Under His Thumb

By Boiler Maker

Published on Aug 12, 2019


Under HIS Thumb

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Disclaimer: This story contains explicit descriptions of adult men engaged in sexual activity with other men and is intended for adult readers. If it is illegal to read or posses materials of this nature where you live, please stop here. All characters depicted having sex are over 18 years of age. This story is a mix of real life personal experiences, injected with a bit of fantasy. Any unsafe or dangerous depictions should be considered as fictional or fantasy. Please be safe when exploring new sexual activities and always practice safe sex.

Chapter Two: Under His Thumb | Thursday, 11:00 PM

Thursday night rolled around. I got home from work and started preparing for Tom with nearly unbearable anticipation. It had only been two days since I took a pounding from his massive dick, and I was still a little sore. I had received two emails from him, both short and concise.

The first email had come on Wednesday, and had instructed me to go out and purchase a butt plug to help stretch my ass. He made it clear that he wasn't going to be as gentle the next time he saw me. It made me laugh, because gentle isn't the word I would have used to describe our first sexcapade. He sent me a link with what I needed to buy and directions to the store I could get it. I immediately drove over to the store. There was a handsome man behind the counter who greeted me with a smile and introduced himself as Nick. He asked what he could help me with. I told him what I was looking for. Giving me a sideways smirk, he led me to the display case and asked if Tom had sent me. I blushed a little and said yes. With a chuckle, Nick removed the item I came for and gave me some instructions on how to care for and clean the device. I thanked him and headed back home to try it out.

The plug was very large, about 7 inches long and at least as big around at its widest point. Getting the black tapered silicone plug into my already sore ass was a bit of a challenge. It took almost an hour for me to stretch and loosen the muscles and finally get the widest part all the way inside me. The sensation was strange and new as I walked around. It would periodically bump up against my prostate and cause my dick to get hard. I walked over to my computer and updated Tom on my progress.

Tom's second email was short and to the point. "Wear it to bed. Take it out in the morning and put it back in when you get home from work. At 10 PM, take it out and clean out your ass before you come over tomorrow, then put it back in. You are to bring your cellphone. When you arrive, you are to hand me your keys and your phone without question or don't bother coming."

I really wanted to have sex with this man again, but his last request for my keys and phone wasn't sitting well with me. But my desires overwhelmed logic, and I followed Tom's instructions to the letter, despite any discomfort and my trepidation. I was glad he didn't ask me to wear the plug to work, because sitting on it was often pretty jarring. At about 10 PM, I started working the plug out of my ass. Since this was the second time, I had already had a little practice from earlier that morning when I removed it before work. Both times, my asshole had relaxed around the slim base of the plug, so removing it took some work. Afterwards, I cleaned out and showered and returned the plug in my ass as instructed - wearing only it, a t-shirt, flip flops, and basketball shorts. I hopped in my car and headed to Tom's place, nervously knocking on the door when I arrived promptly at 11.

I stood on his porch for a good four to five minutes before the door finally opened. The hallway was dark and Tom was naked. I could see his 9" dick was already getting hard. The light from kitchen filtered into the hall, softly silhouetting the firm muscles in his shoulders and neck. He said nothing, just held out his open palm for my phone and my keys and then pointed to the stairs. I entered and he shut the door behind me. When I got to the top of the stairs, he directed me to the room on the left. I entered and he said "STRIP" in a very deep and commanding voice. I complied without hesitation.

Tom backed me up against the wall, leaning in to me. His arm reached around behind me as he started twisting and pulling at the plug. He kept his eyes locked on mine as I grimaced and squirmed against his manipulations. He worked it around, stretching my ass more -- he pulled down on it until the flared base almost popped out before releasing it, letting my sphincter suck it back inside. His gaze was so fierce and determined as he repeated this until the base of the plug was passing my tight ring and he was literally fucking me with the butt plug. The sensation nearly brought me to orgasm. When he was satisfied, he freed the plug from my ass and complimented me on doing a good job preparing my ass for him. I thought I had a pretty good idea what was about to happen. But I really wasn't prepared for how.

