Understanding My Submission

By callibrn

Published on Aug 10, 2008


I was going to meet up with guy named Dan. He wanted to meet at a Starbucks first he said. He never met at his house the first time. He wanted to see if we got along first before he decided to hook up.

I wasn't really looking for a hook-up I kept telling myself. I have been generally a one man, man. I just enjoyed things more that way. Not that I hadn't had one night stands, just they weren't usually my preference. I was online just to meet some people. I had only been in the area for about 6 months. My partner was ill. He had been ill for awhile and was not getting better. It was a bit stressful to say the least, but one of the big stressors was I wasn't getting any sex. No relief and despite what people may say, even under such stress as a relationship slowly ending, you need release. I felt guilty of course, leaving Rob at home but he was asleep most of the day anyway at the time. So when the opportunity came along to meet someone I took it.

Dan was quite handsome. Not slim, but not fat. He looked like he worked out some, but was not a muscle god by any stretch of the imagination. He had that olive skin that many people of southern European extraction have, and looked like he spent time in the sun. He didn't really say much about himself. He was 28, but he did ask a lot of questions about me. I guess I needed someone to talk with and he just let me go on answering questions. How long had I been here in California, what brought me here, what I wanted in a guy. I was feeling pretty comfortable, It might have been his smile, or the way he seemed to encourage me in my answers. I guess because I was letting things go. Telling him things I didn't generally share. Things like I tended to be quiet, I tended to follow the lead of the guy I was in a relationship with, I liked doing what my partner wanted to do.

After an hour or so sitting drinking coffee Dan suddenly stood up and said, "let's go to my place, I'll drive. I can drop you off after we are done." It startled me a bit how forward he was but he just smiled and I agreed to accompany him. When we got to his truck and started driving he reached over to my knee with his hand and placed it on my leg. I must have jumped a bit because he told me to relax and just let things happen.

"Just close your eyes and enjoy the ride. Listen to my voice and relax," he continued. I must have been more tired or more at ease than I had originally realized. I just put my head back and closed my eyes. I had no idea where I was going and was not at all concerned about it, I guess. I was just letting it happen.

"You need this," Dan stated. "You need to relax and let go. You have been under a lot of stress. Just relax and listen to me. I am a licensed hypnotist and want to help you," he continued. "You want to relax and just listen to what I am going to tell you."

I did want to relax, boy, how I needed it, I thought to myself.

"You are a good guy," Dan told me. "But you have been under a lot of pressure. I am here to teach you how to handle it. Just listen to me and relax. Just let my words sink in and I can help you. You are a good guy. You like to do everything you can to help people but now you need to relax and let me help you. You need to relax, just let yourself relax and listen to my words." Over and over, Dan repeated the same sorts of things and I relaxed more each time he spoke. His voice was deep and sonorous, and felt soothing to my ears. I could feel the movement of the truck but it didn't disturb me and I soon felt myself drifting to the movement of the truck and the tone of his voice. The next thing I knew the truck had stopped. I knew we were at his place. I don't recall getting there completely, but I knew that is where we were and that I needed to go inside with him.

Once we were inside, I asked if it were okay if I just lay down on his bed for awhile. That was more forward than I usually am I thought to myself but it seemed like that was what I wanted to do. Dan smiled and that made me feel warm so I must be on the right track I thought. We went to his room and I lay down on the bed. Dan began talking again, encouraging me to relax and just lay there if I wanted. I wanted that, I said to no one in particular. As soon as I lay down, I felt completely relaxed again. Dan began speaking to me again in his soothing voice.

"You want to feel relaxed, Steve, completely relaxed. You know that if you do what I suggest you will feel better and be completely at ease. You already know that I have your best interests at heart and I just want to see you be the best at what you are good at, Steve." The way Dan spoke my name assured me he was right. I listened some more as I relaxed and seemed to let go of my stress.

