Under His Thumb

By Boiler Maker

Published on Aug 20, 2019


Under HIS Thumb

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Disclaimer: This story contains explicit descriptions of adult men engaged in sexual activity with other men and is intended for adult readers. If it is illegal to read or posses materials of this nature where you live, please stop here. All characters depicted having sex are over 18 years of age. This story is a mix of real life personal experiences, injected with a bit of fantasy. Any unsafe or dangerous depictions should be considered as fictional or fantasy. Please be safe when exploring new sexual activities and always practice safe sex.

Chapter Three: Under His Thumb | Sick Day - Part One

I awoke, still tied to the bed. My arms and legs were tingling and numb from being stretched out and tied down while I slept. Tom was sitting on the edge of the bed with my phone in hand. He looked up at me and flashed a gorgeous smile, then smacked my ass with several firm swift swats on each cheek to make sure I was really awake before undoing the straps on my wrists and ankles. He gave me some water, and instructed me to call in sick for work. I did and then told him I had to pee. He ordered me to go and get right into the shower. I needed some assistance to stand, as my arms and legs were fiercely tingling. He was very gentle, yet incredibly powerful as he basically held me up and helped me to the bathroom. He laid me down in the shower and told me to start peeing.

I had trouble starting my flow. I had to go very badly, but my cock was rock hard. Plus, I just couldn't get over peeing on myself. I didn't have much time to dwell on it before Tom's acrid morning stream started spraying over my head and chest. At that point, it ceased to matter so much and I let my stream loose as well. As he covered me, Tom said he was marking me as his property. When he finished, he stepped into the shower and told me it was time for my breakfast. He sat on the bench at the back of the shower, snapped his fingers, and pointed to his semi-hard dick. I crawled over to him across the cold wet tile. Thankfully, the feeling was returning to my extremities. I reached his crotch and he fed his cock into my mouth, gently placing his hand on the back of my head. He guided his cock into my throat pushing my head down with constant pressure until my nose was tickled by the tuft of hair above his cock. He set the pace for me and then ordered me to continue. He periodically changed the pace and depth, sometimes pulling me off his dick so I could lick and suck on his nuts. He didn't say much, just grunted and groaned. After about 15 minutes, my jaw was beginning to ache from keeping it open so wide to accommodate his thick tool. He grabbed the back of my head and drove it all the way down his shaft while standing up at the same time. The effect was that I was nearly lifted off my knees as he blasted the back of my throat with his thick creamy load. He held me there longer than I thought I could stand it, finally releasing me to fall to the ground gasping and coughing. He reached over and started the shower, which hit me with a blast of cold water. It slowly started to warm up and he stepped into the stream standing over me. I was so conflicted by this man. On one hand, the way he used me were vibrant echoes of the fantasies I had shared with him, but with his own delightful twists. It was such a turn-on to experience. To hear him praise me for pleasing him was a nice extra. On the other, I had to endure a level of humiliation and pain which I didn't really like. But on some level, I was enjoying enduring them for his pleasure. I knew he was getting off on treating me this way, and that was incredibly arousing.

Tom soaped up a sponge and handed it to me. I was still laying on the ground so I started with his feet. He lifted his foot and stepped on my chest, his massive frame pinning me to the floor of the shower. I scrubbed up his leg as far as I could reach, and then he switched legs. When I finished that, he removed his foot from my chest and turned his back to me. I worked my way up to his gorgeous ass, the small of his back with sexiest dimples, across his broad shoulders, and finally the back of his neck. I spent extra time massaging the sponge into his shoulders, which he seemed to like based on how he groaned in response. When I finished his back, he turned around and pushed me back down towards the ground. I repeated the process on his front-side, gently lifting his low hangers and enveloping his softening cock with suds. I moved up his happy trail to his perky nipples and strong pecs, and up to his chin. I scrubbed his hairy pits and around each of his biceps towards his fingers.

