Understanding My Submission

By callibrn

Published on Apr 24, 2009


My life had changed. I had gone from not having a clue about who or what I was to being a completely submissive man in a few short months. Mr. Eriksson had taken me from a confused state, not thinking about my life or my actions and changed me. He made me examine my life and my experiences. He made me realize that I needed a man to be in charge, that I needed a man to take the lead and tell me what to do. He taught me that I could think for myself as long as my thoughts were focused on a man and what that man needed. Nothing else really mattered. It was very freeing for me to realize that a man, a real man, one in charge and domineering, was not someone to fear but to seek out. That is was a deep need that I had no fear of submitting to anymore.

Mr. Williams had then taken me and made me see this life of service for what it was, a satisfying and fulfilling life led for a real man. To know that all I needed to do was please a man and submit to him, to meet his needs, was a great learning experience. To spend each day knowing I had tasks and goals given to me and that I could accomplish and that all I needed was to submit to the man fully had been thrilling.

What had taken me a lifetime of fighting had suddenly been transformed in a few months into acceptance, satisfaction, and understanding. Mr. Eriksson and Mr. Williams had been my teachers. Mr. Eriksson had broken through years of denial of what I was. Mr. Williams had broken through any thought that my life was about me. They both had made it clear that my life was about service and submission.

Once Mr. Williams had made it clear that my body was not my own, he was no longer interested in using it much. I continued to be his houseboy on occasion, doing his cleaning, his laundry, his shopping even, at times, but his use of my body was limited to his pissing on me each time I finished my work. He explained to me that he had enough boys to use for their body and that I served his other needs just fine. It wasn't a problem I had, he made it clear, but he knew that a man would claim me soon he said, and I needed to be ready when the time came for that. Until then, I served him very well he said, taking care of his needs. It didn't worry me any now. If Mr. Williams said it would happen, I knew it would happen. I trusted him and his word.

So when James came into my life I knew I was ready. Ready to do what he wanted, what he needed, ready to be his boy. He came and took control. Made me into what he wanted. He gave me a purposeÉbut I'm getting ahead of myself.

I was online chatting with folks on myspace. I had met a few guys there in the past few months and although they lived in other parts of the country, it was nice to just chat fairly anonymously at times. Some of the folks listed as "friends" on my account I had only talked to once or twice. James was one of them. I knew he lived not too far away, but not much more. Tonight we were having our first good chat. He had indicated he was interested in sex but, he told me, that sex for him meant he was in charge, and the other person did what he wanted. He was strictly a top, and didn't want discussion on the issue.

I was definitely interested when he told me that. Then he wanted to know if I liked big dicked black men. I told James that I liked men. It didn't matter to me if they were black or not. I also told him that whatever his dick size, I would be ready if he wanted to come over.

"I'm coming over", he IMd. "You better be ready. Give me your phone number and I'll call so we can talk." I gave him the cell number and then I signed off the chat room.

Then the phone rang."Hey, boy. It's me, James, the man you were chatting with."

"Hey, James." I was actually a little surprised to hear from him. "You really gonna come over tonight?"

"I'm on my way over now boy. Gonna be there in half an hour. I'm gonna fuck your pussy, boy, gonna fuck it real good, and gonna fuck it all night, I'm gonna shoot my load in you three or four times, tonight, boy."

"Okay, James," I said. I'll go get ready"

"You better have that pussy clean when I get there, cause I don't want no shit on my dick when I'm fucking you. I'm gonna fill your ass with my load then you're gonna clean it off so it better be clean, boy"

It was nearly midnight and I really hadn't thought about hosting tonight. But I also knew that if a man needed to get off I needed to be ready.

"Yeah, boy I had to have me some of the tight pussy of yours. I bet it is real tight and wet. You dripping yet, cause I'm hard boy and it's gonna be inside you when I get there. I'm near the highway and then it's a straight shot to your hole, bitch." He laughed.

"You don't even have my address," I thought out loud. "I need to tell you my roommate is here." I was rushing through my mind all the scenarios of a man stopping by the house. I hadn't had a man over in awhile, and had gotten a housemate recently.

