Understanding Leo

By Dan

Published on Aug 25, 2011


Hello, my name is Dan, and I am a young, fledgling and unpublished author. I've written a four hundred page novel based mostly on young adult, epic fantasy and science fiction genres and am currently figuring out how to get the monster of a novel published.

In the meantime, I figured I'd like to try my hand at some erotic fiction. This little story actually came to me in dream form and, after writing a satisfactory first chapter, I hope tonight's dream continues on with the next portion as I would love to see what happens between Tom and Leo next.

Needless to say, these events are completely fictional and any similarities to real names or events are coincidental.

Also, if you do not enjoy or are offended by material involving consensual sexual activities between two (or more) males, then this is not for you. Please stop reading now as you will likely be offended or disgusted by this material.

If you appreciate such material however then please read on and feel free to send any feedback and constructive criticism to derfgh12@gmail.com

Enjoy! Oh, and always play safe!

Tom had come out to his closest friends as soon as they'd graduated from high school and entered community college together. For a time, it was alright; most of the girls said they already knew, suspected or else squealed gleefully when he told them. Most of the guys were new age enough not to really care, with only a couple making a big deal about it for a few days. In the end, having moved out of his home into his own dorm and into a world where he didn't keep secrets was a welcome step into the rest of his life.

It was his second year of his stay at the community college that hadn't gone as well. He'd taken advantage of his freedom his first year and, as a result, his grades and relationships had suffered. In place of studying for tests, he'd instead spend the night with his boyfriend in his dorm room garnering a nasty reputation and estranging himself from his friends. Before he knew it, he'd started his second year with distant frenemies, a cheating ex, and less than impressive grades.

That was all two years previous, as he was now starting over in an out of state university on scholarship. He'd once again moved into his own room, an apartment this time that he paid for with the money he earned from his minimum wage afternoon job. After spending every ounce of energy in class and his job, he had only enough left to study for the next day and sleep alone for the night.

For a time, the solitude did him good, and he was content to pick his life up where it started from there.

Eventually the loneliness caught up to him.

"Thomas Faralay?"


It was the beginning of the spring semester and the first of several classes of the day was well underway. Tom, now a star pupil and avid member of the ballroom dance club, was staring out of the window with his chin rested against his propped hand.

"Leonardo Mardorra?"


Tom glanced over when he heard the name. He'd already learned who the name had belonged to from the previous semester of Western Civilizations. The junior in question was the strapping twenty one year old captain of the swim team. He had jet-black spiky hair, dark eyes under light eyebrows and a smile that could shoot to kill surrounded by neat brushings of facial hair. His body was a lot huskier and developed than expected of a swimmer, as if he'd stolen it right off of the quarterback. He also had the palest complexion on the team, though only because he spent a lot less time lounging by the campus pool and more time in the library studying. The illogical unfairness of it all was that the guy had brains in there too.

"Alright, you're all dismissed."

By the time the class was dismissed, Tom took up an old habit he'd formed from the previous semester. Taking as long as necessary with packing his things, he made absolutely sure he would leave the classroom behind Leo, the swim team captain. Throughout his lone studies from the previous semester, Tom had ultimately taken a hiatus from sex altogether. That didn't stop guys from looking gorgeous though, and Leo topped the charts for Tom. Actually, if what trickled down the grapevine was any indication, the girls around the university seemed to agree.

Straight or not, Leo was still Tom's target of infatuation. The occasional stolen glances Tom took of the guy were the only distraction he allowed himself. Beyond that, he wasn't out on the town the way he would've been two years previous.

As such, despite the fact that it was a party night on campus, Tom found himself back in his apartment. He'd stripped to his boxers and gone into the bathroom intent on taking a shower. He stood in front of the mirror as the shower water warmed up and looked himself over.

He had the expected body of a swimmer, tanned and everything, yet he wasn't a swimmer. In fact, he didn't play on any sports teams, though he'd been approached by several under their assumption that his body came with skills. Sadly, it did not; he earned his body from countless hours at the gym. If nothing else, the plethora of men there was ample motivation to attend.

He rubbed his hand in his facial hair as he smiled and admired his looks. He'd decided that his good facial hair genes should be taken advantage of and, as such, had allowed a healthy square beard and moustache to grow and match his short, brown spiky hair. Combined with his sharp, handsome facial features, Tom had yet to be carded for beer since the beginning of the year.

