Understanding My Submission

By callibrn

Published on Aug 17, 2008


Later on that evening I was finishing up the dishes and seeing Rob to bed when it dawned on me that I had not listened to that CD Dan, I mean Mr Ericsson, had given me. I wonder why I wanted to call him Mr Ericsson. It seemed better than Dan, in fact as I dwelled on it, I didn't feel comfortable at all calling him Dan, it didn't seem right somehow. I put the CD on, using my player, put the headphones on and before I knew it I was relaxed. It was a recording of Mr Ericsson's voice telling me to relax and breathe easier. It was like a self help CD but it seemed especially for me.

"Hello, Steve, Just relax and listen to my voice. I made this for you so you can learn to relax. Listening to this CD regularly will help you relax. It will help you since you are currently so stressed. Just listen and relax. Imagine what is most soothing to you and relax and listen to my voice. Always listen to my voice..."

Next thing I knew about a half hour had passed and I guess I had fallen asleep during the CD. I would have to listen to it again later I thought. I need to go online and thank him for giving it to me. I signed on and didn't see Mr Ericsson there, but I left a message thanking him for the CD and for letting me sleep at his place. It was a good thing he let me do that I thought, I had been so sleepy and might have had trouble driving back over the mountains home from coffee if I hadn't taken that nap. I was just sorry that he wasn't online.

I went to take a shower and for some reason when I looked at myself in the mirror something wasn't right. After a few seconds I realized that I just didn't want all that hair on my body. I was too hairy. I needed to trim it up some, not have it look so messy. So I took my hair trimmers and gave my chest a good clipping. I left the hair where it was, but just trimmed it down to a manageable level, like a ¼ inch I guess. Much better, I thought to myself, and proceeded to shower and clean up. It had been a long day. I tried to listen to the CD again but guess I fell asleep for the evening doing so.

The next day was the usual stuff. Go to work, try to make sure Rob was okay, make dinner. Shortly after dinner I was online and Mr Ericsson popped up on my IM. He asked how I had been doing and what I was up to right now. I guess we talked for a bit, I don't really remember except that the next thing I knew I was getting ready to go to his place again.

When I got there, we sat on the sofa and started talking. He asked if I had listened to the CD that I had asked for. Sheepishly, I admitted that I had tried, but I seemed to keep falling asleep when I listened to it. He laughed easily and said that was okay. Keep listening and let me know what I thought of it as we chatted more. He sure was easy to talk to I knew, so I was pleased that he didn't get upset at me for falling asleep to the CD. After he had obviously worked hard to put together a CD just for me.

Then it was almost as if something came over me and I was so sleepy. I guess I dozed off right on his sofa talking to him. I was slowly floating down a warm stream on a raft in the sun. It was so relaxing, like the best place to be and then the next thing I knew my raft had run aground. When I got off the raft I was in my backyard where I had grown up and I was a kid again. My dad was there and he didn't look happy. He was cutting a switch from one of the apple trees we had in our yard. I was really scared. I knew he was coming for me once he got that stick cut but I couldn't move I was so scared. When he reached me he simply turned me around and started beating me with it on my butt, on my bare legs, wherever he could reach while he held onto me with his big hand on my shoulder.

"You KNOW that I told you to finish the yard work before I got home today and yet you didn't. What good does it do me to tell you something if you don't listen?" he yelled as he was striking me. "What are you supposed to do when I tell you to do something?" he asked.

"Follow your orders, Sir", I yelped as he continued striking me.

"So what makes that so hard, you stupid punk? You think I do this for my own good? You need to learn to follow directions."

I knew better than to answer his questions, so I just let him go on and shouted in pain as he was beating me.

"I raised you to follow directions and I expect them to be followed. I don't need someone around the house that can't follow orders when they are given."

I was starting to cry because I knew my dad would continue the beating until he finished his lecture and I would probably end up with welts on my ass even through the clothing I had on.

"Little sissy, going to start crying, now. Stop being a baby. You were big enough to decide not to follow orders but you are a sissy when it comes to responsibility for those actions aren't you? I swear you will never learn. No matter how many times I tell you, you always screw up. You are gonna be just like a helpless girl, always needing someone to tell you what to do. Like you were born too weak to think for yourself and be a man."

The dream was so real. It was like I was reliving my childhood right then. I hadn't thought about this sort of thing in years, had forgotten about the punishments and the orders from my dad, but with this dream I was reliving them.

Then it was over, my dad had stopped the beating. He was holding me as I was crying. "You need to follow orders, boy. When you are a good boy, you don't get punished. I only do it so you will learn to be a good boy. If you don't learn this now you will only have trouble later on, boy. You need to learn to obey your father. Then things will be happy for both of us"

Next thing I knew I was waking up crying, sitting in Mr Ericsson's living room. He was sitting next to me and had his arm around me and I was crying on his chest.

"That's okay. That's okay," he was telling me. "You are going to be okay. You are a good boy now aren't you?" he asked me. "You know what you are supposed to be doing. You know how to make daddy happy now, don't you?"

