Undercover Truth, Part I

By Marc McClean

Published on Jun 23, 2009



This is an erotic story about man-to-man sexual activities. If you are offended by such material, too young to read such, or it is illegal in your community, stop here and find something that won't get you in trouble. Otherwise, please enjoy! If you do, please drop me a note at mj_mclean2001@yahoo.com Thanks!


By M.J. McLean

Chapter 1

Jets of hot water pounded my sore back muscles, but it was hardly enough to make a difference, no matter how I twisted the dial on the massager. I was that sore. I rocked sideways slowly, letting the water trace a path from one shoulder to the other.

I sighed. Moving was for college students and starving grads, not for thirtysomething advertising execs. I never expected to be dragging furniture and lugging boxes up and down stairs, but the move was temporary and limited to essentials, so hiring movers seemed a bit much.

But Ben insisted we could do it ourselves. I agreed, in no small part, I realized, because somewhere deep inside, I harbored some fantasy of collapsing on the couch, sweaty, tired, and an equally sweaty, tired and grateful Ben would collapse next to me and we'd wind up sweaty, tired and naked.

Naked and entwined, on the couch, on the floor, a room-by-room tour. I pulled the shower massager from the wall and directed the water jets at my chest, on my nipples, which hardened as I rubbed them with the other hand.

I closed my eyes. I saw Ben leaning against the doorway to my bedroom. Sweat dripped from his nipples, matting the light dusting of hair on his chest. I saw him look down slightly. His cock bounced gently, hard, glistening a little on the tip. He ran fingers through what I imagined was a neatly trimmed bush. I saw him trace a finger on the underside of his erection. He shivered a little as he found the slit and collected a tiny drop of precum. He tasted it.

I had aimed the shower massager at my cock, which was growing under the jets. I aimed the stream at my balls and found a pleasure spot. I saw myself falling to my knees, looking up into Ben's brown eyes. I moved closer and felt Ben's cock poke me in the eye. We both giggled. I opened my lips ... the water was pounding my cock ... I moved in ... and ...

No. No. I quickly reached around and twisted the lever until the water turned cold. I jumped, even though I knew it was coming. My cock began to shrink. I rinsed off the rest of the soap and turned off the water.

I stood in the shower for a minute, confused. The condo was quiet enough, I could hear Ben moving around in the other bathroom. The water in that shower went on. He'd been waiting for me to finish. I opened the shower door and grabbed a towel.

The object of my lust was in the next room, naked as I was, in the shower. And there was nothing I could do about it. Not if I wanted to salvage some self-respect, much less my friendship with Ben. He was vulnerable, he was tired. He was spoken for, even if the speaker was half a hemisphere away.

Damn my ethics. I dried off and went through my nighttime rituals. Brushing teeth, moisturizing face, touch-ups to the goatee, the pits, the pubes with the small shaver.

The next couple of months could be torture if I weren't careful. I needed to resolve right now that I would respect Ben and his relationship. As far as I was concerned, we were brothers. Except I never wanted to fuck my brother.

I'd known Ben for about two years. He joined the ad shop as a junior account exec and excelled immediately. We hit it off from the start, spotting each other as family. We shared common interests, laughed at the same things, enjoyed food and wine. The biggest difference between us: Ben lived with his partner of four years, a history professor at the university.

The three of us went out often, but Adam was a little standoffish with me. Ben said he was a typical college professor, a little shy, reserved. I wanted to add `jealous,' because that's what it seemed like sometimes, but I kept my mouth shut.

About six weeks ago, Adam was given an opportunity to teach for a semester in London and Ben encouraged him to go. I promised Adam I'd watch over Ben and I got the idea that almost caused Adam to reconsider, but he left.

About a week afterward, Adam's sister showed up at the house Ben and Adam shared, a house Ben and the sister had inherited from their parents. The sister was married and living in the next state in a much bigger house, or was, until she caught her husband cheating and left him.

Marcie informed Ben she was moving in the house. It took more than an hour on the phone with Adam to convince Marcie she had to let Ben stay there, but she proceeded to make co-habitation miserable.

