Under His Thumb

By Boiler Maker

Published on Sep 25, 2019


Under HIS Thumb

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Disclaimer: This story contains explicit descriptions of adult men engaged in sexual activity with other men and is intended for adult readers. If it is illegal to read or posses materials of this nature where you live, please stop here. All characters depicted having sex are over 18 years of age. This story is a mix of real life personal experiences, injected with a bit of fantasy. Any unsafe or dangerous depictions should be considered as fictional or fantasy. Please be safe when exploring new sexual activities and always practice safe sex.

Chapter Six: Under His Thumb | Poker Night

I began cleaning Tom's house, starting with the living room chair I had just coated. It took a while before it looked as good as new, and then I started on the rest of my chores. Tom stayed upstairs until about 6:15 PM. I could hear him moving about, undoubtedly preparing the upstairs for the night ahead. When he came down, he inspected my work and gave me a look of satisfaction.

He was all cleaned up, wearing a pair of blue khaki shorts that accentuates his ass and package perfectly. He paired that with a loose striped linen shirt, with the top three buttons unbuttoned, showing off his beautiful chest. Normally, I don't like it when guys wear a lot of cologne, but the scent he was wearing was intoxicating. I just wanted to be close to him so I could revel in it. I followed him around and he gave me a few last minute tasks before ordering me to kneel by the door and wait for guests to arrive.

It was slightly past 6:30 when the doorbell first rang. As instructed, I opened the door, wearing nothing but my steel cock cage and the plug in my ass. It was Nick, from the store where Tom had directed me to go to purchase the plug I was wearing. I greeted him, saying "Welcome to Sir Tom's house, how can I be of service?"

Nick chuckled and patted me on the head before telling me to go get him a beer and taking a seat in the living room. I brought him his drink and returned to the door just in time for the next guests to arrive.

I opened the door and two tall muscular men darkened the doorway. I'm 6'2", and don't normally have to look up to look someone in the eye, but these two were easily 6'5" or taller and built like pro football players. I greeted them as Tom had instructed me. The taller of the two turned and said, "look Robert, Tom's got a new bitch. Robert laughed and stepped across the doorway first, grabbed my head and ground his crotch into my face. I could feel his dick flop across my nose under his shorts as he moved it side to side. He said "Ryan, I call dibs on this mouth. Tom always trains them so well." Ryan replied that the cards would decide.

I fetched Robert and Ryan beers as well and brought them to the living room where they all were chatting. I overheard Ryan asking Tom how he does it. Tom replied, " Once I've determined the best way to apply pressure and motivate a sub it's easy to have them kneeling and ready to serve like this bitch right here." Tom placed his hand on my head and tousled my hair as he said that last bit. I was trying to decide if I should be offended by his remark, but I had to admit, that's exactly what was in that moment. And not just for Tom, but apparently for everyone at Poker Night.

Tom continued that it took a special type of boy to want to give up total control in service of another man. He said "I look for a submissive disposition, of course, but also some specific things in a boy's past that trigger this kind of devotion to an alpha male. These qualities provide the best boy to mold for long-term service."

All of the probing questions Tom had asked me before we met now seemed to make sense. Tom has been sizing me up. I'm not sure specifically what I said that led him to believe that I was a great candidate for service to his cock, but I didn't have much time to contemplate that now, as the doorbell rang. I jumped up to answer the door.

When I opened the door, my jaw hit the floor. I was so stunned and speechless that I forgot to say the greeting Tom instructed me to say. It was Marco. He pushed me aside and walked in. I stood in the doorway frozen. Tom had said he wouldn't out me, and yet my coworker is now standing in his house.

Did Tom know? Did he plan this to humiliate me? He had said that all of his friends had been to Poker night before. So was Marco gay?! I was so confused and lost in my thoughts that I didn't even hear Tom shouting at me "close the damn door!"

Marco was the closest, so he turned and jammed the butt plug further up my ass to get my attention. When I snapped out of it and looked over to him, a devilish grin crossed his face. "Well, hello bitch" he said and my face flushed red.

I said "Welcome to Sir Tom's house, how can I be of service to you?"

Marco said "get on your knees" and I followed his order. He stepped closer to me pulling my head to the crotch of his basketball shorts and smashing my face into his junk. He had a tight grip on my head and I could barely breathe. Marco said in a quiet voice, I've been waiting for the chance to use you for a while now." He released me, pushing me to the floor, and ordered a beer.

I sprang up and retrieved one for Marco and another for Tom. When I returned with the brews, the men were all making their way to the table for poker.

