
By Krista Gates

Published on Sep 9, 2006



I never would have thought that I would be sitting here, where I am right now. If you asked me ten years ago I would be playing pro baseball. It's great how some things don't really work out. Right now though I was entering one of the most prominent law firms in New York city. A Harvard graduate and far from home. This was actually the first time that I ever visited New York in my young but distinguished 25 years of living.

"Drew snap out of it before you get your ass fired on the first day." My new boss Trish ordered snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Sorry." I stammered glancing at her as I fumbled to my feet.

"Go use your hard earned education and impress me." She instructed smiling at me then I stepped through the door to join everyone else working for the well established law firm. Right now I was low in the company mostly proof reading contracts and file working. The pay was good though and I would always have a job or something to do as long as I didn't fuck up. Trish wasn't the top person in the firm. I didn't even know who that was. She was one of the best lawyers in New York City though. Celebrities came to her if the other two lawyers more advanced than her were already taken.

"New boy your desk is over here, come on." Someone ordered waving me over.

The person was a young attractive black girl in a tight pressed business suit. She was carrying a single folder and when she stopped at an empty desk she turned around.

"This me?" I asked pointing to the empty desk.

"Yes." She answered smiling. "I'm Feline, nice to meet you and I'm right next door if you need anything."

"Feline, from Bambi?" I asked and her eyes narrowed before she started laughing.

"Everyone I meet says that and it never gets old." She responded and I offered her a careful smile before I sat down.

"Feline, did you get that information I asked for?" Someone asked causing her to jump slightly.

"Oh yes, just came in the fax." She answered handing over the single folder. "And Scott, Trish told me to tell you that Garrett wanted to do a series of meetings in the afternoons for some big job."

"Tell Trish and Garrett that I'm too busy." Scott informed then he turned and glanced at me before he turned around and walked away. He then hit the button for the elevator and he grabbed a coffee when someone handed a cup to him.

"Who is that?" I asked curiously as she slipped behind her desk. She started dialing her phone, but stopped and placed it back where it was.

"That is Scott my boss the one everyone refers to as number one." Feline explained rolling her eyes. "And he is completely out of reach."

"What do you mean out of reach?" I asked and she rolled her chair over to my desk.

"It means," She started in a low whisper, "That he's too into himself and his own priorities to be fucked, dated, and bossed around by anyone. You know the kind, the brilliant ones that know they're brilliant."

"Yeah I know them." I stated and she nodded then rolled her chair back over to her desk.

"Take lunch with me at two." She invited winking then picked up her phone dialing the number again. I then looked around at all of the people that were working away at different things. Phones were ringing everywhere and I started freaking out when mine started ringing.

"Hello?" I asked unsure of myself.

"I don't see you working." Trish said and my eyes widened and I about fell out of my chair. "Could you take messages for me, I have to go to court."

"Sure thing." I squeaked then she hung up the phone. There were a stack of papers on my desk and I started reading over them then. They were just bits and pieces of information on clients that were represented here. There were a lot of lawyers working here. I was a certified lawyer, but here I was filing papers. People had to start somewhere. Scott and Trish didn't look that old though. Not even older than I was. I looked beside me and I found a book case completely stuffed full of files from top to bottom. There were only three long shelves and when I pulled one out I found a name.

Then I searched through the papers on my desk and when I found names that matched I knew what I was supposed to do now and smiled. I got paid a shit-load not to think. My phone rang constantly and none of them were for me, they were for Trish so that took a lot of time to keep all of her messages. When I hung up with my latest one Feline turned off her small lamp and the dimmer light caught my attention.

"It's two are you coming?" She asked rolling back her chair to stand.

"But I have to take messages." I countered frowning. "Until Trish gets back from court."

"If you don't answer someone will, she knows when lunch is." Feline said standing up and grabbing her purse. I then stood and smoothed out my suit. I had the top two buttons undone and no tie. I never really liked dressing up, but this job called for even the Janitors to be in a suit so I knew I couldn't get out of wearing one.

"I guess I'll come then." I said and then I followed her out the front door into the city.

"Where do you want to dine?" She asked curiously as she waved over a cab driver.