One day at the office, Ben pulled my aside and told me, on the edge of tears, that he couldn't take living with Marcie anymore and he didn't know what he could do. Without hesitating, I told him he would move in with me until Adam returned. He protested, weakly, but I insisted and he agreed gratefully.

And so we moved his things into the junior suite of my three-bedroom condo. I could feel the relief wash over Ben as he sat on his bed, free of Marcie's tirades. He thanked me profusely and promised he'd be no trouble.

As if. I walked out of the bathroom and started to turn the covers down. I heard a knock at the door and was about to say `come in' when I realized I was naked. Of course I was. I slept naked. But if I was going to keep my vow, I needed to remove any hint of temptation. I would have to wear something to bed as long as Ben was here. It sounded silly, but I was tired and weak. I grabbed a pair of boxers from the drawer and yanked them on as I opened the door.

Ben stood in a pair of fleece workout shorts. My heart quickened for a moment as I saw his chest, glistening still from the shower. He'd yanked off his shirt earlier, but I hadn't looked this closely. His muscles were nicely defined, but not overly so. A small trail of hair vanished into the shorts.

"I just wanted to thank you again, Gregg. You don't know how much this means to me," Ben said.

"I have an idea," I said. "You're welcome to stay as long as you need to. You're free of that bitch."

Ben smiled and then moved toward me awkwardly, embracing me. I felt his warm, damp skin against mine and I felt my cock stir and I tried to turn the hug into a straight bro hug, our hips far enough apart to hide my response. I don't think he noticed. He broke the embrace.

"Well, good night. Thanks again."

"G'night, Ben. Sleep well."

I crawled into bed and turned out the light. Without thinking, I slid my hands under the waistband of my boxers and fondled my half-hard cock. The house was quiet for a few moments, then I heard the faint sound of a voice. Ben was on the phone, almost certainly with Adam.

I tried to listen for words, but he was too far away. I slid out of bed and quietly cracked my door open a little. I still couldn't make out words, but the sounds and the rhythms were clearer and after laying still in bed, it hit me: They were having phone sex. The moans and mmmms were unmistakable.

A chill went through me as I realized Ben was jerking off in the other room. It had never crossed my mind, but he was young, gay, horny, away from his lover -- he would have needs and he was taking care of it right now.

My cock was hardening without any other help. I pushed my boxers down and, warning myself that this was wrong and I would burn for it, I began to stroke, listening to Ben's noises as he did the same thing. I was hard now and I returned to my shower fantasy, back on my knees in front of Ben. I let his cock slide onto my tongue and into my mouth, felt his hands in my hair. The moans from the other room became the moans in my scene. I stroked faster as I imagined Ben's cock in my mouth. I saw myself sucking hungrily, grabbing on to his ass to pull him closer.

In my fantasy, Ben pulled me up and thrust his tongue into my mouth, grinding his cock into mine as we kissed. I stroked faster as I the moans from the other room intensified. I saw Ben fall to his knees and swallow my cock. My hips bucked as I got closer. I heard one final sound from the other room and then nothing. I froze, my cock throbbing, and then I could wait no more. I shuddered as I shot a stream of cum onto my stomach and chest and I practically bit my lip off to stay silent.

After a moment, I heard another sound. Running water in the other bathroom. Ben was cleaning up. Then an unexpected sound: the closing of a door. Whether he'd meant to or not, Ben had left his bedroom door ajar, which is how I heard what I did.

I stayed still for a few minutes more, the cum oozing down my sides. When I thought it safe, I tiptoed to my bathroom and used the damp towel to wipe myself off. Then I returned to bed and slept fitfully. My willpower was off to a less-then-stellar start.

Over the next couple of weeks, Ben and I settled into a comfortable routine. I kept to my promise. Hands off. I still found Ben in my jerk-off fantasies, but I decided that was a suitable compromise. Maybe instead of brothers, we were distant cousins.

We were both working a lot of long hours on accounts, which was one reason I wasn't trying to date at the time. We went out on weekends -- as friends -- but I wasn't in the mood for one-night tricks.