I knelt in the corner, as instructed, and the cards were dealt. The first half hour I was largely ignored. I got up a few times to fetch more snacks and drinks and would return to my position. Tom ordered me over to massage his shoulders, and that's when I first became an integral part of the game. Tom, Robert and Marco were left. Ryan and Nick had already folded. I couldn't see the other men's cards, but Tom was bluffing hard. Ryan raised $10, Marco followed, and then Tom countered with a blow job from me.

Robert called, eagerly accepting Tom's wager, hoping to fulfill his claim to use me first. He laid down a respectable hand which beat Tom's, but it was Marco's that won the pot. Tom turned to me and said, "time to pay the man."

I crawled under the table to Marco. He did little to assist me, other than lift his hips up so I could slide his pants down. His skin tasted slightly salty as I took his stiffening uncut cock into my mouth. I soaked it thoroughly with saliva as I slid it all the way in. Marco isn't as big as Tom, but then again, few are. He was quite thick, though, standing tall at 7 inches. It still looked impressive, sprouting out from a close-cropped tuft of black hair and smooth balls. I struggled to get him all the way in at that angle, and Marco helped by firmly pushing my head down as far as it would go. He held me there for a few seconds as I swallowed repeatedly, massaging his cock with my throat. He let out a groan and exclaimed "oh my God Tom, you're right! His throat feels amazing!"

Marco released my head and I began to bob furiously up and down, making sure to return to my starting position each time. I could hear hoots and hollers from above as the men cheered Marco on. His cock stiffened a little more and his balls drew up as he shot his load. I continued until his orgasm subsided and he pushed me off. From above the table, I heard Robert say, "I've got something to wash that down with. Tom snapped his fingers under the table and pointed me to Robert.

I crawled across to Robert and took him in my mouth. He started to work his stiff rod down my throat. He bottomed out and I was once again held in place with Robert's blond bush tickling my face, all I could see were Robert's tight abs and blond happy trail ascending up out of view. He pushed back on my forehead with the palm of his hand and pulled me back down as I heard cards being shuffled and dealt. Someone's foot found their way to my caged cock and started tapping and playing with it. Already straining against the metal, my balls began to feel the squeeze as I hardened even more. Robert folded his hand and turned his full attention to my efforts to coax out his jizz. He lasted a bit longer than Marco before planting his dick firmly down my throat and releasing rope after rope of cum straight into my belly.

I collapsed on the ground at these men's feet, my jaw already aching after completing two demanding tasks, but I know I was not done. Tom's foot found my cage and pressed down against the floor. I knew better than to try and stop him despite the pain.

Tom was once again betting my services, but this time I would be eating out someone's ass. He won that hand. The other men were itching for their turn with my throat, but Tom said "No more freebees" with his foot firmly planted on my balls.

As the men played, my ass went to Ryan first, to which the group responded with a variety of things like "ouch" and "oh shit". Nick also won my ass; a blow job for Marco and another one for Robert. I lost track after that, but the gist of it was, I was to be these men's cum dump for the rest of the evening. Finally, Tom suggested they take a break from poker and settle my debts.

The men scooted out from under the table and Tom released by balls from under his foot. I climbed out from under the table and Tom grabbed me by the back of the neck, leading me to the guest room where I napped the week before.

The room was completely transformed from what I remembered. First, there were four sexy naked men standing there. The bed was pushed up against the wall, now with a black rubber sheet covering it. A sex swing sat in the middle of the room, one wall had an array of eye bolts screwed into the wall, a saw horse sat in the corner and an assortment of other equipment was placed around it. I didn't have time to take it all in, because Tom pushed me into the room with enough force to send me to the floor. I landed at Ryan's feet and he pulled me up by my hair and ordered me in the swing.

I laid on my back and my arms were brought above my head and fastened to the chains of the swing. My ankles were secured as well. The top end of the swing had been lowered so that my head was waist high. Ryan moved in between my legs. He was enormous. Probably 6'6" with a massive chest. His neck and biceps were as thick as my thighs, and his cock... his cock resembled a giant dildo I saw in Nick's shop. It had to be nearly a foot long and extremely thick and veiny. I begged him not to put that thing inside me. At least not first. Ryan said "Look at that bitch's face, See how scared he is of my dick! That has to be one of my favorite things, second only to the look he'll make as I split him in two."

I was frozen. My bondage was completely unnecessary, as I was unable to move a muscle out of fear. Tom was near my head and bent down to my ear, in his soothing voice, saying "you are going to be a good boy and take that cock. He will go slow. Just remember to breathe. You can take it."

