you first made the team." Moaned Coach Sims

His pumps became more urgent, and his large cockhead flared and angry deep red color. His muscles were tightening; he was close.

"Coach you were always –" I was cut off by cock exploding.

My cock shot rope after rope of cum all over the wall of the shower. I kept my eyes on Coach Sims as his cock began to explode all over me. Shot after shot of hot coach cum landed on my left arm and shoulder. I was in a state of complete bliss, I couldn't possibly imagine my life getting any better than it was at that moment.

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