He didn't take advantage of it often, but his ability to look like he was in his mid-twenties even though he was actually only twenty years old was a definite plus. He'd occasionally enjoy it when freshmen girls would whisper by him about what his age must be and whether or not he'd go for their type. He'd throw them a killer smile and turn away as they squealed; if nothing else, he enjoyed the attention.

In any case, it occurred to him that he was attracted to Leo for the same reason girls whispered about him. The fact was Leo could easily pass for someone that was in his late twenties and had the malleable personality and suave demeanor to back it up. It was only apparent to Leo's current girlfriend or frat mates that the age he claimed was correct, as only before them did Leo drop his mature defenses and become the goofball he can actually be.


Tom nearly jumped out of his skin when he heard the familiar voice. He'd distracted himself with thoughts of Leo throughout his shower and was halfway to his favorite bar for some dinner. Sure enough, the voice belonged to the very man he'd been obsessing over, the last person he wanted to have to hide a semi from.

"Oh, hey."

"How's it goin' bud?"

Despite only knowing minimal details about each other, Leo nonetheless called Tom bud every time they spoke, which made Tom's romantic side flutter. Tom didn't consider himself as much of a romantic school girl, as he called it, but something about Leo made him describe the feelings he got the way sappy love books would, weak knees and everything. Sure enough, every time Leo called him bud, the weak knees cliché would invade his thoughts and delay his answer.

"Uh... great. I was on my way to get a bite to eat."

"Why not stop by my place, then?"

That was certainly unexpected.

"You have a party going on?"

"Not really. I mean, it's the swim team and all, so every night's an event. But here I am with some pizza and beer, so why not bring another hungry mouth!" said Leo in his goofy, easygoing manner. Tom didn't get to see this side of Leo often, mostly because he'd never had an intimate relationship with the guy before. It had always amounted to an admiration from afar and occasional wave or wink passed in a hall or walkway.

"Well, I... don't know," replied Tom, grinning stupidly and rubbing the back of his head.

"What, free pizza not good enough for you? I mean, I passed the Lobster Shack on the way but I figured we'd take it easy tonight," joked Leo.

"Heh, nah, I just don't know the guys that well," offered Tom.

"Well, you know me!"

Again, Leo's amazing tendency to make everyone his best friend was a thing of admiration, and so Tom had no recourse but to melt.

"Alright, I guess."

The two started for the appropriate house on campus as they made small talk. They mostly spoke about their winter break and what classes they were taking, common talk amongst newly acquainted students. The walk was just long enough that they started to talk a bit more about random things they enjoyed, like the kind of music. Turned out both were highly obsessed with Disneyland Undead and A Perfect Sphere.

Almost instantly, the simple yet elegant agreement on band groups sparked the beginnings of a real friendship the two would come to appreciate.

"Here it is!"

Leo made their way into the not-so-modest abode of the swim team. The team welcomed the two like they were both family, despite the fact that Tom was otherwise a complete stranger. In seconds, the entirety of both pizza boxes and most of the cheap beer was claimed, though Leo and Tom managed to nab some for themselves before finding a spot in the living room to settle into.

"Man, I love that one verse in that song, The Insider, you know?" said Tom. "It goes uh... `vindicated... drama queen...'" he started in a deep sing.

"Pessimistic'..." continued Leo in the same tone, "`drama queen!'"

The two laughed as another guy from the swim team caught on to their song and started wildly air guitaring behind them. Pretty soon, their single slice of pizza and can of cheap beer ran out.

"Aah... got any more cheap beer?" asked Tom.


"Ah, don't act so surprised. It's blue ribbon..."

"Well... yeah," agreed Leo with a goofy grin. "Not like these guys are worth the good stuff," he whispered.

"Good stuff?"

Leo looked about the two before responding.

"Alright, follow me."

He got up and made for the stairs with a bewildered Tom close in tow. Something in the back of Tom's mind was twitching with anticipation, though he didn't expect anything of it.

They'd entered a room with a simple, messy bed and furniture, Leo's room. Leo closed the door behind Tom before speaking.

"I'd rather not have everyone knowing where the real beer is," he said. "Close your eyes, I don't want you knowing either," he added.