Tom ordered me not to move as he added a generous amount of lube to his fat fuck stick. In one swift motion he bent down and grabbed both my legs behind my knees, lifting me up off the ground and folding me in half with my back pinned against the wall. It left my asshole in the perfect position to be stabbed with his cock. He didn't waste any time before plunging it deep into my ass. I screamed out from the pain. Even with all the preparation, the force and depth of his intrusion made my ass burn. Tom didn't care the slightest though. He plowed me so hard, I was practically launching off his cock. Gravity would take over and slam me back down on it. Thinking back on it, I'm surprised none of his neighbors called the cops from all the noise I made. Tom kept this up for several intense minutes as I clutched his broad shoulders before throwing me like a rag doll on to the bed. I bounced from my back onto my stomach and he pounced on top of me.

With his full body weight on top of me, I couldn't move - not that I wanted to. This guy was amazing! He pushed deep into me again, but this time it was more slow and methodical. His palm pressed on the back of my head as he lifted himself up off me, using it to steady himself as his pace increased. The intensity of his growls increased and I knew he was going to climax soon. I could feel his sweat drip down on my back as he rocked back and forth. Soon he was bellowing our like a soccer announcer after a goal, "Ooooooooooooaaaaaaaa!"

Tom rolled off of me, panting. I looked to him, utterly spent from the incredible fucking I just received, and as our eyes met, he grabbed my by the hair and pulled me to his cock and commanded "Clean it". I gladly put his softening dick in my mouth and sucked off his seed until he was as good as new. Then he told me to go to his kitchen and get him a beer.

As I stood at the fridge, I realized he didn't offer me one. He didn't offer me anything, actually. I was thirsty, so I called up to see if he minded if I grabbed one for myself.. He said "You can get some tap water. Cups are in the rack next to the sink."

Feeling a bit dejected, I trudged up the stairs to the room. When I got there, there were some new accessories attached to the corners of the bed. Tom walked up behind me, putting his arm around my neck and squeezing a bit. He held up a new silver butt plug in front of my face and said he needed to keep me loose and full of juice. With that, it disappeared inside me.

Tom told me to lay down on the bed on my back. I was still a little disappointed about the whole tap water thing, but there was something about the way he spoke to me that made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. I just wanted to do what he said.

Once I was on my back, Tom began attaching my wrists and ankles to the cuffs that had appeared on the bed in my absence. He told me that he was disappointed in me because I didn't cum while he was fucking me, but he had a plan to fix that.

Tom finished tying me up, then asked what time I needed to be at work in the morning. I told him 8:30. He asked how far away it was from my house and I told him about 20 minutes. He asked if I had anything important going on the next day at work, to which I replied to him that I didn't. I was trying to justify me staying a little longer, but I didn't realize how long he intended. When I told him that it would probably be a slow day because my boss was on a trip and it was just me and two others holding down the fort, a wicked grin crossed his face. That was the last thing I saw before he put the blindfold on my face.

I couldn't see what he was doing, but I could hear him moving around and I felt him attaching something to my cock and balls and fiddling with the plug in my ass. It wasn't as big as the one I bought, but I remember thinking it was really shiny and sleek-looking. When Tom finished setting up whatever he had planned for me, he put on a pair of noise cancelling headphones with techno music that drowned out everything else. I've never been a big fan of techno music, but I really had no choice other than to just go with it.

That's when things started to feel a little weird. I wasn't sure if it was the buzzing of the bass and reverb in my ears or something else, but I could practically feel the music in my ass. Immediately, I was thinking I need to get myself a pair of these headphones! But the sensation didn't wax and wain like the music, it only got more and more intense. Then my balls joined in on the chorus. It felt like a cross between being pricked with needles and being assaulted with vibrating massager. It took me a moment to put all the pieces together, but then I remembered a small old fountain my parents had in their backyard when I was younger. The wiring was old and had become frayed. My friend and I were playing with the water one day, around the age of 9 or 10, laughing at how the water made our fingers tingle. This was that same feeling, although a little more intense -- electricity! The silver butt plug and whatever was attached to my balls was giving me jolts and extended buzzes that caused my muscles to contract and give a sharp, stinging sensation that seemed to fill my nether regions. It was unpredictable though - and didn't seem to follow any patterns, which kept me very much on edge. Sometimes it was so intense that I would scream out. Other times it would be a pleasurable buzzing in my groin. After about 3 or 4 rounds of that, I could feel Tom on the bed. The next time I opened my mouth to scream, his cock became my gag.