When I finished ogling his body with my eyes and the sponge, he pushed my back against the shower wall and started to scrub me. He wasn't as careful and gentle with me. It was more clinical. He was making sure he cleaned off all of the dried cum, sweat, and piss from my body. When he finished my frontside, he spun me around and pressed my face to the shower tiles. He kicked my feet apart like a cop making an arrest and scrubbed my ass hard, reminding me that the butt plug was still lodged in my ass. I had been so distracted and become so accustomed to the feeling after wearing it all night long, I almost didn't remember it was there. His fingers pressing it further into me certainly reminded me of its presence. He twisted and pulled at the plug, jiggling it until the muscles holding it in place relaxed enough to pull it out. It came out with a giant burst of gas and some remnants of his two loads from the night before. I was so embarrassed for passing gas in the shower with him, especially one so big, but he just laughed it off.

His hand left the back of my neck, and I felt him position himself behind me. He was a machine. How was it possible for him to be hard again? My loose hole welcomed his intruder without much resistance. He drove himself to the wall, pinning me with each thrust. He bit down on my earlobe as he pistoned in and out, growling in my ear with each thrust. He reached over and grabbed my right arm and brought it up behind my back like a wrestler, his other hand went to the back of my neck and he moved me towards the bench in the shower forcing me to bend over. My left hand steadied myself on the bench while Tom continued his assault holding me in this vulnerable position.

As he neared climax, he slowed down and then pulled out. Using the hand on the back of my neck, he pulled me into his crotch, pressing his cock against my lips. I opened up and he began pumping away, quickly dropping his second load in my mouth that morning. When he finished, he turned to rinse off and left me in the shower. I desperately wanted to masturbate because I was so turned on. But as if he was reading my mind, Tom said "Don't even think of jerking off - Towel is on the hook on the wall. Get your ass out of the shower now."

I obediently complied with Tom's order and dried myself in the cool air of the bathroom. Tom entered the room with a small chrome device and ordered me to stand with my legs apart and my hands on my head. He approached me with a bottle of lube. He couldn't possibly be ready for more! But to my surprise, he squirted the lube on to my rock hard dick and my balls and massaged it around a little. It felt so good, and in my current aroused state, I could have cum right then and there. Instead, I felt an intense pain as he squeezed my balls in his powerful fist. I started to collapse from the pain, but he literally pulled me back up by my balls. I could feel the agonizing pain all the way up into my stomach as I cried out and tears flooded my eyes. He released me from his vice-like grip and took a few steps back so I could see his entire amazing body. I doubled over in pain and he commanded me to stand up straight. He reminded me that I agreed to let him do anything he wanted to me and asked earnestly if I wanted to continue. I weighed my options for all of about three seconds.

True, I didn't enjoy the pain, but this god of a man was such an erotic sight to behold. He was obviously enjoying using me and, despite the pain, I was having the best sex of my life -- and with a man that looked like him! In our initial conversations we had discussed my limits and fantasies. He told me that he was experienced in training new subs, and although I would be pushed beyond what I thought I was comfortable doing and he would introduce me to things I'd never even considered, he would never injure me or cause irreparable damage. Up to, and including this moment, he had kept his word so I agreed to let him continue with whatever he wanted.

The distraction of the pain and his sudden change in tone from a dominant sadist to something more akin to a concerned friend had softened my cock. Tom was obviously very skilled at manipulating people. He knew I wouldn't reject him. He also knew my cock would soften with this discussion, which provided him the opportunity to slip the metal ring of the device he had been holding around my cock and balls. He told me to keep my hands on my head or he would squeeze my balls again. Needless to say, I froze like a statue while he continued. Next I felt a cold metallic sheath being placed over my cock and a few seconds later, the click of a lock. Tom took a step back to admire his handy work before ordering me to my knees on the cold hard floor of the bathroom.

My cock instantly tried to expand again, despite the lingering pain in my balls. That pain was intensified as my cock reached the limits of its enclosure, causing the chastity cage to pull my nuts away from my body. Tom's wicked grin returned as I winced from this new sensation. He squatted down to my level and looked me directly in the eye with a gorgeous stare. He said, "your cock is mine now", and held up the key to my new prison. "You will do what I say, without question or hesitation. You will only cum from being fucked in the ass or when I allow it. I don't care if you're balls are going to explode from lack of release. If you come, it has to be earned. Your sole purpose is to provide me with pleasure and to serve my needs." He then reached over to the counter and picked up my phone and my keys. In front of me had me identify which numbers were my parents, siblings, coworkers and friends. I complied with his demands nervously because I wasn't out to anybody, and I'm pretty sure I would be disowned if my family found out I was gay, even worse, the extent of my kinks and desires. Tom already knew all of this because we had discussed it prior to meeting up that first Tuesday night.

