Underwear Encounter

By alex boulder

Published on May 25, 2010



WARNING: This is an adult story with gay sexual themes, intended for a mature audience. If you are under age 18, or if it is illegal to read such material where you live, or if you are offended by such material, please do not continue to read.

This is a true story. I have had a major underwear fetish since I was a boy, and I love to masturbate in my underpants, rubbing my penis through the soft cotton and watching myself in a mirror. I get aroused just looking at men's underwear, and even more turned on watching other guys in their undies. I like all types of underwear, but especially traditional white briefs. The sight of a hot guy in a pair of tighty whities always gives me an erection, especially if they fit snugly over his butt and have a nice bulge in the front. I have stolen other guys briefs several times, and like to rub them over my face as I play with myself, or parade around my bedroom wearing them and jacking off in them. I am bi but until recently had never had any real sexual experiences with another man, though I fantasized a lot about playing with another guy in our briefs.

Recently I was away on a business trip, staying in a hotel for a week. I decided to try to find a buddy who shared my underwear fetish, and set up a hot encounter in my hotel room. I put an ad in Craigslist, with a picture of me in my underwear, and got several responses. The best was from another bi guy called Dave, who lived locally. He sent me a picture of him in his underwear, he was about my age, and looked really hot in a pair of white Fruit of The Loom briefs He told me that he had also had an underwear fetish since he was young, but like me he had little experience with other men and had never played in underwear with another guy. We arranged for him to come up to my hotel room the next evening.

I was nervous before he arrived. I showered and put on a pair of my favorite white Calvin Klein briefs, then dressed casually in jeans and a T-shirt. I spread half a dozen different pairs of my underwear over the desk and put a rotating slide show of hot guys in underwear on my laptop. Then I paced the room, waiting for him to arrive. I had a slight woody in my pants in anticipation, but I had butterflies in my stomach too.

Dave was late. He sent me a last minute message saying that he was held up at work, and was it OK if he came straight from there? He would have no time to go home and shower and change first. Of course I said OK. When he finally arrived I was surprised and delighted to find that he was wearing a UPS driver's uniform! He looked so hot in his dark brown uniform with a big leather belt and big work boots. He removed his boots and went straight over to examine my underwear collection on the desk. It was hot watching him handle my underpants, examining them carefully. He had a bulge in the front of his brown uniform pants already, I was getting hard too. He rubbed some of my underpants on his face, and told me which ones he liked best. Next we watched my slide show together, commenting on the pictures we liked most. He reached out and fondled me through the front of my jeans while we watched the slide show and I groped him through his uniform, feeling his cock get really hard in his pants. He smiled, then stepped closer, leant forward and kissed me lightly on the lips. I had never been kissed by a man before, and it felt wonderful. He pulled me even closer, and I snuggled against the coarse fabric of his uniform, feeling his body heat, our chests touching and rubbing together. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed me a little harder. I could feel his hard dick rub against mine through his uniform. Our hands were all over each other, touching, feeling and fondling each other through our clothes. Slowly I unbuttoned his brown uniform shirt and pulled it off and he removed my t- shirt. I kissed and licked and sucked his nipples and we rubbed our bare chests together. He reached down and unzipped my fly and slipped his fingers inside, caressing my cock lightly through my underpants.

His tongue slipped into my mouth and I felt his fingers explore the waistband of my jeans. He slipped his fingertips under the waistband and played with the top of my briefs. I ran my hand down to the bulging package in his crotch and I caressed his swollen manhood through the thick cotton of his work pants. I fondled and caressed him through his pants as we kissed passionately. I felt his fingers probe a little deeper inside my pants, sliding between my jeans and my undies, exploring in that tight space as our tongues pushed deep into each others mouth. After a few minutes he stepped back and said "I can't wait any longer to see your underwear, man!" He undid the waistband of my jeans. It was very arousing having him undress me, and slowly expose my underwear to his view. He slid my jeans right down and I kicked them off. I stood before him, stripped to my bulging underpants. He stared at the tent in my undies and moaned softly. Then he reached out and ran his fingers over the pouch in my briefs, tracing the outline of my rock-hard dick through the cotton, feeling my dick-head, running his fingertips up and down my shaft and then gently cradling and squeezing my balls. I felt a little pre- cum ooze from my prick, and a small, sticky damp spot appeared on the front of my briefs.

I slipped my hand down inside the waistband of his pants as he caressed me, and we kissed again. I pushed my hand deep inside his pants and fondled him through his underwear. I could feel that his erection was as strong as mine was, and his dick felt long and hard through the cotton. He stopped kissing me and stepped back again. Smiling, he took my hand in his and led me over to the bed. He lay on his back on the bed in his brown work pants and pulled me towards him. "Climb on top of me" he suggested "I want to feel your body laying on me and rubbing against me."