I looked up to him through my tears and I nodded my head. I sniffled some and shut off my tears. Mr. Ericsson handed me a tissue and I cleared my nose. "I need to make you happy, Daddy. I need to make sure you are pleased." I was completely embarrassed to be crying in front of Mr Ericsson. I never cried with guys, especially ones I had just barely met. I was also confused in my dream as to why I would call Mr Ericsson "daddy", but that is what I had done.

"That's right boy, and you know how to do that don't you?"

I did know, and I wanted to show him I knew what he meant without any further talk. So I reached my hand out to Mr Ericsson's crotch and felt his already hard cock in his pants. I slid out of his embrace and fell to my knees in front of him on the sofa. As I fumbled with his zipper, he began talking to me again.

"That's it. You DO know what to do to be a good boy."

I pulled his hard cock out of his pants and began lapping at the precum that was forming already on the head of his cock. I rolled my tongue around the big head and heard myself moaning and I began sinking further onto his substantial meat. I knew deep inside me I needed his cock and I needed the load I knew was waiting for me in his balls.

"Good boy. You needed to remember that boy in your dream so you remember what happens when you don't follow orders. You need to follow orders to be happy and remember your place boy. But you like following orders, don't you?"

I looked up at Mr Ericsson and saw him smiling at me, and nodded as his cock was filling my mouth and I couldn't speak. I thought to myself that I did like to follow orders and that I wanted to be good.

Mr Ericsson's hand wrapped around my head and drew me further onto his thick dick. When he reached the back of my throat he didn't bother to stop. He just pulled harder on my head and forced me to swallow all of his length. "Take it all boy, that is an order. You better do it right too, or I will have to punish you."

A slight fear swept over me, as I was still so close to that part of my dream that I didn't want anything like that again. I had learned, I thought to myself. I was going to be good. His cock slid into my throat and I gagged but he just held my head there gripping it tightly in his hand. About the time I thought I was going to pass out, Mr. Ericsson let go and I slid back on his dick so I could breathe again.

"Good boy, now keep doing that and you will have no problem being here with me." To encourage me he kept his hand there on my head but he didn't need to force now, I was taking it on my own and his hand just seemed to be there to encourage me to keep going down as far as I could.

"Your daddy was just raising you the best he could boy. He was teaching you to be a good boy. He could see even back then that you needed to be a good boy and he was just showing you how to do it right. Your daddy may not have known he was raising a good sissy, but he knew enough about you to know you had better be a good boy." Mr Ericsson's words were comforting, knowing that my dad had done the best he could for me made sense.

Mr Ericsson continued, "Your daddy knew you needed to follow orders, boy. He knew enough about you from raising you that he had to keep you in line, boy. You are a good boy. You need a spanking sometimes just to keep you in line, but you are a good boy. Your daddy taught you to be a good boy. That was his lesson for you. He knew you would need that obedience whatever you did when you grew up, boy. Such a good boy. You need my cock now, boy. You need to serve men like your daddy, that knew what was good for you, boy. Such a good boy."

I was listening to Mr Ericsson as he fed me his dick. It was so hard and thick, but I knew I needed it. I knew I had to do this or I would be punished.

I could feel Mr Ericsson's breathing change slightly and pick up tempo. His cock also began to speed up in my throat.

"Gonna give you this load boy. You've been good today and I am gonna shoot it straight down your little throat into your stomach. You better like that boy, cause that is where I am going to place it. Here...it ...comes...AAAaaaarrrrgh"

Mr Ericsson gripped my head hard and held me so my lips were against his crotch hairs and I could feel his cock pulsing in my throat emptying his load directly into my stomach. As I felt his rod pulsing, I began to think I might run out of breath, I started to worry if I was going to get any air, but I knew I needed his load inside me and Mr Ericsson was moaning and grunting and seemed unconcerned that I was unable to breathe in that position. I began to get lightheaded, there were so many thoughts in my head but above all I knew I needed that cock and load...

The next thing I knew I was waking up from my nap, just as I had fallen asleep. Sitting there on the sofa, head tilted back on the cushions. Wow, I thought to myself what a crazy dream. First my dad, then dreaming about sex with Mr Ericsson. Mr Ericsson was not around when I woke up but as I stirred he came into the room and sat down opposite me.

"Wow, you just went out like a light", he said. "Is everything okay?"

"Uhm, yes Sir, Mr Ericsson", I noticed I called him Sir and thought that odd, but then put if off to the dream about my dad and how I had to address him as Sir when I was growing up. "I guess I am just tired lately. Geez I'm sorry. I better go, sorry to take up your time and just sit here sleeping. You must think I am a terrible date."

"No, not at all, boy." I looked up as he said, boy, feeling a warm glow when he said it. I wasn't sure why, but it definitely gave me a secure feeling when he said it. "You needed to be here and needed the rest. Go home and listen to that CD and let's chat together again soon." Mr Ericsson smiled and that made me feel good. So I got up and headed for the door, thanking him again for letting me come over.

When I got home, I thought about the dreams I had and just figured they were because I was so tired, which I was, and after I put on the CD. I fell to sleep so quick I never got beyond the first couple minutes again.

Next: Chapter 3

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