"I have no idea where anything is." I revealed and she looked at me. "I've only been here a day."

"Really?" She asked as I opened the door for her.

"Yeah." I answered after we got into the cab.

"Where to?" The driver asked in a heavy New York accent.

"Pierre's." Feline responded and he started driving in the direction of wherever Pierre's was.

"How long have you been working with the firm?" I asked looking over at her as she checked herself in a small mirror.

"A year and a half." She answered glancing at me. "I'm Scott's favorite which means I'm put through hell."

"It means you'll move up though." I offered and she smirked.

"Honey by the time I see a court room I would have done forgotten how to be a lawyer." Feline countered and I frowned. I didn't like knowing that. I wanted to be a working lawyer. I liked the thrill of a case and all the angles and critical thinking things I had to do. I was good at those things.

"Are you happy working there?" I asked noticing the cab slowing down to a stop.

"We've arrived." The Cab driver informed us then Feline handed him some folded money then leaned closer to the driver.

"Stick around and I'll pay you for your wait." She said then I opened the door and got out so that she could slide out. When we were both standing she turned to me. "My job is easy, pays the bills, gets me everything that I want so liking it isn't a priority for me."

"I want to be a working lawyer though." I said, "That won't happen will it?"

"Yeah it happens if you're lucky and willing to be a kiss ass." She answered then smiled at the face I made after she said it.

"Then I should quit and go somewhere else." I stammered as we entered Pierre's by the smell I could tell it was French. The name also tipped me off. It looked expensive too and I was living on the new job company bonus.

Which wasn't much at all.

"No, you're lucky you got the job and if you quit no one else will hire you." Feline countered walking past the "Please wait to be seated" sign. I stopped walking and she hadn't noticed me until she took a seat then searched the room until she spotted me by the door. When she waved me over I started walking and she was laughing at me when I reached her.

"You're supposed to wait to be seated." I informed her and when she waved past me I turned to see a young waiter start walking towards us.

"Feline, how's your day gone?" The guy asked as he bent down and kissed her on both sides of her cheeks before he leaned up.

"Slow so far." She answered, "Russ, this is Drew, Drew this is my best friend Russ."

"Oh my god, you're not cheatin on Devin are you?" Russ asked looking over at me.

"Lord no." She answered laughing slightly. "This is Drew he just started working at the firm."

"You best be gay 'cause her man is a jealous one." Russ stated leaning in closer to me.

"Uh well..." I started in a weak voice leaning away from him.

"He is not." Feline interrupted, "Russ just does this so he can find out if you're gay or not with out getting his little ass into trouble."

"And she usually lets me, but she must like you." Russ added and I didn't know what to think of all this.

"Russ take our orders before you get your ass into trouble." Feline ordered laughing slightly. Then we opened our menus and I saw the prices and grimaced. "I'll have my usual."

"And for you cutie?" Russ asked and I squirmed in my seat a little.

"Um, I'll have the soup." I answered and he looked me over.

"Cheap." He judged then he turned to leave, but Feline grabbed his wrist.

"He's new in town." Feline countered pointedly before she let go of his wrist and he walked off to go get our meals. We sat in silence after that. I could tell that Feline was studying me or waiting for me to say something, but I was still trying to get over all of this new shit that I had to think about.

"Here you go guys." Russ came out of nowhere with our food then he was off again. It wasn't that busy when we first got here, but now people were filing into the place at a pretty steady pace and the tables were filling up.

"So you are the quiet type?" She asked before she started eating.

"Not really." I answered as I started crumbling crackers into my soup.

"Don't like the company?" She asked in a tight voice.

"Oh, no, I'm just overwhelmed." I answered and she smiled slightly. "You're great, I mean I thought I'd just be ignored by everyone."

"Well you probably will be ignored by everyone else." Feline responded and I was slightly relieved by that fact.

"That's good too though." I revealed and she smiled.

"You have no idea how good being ignored at work is." She agreed then we started eating. I found out that Devin was her husband that they got married seven months ago. They wanted children, but they were both too busy for children right now. When we got done finished we paid for our meals and Russ apologized for calling me cheap, but I didn't really care. For the time being I would be extremely tight with my money. When we got out we found out that the cab driver had left us.