"You are gonna tell me where you live. I already know the town from our chat earlier. You will give me directions to your place. You want this dick bad, I can tell. When was the last time you had 9 inches boy? Huh? It's hard too, you little faggot. Got my big black dick all hard and my 9 inches are throbbing for that hole, bitch. You want this black dick don't you, boy? Don't you?"

I didn't know what to say. "Well, I do but I didn't know it would be happening right away James."

"Yes or no. Yes or no, boy. You want this fat black dick?"


"Yes, what, boy?" he questioned me.

"Yes Sir," I replied, knowing the correct answer.

"Good boy, that's a good answer. So is your roommate your boyfriend?"

"No, Sir, and it is a woman."

"Is she your girlfriend, fag?" he laughed.

"No, Sir," I replied again.

"Then what are you worried about. She will probably be in her room when I get there. Now get in your shower and clean yourself boy, cause I want that pussy clean. I'll call you when I get closer." He hung up.

I stood holding the phone. Then I sat it down and ran up the stairs to my shower. In a rushed ten-minute shower I cleaned myself in and out thoroughly. I went back downstairs to see if he would actually show up or if I was being strung along. The phone rang about 5 minutes later.

"It's me again boy. You clean now boy?"

"Yes, Sir. I'm clean." I was excited; maybe I would get to be used tonight.

"Better be, cause I'm gonna fuck your pussy then make you suck me clean after I nut inside you, bitch. What are you wearing?" I described my jeans and shirt, but he interrupted. "Is your roommate in bed yet, boy? Never mind, it doesn't matter. I want you in a thong at the door when I get there, boy."

"Yes, Sir", I replied, "I will be"

"Good boy. You like being a black man's pussy, don't you boy. Yes or No. Tell, me Yes or no?"

"Yes Sir, I like being a black man's pussy."

"Good boy."

I talked James through the directions, and he hung up when I said I could see his headlights. He got out of the car and headed towards my door. Oh god, I thought to myself as I opened the door in my orange nylon thong, maybe I am making a mistake, maybe he isn't the man that I need. He was so handsome. He stood about 5 foot 8, but he probably weighed 160 and it was all in muscle. He had some baggy brown pants on and a wife beater t-shirt. I could see his six-pack abs through the tight T. His baseball cap was on sideways and he had a silver necklace. He was carrying a large Miller Draft can in his hand. He handed me the unopened can when he came in and shut the door behind him. I popped open the can and gave it back to him.

"Good boy", he told me as his hand found my shoulder. He pushed down on me as he tipped the can back and drank deeply. "Now get down there and warm my big dick up. Get it all nice and hard cause I'm gonna fuck you, boy.

I started running my lips over the growing bulge in his baggy pants, breathing on his hardening dick, and tonguing the fabric. He set his beer can down on the table, and dribbled some beer out of his mouth down on top of my head. I looked up at him.

"That's right, I want your eyes up here, bitch. Keep your eyes open and on my eyes all night long." He pulled his t-shirt off showing me the abs that I had already seen through the shirt and the equally impressive arms and chest. The man was fine looking. His skin was as dark as walnut wood. He pulled me back up from the floor and then held me at chest level. "Lick those nipples, boy. I like to have my nipples licked and sucked. It gets me hard quick."

When I had done that enough for him, I guess, he pushed me down to his cock again and then drug me by the scruff of my neck into the living room. He mashed my face into his crotch area and took another drink from his beer. He undid the button and zipper and slid his pants down some and my eyes locked on his fat dick. Shit, I thought it really was 9 inches and thick too. He took hold of it and smacked me in the face a couple times. "I told you eyes up here, look at me. Next time I'll slap you with something else, boy. Now start sucking and I wanna hear you enjoying it."

"Yes sir," I said as I looked up at his big brown eyes and started sucking. I tried to maintain my eye contact while slurping, drooling, and going down on this major piece of meat. He grabbed hold of my head from both sides and started pulling me towards his crotch. There was no way all of this was going to fit in my mouth. But he just held on and wiggled his hips and kept pulling.

