Under the Sun

Published on Feb 1, 2011



The sun still baked him. It had been four hours already since he arrived and finding nobody within eyeshot discarded the shorts he had worn all summer, shoes and socks and the torn sleeve sweatshirt.

He stretched his body as if preparing for a race or some other demanding physical effort. Instead he lay on the thick green grass carpet that nature provided. The sun immediately warmed every inch.

He turned arms upward to feel the warmth on his armpits only recently sprouting hair there.

He lifted his genitals too to feel the sun's fingers on the usually hidden flesh underneath. His penis had already grown hard and thus was easy to pull for the sun's warmth.

Awakening sometime later, he didn't know when nor did he care, Bob rolled onto his warmed and reddened stomach and chest feeling the cooling grass tickle his flesh.

The sun didn't waste time attacking his shoulders, back, buttocks, thighs. He reached behind him and spread his bubbly round buttocks and felt warmth in between. It hardened his penis more despite being pressed between his stomach and the grown.

Another nap later, he awoke as if some alarm had sounded. He walked across the small hill to a tree he held himself aiming his urine arch toward the tree. He chuckled. Like a dog he had sought a tree to use. It didn't make sense. He could have watered anywhere.

He stretched out again and began to explore his reddening skin. His fingertips sent little shocks through his body as he traced the smooth surface and then crossed his arms so each hand's fingers pinched the opposite side nipple.

It hurt and he closed his eyes to concentrate on the pleasure he had discovered a long time ago. He pulled hard, pressing the flesh between his thumbs and fingers. He wanted to beg someone to release him and yet to squeeze harder. But he was alone.

The flesh stretched in the warmth and the pressure he used. Each nipple twisted and his penis throbbed as the trigger to some deeply hidden pleasure pool was excited. How he wished he could handle his blood engorged maleness while still torturing each nipple.

The knot in his gut threatened him and he wished it would surge through him and force the full prostate to release its burden while he still pulled, twisted and suffered.

His hand had to do it and he did, jacking until his body and the area of grass felt splatters as his sperm landed from the height it reached.

"Fuck" he muttered making sure he whispered less someone hear. He laughed there was nobody to hear.

He returned to the tree to wash out what few drops of sperm were hiding inside his softening chub.

The grass welcomed him back and the sun returned to baking his back. He didn't sleep. Just feeling the sun stimulate the ignore portion of his body was restful enough.

Lying there, he stretched each leg, flexed the thick gluteus muscle and reached with each arm as if some ancient torture device was pulling on them.

He felt his back, using finger tips and stretching as far as he could across the muscles, then slid down and over each mound to his thighs. Determined not to move more then he had to, he arched his back to push the fingers down each thigh.

Then he had to lay down lessoning the back pain and concentrate on the dimpled buttocks. Each stroke sent shocks through him. He wondered if anyone would do this in the future. Would his girlfriend if he ever found one, a wife? Would he have to pay some prostitute like so many TV stars did and would they understand he just wanted this?

His fingers moved to the inside of each mound and he pulled his legs under him so they separated. Fingers felt good there and tickling the rosebud anus. To his surprise he could flex it, opening to his touch. Intrigued he played with his newly discovered fun as if to tease both his finger and his anus.

The finger won popping inside and feeling as deep as his body angle allowed. His dick had hardened before and now throbbed hard as before.

He knew what he wanted and needed. He had done it before in his own bed twisting around to give himself access. He had felt the pressure of his fingers inside him locating the prostate and rubbing it till his body demanded relief.

He used on finger now so his other hand could do its work. It didn't take long. He tried to hold back and enjoy the process. He felt his fingers go deeper, and inserted another. It was warm there, not like the sun warmed skin outside.

He cursed, again whispering and chuckling at himself. The body ached as he knotted himself into a ball with knees, chest and face pressed on the grass. He ached for relief and he ached for the experience to continue.

Then without a conscious decision his body spewed its milking definition of pleasure out on to the grass under him, again and again as if there was an unending supply inside him. He wanted to feel the gland pulse pressing against it.

His fingers slid out as his body demanded to relax and he was soon lying on top of the moistness, panting like some Olympic runner after the dash through a ribbon of victory.

"You ok" the voice asked.

He jumped and moved to a seated position facing the sun he had been worshiping for hours.

"Uh yea ok" he said not knowing to whom he spoke. Out of the corner of his eye, the shirtless form stood nearby. There was no comment about having seen him finger pleasuring himself and masturbating at the same time.

"Uh what are you doing out here?" he asked turning to see Elliot Guber, a classmate. He had the reputation of being a bully despite the fact their shared playground was now the county college campus.

