Under Orders

By Eddy Charlton

Published on Aug 24, 2006


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This story contains descriptions of consensual sexual contact between adult males. As such it is homoerotic, designed for the entertainment of mature adults. If you are not of legal age to read such material, or if the subject matter would create irresolvable personal moral dilemmas, please exit now

Under Orders, Part 2 By: Steve

If you read Under Orders Part 1 you may remember that I concluded by promising Greg that I would introduce him to some other contacts when we returned from overseas. Well I am very much a man of my word.

The first couple of week's back were very busy servicing equipment, and debriefing. I didn't get to see much of Greg during this time, much less discuss our little "adventure". It probably wasn't a bad thing anyway, since he got a fair bit of ribbing when someone noticed his shorn body in the showers. Ah well he'll learn, like I did, you adjust the timings of your daily ablutions when you have just come away from a pretty intense session. He passed it off as a prank gone wrong and I decided to let him reflect on what my mouth and Leo's cock had meant to him. But not for too long, I didn't want him to start thinking of it as a one-time event, which couldn't be repeated!

With this in mind I drafted my letter to the most suitable contact I could think of. I never knew his real name, "SIR" was always the most suitable and given my profession it made a change to have to use the word with real respect!!

He lived in the capital and had effectively picked me up, when I was there 18 months previously. I don't know how it happened, it just did. When I had returned to his house, he had shown me his extensive collection of military uniforms and wanted me to dress up for him. I went along with this, although it was a bit like going to work. Anyway during one change of costume I spotted the leather and rubber equipment at the back of the wardrobe and when I raised it with SIR he was delighted that I was interested. The rest of that visit and subsequent ones were very intense, I think he took pleasure in being able to educate me and help explore my darker side.

It was with this in mind that I wrote my letter. Certainly SIR would be the best way of bringing Greg on, deeper into the slave world, where there could be no turning back. If only he would allow me to visit with a fellow student?

The reply was typical, curt and to the point, "Come a week on Friday for the long weekend. Bring your friend, but ensure he complies with the normal rules, as I know you will!"

I set about briefing Greg, probably best to do it over a couple of beers, which is what I did.

Come the Friday lunchtime we met in my room, so I could check all was correct. Greg was a little nervous, but that was understandable, at least he had someone to talk to, I had done the same preparation previously, but all on my own.

He was dressed like me in a T-shirt, with an old pair of jeans and DMs, and looking very self-conscious. I knew then that he had complied with the rest of the brief, but couldn't resist performing my own check... "Okay, strip off and let me see" I ordered. When he was naked I saw straight off that he had done as I had said. His body was clean-shaven and when I told him to turn around I could see the butt-plug (I had loaned him one) was firmly in place. "Right you had better check me" I said, in order to reassure him. This he did, even giving my plug a bit of a push and pull to check...good, he wasn't that nervous.

How we managed on the train journey to the capital I will never know. Let's face it neither of us was in a position to freely talk about how we felt, not with other passengers around. So each of us was lost in our own thoughts, contemplating the coming weekend, and more importantly the constant reminder in our arse of what was coming!!

After what seemed a lifetime, we arrived at SIR's home, exactly on time; he would accept nothing less. The door opened and we walked in...

"Strip and kneel!" the simple command was issued, and quickly obeyed. SIR then spent a brief period admiring his two charges, a touch here, a tweak of a nipple there, a caress of cock and balls. Greg was clearly a little put off by this attention, but there was nothing I could, or would, do. I had experienced the "reward" for not conforming previously, and I wasn't about to lay myself open to punishment I didn't deserve! Eventually, satisfied with his inspection, we were ordered to the bathroom to "shower and get ready".

The opportunity to shower was a welcome one, and I could spend the time preparing Greg. The relief of removing the butt plug was obvious, but as I warned him, he could expect it to be replaced by something very shortly!! Once we had towelled-off, we stepped outside into the hallway, to be met by SIR, now dressed in his leathers and holding collars and cuffs. I fell to my knees and Greg was quick to follow.

"Good" SIR observed, and set about securing our hands behind our backs and attaching the collars around our necks. Leashes were quickly fixed in place and with a swift tug we were led away to our fate.

I knew where we were going...the cellar. I had seen it before, but it never ceased to amaze me how my entering it brought on this feeling of anticipation...and fear. Sure enough, my cock responded, and glancing out the corner of my eye I could see a similar effect in Greg.

We halted in the middle of the room, whereupon Greg was led off to one side and firmly secured to a wooden post. Returning to me, SIR smiled and said, "I think you had better demonstrate what comes next". Within seconds I was secured to another post and I felt the cool caress of the whip on my back. "Twenty, I think... to start with... count them out!" "Yes Sir" I replied.

"One SIR, thank you SIR...two SIR, thank you SIR..." I intoned, as the lash fell upon my back, its ends curling around to catch my chest. He didn't just concentrate on my back but alternated between that and my arse and thighs. Each stroke burnt, but at the same time stimulated. The effect was enhanced further when he turned to Greg and said, "I hope you are paying attention...you get your turn shortly", as an aside to me he then commented "and you will get to watch, I'll bet you'll enjoy that"

So it was. I was now spreadeagled on his table, a leather hood and gag had been placed on my head and my arse was filled with another plug, larger than before. Thus arranged I had full view of SIR as he manoeuvred Greg into position. No chance for words of encouragement from me ...even if I had wanted to. Mind you he had obviously enjoyed my discomfort, as witnessed by the way his cock stood out from his body! That soon disappeared though, as the flogging started and he cried out in pain. At the same time I felt my own member stirring as I witnessed his initiation. By the time it was finished I was fully erect and Greg was then dragged straight over to the table, where, without bidding, he took me in his mouth. Looking at his face I could see the tears in his eyes and I knew his back must be as sore as mine, but nonetheless he concentrated on his task of sucking me off.

I don't know how he had practiced, but this was no longer the first-timer of only a few weeks ago, the sensation was magnificent. So much so we both forgot about SIR for a while. It couldn't last, nor did it. Seeing that we were enjoying ourselves a little too much, he dragged Greg off my cock and, having gagged and hooded him, re-secured him to the post.

SIR then withdrew to the corner of the room and sat down to admire his charges, the sound of classical music filled the air, the effect was quite surreal and erotic at the same time. As the sound of Vivaldi wafted over me, lying naked and tethered to the table, the sweat of the last session cooling on my skin, I drifted into a dream-like state. Looking across at Greg and taking in his body tied to the post like a sculpture, I could feel the lust rising in me and my cock responded; slowly lengthening until it stood fully erect and oozing pre-cum. I groaned behind my gag and flexed my arse against the intruding presence of the plug.

"Quiet! I will be with you soon enough, slave!"

Now I had something else to think about. What would be my punishment for disturbing SIR's thoughts?

To be continued...if you want me to?

Next: Chapter 3

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