Under His Thumb

By Boiler Maker

Published on Sep 25, 2019


Under HIS Thumb

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Disclaimer: This story contains explicit descriptions of adult men engaged in sexual activity with other men and is intended for adult readers. If it is illegal to read or posses materials of this nature where you live, please stop here. All characters depicted having sex are over 18 years of age. This story is a mix of real life personal experiences, injected with a bit of fantasy. Any unsafe or dangerous depictions should be considered as fictional or fantasy. Please be safe when exploring new sexual activities and always practice safe sex.

Chapter Five: Under His Thumb | Locked Up

I had never worn a cock cage before Tom locked me in one. I found it was a constant struggle to keep my thoughts pure while I was wearing a weighted reminder of this stud around my cock. The considerable effect Tom had on me resulted in my cock betraying me often. I barely slept for the first few nights. When I did, my dreams were intensely erotic. I even had my first wet dream since the age of 13.

I found myself checking my email obsessively to see if Tom had sent me a message. By Monday morning, I was so horny, I couldn't wait any longer and I emailed him. I received no reply. I went to work utterly distracted with my dick snugly tucked inside my cage. I was terrified that everyone would somehow notice the bulge my new appliance made in my khakis.

Thankfully, I think it went largely under the radar, but I did have to go to the bathroom a lot to adjust myself. The guy who sits next to me, Marco, asked if I was ok because of my frequent bathroom visits and I felt my face turn all red. It doesn't help that Marco, a 25 year old former college baseball player, is the hottest guy in the office. On a normal day, I often covertly check him out, but now, as horny as I was, working next to him was utter torture. I could only concentrate for about 10 minutes at a time before my mind would drift to Tom and his perfect body, wicked smile and sadistic tendencies. I checked my email again to see if he had sent any new instructions. Nothing.

Tuesday and Wednesday passed with more of the same. I emailed him again on Wednesday around noon, begging him to see me again. I pleaded with him that I couldn't take this anymore. All I could think of day or night was him and his power over me. I was going crazy. It was Wednesday evening around 8 PM when Tom replied. His reply simply said: Be shaved, clean and ready at 4 PM on Saturday.

There was some relief knowing that he hadn't forgotten about me. Maybe I would get the chance for him to remove this tourture device. But that still meant I had three more days to endure and suffer through; three more days of sitting down to take a piss; and three more days not knowing what was going to happen on Saturday. I replied to him that I would be ready, and he simply replied "Good boy."

The next few days, my mind wandered through endless scenarios of what Tom might have in store for me. I was endlessly horny and sleep proved to be especially difficult. I couldn't stop myself from imagining all the pleasure and pain that I would receive.

I kept thinking Tom waited so long to contact me because he was upset with me for refusing his cock. Or maybe this was just some mind game meant to torment me. I had already decided that I had to see him again, and not just for the sake of freeing my dick. He consumed my thoughts like an addiction. I needed another taste.

On Thursday, the precum leaking from my cage was so intense it soaked through my underwear and left a spot on my khakis. Marco was the one who brought it to my attention.

He said, "it looks like you spilled some lunch on your pants there buddy," brushing the front of my pants.

There was no way he didn't feel something hard. I'm not sure what is worse. If he thought it was my cock, or realized I had something metal encasing it. Utterly embarrassed, I ran to the bathroom to clean up.

Friday I wore two pairs of underwear and brought an extra pair with me to work just in case I needed more. I tried to avoid Marco as much as I could, but he seemed to be teasing me. Maybe it was in my mind or my incessant horniness that lead me to imagine it. But all during the week he wore shirts that accentuated his pecs and biceps. He would stand up and stretch at his desk so I could see his happy trail. He would come to my desk and lean over me to ask a question, placing his strong hands on my desk and letting me get a whiff of his cologne. I swear it was that same intoxicating cologne that I had smelled on Tom and it caused my dick lurched it it's cage. It was all very innocuous, but if I didn't know better, I would have said he was playing me like a fiddle.