"Come on, faggot, take it all. You said you wanted it." I surprised myself by finding his crotch hairs tickling my nose. I know I had never had anything this big down my throat. He just held my face there and didn't let go.

"Yeeeaahhhhhhh. Good boy, taking all that down. Just keep your teeth off of it and we'll get a long real well."

I started gagging and he let up long enough to where I slid off enough to breathe before he pulled me down on his dick all the way again. The whole time I was straining to keep my eyes locked on his. The message I was getting from his eyes was one of power and lust. It was clear he expected to be obeyed and listened to. He locked onto my eyes and held the stare and I was helpless to do anything but what he wanted.

He did this three or four more time before I gagged and spluttered, sending long strands of saliva out of my mouth. He just laughed and then grabbed me by the underarms. "Ok boy, I figure that's wet enough for now, let me eat that pussy of yours." He pushed me down on my couch and threw my legs up over my head. Then he kneeled and started licking. His tongue was thrashing quickly over my hole, my pussy as he kept calling it. I moaned and closed my eyes, which I had forgotten to keep open. He slapped me across my face drawing me back out of my ecstasy. It stung but was not overly hard.

"I told you to keep looking at my eyes, boy. Do I need to tell you again? Yes or no?"

"No Sir, I'll keep my eyes on you."

"Good boy, next time it will be harder."

He stood up and pulled his pants the rest of the way off, then moved forward again. He crammed his dick down my throat again until I gagged.

"There we go, now your ready." He pushed my legs back up and set his dick towards my hole.

"Aren't you gonna use lube, Sir?" The thought of this cock with no lube other than my own spittle and his on my hole had me clenching tight.

"Nope, don't need it. Your pussy is already wet from just thinking about my dick, bitch. You really are a faggot, a real faggot's hole is just like a pussy, gets all wet and lubed on its own when it knows a man is going to use it. Now look at me and take it."

With that he pushed forward until I could feel his head pop inside me. I know my eyes must have popped too, because he chuckled at my surprise and stab of pain that quickly dissipated. "Yeah, that feels good, boy, I told you it was hot and wet already." He wasted no time in starting to fuck me. Slowly at first, just moving back and forth a little.

I started moaning, and as much as I tried, I shut my eyes and relished the feelings of being fucked with his fat dick. I was startled back to reality when he smacked my face hard. It stung more this time. I tried to keep reminding myself, this was about him, and how he was enjoying it, not about me, and my hole.

"I'm sorry, Sir. I didn't mean to close my eyes."

"Shut up bitch, you're moaning like a whore and your roommate might come downstairs if she hears us. Now look at me."

I stared again into his eyes as he drove his dick as far as it would fit into my ass. He pulled back out and shoved forward. Over and over, there I was on my living room couch getting humped with just my own juices as lube. It felt so good, I was moaning again. I could hear myself groan as he pulled my cheeks apart and split me open with his cock.

"Yeah, that pussy is tight, boy. And wet too. It feels so good boy. I love those blue eyes of yours, boy. Nothing I like better than fucking a white pussy boy and staring into his blue eyes. Damn this is good. You're not supposed to be so good, bitch. I just wanted to come down here and fuck and leave a couple loads up your pussy. But you're so pretty and this pussy so wet and warm I'm gonna be here screwing it all night."

My moaning must have been loud again as he told me to shut up a couple more times. He clamped his hand over my mouth and nose after that. I wanted to breathe but he just stared into my eyes, holding his hand there. "I told you to be quiet, bitch. Now you gonna do like I said or do you need to pass out? I'm gonna keep raping your ass either way. You gonna be quiet? Yes or no?"

I could only nod yes. It seemed to be enough, he let go and I gasped in a long needed breath. "Play with my nipples, boy. Just rub them lightly." James moaned as I started playing with his dark nipples. His skin was beautiful, brown, burnished, and the nipples were a deep shade of brown red. He really did love that because I could feel him get even harder inside me. He started moaning, then gasping.