I felt the head of Ryan's lubed dick slide up and down my crack. He tapped the butt plug with his hard tip a few times before slowly working it in and out, loosening up my ass. Meanwhile, Tom had turned around and bent over to collect on his wager. He put his tight rosebud of an asshole right on my mouth with his nuts laying across the bridge of my nose and his cock running the rest of the length of my face. I used my tongue to slather his pucker, probing it and licking at it like a champ.

My tongue was working overtime as I felt Ryan slowly enter my hole. After the severe fucking Tom gave me earlier, my asshole was already swollen. Ryan moved slowly, inching it in and allowing me to adjust to his massive girth each time. Tom was praising me and said "focus on making love to my ass, that's the only thing that should matter to you right now". I did my best to ignore the pain and concentrate on how I was making Tom feel. It helped a little, but I don't think anything could have completely blocked out the feeling of being skewered like a piece of raw meat by Ryan's massive cock.

When Ryan had worked in all 12 inches, he told Tom he wanted to be able to see my face when I found god. Tom chuckled and stood up. Ryan wasted no time sliding almost all the way out, and then back into me with slow, long strokes. Tom and the other boys laughed as my face contorted and my eyes flew open wide. Ryan picked up his rhythm and said "There it is."

I probably turned white as a ghost and I began to feel dizzy. I felt like I could pass out. Tom reminded me to breathe as he stroked my head.

I wouldn't say that I got used to Ryan. He had been fucking my ass for a good solid 10 minutes and I remained soft the whole time. Even after that long, it still felt like a watermelon was being shoved into my ass. The other men started taking turns pinching my nipples, smacking my cage around and dipping their cocks and balls into my mouth while Ryan pistoned in and out. Finally, he started grunting as the sweat beaded up on his forehead. His whole massive frame was glistening as he began to fuck harder and faster.

Marco slapped his dick across my face and told me to open my mouth. I did and he matched Ryan's pace and intensity. It was futile for me to even try and resist, so I surrendered completely to the assault. Ryan grabbed two handfuls of tit with his massive hands and squeezed as he unloaded inside of me, but Marco kept going. Ryan pulled out with a plop, and was immediately replaced by a very horny Nick. Marco pushed in deep and let Nick and the swing do the work for him. I swung like a pendulum, taking his cock with the sheer momentum of Nick's thrusts. Robert was jerking his dick and kneading my balls between his fingers, which was exquisitely painful. To my surprise though, I began to harden in my cage.

Thanks to Ryan, Nick's hard pounding didn't even hurt. I was now just a gaping hole ready for whatever else these men had planned. Nick stepped aside and let Robert have a go. Marco pulled out of my mouth and furiously jacked his dick until he covered my face with his cum. He was quickly replaced by Tom.

This marathon went on and on for at least a hour more. Robert, Tom and Nick, Ryan and Marco all took multiple turns at my holes, but would stop before they came. I was on the verge of shooting my load a few times too, but they would switch and I would fall short of actual reaching a climax.

Tom called for a change of scenery, and I was released from the swing by Marco and Ryan. They helped me up and carried me over to a padded sawhorse. My wrists and ankles were once again secured so I was face down and in a prime position to take more. Tom stepped up behind me. He grabbed ahold of my hips with a gentle but firm grasp and began to work my ass. Ryan took the front end, shoving his massive dick into my mouth again. I tried my best, but I just couldn't accommodate him fully, and not for a lack of trying. He didn't seem to give a shit though. He grabbed a hold of my head and punched the back of my throat repeatedly, giving an assist with his hand to help stroke his massive member. He came just before Tom did, pulling out and dumping his load on the top of my head.

Tom leaned over me, still thrusting, and I could feel his entire 225lbs compressing my chest as he whispered in my ear, "you're such a good boy, your slimy hole feels so good on my dick." After a few more thrusts, I could hear his breathing quicken and feel his deposit shooting up my ass. As he pulled out, I could feel a warm trail of jizz running down my leg. Tom came around to my face and pushed his semi-soft cock into my mouth, telling me to clean him off, and I dutifully got to work. I was barely done sucking him clean when Nick stepped up behind me and began to pound me like his life depended on it. He smacked my ass and rode me hard and fast, nonstop until he was about to blow, pulling out and shooting all over my back and smearing it all around with his hand. It felt like an impressively large load, and based on the reaction from the spectators, it was.

