Unexpected Encounter

Published on Feb 3, 2022


Unexpected Encounter, Chapter 5

Unexpected Encounter

DISCLAIMER: This story is a story primarily of love. However, there will be scenes of graphic nature, as well as sexual nature. But the love is between men, and if you do not agree with that you should leave. Also check for what is legal in your area, whether it is lawful to read this. The author retains all copyright of the story. Copies of this story should not be made without the consent of the author.

NOTE TO MY READERS: This is my first attempt at writing fiction, so I don't know how you will like this. Please, send your comments to me, [altheauthor@sbcglobal.net](mailto:altheauthor@sbcglobal.net?subject=Unexpected Encounter Chapter 5), good or bad. NOTE: My email address has changed from althewriter@sbcglobal.net to altheauthor@sbcglobal.net. Thanks a lot!

From Chapter 4
Mike looked at me quizzically. As I thought back to the conversation, I felt there was something weird about Tim's reaction. I didn't think much about it, and decided to concentrate on an impending relationship with Mike. Looking at our relationship, I knew for a fact, that I would do anything for this man, and no one, absolutely no one, can wreck what we have for each other.

Chapter 5 – "Blooming"

Matt's Point of View

That night was the best night of my entire life. We spent 3 hours nonstop, just talking about what we wanted from a relationship. We agreed to go slowly, since though we knew that we wanted to be boyfriends, we wanted to make sure sex didn't get in the way of a perfect relationship. We ended that night with a mind-blowing kiss at my house. Both our cocks grew hard, but we left it at that, since Mike had to go back to school to study. I drove him back to school, gave him a quick peck on the lips and watched him leave, my heart breaking, because I wanted him with me 24/7. I knew that was impossible, so I resigned myself to just thinking of him whenever we weren't together.

Over the next couple weeks, my relationship with Mike grew to new levels. I knew now that I wanted to marry this guy if it was ever possible. Mike was the sweetest man I've ever met. He'll come by one night, with a dozen roses for no other reason but to say "I love you." Throughout the last couple of weeks, Mike stayed overnight on various occasions, but we hadn't engaged in lovemaking. One night while on one of his random visits, he decided to stay over, since it was the weekend. That night, proved the night our relationship went to another level. Mike came with not only a dozen roses, but a teddy bear as well, with a rose in his paws, saying I love you. God he's such a hunk, and sweetie. How did I get so lucky??? Well he came inside, and handed me the roses and the teddy bear. I gave him a hug and a LONG passionate kiss, for that. I turned and walked over to the kitchen to put the roses into a nice vase. As I washed off the stems, I felt Mike's arms wrap around me as he nuzzled into my neck. I maneuvered my way to the table with Mike hanging onto me. I giggled as his tongue reached out and licked the side of my neck.

       "Miiikee, you're awfully touchy today. Not that I'm complaining, but it's so different from normal. What's up with you babe?"

       "MMmmm... I was just thinking of you all day hun. I just love you sooo much. Can I stay over tonight? I don't have school tomorrow, and I wanna feel you up close to me when I wake up and when I go to sleep."

       "Okay hun. That's no problem, I LOVE holding onto you Mike."

I gave him a quick peck on the lips, and walked over to the cabinet to grab a toothbrush for Mike. I led him by the hand to the bathroom and we quickly prepped ourselves for sleep. As soon as we were done, Mike, being a sweetie, scooped me into his arms, and carried me to bed. I totally loved the feeling of being in his arms and I snuggled deeper into his chest. When we got into the room, Mike lay me down on the bed and climbed on top of me. He gave me a passionate kiss, and he pulled me into his arms.

       "How was your day sweetie?"

       "It was boring. Classes sucked as usual, damn professors, but now it's all better because you're here hun." I gave him a quick peck on the lips. "How about you sweet'ms?"

       "Dull, but I thought of you the entire day, so that distracted me a bit. But now that you're in my arms babe, my day is fantastic." He smiled sweetly at me, and pulled me tight in his arms.

As we lay there, savoring the feel of our bodies tightly intertwined together, I could sense that there was a feeling of sexual desire that was not there before when in bed together. We kissed every couple of minutes, and after a few minutes of us staring into each others eyes, we gave each other a deep kiss. He gently pulled off, and breathlessly, he said.

       "Baby, I really want to touch you, all over."