"Well looks like he didn't need the money." I stated slightly amused as Feline scanned the road for another cab. It was always buzzing in New York City, but right now it was pretty crammed.

"Looks like we're walking." She said then she looped her arm with mine. "For protection."

"Are you scared?" I asked looking around. I sure was freaking out.

"No, I just don't want to lose you in the sea of business suits." She answered laughing slightly. "It's just up the street, but I hate to walk."

"Do you always eat at Pierre's?" I asked curiously. If that was the case then I may have to go somewhere else for lunch.

"I eat there once a week, Russ isn't bad at all. He just takes time getting used to." Feline answered as we bumped our way through the mess of people. There were homeless people and no two people were the same race as the person walking around them. I loved the diversity of this place and the smells. New York was the dream city of a lot of people and it definitely was one of mine. When we finally walked into the building the place was quieter as a lot of people were filing out at different times to take lunch breaks. To be a law firm it looked to be pretty open and lenient other than the dress code. When I got to my desk I found a note from Trish saying that I did a good job with the messages, but wanted to see me in her office. Feline read over the note then smiled.

"Am I in trouble or something?" I asked looking over my shoulder.

"When Trish compliments someone it's always good." Feline answered taking a seat at her desk preparing to start working again. I then left the note on my desk and crossed the rooms then up the stairs to Trish's office. Her walls which I hadn't notice were all glass. She had shades around three walls and it was dimly lit. I lightly knocked on her door then heard her tell me to come on in so I slowly opened the door and walked in.

"Have a seat Drew." She ordered politely. She was smiling so that eased my nerves a little.

"You wanted to see me." I said as strongly as I could.

"I need you to do something for me." Trish started then she pushed a stack of folders across her desk to me. "I need you to make copies of these then I need you to take the copies to Scott and Garret's offices."

"Alright." I offered thinking it sounded easy enough.

"Oh and Drew if you read those files I'll have to fire you." Trish added sternly and I nodded. I then walked to my desk with the folders I found a paper-clipped packet of papers in each folder so I started taking copies of them one by one. Feline left me alone as she had plenty to do as well. I didn't even dare glance at the papers that I was copying. I flipped the folders over to where the blank backs were visible when I opened them and when I was finished with all that I found empty folders and put all the copies into them.

"Feline, where is Scott and Garrett's offices?" I asked curiously then looked at her.

"Garrett's office is on floor seven and Scott is on floor twelve." She explained and I started walking. When I got to the elevator I felt watched and when I looked up to see Trish watching me I sighed. I don't think I could handle knowing that she could be watching every step I made or every thing I done from her office. I knew she was a busy woman and it wasn't likely, but she was watching me before and she was definitely watching me now. When the elevator finally came I stepped on it. No one was on it and I pressed for the seventh floor first and when I got there I found that it opened to his large office. It was quiet even if there were five people working at desks there. When I saw his desk off to the side I became nervous finding him there. He was older. A lot older than Scott and Trish.

"Garrett, sir." I intruded and he looked up from the file that he was reading.

"What?" He asked in a short deep voice.

"Trish sent these files to you." I answered in a shaky voice as I handed him his copies.

"Oh thanks, I needed these." He thanked not lightening up any. Then I turned to leave. "Oh, could you take these to Trish's office?"

"Sure thing." I responded and he handed me another stack of folders. I took them then walked over to the elevator. I didn't have to wait long this time and when I stepped into it I looked to see Garrett looking at me as well. When the door closed I looked down at the important folders that I couldn't look at and wondered what was in them that was so confidential. When I got to floor twelve it opened to a similar large well lit room, but Scott had a larger team working in his office and I looked around and found him off to the side pacing his floor having a discussion with someone on his cell phone. When I got to his desk he glanced at me, but didn't really acknowledge me any further than that.

"Wait a second." He grunted angrily then hung up the phone.

"Here's some files from Trish." I said handing the files to him and he took them then dropped them on his desk.

"Who are you?" He asked looking me over.

"Drew." I answered uneasily.