I was left on the sawhorse for a while, drenched in several loads of cum. I didn't care, I welcomed the respite. I could hear Tom saying his goodbyes to a few of the men, and then voices talking downstairs. After a few more minutes Tom reentered the room with Marco behind him. They toyed with me for a while, pinching my nipples, spanking my ass, and smacking me in the face with their spent cocks. When they released me from my restraints, they both helped me to the bed and nursed me with water. Marco rubbed my shoulders, and Tom just held me. I was feeling very conflicted. I had described to Tom a fantasy I had about being gang-raped by my fraternity brothers, and that fantasy had just basically been fulfilled, but my body felt utterly destroyed. My pummeled asshole burned, heat was radiating off my ass cheeks, my throat was abused, my ankles and wrists were red, and my nipples and ass were raw and on fire.

Tom praised me for doing well, admitting that they'd never had a poker night as wild as that before. Usually his subs are begging to be released before the end of the evening. He told me how proud he was of me for taking all of it without breaking. I teared up a bit and he held me tighter. He asked, "Are you okay?"

I thanked Tom for orchestrating the evening. Tears welled up in my eyes. I said "I think so" with a bit of a chuckle as is wiped them away. Tom leaned in and kissed me for the first time. I melted under his touch. I was in heaven at that moment, and it made everything alright. He pulled away and looked me in the eyes, saying "it will be ok. I've got something to help you." Why don't you thank Marco for the massage, I'll be right back."

Tom got up from the bed and Marco laid back with his knees up and his legs spread. He maneuvered my head to his ass and told me to eat it. As I did, Marco let out sounds of pleasure, stroking his beautiful cock as I licked away. Tom returned to the room, but just stood back and watched the scene unfold. As sore as I was, this was enjoyable. Marco got close to the edge, his muscles flexing, and ordered me to put my lips on his tip while he stroked. As he pumped his load into my mouth he growled for me not to swallow and I obeyed. Marco relaxed his body, and I sat back, my mouth still filled with his seed. He allowed me to swallow and I thanked him for massaging my shoulders.

Tom came over to the bed with what looked like a small wet glass dildo and some wires. He instructed me to lay on the bed next to Marco and they began to tie me down. I wanted to say stop, but I remembered Tom's words that I was not here for my pleasure. I followed the commands I was given, and soon I was once again immobilized. Tom started working the cold wet dildo into my ass. It wasn't glass, it was made out of ice! It was a very strange sensation. Not painful, but not pleasurable. It did feel somewhat good on my inflamed asshole though. I could feel it start to melt almost immediately and leak out of my ass.

Tom said, I think it's time for your reward for being such a good boy. He began removing my cock cage, and I couldn't help but get excited. I should know better from my last experience that my reward would likely be exhausting, but at this moment, I didn't care. Tom attached leads to my balls and my newly freed dick and I felt the familiar pulse of electricity start to coarse through my tender bits. This time there were no headphones or blindfold. Instead, Marco got up and started making out with Tom. I watched as these two studs kissed passionately. Tom pinned Marco up against the wall, kissing his neck. Marco's hands caressed Tom's back, and one leg wrapped around his thigh. Tom turned Marco around and began fucking him slowly up against the wall as I watched. The scene was very erotic. It was like watching my own personal real-life porno.

Tom moved Marco over to the side of the bed and laid him across my chest. My cock was throbbing from the scene being laid out before me and the constant jolts of electricity. Tom began to fuck Marco harder. Marco clamped down on my nipple with his teeth. He reached down started playing with my asshole. The ice had all but melted and ran down the crack of my ass and I was sitting in a puddle of cum and water. Marco inserted two, then three fingers before finding my prostate when he got knuckles-deep. He played my nips and prostate like a virtuoso. I was very close to release as Tom started making his familiar grunts and moans. I knew he wouldn't be much longer either. When he came, Marco bit into me and I began shooting. My load was so intense, it shot up onto the side of Marco's face. Marco grabbed hold of my dick and started jacking me off after I came. It was the first contact my dick had with something other than metal or electrodes in over a week. I wanted to enjoy the moment but the sensation was overwhelming. I painted, squealed and giggled uncontrollably. To shut me up, Tom straddled my face and fed me his sloppy seconds. I cleaned his cum and Marco's ass juices of his cock. Marco continued with my post-orgasm torment for several minutes until Tom decided his cock was sufficiently cleaned.

Tom got up and grabbed some towels to wipe us all down. My cage was cleaned out and returned before I was released. Tom and Marco helped me up and the rubber sheet was removed before we all climbed into bed together. I felt lucky to be sandwiched between these two studs as I drifted off to sleep.

To be continued....


Please let me know your thoughts blmkr99@gmail.com

Next: Chapter 7

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