I moaned, as his hands traveled down my body. His hands lifted my shirt off my body. His hands traveled around my nipples, my stomach, and then rested on the crotch area. He slowly unsnapped my jeans and removed them along with my underwear. He lay on top of me, laying a long passionate kiss on my lips, as his hand traveled up and down my body. As his hand roamed my body, I slowly slipped his shirt and sweatshirt off. My hands then clamped hard on his ass, and he groaned into my mouth, and ground himself into my crotch. I stopped the kiss, and reached down and slipped off his jeans and underwear. My hands and eyes took in the gorgeous nude body on display on top of me. I rolled him off me and laid him on his back. I ran my tongue around his nipples, and softly nibbled on his tit's. His hand rested against the back of my head, encouraging my mouth. As I nibbled on his left nipple, I could hear his soft moans emanating from his mouth. I moved over to his right nipple, and repeated the nibbling. After a few minutes, Mike's cock was dripping lots of pre-cum, my mouth traveled down the center of his body, resting slightly around his belly button, but moving quickly down to his cock. I slowly stroked Mike's cock, and my tongue moved around the head, tasting the delicious pre-cum dripping from his cock. Mike slightly whimpered and I stuck my tongue out, and licked the head of my boyfriend's cock. From there on, I decided to give my baby a full on blow job. I slowly let in a couple inches of his cock until it reached the entrance to my throat. I slowly started bobbing up and down, each time, letting his cock slip deeper into my throat. Once my nose was buried in his pubes, I held it there for a couple moments. Then, I started bobbing up and down on Mike's delicious cock. As I bobbed up and down I could hear Mike's breath quicken and his hand grabbed onto my cock. As he stroked my cock, I continued to bob up and down. I could sense my baby was getting close, and I thrust his dick all the way down my throat, deep throating him. As I kept his cock there, I moaned several times, partially because it felt good, but partially because I knew the throat vibrating around the head of his cock would drive him nuts. Just before he exploded, he started to mumble loudly.

       "I'm gonna cum baby. Oh god baby, that feels soooo good baby... I looove youuuuu..."

I could feel his cock expand in my mouth and his succulent juices began shooting down my throat. As I felt him start shooting, my cock started to expand and shoot all over Mike, and myself. I drew my head back, to taste his juices, and I tried to drink every drop. He spurted around 8 times, before he fell back, completely limp. I licked the remnants out of his cock, and squeezed it to make sure it was completely devoid of any of his man juice. I moved back up, licking the drops of my cum from his chest and started to kiss Mike deeply sharing both of our juices. I laid back down, exhausted from our recent lovemaking. Mike pulled me up to him, spooning me. His arms wrapped around me, and just before he fell asleep, he murmured.

       "I love you with all my heart Matt. Good night baby."

Completely satisfied with the events of that night, I snuggled into his arms, and whispered back, "I love you to Mike. Thanks for being here with me baby." and pulled the covers on top of us and fell into a deep slumber.

Meanwhile in Tim's house (Tim's point of view).

I remember seeing Matt at the club. He was sitting there, his sweet body on display. I knew I wanted that boy so bad. He was standing there for about an hour before I made my move. People would come up to him, but he seemed to thwart their obvious sexual attempts. I vowed to portray myself as the sweet cute guy that cared for his feelings. I went up and introduced myself to him. He was a sophomore at a local college. I took in the hunk in front of me, and knew that after our first date, I would have a piece of that ass. He had to go pretty quickly, so I left right after that. I went home, and tried to think how I would get him to my house. After several minutes of deep thought, I decided that I would have him drive, drop me off at home, and on the way, have something to give him at home. The next couple days he was all I could think about. I knew that no matter what he said, I would have him, even if it was forced. When he called to cancel the date on Friday, I was shocked. I was especially shocked that he was already in love with another guy. My shock turned to anger. I quickly hung up and I was seething. I needed that boy's ass, and if it took kidnapping him, I would do it. I vowed to do my best to grab a hold of Matt. I knew that he was a romantic guy and would not cheat on his boyfriend and so any attempts to convince him to go out with me, would be thwarted. From that day on, I started to follow him. I made sure that neither his best friend nor Matt knew what I was doing. For the next couple months, I tracked Matt's every move. Every so often, I would track Mike, but Matt was my obsession. Every time they kissed in private, my desire for Matt grew. Finally, when I spied in Matt's window and saw him sucking Mike off, I knew I could handle it no longer. Matt was going to be mine.

So this is the first attempt at writing any gay fiction. Yes, I left it at a cliffhanger, but :) That's the joy of it. What's going to happen to Matt? Tim... hmm he's back!*grin* What do you think! Send any comments or suggestions to: [altheauthor@sbcglobal.net](mailto:altheauthor@sbcglobal.net?subject=Unexpected Encounter Chapter 5). Oh and the story has been already written prior to submission, so the chapters shouldn't be separated too far from each other. Hope you liked it!

Next: Chapter 6

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