"You're not from around here are you?" He asked casually then he leaned forward on his desk and I thought that I was in for some lecture.

"No I'm from Virginia." I answered and he nodded.

"It shows, you a Harvard grad?" He asked immediately and when his phone started ringing he didn't answer it.

"Yes sir." I answered blushing when my voiced cracked slightly. He noticed it and smiled.

"Well I'll see you around." He remarked still amused by my jitters then when I was leaving I heard him yelling at the person he was talking to on the phone with earlier. When I got back to Trish's office I handed her the originals that I had to take copies of then what Garrett gave me and she thanked me again before I left to return to my desk. Then I started working again tying to ignore the fact that I couldn't get those confidential files off my mind as I tried to focus.

"You're a little workaholic aren't you?" Feline asked causing me to stop what I was doing.

"Well this is my job." I answered looking down at my desk. I had been filing awhile now, but still it looked like I hadn't even made a dent in what was there. I hadn't really had time to with Trish making me do a lot of shit.

"Just remember that our desks are never work-free." Feline informed me and I sighed. "And looks like we're fixing to get hit with another load before the firm shuts down for the night."

"What?" I asked then she pointed to people who were handing out stacks of paper and folders on carts. "Shit."

"It's all easy though, just a lot." Feline explained trying to play down the fact that for the rest of my life I would be doing this. Even if I was looking forward to it. "Well I'm off now."

"Really?" I asked after she received her folders for tomorrow.

"Well yeah." She answered smiling at me. "Only kiss asses stay later than this. See you tomorrow honey."

"Yeah, see ya." I waved then she walked away leaving me to look over the folders that were just handed to me by the mail room people. Then I placed them to the side and started working on the stack from this morning. I didn't really notice how quickly this place got quiet and empty. There were a few more people still working, but none on my floor were left other than I. Trish was still in her office I could see her at her desk from where I was sitting. She was talking on her phone to someone while flipping through a folder. The phones finally had stopped ringing though and that brought a welcoming silence. I could really focus with out the phones ringing constantly at different stations in the large office. Some people had private cubicles, but the more social people had open areas. I guess the person that had this job before me was pretty out going. I didn't know what happened to him or her though. The Janitors were walking around cleaning. Mostly picking up shredded papers that missed the trash cans or left cups of coffee from people that were too lazy to trash them in the trash cans beside their desks. This was a large building so I knew they had their work cut out for them. When my phone did start ringing I jumped and answered it.

"Hi?" I greeted uneasily.

"Go home Drew." Trish ordered and when I looked up at her she pointed to the door.

"I'm almost finished with the morning stuff Trish, I'll leave after that." I countered and she put her hand on her hip.

"It'll be there in the morning and no, you don't get paid overtime unless we absolutely need you to work it." Trish pointed out then I saw Scott walk into her room. "Look kid, go home."

"I will when I finish." I countered and she laughed slightly then hung up the phone. I never left something unfinished. Even if there was no time limit. It's what I had to do this morning and it would just add up. Lights were being shut off from people's stations. Everyone had computers at their desks, but I hadn't really been told what to do with it yet so I didn't even turn it on. I had noticed that Feline didn't use hers that much either. Scott had kept his portion of the staff pretty busy, but she didn't care at all to leave what she didn't finish for tomorrow. When I did get it finished it was dark out and when I stood the elevator opened and Trish, Garrett, and Scott walked out.

"Drew, you're still here?" Trish asked shaking her head. "You're going to work yourself to death." I didn't want to say anything with the other two standing next to her.

"I'm finished though." I answered smiling slightly.

"Well see you tomorrow then." Trish offered then she and Garrett walked out together with Scott still looking at me.

"You're that person that dropped off those files right?" He asked when I started walking towards the door not knowing why he was looking at me. After he said that I turned back around.

"Yes I was." I answered and he smiled and walked up to me.

"Wanna get some drinks?" He asked patting me on the shoulder. I didn't answer him but I was being dragged towards the door anyway.

"I guess so." I stammered feeling the need to say something to him.