A sinking feeling settled in my gut. Had I made a giant mistake? How could I be so stupid. Tears began to well up in my eyes again. Tom took my chin in his hand and said, "I'm so proud of you right now. You're so brave and strong to do what you just did. You followed my orders even though doing so terrified you." As if he was reading my mind, he continued, "I'm not going to out you to anyone. I wanted this information so I can determine if a calls and messages you receive are important while you are serving me. I don't want to do anything to disrupt or jeopardize your personal life outside of my time with you."

Tom's words and demeanor lifted the huge emotional weight that was crushing me. I began sobbing uncontrollably and he embraced me in his strong arms. Pulling my head back with his hands on either side of my face, he asked, "Are you okay?"

I managed to sputter out, "I'm so happy to have met you. I'm a little scared, but this has been amazing and I don't want it to end." With that he lifted me up and led me to the kitchen where he cooked breakfast for both of us.

We ate breakfast contently and comfortably in silence. The warm and fuzzy feelings were short-lived though. After breakfast, Tom had me bend over the table and pushed a new lubed up squiggly looking device with a wide base into my ass before putting me to work cleaning up the kitchen. It wasn't as big as either of the plugs I had in me before and slipped in quite comfortably and snugly between my ass cheeks. A few minutes into scrubbing pots and pans, I felt a sudden vibration emanate from the contraption. I turned to Tom, who was still sitting at the table. He had the same sadistic grin on his face I had seen before, and explained that what I was feeling was a remote controlled prostate massager. He clicked a button on the small remote he held in his hand again, and the thing buzzed faster. My cock was quickly engorging and filling the cage once again, making focusing on the task at hand very difficult. Tom told me to get back to work and so I did my best. He approached me from behind at the sink and wrapped his muscular arms around me. His fingers found my nipples and started to tease them mercilessly. I could feel his cock hardening behind me as I moaned and groaned with every pinch and twist. He lifted one of his hands to my neck and squeezed just enough that I felt slightly light headed and pulled me away from the sink back to the table. Tom sat down on the edge of a kitchen chair, and put his left foot up on the adjacent chair. He grabbed a fist full of my hair and pulled me down to the floor. It was an awkward position for me, with my face in his ass crack and my cage clanking on the cold tile floor. Tom ordered me to tongue his ass. He took his right foot and pressed it up against my cage on the floor He said if he liked how I was doing it, the prostate massager would stay on. When he wanted me to change speed or tactics, he would click the remote to cycle through the different vibrations, and if he thought I was doing a piss-poor job or if I stopped, he would turn off the massager and apply pressure to my balls with his foot, demonstrating what he meant as he said it. I have to admit, even though the massager caused my cock to strain in its cage, it was much preferred to the pressure he exuded on my balls.

Over the next 10-15 minutes, I got to experience all the different settings on the massager as I experimented on how to please this studs beautiful pink rosebud. It was a completely new experience for me, since before now, the thought of sticking my tongue in someone's ass would have completely repulsed me. But I had recently and thoroughly washed this man from head to toe, and had pledged my willingness to follow his orders without question. As it was a new experience for me, some of my experiments trying to pleasure his asshole failed. The buzzing would stop and a sharp pain would shoot through my body as he applied pressure with his foot. I desperately would try another technique to please him. The same would happen when my tongue fatigued and I would have to stop. The pain was a good motivator though, so I only took short breaks when my tongue was utterly fatigued. In both cases, when I found my way back to what Tom enjoyed, the pressure on my balls would slowly start to subside and the buzzing would resume. By the end, it seemed that he most liked when I gently circled his pucker with my tongue, when I dove my tongue into him and teased the inside of his sphincter, and when I flattened my tongue and licked his ass in long, slow strokes.

Finally, Tom pulled my head up from his ass and slid his rigid cock into my mouth and I instinctively worked the length of his shaft in and out of my throat until I was rewarded with his third load of the morning.

To be continued....


Please let me know your thoughts blmkr99@gmail.com

Next: Chapter 4

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