At first he just left it in my mouth. I could feel it expanding, taking away my access to the precious air I was breathing in and out so furiously. My anxiety was heightened as I anticipated each fiery jolt. But then the jolts stopped, and a more rolling, throbbing, and pulsing feeling took over, It felt amazing. Tom started fucking my throat in rhythm with the electricity. A few times I had to flail about just to be able to get a breath. His cock was so fat and long, there was no way I could breathe with it buried down my throat. I don't know how long this went on. I was so lost in a haze of trance music, electricity, and cock that all I could focus on was when I could breathe and the incredible sensations I was receiving, but finally I could feel my climax building. Tom continued fucking my throat, giving me just enough time to breathe every 30-40 seconds before returning it to the depths of my throat. When my orgasm started, he pushed it in extra far and held it there. I felt my dick erupt like a volcano. Normally, I would be panting and groaning, but with Tom's cock in my throat, I couldn't breathe and was feeling like I might pass out. He kept it there as I shot rope after rope of cum everywhere. I started to panic, which intensified my orgasm tenfold. He finally pulled out, leaving me gasping for air. My orgasm subsided, but the electricity did not, and neither did Tom. He continued to invade my throat, more and more aggressively. My body was convulsing from the overstimulation in my groin. Come to think of it, Tom probably didn't have to do a whole lot of work, because the way I was shaking, I'm sure I was doing a pretty fine job providing him with stimulation. When he came, I wasn't ready for it. I couldn't hear or see anything because of the headphones and blindfold. I choked on it and some of his spunk even came out of my nose. I got a slap across the face for that. After he smeared the last trails of cum across my face, Tom lifted one side of the headphones and said in his stern deep voice: "Just for that, I'm going to leave you hooked up to this for another hour." With that he climbed off of me, put a ball gag in my mouth, and cranked up the voltage, leaving me writhing on the bed.

The hour seemed like an eternity. Towards the end of my ordeal, my cock stiffened as I convulsed and screamed into my gag and shot another load onto my chest. I felt Tom climb on the bed again. I was moaning and shaking from the intense overstimulation when the electricity shut off. I was so relieved. My muscles ached from straining against the restraints, my ass and balls felt numb, and my voice was hoarse. Tom removed the headphones, gag, and blindfold and gave me some water. Maybe this is why he didn't want me to drink alcohol before. I thought he was being an asshole, but maybe he just didn't want me to get too dehydrated.

Tom began undoing my leg and arm restraints. I looked at the clock, and it was almost 4:45 in the morning. I was expecting him to send me home, but to my surprise, he flipped me over, and re-tied my legs to the bed, and then my arms. He removed the silver plug from my ass with a pop and I felt his dick slam into me. I was helpless to do anything. After a momentary pause, Tom resumed assaulting my ass, and electricity began zapping my balls. Tom slid his arms under mine, breathing on the back of my neck as he fucked me. He quickened the pace and intensity of his thrusts, each time sending shivers down my spine and his hot breath blasted the back of my neck. He spoke softly in a commanding voice that my ass was made for his cock, that I would dream about him fucking me, and would do anything to have his cock buried deep inside me. It was so hot, and he was right. He fucked harder and harder, biting my earlobe and growling as he finished himself off inside me.

Tom got up off the bed and removed the wires from me. He returned my original plug into my now slimy ass, and told me to get some sleep. It didn't escape me that I was still tied up, but I was too exhausted and spent to protest.

To be continued....


Please let me know your thoughts blmkr99@gmail.com

Next: Chapter 3

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