Ben and Adam continued to talk on the phone, but I made sure my door was closed and I kept the TV on low to avoid temptation. At some point, I decided it was silly to worry about how I slept and I returned to climbing into bed naked every night, a pair of boxers within reach.

One night, I was just about to fall asleep, when I heard Ben's voice louder than usual. There were words for a few minutes, then nothing. I heard Ben open his door and pad out to the kitchen and then return to his room. He closed his door loudly.

The next morning was Saturday and, for a change, I didn't have to work. I got up and made coffee and was slicing bagels when Ben staggered out, fully dressed, though unshaven and a little worse for wear.

"You got to work today, Ben?"

He grunted. "If I don't, I'll never catch up on this one." His mood was dour.

"You OK?"

He paused and poured a mug of coffee. "Adam and I ... we had an argument last night and I didn't sleep."

"Do you really have to go into the office?"

"It'll help occupy my head with something else. It's probably best." Ben left the mug on the counter, untouched. "I'm gonna go. I'm fine, really. Nothing I haven't dealt with before. Enjoy your day off, OK? Do something fun for me."

I was worried, but couldn't think of anything I could do. The "fun" I had for the both of us was getting the oil changed in my car and discovering that I needed a new tire and, with your car, sir, you should really replace all four.


On the way home finally, I got a text from Ben that he was working late and then had an errand to complete. Don't wait up, he wrote.

I got Chinese take-out and gorged myself before retiring early. I stripped and put a favorite movie in the DVD machine, then climbed under the covers. The day had turned chilly and I loved the feel of the comforter to keep me warm.

About 10 minutes into the movie, I heard Ben return home. Something dropped onto the floor and after a few seconds, I heard a knock at the door. Ben stuck his head in.

"Hey, Greggy, I'm home finally." He looked exhausted.

I paused the movie. "Are you OK, sweetie? You're awfully late."

"Yeah, I'm tired. I had to get some stuff from Adam's house. There's still a few boxes in my car, but they'll keep." He glanced at the TV. "Oh my god, that's my favorite movie! I didn't know you had it on disc. I can't wait `til I get all my DVDs again. It's been too long since I watched it."

Without thinking, I said: "You don't have to wait. Come watch it with me. I'll start it over."

Ben's eyes brightened immediately. "You wanna take it out to the big screen in the living room?"

"Nah, I'm too comfortable," I said, wishing for the sake of my vow I hadn't. "Just come watch it in here."

"OK, hold on, I'll be right back!"

I restarted the movie and a few minutes later, Ben returned with a bottle of wine and two glasses. He wore his gray sleeping shorts. My heart quickened and my cock twitched. Careful, Greggy, Careful.

Ben crawled onto the bed and poured wine as the move started. He adjusted the extra pillows and settled into watch. We quickly drained the wine bottle.

About halfway through the movie, Ben shivered a little. "It's kind of chilly in here. I'm going to go get a quilt from my room."

"Don't bother," I said, clearly ignoring a chorus of inner voices. "Just climb under the comforter."

Ben shrugged and I could feel my cock grow again as he climbed in bed with me. He squirmed and got comfortable. The movie neared an end and Ben nodded a little. He moved under the covers, trying to find a comfortable position. He got closer to me as he shifted and then I felt his hand brush my naked hip as he pulled his hand up.

"Gregg, are you naked under there?" Ben said, his voice a little slurred from the wine. "You're naked, aren't you?"

My face reddened. "Yeah. I sleep naked. I was ready for bed when you got here, that's all. I can put something on if you want." I looked for my boxers.

Ben gave me an odd look and I wasn't sure how to read it at first. Then I saw him squirm and shift some more and suddenly he pulled a hand out from under the covers and tossed his sleep shorts aside. Now I could read the look.

In a split second I made a decision. I reached over and touched Ben's thigh. "Well, well, well, Ben, I do believe you're naked too." I scooted closer and kept my hand on his hip.

"I guess I am," he said, his voice thick, his eyes piercing mine.

"You know, some people might think this is kind of gay, two guys naked in bed together." I moved closer still and let my hand wander until I found Ben's belly button and that little trail.