Tom closed his eyes as he suddenly felt two strong hands at his shoulders. He felt a jolt run down his spine as he anticipated being pushed to his knees for something he hadn't been thinking about until just then. He was indeed pushed down, though only to sit on the edge of the bed. He felt Leo move away and his heart sank, though he supposed it was a bit too good to be true. He shifted his semi-hard within his shorts into a less conspicuous position as he heard Leo rustling somewhere behind him.

Tom jumped slightly when a cold ring was pressed to his lips.

"Here," whispered Leo.

Liquid was tilted into Tom's mouth. He swallowed the rich beer and enjoyed a few gulps before he opened his eyes and took the bottle for himself. Leo was standing in front of him with a goofy grin that only made his facial features that much more admirable.

"It's good, eh?"

"Hell yeah." Tom tilted the bottle once more in a forced attempt not to stare at Leo's crotch, at eye level and mere feet from Tom's face. Leo walked around the bed and plopped down with his own beer, pulling a pillow behind him and a second one onto the spot next to him. Tom took his cue and pushed his shoes off before lying down on his designated spot. Leo took a nice big swig before resting his head on his arm, revealing his bare underarm to Tom, who admired every little naked detail he could steal from Leo as time went on.

They chatted next about their futures and what they wanted to do. Despite being a star athlete, Leo had intentions of studying medicine and eventually becoming a doctor, while Tom revealed his taste for writing.

"We need a refill," said Tom.

"Alright, close `em."

Again, a cold ring was pressed to his lips as Leo graciously offered Tom the first sip of the bottle. Next they began speaking about humor. Leo admitted that he had a taste for dark and dirty humor and was content to watch and laugh at content on comedy central. Tom agreed wholeheartedly and even spilled a couple of jokes he'd memorized, to which Leo laughed.

A third beer pressed to Tom's lips later, they were fully immersed in making each other burst with laughter to the point of almost spilling their drinks.

After the fourth cold ring was pressed to his lips, Leo immediately and unexpectedly submerged himself into a conversation akin only to true friends: the past. The two started speaking of choice details about the path that led them there. Despite having been open to his closest friends two years ago, the estrangement left Tom a bit bruised with honesty. As such, he made it a point to leave out details about his sexuality and instead focused on other events that defined him.

Leo wasn't as content to leave his sexual life out, however. Once he began that portion of their talk, Tom chose to listen as he didn't want to have to interject fake stories about fake girls he did fake things to. He was glad Leo was content on retelling his own adventures with women instead of asking Tom for his own; honesty aside, Tom didn't want to start lying outright either.

Now by instinct, Tom closed his eyes as the cold circle was pressed to his lips moments later, a bit harder than necessary this time. The bottle was also tilted a bit too much and as such, some liquid dripped down Tom's chin.

"Oops. Heh... sorry," offered Leo as he settled against the headboard. His free hand traveled down with a mind of its own and found itself rubbing at his crotch. Despite being equally inebriated, Tom couldn't help but notice and let a jolt of sexuality run through him. He took another sip as he willed his nether regions not to respond accordingly.

Leo, now affected by the amount of alcohol in his system, whispered in slurred tones about sex and how much he enjoyed it, all the while rubbing himself through his jeans. The effects of the alcohol began to take away the sexual tension Tom was feeling and he, too, eventually relaxed enough not to care about his own arousal. Soon enough, both were rubbing partial hard-ons through the fabric with different thoughts on their minds.

They'd hit a quiet spot after Leo slurred something about being so horny and how he'd love to get head right then and there. Tom, not entirely in himself anymore, laughed stupidly and nodded in half-agreement, half-bliss. Their bottles were once again empty and it was then that Leo stirred once more.

"Alright... close `em."

Any other time, Tom would've noticed the strangeness in Leo's tone of voice, though he was at the time content to slump down and let his head sag towards the edge of the bed. He didn't even notice that the movement he felt and heard next to him seemed different from the other times Leo had fished the beers from his magical hiding place. Nonetheless, Tom was obedient and kept his eyes shut, nearly falling asleep before Leo finally found himself next to his inebriated companion.