"Good, because I hate to drink alone." Scott responded then he stepped up to a black car then stopped to wipe something off it with a napkin before he walked over and pressed the unlock button before he got in. I wasn't going to get in since I didn't know where he planned to go get drinks. I didn't even know who the hell he was, but when my door opened and he leaned over the seat looking at me I opened the door wider and got into the car.

"You have a nice car." I offered looking it over. It was nice.

"Are you a shy person Drew?" He asked glancing over at me. I was completely put off by the question.

"Not really." I answered turning to look ahead. We were going further away from my apartment building. It wasn't a nice apartment at all, but it was all that I could afford right now until the money started coming in from working at the firm. I also didn't own a car and took the morning bus just to get to my interview. I didn't know I would be starting immediately, band I really was taking a risk moving to New York City for a job opportunity. I was extremely lucky to get it though.

"Because shy people don't last long in this firm." Scott explained seriously and I nodded. "Are you a lawyer?"

"Yes." I answered easily.

"Where'd you graduate again?" He asked his face softening a little bit.

"Harvard." I answered and he glanced over at me. To be so brilliant he couldn't remember shit about me.

"Good and liberal, just how we like them." Scott informed then he patted me on the shoulder. "Too bad it doesn't look like you'll actually be doing anything with that Harvard degree for awhile though."

"What do you mean?" I asked rethinking what Feline told me at lunch.

"I mean we have the best staff in New York City and no room for new lawyers." Scott answered smiling slightly, "You picked a bad time to get a job here."

"So I should quit." I whispered more to myself than to him.

"Not a good idea in this city." Scott countered parking the car in front of a bar. It was a classy bar by looks of things and there wasn't any crazy line out front waiting to get in so I knew it wasn't a club either. Just a bar that was probably too expensive for me to be going into. "Once you leave the best do you really think other people will take you?"

"Well yeah I do." I answered and he laughed slightly. Then he put his hand on my back and guided me into the bar.

"You'll be turned away as soon as you tell them where you came from." Scott revealed as we took a seat at a booth in the back of the bar. It was dimly lit by a soft green lighting through out the room. The tables were a dark glossy color and I didn't dare look at the drink's prices.

"Why?" I asked confused by the whole thing.

"Because they'd think you're weak." Scott answered and I sighed. I was beginning to think this was a mistake. Coming to work here and being in a bar with Scott. A person Feline said wasn't really approachable. It was odd that he sought me out and invited me for drinks. I had yet to see that side that Feline obviously would know show through though.

"What can I get you guys?" The waitress asked turning to Scott first. "And we'll have to see some I.D from your guest Scott."

"Oh Hilary he's a Harvard law grad he's definitely old enough to drink, but I'll have a beer to start out with." Scott answered amused with Hilary who smiled at him.

"And what's for you cutie?" She asked as I handed her the I.D she said she needed. "Drew."

"A Martini." I answered, I had never had one and always wanted to try one.

"Alright." She said then disappeared to go get our drinks.

"That's what you'll be doing if you quit." Scott whispered pointing over to where Hilary was.

"Hilary?" I asked and he nodded smiling.

"Beautiful girl, but didn't like the firm." Scott explained shrugging. "It's really your choice."

"I could always go back home." I countered and he smirked. Then Hilary returned with our drinks.

"Oh, Hilary, bring us back your best Wine we're celebrating Drew's entering of the Firm." Scott ordered enthusiastically. Hilary frowned slightly then covered it up quickly as she smiled.

"Congratulations Drew." She offered before disappearing and I took a sip of my Martini tasting it before I took a drink from it. Scott took a few drinks of his beer before placing it down on the table.

"Where do you live?" He asked curiously and I shrugged not really knowing where the street was.

"It's not anything nice." I answered after he looked dissatisfied with me.

"Like where is it?" He pushed slightly then took a few more drinks.

"Let's just say it's filled with illegal immigrants and suspected gang members." I answered and he looked shocked.

"You can't live there." Scott said looking me over. "I bet your apartment has been trashed by now."

"I hope not." I added not wanting to think about what could be happening at home. "I better be getting home."

"It couldn't get any worse if it has." Scott pointed out stopping me. "Why'd you pick such a shitty place?"