"Just needed to find a place to uh get away, like you I guess"

He was still naked. That fact came with a mental struggle what he should do. Should he act modest and grab clothes to cover himself or just act nonchalant. Would Elliot think him queer, odd or sick?

He heard the rustle of clothing.

"Ahhh there, sun feels good"

Guber's legs could be seen as they stretched outward. He saw the boy had dropped his own shorts and like him was now naked.

"Yea sun feels good" he said just to let the guy know he knew.

"I come out here, smoke a joint, jack off and just sleep sometimes" Elliot said

He heard his own attitude and actions mirrored back at him.

"Unless there's someone here of course" Elliot added and chuckled.

He decided to test the situation. "Go ahead don't let me stop you"

"Want to wait awhile. You probably need some time to recharge" Guber said.

He turned to see the boy's eyes were closed, looking as relaxed as he was earlier. There was a line of black hair starting at his chest and going down to the curly patch above his cock. He watched and saw the thickness expand.

"You never saw a guys cock get hard before?" Guber asked. Somehow he had seen without opening his eyes.

He decided to be honest. "No"

"Really?" Guber's eyes had opened "Go ahead and touch it if you want"

He moved closer stretching his own legs out. The fingers that had stimulated him slowly moved through the distance between them and touched the fattening penis that lay on the black patch of pubic hair.

He had never felt another guys' penis before. He traced its growing length with his fingertips wondering if it felt as good to Guber as his self touching did.

As if to answer his unspoken question Elliot sighed "feels good, take your time dude, everywhere"

He did just that exploring the naked body offered. The skin was smooth, muscled and muscles twitched now and then. When he saw it, he retraced the area to make it twitch again and again.

The boys cock was rock hard and drooling onto his stomach by the time he decided to touch the sac that was underneath.

"Shit man that's so good" Guber sighed again. He looked but the boy's eyes were closed.

He had thought about it, seen videos on the internet and even photos in magazines but until that point, he never thought he would do it. His tongue moved up the length of the cock.

"Go ahead man, it's been a long time, get it good and hard" Elliot said.

He let the thing move inside his mouth trying to cover his teeth, feel it with his tongue and open his throat so he wouldn't gag. He did anyway.

"Just move it around, I'm almost ready" Elliot said.

He felt the boys hand on the back of his head. He moved his tightened lips up and down the length. He was giving a guy a blowjob for the first time.

There was no real taste but the desire was to keep doing it.

"Wait" Elliot said "Just get it wet enough to go in"

He hadn't thought about it, at least not now, not with this guy and maybe not with anyone.

"You ready?" Elliott interrupted his thoughts and lip sliding. "Turn over"

He did what the guy said. He wasn't sure why. There wasn't time to change his mind since the so-called bully was on top of his back blocking the warming sun with his own body.

Elliot's hands weren't rough but they were firm as he spread legs and buttocks.

"Yeaaaa" Elliot sighed loud this time combining words with the mental scream he almost made verbal as his body was stretched open.

"Shit' he did say

"Yea, I know, relax, keep breathing so we both can enjoy this" Elliot said. It wasn't an order but instruction. There was no violence; even the hands that held him weren't hurting him.

The only discomfort was his body rubbing against the ground as Elliot began a regular pace of pumping his body.

"Turn over" the words were in his ear suddenly. The cock pain was gone. He felt Elliot's hands helping him turn over and before thoughts could interrupt he felt the guy's body under his legs.

Looking at the bare skinned bully, he wanted to ask him to stop but the cock stabbed back into him.

"God" He muttered not sure if it was the recurrence of pain or the pleasure of feeling full or the desire to see god through pleasure.

What happened next convinced him what was happening was good. Elliot's fingers grabbed each nipple and using them as handles pulled him forward with each insertion hip jab.

It hurt like hell but like his self induced nipple pain, the triggered jolts shot through his nervous system and the line between pain and pleasure became thinner and disappeared.

The jabbing became harder and faster, the fingers twisted and pulled convincing him each nipple would be inches longer when Elliot was through with him.

He felt the fucker's shoulders and chest with the back of his thighs and calves as they rubbed with each movement. He wanted to wrap them around the guy pulling himself closer and filling his body with the length that wasn't being inserted if there was any.

From the sight and feeling of Elliot's each hip thrust, he was sure they both wanted the same thing. Elliot would adjust his legs lifting him and jabbing again and again to make sure the goal was reached.

He felt the guy's pubic hair rubbing against his taint..He wanted more of that feeling.

Elliot slapped his butt and he clenched feeling the thickness inside him. It felt good, hard and large.