"Shit, bitch, I can't hold it back. Gonna nut inside you, boy. You're making me shoot. I can't believe I'm unloading so quickly. Unhhhh, oh fuck, unhhhhhhhh."

He did unload. I could feel his hot load erupting out of his dick and coating my insides. Over and over I could feel his dick contract and erupt.

"You belong to me now, boy. This pussy is mine. You got part of me inside you and that marks you as my bitch." As he finished telling me that I belonged to him now, he collapsed on top of me, dropping my legs, but still remaining inside me. After a moment of rest, he leaned back and stared into my eyes again. "I'm not done boy, we just got started. Now suck my dick and get me hard again." He pulled his cock out so quick I could feel some of his load run out my hole and onto the sofa. I figured he would make me clean it later. He climbed up and straddled my chest and shoved his cock in towards my mouth.

"Open up! I told you to be clean so you better open up. You'll need to get used to this boy." I was still looking at his eyes and I knew he was serious, so I did what I had to do. I opened my mouth. He looked into my eyes, as if he knew everything about me. He just grinned as he slid his cock into my mouth.

I had never taken a dick straight from my ass to my mouth before. I was happy I was cleaned out. It tasted like his load mixed with something else that I took to be my own taste. It didn't bad taste just different than I had experienced before.

"Yeah, I knew you were a pig, faggot," he said as he rocked back and forth fucking my mouth now. "Nasty white boy, wanted to taste my load direct from where I left it. Fucked your pussy good bitch and now I'm feeding you that same load I left there. Damn, I like nasty white boys. You're gonna be up all night long now, boy. Come on," he said as he pulled out of my mouth and grabbed me by the back of the neck again, "we're goin upstairs and take care of a few things."

I stumbled forward as he pushed me along from behind. "Where's your bathroom?" I told him it was in my bedroom and kept heading that way. When we got there he pushed me over the counter and made it clear I needed to stay there. He opened my cabinets looking for something, but I couldn't see what. After a minute or two, he shut the cabinets and stood up. I looked him in the eyes through the mirror and he smiled showing his white teeth. It sent a slight chill through me.

"You're too hairy, boy. I don't like my bitches hairy. But I found the razor and shaving cream and we'll take care of that now." He turned me around to face him. "Men have hair." He showed me his legs that had a moderate amount of hair. He lifted his arm to show me the thick curly black hair of his pits, and he grabbed his fat cock to show his hairy crotch. "Bitches and fags do not have hair. No need for it. I want my pussy boy smooth, you understand boy? You want me to shave you, boy? You want to stay my bitch? Yes or no boy? Answer me, yes or no!"

I looked into his eyes and saw his seriousness about this. It had been awhile since I had shaved. Mr. Eriksson released me into the world and to Mr. Williams but he had not required that I shave. I had stubble covering my chest and legs. I only hesitated a moment as I looked at him. "Yes, Sir. I want to be your bitch, so I will shave."

"You'll shave from now on, but I'm shaving tonight faggot."

He sprayed shaving cream onto my chest and smeared it around my chest and onto my stomach where I have a trail of hair leading downwards. He picked up the razor he found and drug it across my chest leaving a clean sweep through my hair and the shaving cream. Granted I never had a lot of hair there, but enough to notice in an open shirt. He worked quietly, but quickly. He moved from my chest and pits to my abdomen, to my crotch and balls then to my legs. He bent me over the counter and ordered me to spread my cheeks and I did. I bit my lip hoping he knew what he was doing. In a matter of a few minutes I went from being moderately hairy to nothing. I had the short sideburns I always had but that was it. I grew hard from looking at myself in the mirror. I had not seen myself like this in awhile and it always made me hard now to see myself with no hair. No pubes, no arm hair, I felt very vulnerable, for some reason, and it made me very hard.

"Okay bitch, this is how I want you when I come over here. No hair anywhere. I especially want a clean shaven pussy, none of that nasty hair on my white pussy boy, got it?"

"Yes, Sir, thank you for letting me be your bitch" I had said that without thinking. I really wanted to be his I had decided, to let him use me however he wanted and I really was thankful for whatever he wanted to do. The realization of these thoughts was almost too much for me. I sank to my knees in front of him, and stared up at him.