"Because I'm poor." I answered immediately still scooting out of the booth until he took my hand stopping me.

"Well stay anyway or I'll make you pay for the drinks." Scott warned and I stopped and scooted back to where I was before. I downed the rest of my Martini then when Hilary got back I took a glass of wine from Scott. Scott watched me as I drank the whole glass. Hilary walked away leaving the bottle at the table. He just sipped his wine and we fell silent. "I'm sorry if I upset you."

"You just got me worrying slightly." I affirmed and he poured me another glass of wine.

"Then let's talk about other things." He said placing the wine bottle to the side. I wasn't big on drinking and I could feel my face getting warm.

"Like what?" I asked curiously.

"Like what you're like." He responded and I studied him for a bit. This had to be some joke Feline was pulling on me since I was new and didn't know any better. I was getting a lot of mixed signals from a lot of different people though.

"What I'm like, I grew up on a farm and only got to Harvard on a scholarship." I offered shaking my head trying to get the slight dizzy feeling to leave me. "I had to work two jobs just to stay fed there."

"So you're in debt?" He asked curiously.

"No not really, it was just hard until my grades got my shit paid for." I answered and he looked at me.

"So you had to be pretty damn good." He said, "Just how good?"

"Graduated fourth in the class." I whispered leaning in closer to him. "Don't know what good that did me though." I then took a few more drinks of wine narrowing my eyes at him.

"Hell I wasn't even tenth in my class." He said laughing, "Things will come your way if you're that damn smart."

"I guess." I shrugged not really knowing. No one had really given me a reason to think they would.

"Well it's getting late." Scott informed opening up his wallet I went for mine but he placed his hand on mine. "No, you were my guest."

"Thanks." I almost slurred, I hat to concentrate to keep from it. I grabbed the bottle that still had a lot of wine left in it. Then we walked back out to where is car was and he opened the door for me and I stepped in.

He closed my door then I watched him as he walked to his side and got into the car with me. When he took off in the opposite direction of my apartment I turned to look at him. "My apartment is back that way."

"I figured as much." He acknowledged glancing at me as he slowly drove down the road. There were still a lot of people out on the streets even if I knew it had to be past midnight by now.

"Well where are we going?" I asked curiously then he turned on his radio, but kept it low.

"To my apartment." He answered easily and I about dropped the wine bottle, but managed to keep hold of it. This car probably cost more than my parent's farm was worth.

"What, why wouldn't you take me home?" I asked growing concerned.

"Because I'd thought you'd want to go back with me." Scott answered reaching across the seat and placing his hand on my leg. I looked down at it as he started rubbing his thumb across it.

"Well what made you think that?" I asked my heart pounding in my chest.

"Because you haven't moved my hand off your leg yet." Scott answered and I looked up at him from his hand on my leg then frowned. I didn't say anything though and he didn't take his hand off my leg and I didn't ever want to make him remove it either. I just sat there trying to think about what was about to happen if anything. This had definitely been a hell of a day for me and I didn't think it was anywhere close from being over yet. I didn't know what his intentions were or if I had really drank too much. "We're here." I then looked up and saw a large nice apartment building with a person actually waiting outside to open the door for us.

"Well I think I'll take a cab back home." I slurred stepping out of the car with the bottle of wine still in my hand.

"Do you even know what to tell the cab driver?" Scott asked taking my other hand and pulling me towards the entrance to his.

"Yes." I answered as I let myself be dragged.

"Hello Mr. Towns." The man greeted then opened the door. "Nice evening isn't it?"

"Sure is." Scott responded then I followed him into the door not being greeted by the man at all. I wonder if Scott did this all the time. When we were in the elevator he let go of my hand and we were silent as I watched the numbers tick by. He lived on the top floor and I rolled my eyes when the elevator opened to see a nice open large two story penthouse. It had wood floors and light blue walls and floor to ceiling tinted windows. There were large hanging chandeliers and a large entertainment center.

"This is a nice place." I complimented looking around.

"It satisfies me." Scott shrugged walking past me. "Let me get us some glasses for the wine." I followed him to the kitchen where he grabbed two glasses then I followed him to the living room. I sat down on the couch and I wasn't surprised when he sat down next to me.