He learned to relax the grip when Elliot inserted and clench when Elliot withdrew. Elliot told him what to do and he learned to do it, not thinking, not trying to understand or adjust -- just react, comply, receive, give, hurt, sense, enjoy!

"Gonna, can't hold back, fucking hot, tight bitch, shit shit shit" Elliot announced his sperm infusion and then collapsed.

It took awhile for him to feel the weight of the naked boy on top of him. Even during the process his body could feel the boy's legs, chest, still hard cock which was still lodged inside him.

"Damn you're hot" Elliot said slapping the side of his bare buttock.

The "pop" was audible yet Sam still felt the cock inside him. Turning over Sam saw Elliot holding his penis aiming the yellow stream across the grass. Sam watched and realized the sight was erotic.

"Gotta go" Elliot said grabbing his clothing and trotting still naked across the field.

Sam assumed at some point the guy would dress before any eyes were within viewing distance.

Sam lay on the grass, concentrated on the phantom cock feeling inside him. Sam had read about it. It felt good. His cock begged and Sam complied taking a very long time to satisfy the drive. Sam clenched but didn't feel flesh inside the grasp of his sphincter but sperm released nevertheless.

Classes were normal. Sam busied himself finding new classrooms, absorbing teacher personalities and surveying the required reading lists tossed at him.

Between lectures, Sam looked about in case Elliot was somewhere close by. It wasn't until lunch time Sam spied the boy.

Guber looked like what Sam remembered from previous years at class, tall, a bit rough, worn jeans and sports logo marked tee shirt.

Sam tried to look long enough to get Elliot look back, smile, wink, nod or something. But Elliot not only didn't seem to notice but perhaps ignore him.

Sam was used. Sex'd by a guy notorious for bullying the willing, weak and victimized. Sam wondered if the bully would tell others he was a male whore, bitch, easy lay or whatever.

Days passed by..It took weeks for him to live with the fact Sam had sucked his first cock, lost his butt cherry and to someone who thought he was just trash to be crumpled up and thrown away.

There were no bathroom scrawl announcing his new status, no phone numbers and no rumors his friends revealed. Perhaps Elliot didn't want to be known as gay or bi or whatever he thought of himself.

The two months seemed to fly by after that. His night time visits to the local park bathroom educated him more on the arts of cocksucking. Only once did Sam find himself pressed against a bathroom stall wall while a cock invaded him. It wasn't the same. Elliot had fucked him but it seemed different.

Sam even found the opportunity to get his own cock sucked, though that didn't satisfy him as much as sucking. And there was the night he and another youth entertained the perverted onlookers. Sam pressed into the kids butt and felt the same warmth that Elliot and others had felt in him. It was nice, smooth and yet the internal tightness excited him at the same time.

But when it was over, it was over. There were no lasting glances, kiss or even a handshake. The kid pulled his shorts up and quickly left the bathroom. None of the onlookers said anything though a few implied they wanted to fuck him. Sam left feeling satisfied yet empty somehow.

So it was his future and hopefully he'd meet someone like Elliot but maybe something more, maybe some emotion, sensitivity or even love.

"Hey" the voice was low and quiet, not quite a whisper.

Sam looked over. Elliot was leaning against the wall. He nodded presuming Elliot couldn't avoid finally acknowledging him or was just bored since there was no group around him.

"Gonna be very hot tomorrow. I'm skipping morning lecture, gotta get some sun"

Sam didn't know what to say.

"Got a morning class?"

"Naw" Sam said not sure whether he did or not.

"Good meet you at the same place as last time. I've thought about it allot" Elliot smiled.

Sam had thought about it too but didn't say that. He nodded.

"We can take our time this...I wanted a second go last time"

His mind was recalling the pain, the pleasure and the unique phantom he felt for at least a day after that time. He wondered if it would be the same. Sam wanted it to be the same.

"And maybe you can do me too, you know?" Elliot did whisper this.

"Me?" He asked without thinking.

"Yea you got a nice one" Elliot said "I saw you wanking it after we finished"

Sam wondered how Elliot had seen him "wanking" as the guy put it, from far away.

"What about it? You be there? Would be cool to find you like last time" Elliot said his hand now resting on his shoulder.

The warmth spread through him like the sun rays, from his shoulder across his chest, down his torso and into his crotch. It was growing.

"I'll be there" Sam said bravely reaching behind Elliot and grabbing his butt.

"Hey" Elliot jumped his word loud enough to make some close by heads turn.

"Tomorrow" Sam said as he moved away from his first fuck, still leaning against the wall.

Lying naked on the grass under the sun, it was something he looked forward too.

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