"Good bitch. Go on, suck it. Use your lips like they was a cunt, boy."

I was overwhelmed with desire for him, for his dick. It still glistened from the fuck he had thrown into me a little earlier. He had grown hard again and stood at his full nine inches that bent slightly to the left. I opened wide and immediately sank my mouth onto him until my nose touched his dark crotch hair.

"Awwww, yeah. That's it. Good boy. I can tell you are gonna work out fine." He grabbed my head and held it there for what seemed like an eternity before he let go. His eyes closed and I knew from the look on his face I was doing what he liked. I could never have done that if he hadn't already stretched my throat earlier. It was still a strain but I didn't gag immediately, and felt his firmness where I had not felt anything before.

James pulled back and slowly started fucking my face, there in the bathroom. He looked away into the mirror, and watched from that angle. "Look at that boy, see a man's big dick disappearing into your hole?" He spun around slightly so I had a better view. "Go on, you can look over there now." I looked away from his eyes into the mirror. I watched as his hips moved back and forth and he held my head in his hands. My hands were wrapped around his firm cheeks and I realized I was pulling him into me with each thrust. I wanted him deep. All I could see was my neck and head above the countertop, but I could see his whole upper body. I watched as my throat bulged with each forward thrust and subsided each time he pulled his cock back. I stared at the mirror. His black cock was so big I couldn't imagine taking it all, but there I was. My pale white face and pink lips were stretched and his deep brown dick was disappearing. The image of my submission to this man excited me. I glanced up in the mirror, and saw James smiling.

"You like that, boy? That's a pretty sight, watching your creamy white face taking all I got. Seeing your throat stretch like that each time." I moved my eyes away from the mirror back to his eyes. If I looked any longer I would shoot my own load right then.

My dick was bouncing on it's own and I was overcome with a need to just continue serving this man. He grabbed a hold of my throat and held it as he continued fucking my face. "Yeah, I can feel my dick sliding down your throat bitch." He grabbed my hand and held it at my own throat so I could feel the same thing. I felt my Adam's apple bobbing, and my throat opening and closing around his cock. He held it deep for a moment just pulling in and out a little and I felt each move back and forth on my throat. I know I made a deep guttural sound.

I was close to shooting my load, and feeling my throat like that was too much. I felt a huge release and if I hadn't been wearing that thong my load would have sprayed all over the bathroom. As it was, it dribbled through the fabric as I pumped it full of my seed, pooling on the floor beneath my balls. I clenched my throat around James's dick and he moaned in pleasure from how tight I got around it. My moaning subsided as my orgasm faded. James pulled out and looked at me.

"Bitch, I don't remember telling you that you could cum. Do you think that you can just do that anytime you want?" He glared at me and his eyes drilled right through me. I wanted to lower my head in shame but I knew that would only bring another slap to my face. I didn't say anything at first but he kept staring.

Finally I realized I was supposed to answer him. "I am sorry Sir. I won't do that again. I promise to not cum until you say I can."

"Damn faggot, took you long enough to answer me. When I speak to you, you answer. You don't take your time thinking. You don't need to be thinking when I am here. You are to serve my needs when I am here. That doesn't take thinking. Makes it easy on you bitches. No think, just do" He pushed my head down towards the floor. "Now clean up the mess you made there."

He wanted me to lick the bathroom floor and clean up the cum that had dripped through the thong fabric. I thought briefly about not doing it, but while I was thinking my head was already lowering down to the floor and my tongue was sticking out. It was becoming automatic to respond to his demands. I was beginning to completely give in to this man's wishes. I no longer needed to think about it. I was just supposed to follow his directions. I thought about how humiliating this was and that just caused me to pump a small last bit of cum out of my dick forcing another drop to splash on the floor. I am sure my face turned red, but I just licked while James laughed at me.

"Faggot has it bad for James' big black dick, doesn't he? Yes or No boy."