Tom felt a hand at his neck as it lifted him in a better position to accept the drink. It was then that something was pressed to his lips, though it was not the same cold circle he'd felt the previous times, and it didn't stop pressing. In his state, he did little to resist as something very unlike a beer bottle pushed past his lips and slowly entered his mouth. The invasion didn't stop until most all of Tom's mouth and throat were filled and his nose and chin were tickled by something else.

His body, still capable of understanding stimulus, was fully aware that Tom had a cock in his mouth right then and there. Despite his lack of reaction or the fact that he wasn't busying himself with thoughts of incredulity or questions lacking answers, his body picked up the slack as he instinctively tilted himself into a better position to accept the invader. It was an impressive tool as even in his state of complete relaxation, Tom was still having trouble taking the entire length.

Leo, also acting almost entirely out of instinct and otherwise unconsciously unaware of what he was doing, seemed to understand what he needed to do. Pulling out, he only pushed in half of his length as he started to hump slowly. Tom did absolutely nothing else with his body; only his mouth was acting by instinct, sucking and pressing as the cock invaded it. Leo let low rumbles escape his throat as his body also moved back and forth completely by instinct.

The slow blowjob continued for several minutes which felt like hours as the swimmer's stamina held him over. Even as he picked up the pace of his humping to a healthy rhythm and pushed in nearly all of his length into his companion's mouth, his orgasm still refused to show itself. Tom had at some point or another pulled his own impressive tool, hard and pulsing, as he began to stroke himself. He too stayed a healthy distance from his orgasm as the two continued to please their cocks in a mercifully slow rhythm.

After what seemed like an hour though may have very well been a few minutes, Leo's orgasm finally mounted to its peak. He grabbed Tom's head and pushed his entire length into his throat as he let muffled grunts escape him after each jet of cum forced its way out of his cock. Tom's body reacted to the orgasm instinctually, swallowing every bit of cum and speeding up the rate of masturbation to its peak. Within moments of Leo's orgasm reaching its zenith, Tom's began. As he let Leo's cock flop away from his mouth, he let out a suppressed, shaky groan out as he covered himself in cum.

Leo hobbled over to his side of the bed shakily and plopped down, falling asleep almost instantly. A part of Tom had sobered enough to remember that the man of his dreams was now asleep next to him. That part told Tom to take the opportunity to cuddle up to Leo, though a mixture of exhaustion and the last bit of shame and modesty he still held to made him fall asleep in his current position instead.

In a haze, dreams eventually spilled into reality as sunlight invaded Tom's eyes far too much to resist. He stretched and yawned as he let wakefulness finally take over. He sat up and rubbed at his aching eyes as the morning-after headache set in without mercy. He desperately needed to pee out the contents of his drinking frenzy, though something held him in the bed like a dead weight.

The strange, foreign bed...

"What... the hell."

He uttered the phrase as everything finally fell into place. Then and there, Tom realized that what felt like moments prior though was in fact several hours ago was not a dream. Last night, in this very bed within this room, he and the man he'd been passively lusting after had done something he'd only ever fantasized about and never otherwise thought possible. Somehow, the very same man he'd imagined himself with had been persuaded by the effects of alcohol to stuff his tool into the mouth that had watered itself so many times over imagining such an event.

Tom sat up and saw that he was not alone; Leo still slumbered like a log next to him, as beautiful in sleep as he was awake. In a moment, Tom could probably run out of that house and never look back as he'd pretend never to have even set foot in it if need be. Were Leo to ever bring up any of the events, he could simply feign incredulity and blame it on the latter's drunken dream.

In this way, Tom formulated backup plans should he need to pull himself out of the situation he suddenly found himself in. For it was then that he realized the previous night, incredible as it seemed in his hazy memory, could make a repeat of events he'd gone through in his previous years, or maybe worse.

"Ugh... man..."

Strangely, he was then complaining, of all things, about the fact that he was unable to determine whether Leo's cock was truly as big as he thought he remembered it being. Whether it was or else seemed to be only because of his drunken stupor mixing with his fantasies of Leo would, unfortunately, remain a mystery as Tom doubted Leo would appreciate the mistake he surely must've made last night.

Tom only hoped Leo wouldn't be too angry once he realized what had happened last night and with whom. In a few moments, Tom was out of the house and trotting to the morning class he was already late to.

Next: Chapter 2

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