Underwear Fantasies

By moc.loa@87317JK

Published on Mar 15, 2007






Underwear Fantasies

Let me introduce myself first. My name is Jack Oxendine. I am 28 years old. Brown hair in a crew cut, blue eyes, 5'7". I have a well defined body, with a 7" cut cock. I grew up in Lumberton, North Carolina. But enough about me anf now onto the story.

I was 28y/o and a Senior in college at UNC Pembroke. I had always had a thing for men in underwear. I would watch the guys around me and try to guess what kind of underwear they wore. With most guys you can tell by the way they carry themselves. Then of course you always have the guys that have pants that are afraid of heights. Definately gives it away when they bend over.

I was a member of the wrestling team. So there was never a shortage of images of guys in their underwear or other revealing clothing. Jockstraps are a must. But in the locker room, you get to see the hot bodies in the underwear of their choice. I have several guys on the team that I am brother like with.

There is Brad Locklear, He is 6' with Brown cropped hair, green eyes, and a tight well formed body. Xander Hunt, he is 5' 8" with black hair, blue eyes and a ripped body. Jason Musselwhite, 5' 7" brown hair and brown eyes. Jason's body is not to defined in fact it is kinda soft. But, he joined the team late. He is toning and firming his body up though.

I myself like to wear less than the standard mens underwear. I will wear anything but tighty whities. Well, my friends and I were out partying one night at a club called Players. We were all drinking hard and fairly shit faced. When the club closed at 2 we all went back to my place to finish our night of drinking and laughing. as the hours waned the guys started passing out.

When it got down to just Jason and myself we quit drinking and just started talking.

"Jack did you see that hottie that I was dancing with just before we left. Man she had tits you just wanna rub your face in. and that ass was like BAM!!!" Jason said.

"Yeah I saw her. She was fine. Those Lumbee girls have the hottest asses I have ever seen." I said.

"I got her number. I need to call her next weekend an see if I can get some of that pussy."

I said, "I wouldn't mind having some of that myself." While I was thinking. EWWWWW!!!! That is so nasty. I'd rather have me a hot ass and a long schlong in some sexy underwear. But then even though me and the guys were like brothers, there are just some thing I don't tell them and haven't told them. I guess for fear of ridicule or losing my best friends in the world.

"Man I gotta take a leak." Jason said while kind holding his crotch.

"Use the bathroom in my room. Brad is is in the other one yakking."

"Aight. Be right back."

While Jason was in the bathroom pissing, I just looked at Xander passed out on the floor. Of all my friends I wouild have to say he was the hottest of them all. It was all I could do to keep from throwing would in the locker room when I would see him in just his jockstrap. Those ass straps just framing that hot, hard ass. Damn, I better think of something else. I am starting to get hard. Nope not gonna happen. He is just so delicious looking laying there. His hand sits on his stomach while holding his shirt up. That treasure trail leading to the jewels of the Musselwhite family trapped in his boxer briefs. His pants and boxers riding a little bit lower than normal.

Broken from my fantasy of having my way with Xander, Jason walked into the living room holding a pair of my thongs in his hand.

"Dude what are these?"

"A pair of thongs. Must've been left by a chick I banged the other night." I replied.

"Come on dude, these are mens. Womens don't have a pouch on the front."

Feeling myself shaking for being so stupid to let them be found, I said " Aight, they are mine okay. So you found out my little secret. I have a thing for wearing thongs. I also wear, g-strings, jockstraps for more than just wrestling and the gym, I like spandex shorts, breifs with the countour pouch. OKAY!!" Getting a bit irked off. Mainly at myself.

"Jack that is kinda gay you know. Dude why do you like them?"

"I don't know. I just do... I like the way they feel when I wear them, and I like the way I look in them."

"Dude, is there any other reason you wear them? Oh my God, are you gay?"

I started crying.

"Jack what is going on? What is there to cry about?"

"YES, I AM GAY!!! THERE ARE YOU HAPPY NOW?" I hollered as I ran to my room and slammed the door.

There was a slight knock on the door. "Jack can I come in?"

"Just leave me alone."

Jason opened the door and walked in and closed the door behind him.

"Jack what is going on? You and I, we need to talk. Just let it out. I'm just gonna sit here and listen."

"I'm sorry, I didn't intend for any of you to ever find out. I know that you are all gonna hate me. Probably kick the shit out of me."