"Yes Sir." I didn't need to say anything else. I finished cleaning my cum that had spilled on the floor. My actions so far had said all that was needed. He had control and he could do what he wanted. Maybe this was the man that would claim me as his and keep me for his pleasure.

I looked back up into James' eyes. He was just grinning. I couldn't help but smile a little too after a few seconds. He stepped forward and his hard cock bobbed in front of my face. I just opened my mouth without word and he sank his cock back in where it belonged. He pumped hard for a minute or so then he paused and held it there with the head sitting in the middle of my tongue. He was smiling and for the first time his dick began to soften. I started sucking again because I didn't want to have it go soft, I wanted his cock fat and hard in my mouth, but James stopped me.

"Don't fag. Leave it where I put it. He held my head in his hand and positioned his dick again in the center of my mouth. He was smiling big and I was watching him as he required. Then I felt it. Something suddenly surged in his cock, and my mouth was awash in his piss! "Better swallow soon bitch. You spill any and you clean it up just like you did with your load." I had no choice. I started swallowing. I was drinking from James's cock. Mr. Williams had never let me do this, and I was overcome again by feelings of submission.

"You like beer right, boy? This is just that beer I had earlier. You looked a little thirsty after cleaning the floor. Thought you might need a little something to drink."

He laughed again as I kept swallowing. I looked at his eyes and they actually sparkled as he continued to empty his bladder into me. "Good boy, nothing spilling."

I actually felt proud of myself. I felt my dick harden again at his words of praise. His taste was not strong. It was warm, salty, and actually reminded me a little of the beer he drank. Slowly his stream let up and he pulled his half hard dick from my mouth. He let it sit there in his hand and a drop formed on his cockhead. Without thought, my tongue snaked out and licked up his last drop.

"Good faggot. Now get over to the bed. I'm gonna fuck you some more."

I moved over to the bed and got on my back. James picked my legs up and put them on his shoulders. He aimed that massive weapon at my hole and pushed. I let out a moan. I couldn't help it. The remains of the load he had shot in my pussy lubricated him and the pain I expected never occurred. It didn't hurt despite the nine+, fat inches. Maybe I was adjusting to his size already.

"That's it boy, tell your man his dick feels good inside you. You like this cock, boy? Tell me."

"Oh god, yes." My toes were curling from his pounding. "Please fuck me, please keep fucking me. I need your big dick, Sir" There, I had said it, and it was true. I needed his cock. I would always want his cock in me now. He was demanding and knew what I was for. There was no way I could say no if he wanted to use me regularly. With that he pulled all the way out, and I moaned from the empty space inside me. James then began a long period of pulling all the way out and pounding all the way back in one stroke.

"I'm gonna break your pussy in good boy. I want it always ready for me. I don't want to waste my time being gentle, I want to have you bend over when I'm ready and I want to be able to slip it inside your wet cunt in one stroke. I hate a tight hole, boy. I like a nice, easy-to-access pussy."

He was true to his word. He kept at this in and out until I could no longer feel his entering and exiting. I knew when he was inside me but I felt so stretched that it simply felt he was gliding in and out, no resistance from my ass at all.

"That's it bitch. No one will ever make you feel like this besides me. Your ass is built for my cock now. You gonna thank me faggot for making this mine?"

"Yes Sir. Thank you Sir."

The fucking went on for at least an hour. Slow, fast, all the way out and all the way in. My eyes remained locked on James the whole time. And my dick remained hard the whole time. Eventually I couldn't maintain it any longer. The constant bumping up against my prostate was going to send me over the edge. I started clamping down on him and he knew what was happening. He looked right through me as my ass clamped down on his thrusting pole.

"Please, Sir, please stop, please stop. I can't hold it back, I might cum." I begged him and pleaded. I didn't want to cum again when he didn't want me to.

"Okay faggot, cum for your man. Tell me how much you love this. Squeeze my dick baby. Squeeze your pussy tight. Let me feel that load shoot from you."

I couldn't tell if I was squeezing or not. But, I knew I was going to shoot soon. I was moaning before I knew that the sound was me. It was deep and low and built as my climax neared. When I knew it was me, I was already blasting my load all over myself. Squirt after squirt shot from me, though I don't where it came from. I had never shot like that before.