He traced his fingers across my stomach and used his foot to nudge mine. "Yeah, I think they'd think it was really gay if the two guys were, you know, feeling each other up. Or doing this." He move his hand down until it found my hard dick and he smiled as he gripped it.

"Oh, god," I gasped. I found Ben's cock, which was nearly erect. I moved my leg over his and rubbed our legs together. I stared into Ben's eyes and moved my head closer to his. I blew into his air little and he shivered. I leaned in closer and flicked my tongue on his earlobe.

In a quick move, Ben turned and pulled me to him. He kissed me tentatively, his lips grazing mine, then he kissed me harder, his tongue pushing toward mine. I pulled him onto me and our mouths connected with the hunger I'd felt for weeks, months even.

We kicked the comforter away and I took in Ben's nakedness as it writhed against mine. I felt him grind his cock into mine and I wrapped my legs around his and began to thrust upward. We kissed deeply and our hands dug into each other.

Ben took my arms and pinned them against the pillows and attacked my lips again with his. Then he sat up and looked down at me. He moved until he could find both our cocks and he began stroking them together, his hips moving in rhythm, his eyes devouring the rest of me.

He slid lower and in one movement, took my cock into his mouth. I felt his teeth graze my shaft as he took it deeply into his mouth, sucking wildly. My hips bucked. My fantasy unfolded in front of me. The consequences felt leagues away.

Ben looked up at me. "Fuck me, Gregg. I want to feel you fuck me. I want to ride you right here." He almost snarled the words and my cock jumped. I rummaged in the nightstand and found a condom and lube.

I ripped the package open and Ben snatched the rubber. He rolled it onto my hard dick and slathered it with lube. He took a finger full and reached around to his ass. Then he rose up on his knees and scooted up until my cock throbbed against his ass cheeks.

He slowly lowered himself onto my cock. He winced as it slid in and then he paused, squirming as I filled him.

I finally got a good look at Ben's throbbing dick. I could see know he was uncut. He was an inch or two longer than me and a little fatter. His bush was as neatly trimmed as I'd imagined. I reached to grab it, but Ben shook his head. "Later," he whispered. Then he began to ride me.

He slid his ass up and down on my cock, using his hips to control the movements, his ass muscles to squeeze. He closed his eyes and began to stroke his cock, matching the movements of his hips. He looked at me again, licking his lips.

He writhed faster and started to pause a little each time he pushed my cock deep inside him. He was prolonging it, but I couldn't wait much more.

"Ride me, Ben, ride my hard cock!" I locked his gaze again and he resumed the quick thrusts. I reached up and took his hands, our fingers interlocking. Suddenly, I could hold it mo more.

"I'm gonna shoot!" I cried. My body tensed and shuddered as I began to come. Ben twisted and rode me faster. As I felt the final spurt inside the condom, I pulled Ben down and pushed my tongue into his moth. He thrust his cock against my stomach and I pulled him to me. He thrust a few more times, then froze.

"Oh, god, Gregg, I'm ... " I felt the warm cum spurt onto my stomach and I kissed him more deeply. We stayed that way for a few minutes, hot, sticky, cum dripping from his cock, the condom on mine starting to slide off.

Finally, I found the boxers and wiped the cum as best as I could, disposing of the condom. Ben kissed me and fell back on the bed.

"You wanna shower?" I asked.

"No, just wanna sleep," he said, and within moments, he was snoring softly.

I dampened a towel and cleaned myself and as much of Ben as I could without waking him, then I climbed in bed. I forced from my head any thoughts about what I'd done -- what we'd done -- and I surprisingly fell asleep.

Sunday morning arrived late, at least for me. I opened my eyes and recalled the night before. I turned to see Ben ... but he was gone. I called out, but the condo was still. Shit. I knew I'd crossed a line, even if Ben was apparently a willing companion.

I staggered out to the kitchen. Boxes were stacked in the entry way. He'd managed to unload his car without waking to me. It struck me: He'd moved out of Adam's house. He was in trouble. And I fucked him when he needed a friend.

There was a note on the whiteboard where we made grocery lists.

"Gregg," it said. "Out for a drive. Not sure when I'll be back. Don't wait up. --B."


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