"I said I was just gonna listen, but let 's get one thing clear. I am your best freind, and so are the two passed out piles of freinds out in the living room. I can't believe that you would even think that. We have been there for each other all our lives. Thats not gonna change now"

"It's just something that is so hard to deal with. I want to be like everyone else. I don't want to be different." I said sniffling.

"You are the same bud we have know since we were little. So what, you like dick instead of pussy. Big deal."

"Yeah but it goes a bit deeper than that. I have these fantasies. I dream that you guys wore the underwear that I like. Not just those regular old boxer shorts. I think about how hot that you guys would look in them. I jack off thinking about it. I think of all of you guys like brothers. But I can't help it."

"Well, I can't speak for the other guys, but, I have thought about how I would look wearing a piar of thongs. A girl I dated a couple of years ago said she thought a pair of thongs on a man was sexy. But, you know me, thought they were girlie and only fag.... sorry a homosexual would wear them."

"Look at all the male strippers that wear them. They aren't all gay. Most aren't even gay. How would they be able to get their pricks up while dancing for women if they were gay." I said

"Dude, Jack are you wearing thongs right now?"

"Yeah Jason. I almost am always wearing a thong. I think they are the most comfortable".

" Um,,, Can I see?"

"You want to see me wearing my thong?"

"Just can't picture you wearing them."

"I guess so. Hold on a second."

I bent over to untie my shoes. Thinking to myself the whole time, what in the hell is going on. Why does he want to see me in my thong? I just accepted that he was, for lack of a better word, curious. I finished taking off my shoes and started sliding my cargo shorts down. I could feel a stirring in my crotch. I think it was more nerves than anything. But, then I realized that, this is what I wanted. A man to want to see me in something I considered to be extremely sexy. When I had my shorts off, I just stood there looking at Jason.

"Go ahead and say it. I look like a bitch."

"Actually, I um, was um, uh, thinking um," Jason trailed off not speaking the rest of his thought.

"What, thinking what? Spit it out."

"Actually, I think you look hot standing there in those. You are right they make you look even more sexy."

"What do you mean "Even More" sexy?" I noticed he was wiggling around a bit. I happened to let my eyes wander down a bit and noticed he was tenting.

"Well, Jack. I have found you attractive for years. But, you know I was raised with the thoughts that I would get married have some kids. But, seeing you make yourself so vulnerable just standing like that, I figure I can make myself vulnerable to you. I think I am at least Bi."

"Well, I kinda figured that out with that tent you are pitching."

Jason looked down, blushed, and covered his crotch.

"it's all right Jason. I'm hard myself."

"I have got so much going through my head right now, I don't know what to think or do Jack. I feel lost right now. So I know how you are feeling."

"We'll get throught his together. But right now I am tired."

I looked at the clock it was 7am. No wonder I was so tired. Drinking most of the night, talking for hours.

"How about we get some sleep and we can talk about this more later. Open the door and I am going to get changed. We'll crawl up on the bed and get some sleep."

"Uh, maybe I should crash on the floor."

"I'm not gonna try anything, believe me. This is all to shocking for me to even think about that right now."

"I wasn't worried about you Jack. I was worried about me. You are just so hot looking to me right now."

"Jason, both of us have a lot to deal wih right now. For now let's get some sleep. We can start fresh when we wake up and maybe have a new prespective on things."


We both crawled in the bed. With no other expectations we just kind of snuggled up to each other. We finally awoke around 12 o'clock. I sat on the edge of the bed stretching. Jason was rubbinghis eyes. I wondered if he would even speak of the conversation that we had or if he would regret it and try to ignore it.

"Good mornig stud."Jason said to me while winking.


We got up and went into the kitchen. Brad and Xander were sitting there eating cereal.

"Wondered if you 2 lazy asses were gonna get up anytime soon."Said Brad

"Hell we didn't go to sleep until after 7." Jason said.

"Some issues arose that Jason and I needed to discuss." I said

Jason and I both had somber looks on our faces and it kinda scared Brad and Xander.

"Guys what is going on?" Xander said with a look of fright on his face.

I looked at Jason "Should we tell the whole thingfrom the beginning?"

"I guess they are our best friends."

So between Jason and I we conveyed the whole story to Xander and Brad the way our night unfolded. The guys just sat there and looked at us.



Next: Chapter 2

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