My squeezing must have been enough for James because he started breathing heavy. And I could feel his dick get harder inside me.

"Oh bitch you're making me cum. Squeezing so tight. You gonna taste this load boy."

He pulled out quickly and moved to the bed beside my face and began erupting. The first blast hit me on the cheek, but after that he shoved his cock inside my mouth and started filling. I really hadn't tasted anything as sweet or heavy as his load. I was in heaven.

"Eat it, cumwhore. You're getting the first of many you are gonna swallow. Take it all."

When he finished shooting his load, I swallowed. Then James used his dick to wipe the shot that landed on my cheek and feed it to me. He used his fingers to wipe my own load off my chest and stomach and fed me that too. "See, you are a slut, bitch. Eating your own seed. Big fags do that boy. You're a real bottomfeeding fag, aren't you. Yes or No, bitch, tell me the truth."

I could feel my face redden again. "Yes Sir. I am a faggot pig."

James laughed. "Yeah, you are bitch, and you're a good one too. But don't let that go to your head." James finished feeding me my load. I had eaten it all. James rolled me over and shoved his half hard cock back in my ass. I groaned. We had been going at this for 3 hours or so and I really had not ever remembered being fucked for this long at one time. He started slow, his weight pressing down on me.

As he slowly fucked me, I began to tire. My ass was worn out and James' dick was beginning to feel like sandpaper going in and out. James was kissing my neck and pulling on my nipples, but it all felt like my ass was going to never be the same again.

"Please stop. Please, it hurts. I can't take any more." I was whimpering now instead of moaning.

James slapped my ass hard a couple times and laughed. "Stupid faggot bitch, you were begging for it just a few minutes ago. Now you act like you can't take it. Tough luck, cause I'm not done yet."

I guess my words just encouraged him. I pleaded again, "Please Sir. I think I need to stop."

He slowed down and stopped. "Roll over whore." I did without losing his cock from my pussy. I was looking at his eyes again and they still had lust in them. He grinned when he noticed me lock on his face. "You don't stop until I tell you boy. Until I am done, you aren't done. And besides that you don't really want me to stop do you boy, tell me, make sure you give me the right answer."

I really wanted to say yes, please stop, but now that I was looking at him again, I knew he would use me until he was tired, not stopping on my wishes. I couldn't say no to him, I did want his cock still. I had waited a long time for a real man, and learned too much in the last few months to say no to a man now.

"No Sir, please keep fucking me, I need it."

"I thought so bitch, you need this dick. Now shut up and take my fuck."

With that he went back to pounding. It wasn't slow anymore. He was screwing me royally again. My dick even got hard as he twisted my nipples. "See bitch I knew you were still horny. Always horny for a man aren't you? Begging men for their dick. Nothing but a faggot slut, looking for men to unload in your pussy." The more he talked the faster he was screwing me. I was still whimpering, but it only seemed to encourage him. I don't know how long it went but about the time I thought I would pass out from the pounding, He tensed and I could feel that now familiar cock begin shooting.

"Take it fag. You needed this last fuck. Aaaaaghhhh, nutting in you again bitch. Gonna leave you dripping with my seed." He jerked and orgasmed harder this time than before, and collapsed on top of me. He licked my neck gently. I was so happy I had been able to serve his cock this last time. It made me feel like I had accomplished something. And I was filled again with this man's spunk, coating my insides. James slipped off me.

"You okay, boy," he asked?

"Yes, Sir, I'm great," I told him, and I was. I had taken his load again. He had forced me to do it even when I was wavering. I was exhausted, but I had taken everything he had given to me.

"Yeah, that was hot. I knew you were sore but that just made it hotter hearing you whine, knowing I had worn you out. Wasn't nothing going to stop me from shooting that last load. Knowing it was hurting some just made me harder than ever."

James fell asleep quickly. I lay there awhile feeling his cum oozing out between my legs before I too fell into a deep sleep.

Next: Chapter 11

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