Unexpected Company

By Leeroy Scott

Published on Jun 10, 2023


Unexpected Company, by BearSubSlut

Part 1 -- A Break to Unwind

It was the end of a very long day. Driving home from work was seeming to take forever and I was wound up tighter than a politician's wallet. Working so far from home didn't help either, it was impossible to unwind while driving. Seeing a sign for a service station, I indicated to change lanes. As I did, a black, sporty BMW undercut me, nearly colliding.

"Idiot!" I shouted, slamming on my horn and flashing my headlights. Really, I thought to myself, where do these people get off?

A couple of minutes later I came to the turning. By this time I was busting for a piss. Quickly navigating the side roads I pulled up to the deserted service station. The lights were all off except, to my relief, for the ones above the toilets.

Exiting my car I shivered in the night-time chill. Walking across the darkened forecourt, I reached the door. A sticker on the door proclaimed that it was "Sanitised weekly" - a prospect I found laughable. Pushing opened the door I thought that, while they weren't the dirtiest of public toilets -- at least the floors were mostly clean -- I would hardly call them sanitised.

The urinals were out of order, so I entered one of the two cubicles. After relieving myself, I found a strange sensation dawning on me. What a chance to unwind. What if, right here, I had a quick jerk? While there was basically no chance of anyone catching me, the thrill was intoxicating. I turned to lock the door of the cubicle, but found that the lock had been broken off. Still, I thought, what harm is there?

Just in case, I leaned my back against the door so it couldn't be opened from the other side, and took hold of my now growing cock. As I started to stroke, I felt my tension start to melt away and the world around me faded. I found myself fantasising about my wife being there, on her knees, sucking my cock here in this deserted toilet, begging me with her eyes to fill her mouth up with her cum.

Suddenly I was jerked from my fantasising by sounds from outside -- someone was coming in! Keeping quite still I tried to slow my ragged breathing. Whoever it was came in, and entered -- fortunately -- the other stall. After emptying their bladder, I heard them leave. Breathing a sigh of relief, I resumed my stroking, and found that the adrenaline rush of nearly getting caught had in fact caused my cock to harden even more. I let out a small, involuntary moan as I stroked.


Suddenly I was knocked off my feet as the door flew inwards and I was knocked against the wall and onto the floor, jeans falling to my knees, face down. I felt a shoe on the back of my neck, pinning my head to the floor. "What have we here?" I heard a deep, male voice say, "A dirty little pervert getting his rocks off in a public convenience? Whatever shall we do with him?"

I tried to lift my head against the pressure of the shoe, and started to speak "Hey listen buddy I-" but I couldn't finish. The pressure increased to slam my head back down. "You have the right to remain silent, bitch! Let's call this a citizen's arrest for...public indecency. Yes, that sounds good, maybe I should call the police and have you thrown in a cell?"

I couldn't believe this. Public indecency? I was in a closed cubicle. Nonetheless I knew that if this got back to my wife that there would be hell to pay. "Hey man, don't do that. Please let me up, we can work this out."

He chuckled, a deep throaty laugh that made me uneasy, "Yes I'm sure we can. Stand up and face the wall! Eyes closed at all times!" The sudden commands caught me off guard and as the pressure on my neck released, I obeyed instinctively, standing with my face to the cubicle wall, eyes closed. My cock, which was still hard for some reason, pressed against the cold tiles.

"Pathetic," I hear him mutter. He grabbed the hem of my t-shirt and pulled it up and over my head. Then he fastened it around my head, sleeves over my eyes with the main shirt hanging down my back, then starts to pull down my jeans and boxers. At this point, some modicum of sanity started to reassert itself in my head, and I started to turn around.

"Hey you can't do this" I said, then doubled over in pain as his knee connected with my exposed balls. Taking the opportunity, he pushed me down and I fell to my knees on the hard tiled floor, grunting with pain, trying not to vomit.

"You are in no position to be making those kind of statements, young man," he said to me. Moving behind me and grabbing my wrists, he bound them quickly with a length of rope -- Where did he get that? I thought to myself. Maybe he came prepared.

"Just so you are aware, if you bite, I will break your teeth so you can never bite again."

I was not immediately sure what he meant by this statement, but I soon realised, as I heard him unzip his jeans. I turned my head away, and he backhanded me across the face, then held my head straight. Soon I felt something pressing against my lips. "Open wide, little bitch, and you might yet make it out of this"

Scared and in pain, I complied, and I felt the head of his cock invade my mouth, pushing to the back of my throat. Gagging violently, I once again felt like I was going to throw up. Pulling back, he then pushed forwards again, gagging me. This continued for several minutes. "Please me with your tongue you cocksucking faggot!" He shouted. Panicked at not being able to breathe properly, I began massaging his cock with my tongue. I swirled it around the head when he pulled back, and rubbed it along the shaft when he pushes in. I think the contractions in my throat also aroused him.

"In a few minutes, you are going to get your first taste of my cum, little slut," he growled, "Make sure you swallow it all or it will go badly for you"

As tears streamed down my face, he continued to ruthlessly fuck my mouth as I pleasured his cock with my tongue. Suddenly I noticed that the already large head was swelling, and braced myself. Then the cock was shooting. One, two, three spurts hit the back of my throat and I swallowed despite the awful taste. The fourth was too much and I cough,ed the cum spilling out of my mouth and on to the floor.

"Stupid little slut" he shouted, and pushed my head down with his foot again, mere inches from the puddle of cum on the floor. "Lick it up now, whore, or I will rip out your tongue". Sobbing by now, I stuck out my tongue into the rancid puddle of goo, and licked it up as best as I can. It tasted even worse coming from the floor of a dirty toilet. Suddenly I felt a pain on my ass. "Whap" he has taken off his belt and began beating me with it. "Whap! Whap! Whap!" The pain was awful, and I cried out in pain. After about twenty strokes, he grabbed me by my hair, and pulls my head up. Lifting the seat of the toilet, he placed my head, face up, in the bowl, with my neck resting on the rim. Then he lowered his jeans and underwear. "You used that tongue well on my cock, boy, now make up for your error by using it elsewhere." And with that he lowered his ass to my face. Squatting over me, his cheeks spread wide, I knew what he wanted and stuck my tongue out, connecting with his ass hole. He ground into my face and I pushed my tongue in. The taste was not what I expected. Not dirty, but sweaty and musky. As he rode my face, I could hear him groaning. "That's it you dirty whore, lick my ass!" He took the belt again and began to beat my chest, belly and legs, landing the occasional hit on my cock or balls, which somehow never lost their erection throughout the whole ordeal.

"Yeah, I knew you were a dirty pervert. Look at your hard cock, you want to be used by a real man!" I must admit, that despite my revulsion to the situation, I had never felt more turned on, and desperately want to cum.

After some time of riding my face, he got up and ordered me to pull my jeans back up. I thought the ordeal must be over, but instead he took me outside and dragged me to his car. As I was pushed into the back, the blindfold slipped slightly and I saw the shape of a shining black BMW that I recognised...

To be continued. Please email me comments or suggestions to leeroy.scott2@gmail.com

I look forward to hearing from you

Next: Chapter 2

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