
By bob bob

Published on Apr 20, 2006





The following story is completely fictional. If you are under the age of 18, or if it is illegal to read such materials in your country, state, province or county, then please leave. If you are willing to take full responsibility for your actions, then continue. The author retains all rights to this story, and should not be published without authorization.

Note: The following story is set in the 'World of Darkness' universe, created by White Wolf Inc. (Http://www.white-wolf.com), and is based around the story of 'Underworld' by Sony (Http://www.sonypictures.com). Therefore, all characters and related titles within this story are property of White Wolf and Sony. The author is not making any money in writing. No Copyright infringement is intended.

Conversations in the [ ] boxes are communicated through the headsets.

Conversations in the ( ) boxes are communicated in the character's mind/head/thoughts, although when within quotes, they describe actions/expressions.

This story contains descriptions of sexual activity between males, swearing, and graphic violence _______________________________________________________________________________


"I'm not really sure about this place... Over the recent, hectic events, I have been revealed to a world no one deserves to witness... yet alone, become part of it... The shadows that linger in the alleyways now seem more sinister, and remain a color darker than black... The winds that pierce my skin are colder, and haunting... The enemy is after me, and I am on the run... God help me."

-Nathan Kiddo


Nathan: "Look, I told you, I (sneeze!) can't g-(sneeze!) go"

Mom: "Well... these assemblies are usually boring anyways... you sure you will be alright, hun?"

Nathan: "...yes, (sigh) I'm not 6 you know"

Mom: "Of course not, well, I have to go now, the principal is starting his speech."

Nathan: "K... bye... (sneeze!)"

Mom: "Love you..."

Nathan rolled his hazel eyes, and a small smile curled from his lips.

Nathan: "You too..."

And with that, Nathan gently placed the phone back in its original position and sat on the living room couch, soaking up the strange, and haunting ambience that had settled in the atmosphere. The television was off, and no other sound penetrated the chilling air of their London apartment... except for the slight 'plip plip' from the gloomy rain that fell against the glass windowpane. No light entered from outside, as a blanket of dark clouds rolled over the city.

The room was silent.

Nathan: "(sigh)... don't you just love London...?" He amused sarcastically to himself.

Lazily rubbing his eyes, Nathan suddenly held his breath and didn't move. But his quick attempt to stop the sneeze failed, and the air pumped out of him.

Nathan: "Oh g-(sneeze!) -od damn it..."

He silently cursed to whomever it was that had given him the flu last week; reminding him self to take an aspirin in forty-five minutes. This wasn't the only day he was sick. He hadn't been attending school for the past 4 days, yet the teachers always manage to slip him some homework whenever he wouldn't show up in the building. His parents opposed at first, concluding that he was simply faking it. Yet Nathan disagreed and asked for a visit to the clinic. Once they came out of the clinic, his parents forgave him and he was sent home to rest for the next few days.

Nathan got up and shuffled on the crimson colored carpet floor, slowly making his way through the dark hallway to reach the study. On the way, he stopped by the mirror and glanced at himself. His dark, sandy hair was a complete mess and didn't smell pleasant too. He ignored it for a little while and his eyes dropped from his hair to the rest of himself.

His eyes were quite dark, yet this was because of the dark hallway; his color was really a soft hazel. He adorned his flawless face; no blemishes, no scars, no signs of freckles or zits. People talking to him would sometimes loose themselves within his eyes, a trait Nathan treasured. He smiled to himself and thanked the heavens for great, pearly teeth and an astonishing face.

Hours of light working out in one of the gym clubs in town paid off. His broad shoulders, sculpted chest, and abs exhibited themselves with pride under his tight shirt. Girls would spy from behind and around, while a few guys would look up to him as well. He didn't consider himself handsome, as it would be too arrogant of him; in the end, he would always say-

Nathan: "There's always someone better..."

Sighing, he walked past the mirror and entered the dim-lit study to find that the computer was already on. He just sat himself down with a drop and opened up MSN Messenger.

10 seconds later.


Nathan gazed up and watched the screen as his 'bestessst friendz' contacts rolled down the page: he began reading-

Tracy Redfield Offline Eddy West Offline Mark Smith Offline Bobby Porter Offline Rhegan Jules Offline Amanda Cho Offline Chris Thorn Offline

Nathan cursed, he was totally bored, and none of his contacts were on. His eyes moved through the list again, and stopped at Mark Smith.