I climbed onto the bed and lay full length on top of him, my bare right thigh between his thighs, my bare skin against the coarse cotton of his uniform pants, my crotch against his crotch. I kissed him hard and he reached round and grabbed my ass, pulling me tight against him. Our cocks rubbed together through his pants and my briefs. I moved my hips up and down, rubbing my crotch against his, then I started to rock slowly and rhythmically on top of him, pushing against him, humping him through his uniform, He slipped his hand inside the back of my underpants and ran his hand over my bare ass, exploring my ass cheeks and my ass crack inside my underwear. We were both moaning and groaning as we rocked together harder and faster, grinding our crotches together. Finally I sat up, panting. I'I don't want to cum yet buddy" I said "I want to see you in your underwear first!" He grinned as I rolled off him.

He stood up and I knelt in front of him, I undid his belt, unzipped his fly and slid his pants down, revealing his bulging white FTL underpants. I gazed at his underwear for a few minutes. "Man, you look so hot in your underpants" I muttered hoarsly. I reached out and gently squeezed his cock through his briefs, feeling his swollen shaft through the material, manipulating and stroking him. He just stood there and let me play with him for a while. It was like my wildest fantasy come true, touching, caressing, fondling and stroking him through his briefs, groping him and feeling him up. After a while he reached down and pulled me to my feet. He put his arm around my neck and kissed me again. We stood with the bulging pouches of our underwear nestled together, our hands all over each other. We rubbed our cocks together through our underpants as we kissed again and rubbed and stroked and fondled each other through our tighty whities. He put his hand down the back of my undies and fondled my bare ass again. We spent some time standing together like that in our underpants, kissing and fondling each other, stroking each other through our underpants and rubbing our bulges together. We could watch ourselves in a big mirror on the wall too; we were both leaking a lot of pre-cum by now.

He led me back over to the bed and told me to sit down, then told me to lie back on the bed with my feet on the floor. I did as he asked and he knelt on the floor between my legs. He leant forward and very gently brushed his lips over the bulging outline of my throbbing cock. He kissed my cock-head through the cotton, and then ran his tongue along the length of my shaft. Next he licked my balls through the cotton. I was moaning and squirming in ecstasy. Finally he sucked my balls right into his mouth, sucking them together through the pouch of my briefs, then sucking them individually, pulling them deep into his hot mouth and rolling them around with his tongue. It felt absolutely fantastic. I was moaning and panting and groaning louder and louder. Suddenly he stopped and sat up "I know you don't want to cum yet so I'd better give you a break" he said with a laugh. I just lay there for a few minutes, my aching balls and throbbing cock draped in wet cotton.

He sat on the bed next to me and I sat up and kissed his chest. I pushed my thigh between his thigh and grabbed his ass. I ran my tongue over his chest and kissed and licked his nipples as I fondled his ass and he rubbed his crotch against mine. Then he gently but firmly pushed me back down on the bed. He wrapped his arms around me and we lay with our bodies tangled together, kissing. I loved the feeling of our bare skin rubbing together, and the feel of our underwear pressed against each other. Our hands quickly drifted to each others dick. We groped and rubbed each other,as we kissed. I took his big tool firmly in my hand and stroked it through the cotton. I said "Dave, I love the feel of your big cock through your briefs" He murmered "Fuck yea Alex, jerk me in my underwear, that feels so good" He rubbed me firmly with his hand. We lay together on the hotel bed, masturbating each other in our underpants.

After a while Dave stopped masturbating me and put his hand on my chest. Very slowly he moved his hand down my chest, down over my belly, down inside my underwear. He reached right down into my undies and fondled my dick and my balls inside there. He rubbed his thumb over my piss slit and around the mushroom head of my knob, then down my shaft to my balls. He played with my nutsack and squeezed my balls deep inside my briefs as I groped him through his. "Fuck man, your cock feels so good" he muttered "I love groping you inside your underwear and playing with your big balls". Next he withdrew his hand from my underpants, leaned over me, took my head in his hand and kissed me deeply. His hand was on the outside of my briefs again, manipulating my package expertly.

He climbed over the top of me and knelt straddling me as he continued to kiss me, I felt like he was in command now, doing whatever he wanted to me. My tumescent cock was standing straight up, making a big tent in my briefs. He shuffled forward on his knees, bringing his crotch up to my face. I opened my mouth and he pressed his balls against my face. Hungrily I sucked his balls through his briefs; first both of them together, then individually, just as he had sucked mine. He groaned as I sucked hard on each of his testicles, and he ground his crotch against my face. I just gazed up at him and sucked his big balls. He eventually rolled off me and sat on the bed. I immediately bent over his lap and kissed and licked his cock through his undies. I licked and nibbled on the tip of his big knob through his briefs, then ran my tongue down his long shaft. He put his hand on my head and ran his fingers through my hair as I sucked him off through his underwear, sucking his big cock deep into my hot mouth through the wet cotton. My head bobbed up and down in his lap as I moved my mouth up and down the whole length of his shaft, sucking hard and flicking the head of his dick with my tongue. Finally he yelled "Stop! Stop Alex or I'm gonna cum! I don't want to cum yet. Wow, you are a great fucking cocksucker Alex!" I took his dick out of my mouth and grinned at him "Ok buddy, I'll let your cock calm down a bit!"