"Such a good boy," Dan began. "You are such a good boy and you know when you hear those words it makes you an even better boy. Just relax and let your mind go. Just relax and let your mind go. Such a good boy..." I don't know how long I lay there or honestly what he said. I knew I was relaxed and feeling good. I also knew that in order to make Dan feel as good as I did, I wanted to offer him something, and my mouth seemed like a good place to start. At some point I remember laying there and being overcome with energy I hadn't felt in several weeks. I knew that I wanted to repay Dan for his time and giving him a blowjob was the way I could do that right now. I sat up, opened my eyes and Dan was standing there, with nothing on. His cock was fully hard and he had at least 7 inches that was pretty thick. I didn't say anything, nor ask permission but I just slid forward on the bed and engulfed his cock into my mouth.

"That's a good boy," Dan sighed as he slid into my mouth. For whatever reason that made me feel good about what I was doing. "You just needed to relax and take my cock all the way into your throat." He slid his cock deep and did go right into my throat and I felt his balls up against my lips, and I relaxed further still, till I almost closed my eyes again. "That's it. That's what you came here for. You came to service my cock, didn't you boy?" Dan didn't seem to expect an answer and it wasn't like I could give any with his dick so far down my gullet. "This is what relaxes you most, is giving me release. You need to know that you are providing me a release boy. The more release you give me the better you feel." As Dan talked I felt an incredible warmth spread through me. He was right! I did feel relaxed and better knowing I was going to give him a release. "You need to take my load to get the most relaxed boy. You need my load. Such a good boy to need my load."

Dan had grabbed my head and was really going at it fucking my face. It was the best feeling to have his hands on my head, he had a hold of my short hair and was hanging on tight with one hand, and the other was at the back of my head pulling me towards him with each thrust. I guess he was a little rough, but his talking relaxed me and knowing I was going to help him get release made me feel good. The way he called me a good boy just made everything seem okay at that moment.

Just as I was thinking he might be ready to cum Dan pulled back from my face. "What do you need boy?" he asked. Without a second's hesitation the words popped out of my mouth.

"I need your load, Dan." Where had that come from? Who cared, the minute I said it I knew it was true. I needed his load in my mouth, inside me. "Please, give me your load," I begged him!

"Dan slid his cock back into my mouth and began pumping at it as he had before he pulled out. "That's right boy. You remembered well. You DO need my load and it is what relaxes you the most now, taking my load from my cock, boy. You also know that once you have my load you will need to have more of it, that you will become a very needy boy for my load. Each day you don't get my load just makes you want it more and more, doesn't it?"

I nodded as best I could while he fed me his cock. As he finished speaking, his cock got harder, swelling in my mouth, then I could taste it and feel his cock shooting his cum in me. I heard a moan and first thought it was Dan, but it was me moaning. Feeling such a high that I had never felt before, knowing I was giving him release and knowing that taking his load would only make me want it more.

When Dan had finished cumming and I had stopped swallowing his seed, He smiled at me and told me what a good boy I had been. He said I should lay down again for awhile, and before I could even get my head on the bed, I knew I was drifting off again, so sleepy.

When I woke up, it was with a start, I wasn't sure how long I had been asleep. I knew I was safe and at Dan's place but I didn't see Dan at all. When I slid my legs off the bed, Dan appeared in the doorway. "There you are, boy, you must have been quite tired, you just dozed right off after we got here. Do you remember that", he asked?

"Yeah," I agreed. "Guess I was tired, I had some weird dreams. I thought we had sex," I sorta chuckled because I thought it was so real but obviously I just fell asleep. I mean I just met the guy and all we had done was come over to his house and I fell asleep. How embarrassing.

Dan laughed. I got off the bed and started heading for the door. It seemed I was forgetting something and started looking around the front door for whatever it was. Dan handed me a CD. "Oh, here's that CD you wanted. It should help you relax more. Be sure and listen to it regularly"

"Thanks, Mr Ericsson," I told him. I don't usually call people by their last name. How did I know his last name? I don't remember asking him, I wondered. He just smiled and said no problem. As we got in his car he said that he hoped he would see me again.

"I hope so too. I really had a great time and I feel so much better, thanks!" I did feel better, in fact better than I had felt in weeks. I wonder why, we didn't do anything but chat, and I had fallen asleep. The drive back to my car was short and before you knew it I was home again, feeling good about life.

Next: Chapter 2

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