Finally Saturday morning rolled around and I checked my email. Tom had sent me quite a long email. In the first paragraph, he outlined that he took his role as a Dominant very seriously. Yes, he found pleasure in making men bend to his will, but he wasn't out to hurt or damage me. If I was interested, he would train me to serve him to the best of my ability. Everything I had endured was to help train me for that purpose. From the very first time he had contacted me, his goal was to help me find my limits and find ways to push past them so I would find it easier do what he wanted, and eventually I would want him to do what he wanted. He was pleased that the cage was making me desperate for his cock, and expressed that was why he had gone dark for nearly the entire week. He explained that getting me into this mindset was essential to expanding my limits and molding me so I would better be able to serve his needs and desires. He explained that being in my current state, I would find obeying him much easier when we met later that day.

He did assure me that, although the sexual thoughts and endless horniness would continue to some extent, I would be able to better control it the longer I was in the cage. He advised me to stop thinking about my cock and what it needed or wanted. He suggested I should focus on ways I could please him and his cock when I found myself consumed with my own desires. He told me that once I accepted this as my reality, the intensity and frequency of my erections would subside and wearing the cage would be much more comfortable.

This was a hard pill to swallow. I didn't quite comprehend all of the implications when agreed to I let him lock my pathetic dick up in the cage. But it was my reality know, and I would have to rely on him to release me. Quite literally, Tom had me by the balls.

Tom ended is email asking how well my ass and mouth had recovered from the marathon fuck sessions on Thursday and Friday. I replied to him that I could definitely still feel that it happened, but I was not in any pain or anything like that. I just felt kind of empty. He replied that he was glad I was ok and that it was a necessary step to transform me into the vessel his cock deserved. I wasn't really sure what that meant, but I'm sure I would find out soon.

The time came on Saturday to leave for Tom's house. I had been ready for over an hour, but I didn't dare show up early and disregard his orders. I arrived promptly at 4 PM, and about a minute later Tom opened the door shirtless, wearing only tight mesh shorts that were slightly tented. I couldn't tell if that was a semi-erection or just his enormous flaccid penis pushing out the fabric. Either way, I had a strong desire to get on my knees and show it how much I missed it. I didn't react though, I simply waited for Tom to give me an order.

Tom told me to come into the living room and have a seat so we could talk. I followed him into the room, my eyes drinking in his physique as he walked. He sat down and motioned for me to sit across from him. As he talked, I was transfixed by his strong hands as they moved across his belly, scratched his muscular legs, or adjusted his junk. At one point he had to snap me out of my trance with a smack across my face. I apologized profusely and he gave a little chuckle, saying "Ooh you really do want my cock bad, don't you?"

I admitted to him that he and his cock was still almost all I could think about. What he was going to do to me, what it would feel like, and if I would be able to handle it. I confided in him about how I wanted out of this arrangement earlier in the week. It was only my undeniable urge to have sex with him again that kept me going. I let him know that although I was still feeling a little timid, the way he explained his actions did a lot to help ease my worries.

"I won't do anything to injure you. Punishment and pain are tools to make you better able to serve me. It is purposeful, not just some sick kink I enjoy. But that doesn't mean I can't enjoy it too." With that, a devilish grin lit up Tom's face.

That's when he laid out the plans for the evening to me. He explained the fucking machine was for me to understand that I could (and would, on occasion) take being relentlessly fucked for extended periods of time. It was to show me that my holes could and would be used both when I was aching for cock and when I didn't think I could take any more. A lesson I would find useful. I would have to learn to tolerate the extreme conditions he put me in, because that was my purpose. He said he knew I was near my breaking point while being fucked by the fucking machine, but he forced his dick on me at the end because I had agreed to do whatever he asked without question, and whether I wanted to do what he told me to do wasn't important. He reiterated that he wouldn't harm me, but he also wouldn't tolerate disobedience, especially in front of his friends.

This last part took me off guard. What the fuck did he mean?

He wasted little time enlightening me. Tonight, Tom was hosting poker night at his house. Four of his friends would arrive around 6:30 PM. My job was to make sure no one was hungry, thirsty, or or otherwise wanting for anything. It wasn't hard to see where this was going. He added I was to obey any instruction I was given from anyone, or the consequences would be severe. Tom assured me that his friends had all been to poker night at his house before and they all knew the rules. Unfortunately for me, he declined to tell me what those rules were. All he would say is "No one will harm you."