I decided to take charge for a while. I rolled him over on to his stomach, and played with his cute little ass for a while, fondling his butt through his briefs and reaching inside to play with his bare ass. I spanked his ass lightly a few times, slapping it through the cotton, and also pulling the back of his briefs down a bit and giving some playfull slaps to his bare ass. Then I rubbed and massaged his ass for a while. When I thought he had calmed down enough I told him to roll back over onto his back. I pushed his legs way back so that his ankles were either side of his head and his ass was in the air. I positioned my knees either side of his butt and leant forward, with my hands on the pillows. I lowered my crotch down against his waiting ass and pushed my boner agsainst the crack of his ass. Slowly I started to thrust my hips, fucking his butt crack through our underwear. I ground against him, gradually increasing the intensity and pace, pushing my cock deeper and deeper between the cheeks of his ass, pulling the cotton of his briefs deep into his ass crack too. I fucked his ass crack through underwear fastter and faster, till I was sweating and panting and groaning loudly. Still not time to cum yet! I stopped and pulled away from him, my body heaving and my cock throbbing.

He took the lead again now. He asked me to kneel in front of him. Then pulled the waistband of my briefs outwards and gently lowered it over the head of my dick, exposing my manhood to his view for the first time. He stared for a few minutes and said "You have a beautiful big dick Alex." Then he pulled the front of my briefs down to the base of my dick, and tucked the waistband under my balls. He pushed me down on the bed and lay on top of me, my bare dick trapped between our bodies. He kissed my ears, my neck, my chest, and he gently rocked his hips, rubbing my cock between us.

I hooked my thumbs around the waistband of his briefs and pulled them down at the front. He sat up a little and I pulled his waistband down under his balls, like he had done to mine. I stared at his big boner, poking straight out at me. His cock was fucking huge, long and fat, with a big mushroom head. He slapped it down against my belly and kissed me on the lips again. He lay on top of me, our underwear pulled tight under our balls, our bare cocks rubbing together between our bellies. He pushed against me and I arched my back and pushed back against him. We rubbed our bodies together in a sweaty tangle, grinding our dicks together. Our pre-cum oozed between us and mingled together, lubricating our cocks as they slid against each other. Our hairy balls slapped together too, held tightly in place by the stretched elastic of our waistbands. We were like animals now, humping together wildly, sweating and groaning and grunting, tongues pushed deeply down each others throat, arms wrapped tight around each other.

He stopped humping and knelt up between my legs and pulled the waistband of my briefs out from under my balls. Then he released his own balls from the tight waistband of his own briefs and lay on top of me. We humped together again face to face, grinding our bulges together and kissing. He pulled his cock out of the fly of his underpants and stuck it inside the fly of my underpants, so that our two cocks were nestled together inside one pair of underpants as we humped together, harder and faster. I wrapped my arms around him and kissed him hard as he ground his cock hard against mine, his body sliding against mine, my hands on his ass, pulling him tighter against me. I wrapped my legs around his. We humped together faster and faster, harder and harder, both grunting and moaning loudly, panting and sweating, cock fucking each other wildly in our underwear, our cocks grinding together hard as we thrust our hips together, pumping against each other, bucking and rolling around on the bed, our bodies locked together, frotting each other wildly as we both got closer and closer to climax, moaning "Ohhhh ooooohhh fuckkk, ohhhh, ohhhhh fuckkkk man!" Suddenly I felt his whole body go rigid, his back arched, he let out a strangled cry and I felt squirt after squirt of his hot jizz gushing inside my underpants, all over my cock, which immediately made me cum too, with the most incredibly intense orgasm.. My ass muscles clenched and I shot a huge load of cum into my underpants as waves of pleasure washed over me. Our hot cum mixed and spread between our bellies and crotches and underwear as we continued grinding together and kissing. Afterwards we lay in each others arms for a while, kissing and cuddling, in our sticky, cum filled underwear.

When it was time for him to get dressed and leave we decided to keep each others cum filled underpants as souvenirs. I wore his under my business clothes the next day at my work meetings, and had a boner all day thinking about him and remembering what we had done together.

I hope you liked this true story. Feel free to contact me at briefs2999@yahoo.com

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