"Are you really unapproachable?" I asked turning to look at him. The question was completely absurd, but I mentally blamed it on the wine. I also blamed my hardening penis on that too.

"You've been talking to Feline." He stated laughing slightly.

"Don't fire her..." I stammered trailing off.

"I won't she's excellent." Scott soothed rubbing his hand up and down my arm. "Just a little outspoken."

"You should meet her friend. Now he's outspoken." I grunted laughing nervously as he started rubbing my chest. Then when he leaned over and started sucking on my ear lobe I moved my head to the side so that he could get to it better. He then sat his glass down and then took mine away from me then placed it beside his on his glass table. I watched the wine in the glass rippling around as I felt him tugging at my suit jacket. When I leaned forward and let him pull that off me I smiled.

"Do you want to do this?" Scott hissed moving lower to suck on my neck. I didn't want to answer him. I was scared to answer him. I was afraid that if I said no that I would lose my job and he'd stop what he was doing that I actually thought felt good. Then I thought if I said yes I'd look easy. I wasn't easy. I wanted to blame the wine on that too. After the suit jacket was pulled completely off of me he stood and pulled me up with him. When he wrapped me up I could feel our hard dicks grinding together. When he pulled away from me a little he went in to kiss me and I dodged his mouth causing him to graze my cheek with his lips. Then he reached up and placed his hand on the back of my head and pulled our faces together he kissed me and I kissed him back. I reached up then and rubbed my hands over his chest underneath his suit jacket. He let his hands drop as I pushed it off his shoulders. I then heard it hit the floor then he unbuttoned my buttons. He was looking at me and I was staring at him. After he was finished he pulled the shirt off of me and I helped him with the long sleeves. He then wadded up my shirt and tossed it to the side then I stood and watched him unbutton his shirt. Then after that he took my hand and I was led to the stairs. He let go of me then and didn't say anything. When I started up the stairs leading to his bedroom I heard him sigh. He was giving me the chance to back out of it or go on with it. When we got to the top of the stairs he pressed himself up against me and guided me across the hall to his bedroom. His bedroom was nice. It was glass all the way around and had dark curtains all the way around it as well. It was a large bedroom with the bed in the middle of it elevated slightly. When I sat down on his bed feeling the silky sheets I watched him kneel down and pull off my shoes then my socks. Then he stood and he took hold of my undershirt pulling it up from being tucked in my pants up over my body then I raised my arms letting him pull it up over my head. He then dropped it to the floor and he took hold of my belt at the front of my pants. His hands were slightly rubbing against my dick causing me to let a small moan escape from me. When he got that unbuckled he tugged at it causing my body to jerk slightly. When that was removed he dropped it to the floor and I heard the metal buckle hit the hardwood. I stood when he started unbuttoning my pants and after he finished he pulled them down exposing my black boxer briefs. He took a step back to examine me. "You are so hot."

"You are too." I whispered then he started undressing himself as I watched and when he was finally undressed down to his black silk looking boxers I looked over his body as well. We were both tanned but he was built stronger where as I was just slightly defined. I reached out and traced my fingers over his chest and tight stomach. It caused him to shudder and I smiled. I looked down to see that he was completely hard and the looseness of his boxers made his dick stick out completely. He had a buttoned fly and when I let my hands drop back to my side he took a step forward grinding us together then he pushed me down on the bed to a sitting position which caused his dick to be right in front of my face. I looked at it for a few seconds still hidden. I wasn't a virgin and I knew what I was doing. When I ran my hands up his legs to the waistband of his boxers I pulled them down to finally expose him completely. It was only centimeters from my lips and I looked up at him to see him looking down at me. He was slightly chewing on his lower lips. He then reached up and put his hand on top of my head pushing down my gelled spikes then he rubbed his hand down to the back of my head. He never pushed me forward, but I could tell he was getting impatient and when I grabbed hold of his dick he grinded forward only stopping when his dick hit my lips. I then stuck my tongue out and licked the head of it.