Nathan looked at his watch.

Mark was usually on at this time; he would chat with Nathan when he was in computer class (Mark was in the US), which was the first class of the day. Yet this time, he wasn't on. Ignoring his last attempt to keep him busy for a little while, he looked at the top of the screen to find out that he had one message from Mark.

He opened it.

'Hey, I'm in the internet caf^ atm. And guess what fucking happnd... my parents thru me out!! Can you firkin believe this shit?? I came out of the closet 2 hours ago, and my dad physically through me out... im relly pissed, and I don't know what to do... I thought that they would understand. Pshhh, so much for that. Well, my time is running out, and im low on cash... iv decided to leave Raccoon by using my bike... silly huh? Anyways, I'll be taking the highway that runs through the west woods at around 9pmm or so... but im gonna leave now, the frikin riot here is getting worse...

Markety Mark Mark'

Nathan read it a couple of times and couldn't believe what his parents had done to him. Not to mention, Mark was on his own now; he didn't have any relatives to go to, and all of his friends had evacuated the area for some reason.

Nathan: '(sigh) just fucking hope that when I come out, it wont be the same..."

Yeah, Nathan was gay. Since 8th grade in fact. Mark was the only one who knew his well-kept secret. And things got a little shak-

'Brr Brr Brr'

Nathan jumped in shock and nearly fell of the chair the moment the phone rang next to the mouse. He got up, and answered.

Nathan: 'Hello?'

Unknown: 'Is this Nathan Kiddo?'

Nathan: 'Uhh, yeah... who is this?'

Nathan got up from the chair and walked around the room.


Unknown: 'We're coming for you.'

A serious voice spoke.

Nathan froze in his tracks and blinked, the silence of the flat intensifying the strange moment.

Nathan: 'What?'

Unknown: 'Make our job easier and stay in the house'

Nathan: 'Jason, is that you? This isn't funny you know... cut it out...'

Unknown: 'Seven days...'

(What the fuck?? Seven days???)

But it didn't sound like Jason. Nathan frowned, and his heartbeat rose a little.

(Okies Nathan, play it cool, don't worry...)

Nathan: 'Pardon??'

Unknown: '(cocky laugh) forget my last comment there... but before I go, I'd advise you to call your mother and tell her you love her'

Nathan: 'Why???'

Unknown: '...you'll see'

Frowning, Nathan was about to hang up when a loud roar erupted out of the phone and into Nathan's ears. He dropped the phone in complete shock as the cry shook his bones. It was animalistic, and sounded pretty mean to Nathan, who lay on the floor, catching his breath.

He took the phone back up and listened.

'Beep Beep Beep Beep'


Slowly, Nathan put the phone back onto the desk and quietly looked into the dark hallway.

A chilling ambience slithered within the house.

Nathan waited.

To be continued. _______________________________________________________________________________ So what ya think of the first chapter? It's veeerrry little, but it's only serving to be a (uber) small taste. This story took me much longer to figure out as there is a complete history already written by White Wolf Inc. about vampires, which I had to twist to connect it with Sony's Underworld. And the story crosses over with my Resident Evil: Crimson story. But anyways, I'd love to hear from everyone; whether it's nothing but a simple 'hello' to flaming criticism itself. And I hope the layout of this page isn't too confusing. If you prefer the simple RE text layout, then give me a shout and I'll see what I can do. I just feel that the use of colors and such contributes to the atmosphere of the story.

And thanks a lot to all of the wonderful people that have supported me with my Resident Evil franchise (it hasn't ended by the way). If you have the time, visit both sites to answer a few poll questions, which really help improve the stories (the polls in the geocities site is in the Res. E section and under 'interactive'). And don't be afraid to drop me a small word of support in my guestbook, or reply/msg in the forum/groups page. More comments, more writing =P

Visit/join my Yahoo Groups page: - Http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Umbrella_Co/

Visit the Resident Evil/Underworld Geocities website: - Http://www.geocities.com/re_crimson/index.html

Email: - re_crimson@yahoo.com

Nifty: - Http://www.nifty.org _______________________________________________________________________________

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