With that, Tom let out a sigh and leaned back in the chair, caressing his lower abdomen as he looked around the room. Like one of Pavlov's dogs, I began salivating. He started listing out chores for me to do before his guests arrived. Dust and vacuum, prepare the food, etc. He stood up and walked towards me, stopping with his cock mere inches from my face. He must have been working out earlier and hadn't showered, because the musk he was giving off was incredible. He teased me by turning his body left and right as if he were looking around the room for any chores he had forgotten. Meanwhile, I was being hypnotized by the growing bulge in his shorts that was passing back and forth in front of my lips. He finally said, "nope, I guess that's everything."

As he started to move away from me, I involuntarily let out an audible whimper. My cock was straining so hard against my cage it was painful. Tom looked down at me with that same wicked grin. He said "Oh yeah? You need something boy? Then STRIP! You won't be needing clothes till Monday morning anyway."

I immediately jumped up and shed my clothing. Tom grabbed a hold of my nipples and gave them a good twist before pushing me back down. He walked around behind and pulled my head over the back of the chair, arching my neck and back until my mouth and throat lined up perfectly with his dick and began to fuck my face. As he picked up the pace, his large swinging orbs were smacking me in the eyes. This was anything but comfortable, but I was in no position to complain. My throat accepted the pounding without gagging and I tried my best not to flinch as he reached down to my nipples and flicked and pinched them. He leaned into my throat with all of his weight, driving his cock in deeper than he had ever done before. I swear I could feel it slide past my clavicle bone. He held his cock in my throat for at least 15-20 seconds. I was utterly impaled on his giant rod. My arms started to flail, but being contorted in this way, I couldn't even push him off me. Finally Tom pulled out of my mouth and then dropped his balls on to my lips while attacking my nipples with a vengeance. I squealed in pain. He told me if I focused on licking his sweaty balls and providing him pleasure, I would be able to handle the pain. I tried my best to put misery he was inflicting on my nickel-sized nubbies and concentrate on the immediate task presented to me. When he was satisfied his salty nuts were sufficiently bathed by my tongue, he repeated the deep dive into my throat and held it until I was seeing stars.

When he pulled out, he praised me for controlling my urge to gag and walked around the chair. He unceremoniously flipped me over so that my ass was up and my upper body was slumped over the back of the chair gasping for air. I immediately felt his dick pushing into my hole. He said the mucus in my throat was going to have to work for lube, because he wasn't about to run upstairs and get it. He hocked up a loogie and let it drip down on his half-inserted cock to make it a little more slippery. He started slow enough, but it still hurt like a bitch as my ass uncontrollably fought against him with every centimeter more he pushed into me. After about a minute, he was all the way in.

Tom put both feet up on the seat of the chair, crouching down with his hands pulling back on my shoulders and his rod pushed all the way in. He began to fuck me harder than I have ever been fucked, thrusting so hard that the chair was scooting across the floor. After about 5 minutes of this, Tom let out an angry growl and increased his pace, still slamming into me with such force that I had to hold on to the back of the chair to not be yanked onto the floor and have his stiff cock permanently embedded in my ass. I was so close to cumming when I felt his hot load empty into my ass. Tom slumped down with his mouth next to my ear, his softening cock still buried deep in my guts and began to tweak my sore nipples. He enthusiastically and breathlessly whispered "good boy! I missed that ass of yours" and I immediately started cumming uncontrollably. He laughed as he felt my spasms beneath him and added cleaning up the chair to my list of chores.

Climbing off me, Tom ordered me up to the shower with him. When we got to his room, he lubed up and inserted the plug I had left there on my last visit into my opened-up ass with a fair amount of ease. Grabbing me by a nipple he pulled me into the shower and ordered me to kneel with my mouth open. I feared what he was about to do, but disobeying him terrified me even more. I complied instantly. My fears were confirmed when he set just the tip of his cock in my mouth and started to unleash a stream of piss and commanded me to swallow it. The taste was not as bad as I imagined. I'm not saying I would want to drink it while relaxing by the pool on a hot summer's day, but it wasn't as disgusting as I thought it would be. It probably helped that he likely drank a fair amount of water during and after his workout. In any case, I've read enough Dom/sub stories to know I wasn't supposed to let any spill, so I struggled to keep up with the rate he was filling my mouth.

He shook off the last few drops on my face and told me to go down and get to work while he showered. It was just after 5 PM.

To be continued....


Please let me know your thoughts blmkr99@gmail.com

Next: Chapter 6

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