He groaned impatiently then pushed harder against the back of my head so I opened my mouth and let him enter it. I let my hand drop as my tongue swirled around the head slowly and as more of him pushed into my mouth I reached back up to slow him down. I then took control and slowly bobbed my head back and forth.

"You're so good Drew." He whispered sucking in a breath. After a little while he back away and got on the bed on top of his silky dark sheets. I looked at him and when he motioned for me to come lay beside him I did then he started rubbing his hand over my chest and stomach. He leaned in to kiss me and this time I felt his tongue brush against my lips and I opened my mouth letting his tongue explore my mouth. After he broke the kiss he rolled over on top of me pushing himself up to where he was hovering slightly above me with his legs between mine. Then he started licking and sucking his way down my body until he got to the waistband of my boxer briefs that contained my hard dick. He looked up at me almost asking for permission but then reached and tugged them down as I lifted my hips. He wasted no time on taking my dick into his mouth. He was slow at first taking time to explore my cock. The feeling was intense and it was a long while since I had sex. I needed this even if I didn't look to have one night stands. I reached down with one of my hands and took hold of his longer wavy hair feeling how soft it was as I started rubbing my fingers through it. When I was close to cumming he pulled off of me then left the bed. When he returned with a condom and a small thing of lube he opened the condom and rolled it down my dick slowly then lubed me up before crawling on top of me. He then leaned down and started kissing my neck. I felt him take hold of my cock positioning it and when he pushed back against me I thrust slightly which caused me to enter him. He let out a long soft moan then he pushed against me further so that more of me could enter him. After he took me all the way in I took hold of his hips. He at first rocked his hips slowly against me but then he start raising himself off me lower himself onto me. I knew I wasn't going to last long. "You're so hot."

"Mmmf." I grunted in a low voice when he started speeding up. I had my eyes shut tightly, my toes were curled, my stomach muscles were tight and starting to burn as I tensed up feeling myself being pushed to my limits. When he pulled completely off of me I was completely disappointed then he scooted up the bed to lay beside me.

"Let me see what you got." He grunted forcefully then I rolled over and got between his legs. I grabbed hold of his knees and placed them on my sides then I lifted his ass shoving a pillow underneath him. I then pushed myself all the way back into him grabbing hold of his shoulders as I started thrusting quickly into him using long quick thrusts. When I took hold of his cock he slapped my hand away. "Not yet you're next."

Ok, I whispered then I watched his facial features become pained and I thought I was hurting him, but when I slowed down he reached down attempting to push me harder against him so I sped up again.

"Yeah, like that." He groaned looking up at me.

"Fuck." I hissed my orgasm rushing back over me then I took three hard quick thrusts before I released my seed into the condom. I laid down my head resting on his stomach as I tried regaining my senses. I pulled out of him and he pulled me up and started kissing me again. My breathing was short and quick my body was still quivering and I couldn't believe I was doing this, but when he took control and rolled me off of him to get on top of me I heard him rip another condom package then he grabbed hold of my cock just long enough to remove the condom with a Kleenex before he tossed it in the trash. He then lubed up my hole.

"Are you a virgin?" He asked and I shook my head.

"Good." he responded placing himself at the entrance of my hole then pushed the head of his cock into me.

"Oh God," I groaned then started taking long deep breaths as he pushed more of himself inside of me. He started off slow as I watched him thrusting into me in disbelief. I took hold of his sheets in a tight grip and when he started moaning he sped up. Then he placed one of his hands on my chest then rubbed up across my collar bone then up over my neck then up to my cheek then back down to my chest.

"Shit..." He trailed off then stopped thrusting. Then he sucked in a huge breath and I felt him press his fingers almost painfully into my chest as he threw his head back during his orgasm. Then he collapsed on top of me as he started breathing again. We laid there for a few minutes then he got up and removed his condom. Then I pulled the sheets down and he got in and he kissed me a few times on the lips. Then he reached over and turned off the lamp that was on. He set his alarm on his clock then snuggled up against me. I didn't know what all of this meant at all and I was completely afraid to find out, but I knew I couldn't keep from it.

Author's Note: http://members.gayauthors.org/krista/

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