Under His Thumb

By Boiler Maker

Published on Aug 7, 2019


Under His Thumb

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Disclaimer: This story contains explicit descriptions of adult men engaged in sexual activity with other men and is intended for adult readers. If it is illegal to read or posses materials of this nature where you live, please stop here. All characters depicted having sex are over 18 years of age.

This story is a mix of real life personal experiences, injected with a bit of fantasy. Any unsafe or dangerous depictions should be considered as fictional or fantasy. Please be safe when exploring new sexual activities and always practice safe sex.

I provide a little bit of context in Chapter One, since the story is based somewhat on true events, however embellished they may be. If you're looking just looking for the sex part, it starts around paragraph 6. Of course, you could also just go watch porn. I welcome your feedback. You can email me at blmkr99@gmail.com with your comments and suggestions. I'll do my best to respond.

Names and details have been changed to protect the guilty.

Chapter One | Everything Changed One Tuesday Night

I was 22 years old, and a recent college graduate. I stood 6'2" and weighed in at 180 pounds. Years of competitive swimming had left me with a decently toned physique. Unfortunately for me, I've always had more of an average cock. College had taken its toll on my body, but I was definitely still in better than "average" shape. Thoughts of men had been swirling around in my head for years. I knew from a young age that I was attracted to strong, virile, and confident men. The types you'd typically might describe as "Alphas". However, I was raised in a conservative midwest middle-class home in the suburbs of Chicago and never worked up the courage to act on my desires.

In college, I joined a frat and made a few friends. I had become adept at dodging the situations that left me feeling awkward while in high school. But living the fratboy life, they were nearly inescapable. So many cocky, sexy fit guys, strutting their stuff around the house at all times of day. I landed myself a pretty hot sorority chick, and we had a not-so-steamy relationship. It felt like it was a way to ward off suspicions about what I really desired. I'm not sure if I fooled that many people, but it helped me feel like I fit in.

By junior year, I left the frat house. Life just became too difficult, constantly lusting over a house full of half-naked guys and trying to hide my erections and lustful gazes all the time became too much for me. I broke up with the girl I had been seeing and moved into a 1-bedroom apartment off campus. I became somewhat reclusive for the rest of college. When I graduated, I decided to move far away from family and friends and try to start my life as a gay man.

That's how I arrived in Phoenix, AZ. I received a decent job offer and was ready to paint the town. Phoenix is a pretty big city, but not like Chicago. When I moved here, I rented a studio apartment in a high-rise building just north of downtown. But back then, downtown was pretty quiet and devoid of any real nightlife. After a month or so, I hadn't really met anyone outside of work.

For a little historical context, the iPhone didn't exist yet, but I had Yahoo Personals and Craigslist at my disposal. I began reading and posting ads and connecting with a few people. My first experience with a man was adequate, and it was followed by a few more adequate encounters. Nothing to write home about -- not like I was going to do that anytime soon. The problem was, I wasn't really sure what I was looking for. I kept looking for guys that looked like the ones in my frat house, but after responding to ad after ad on craigslist, trying to hook up with that perfect guy, I realized it wasn't just the physical appearance that I was after. Sure, I like a guy with 6-pack abs and bulging biceps as much as the next gay, but it was that cocky entitled frat boy attitude that I had been lusting after.

Everything changed for me one summer night. I had gotten home from work, and I had an unread email from Tom. I had answered his ad on Craigslist the night before. In his ad, he described himself as a fit masculine dom man. He was my height, but a little older at 29, 225 pounds, with a thick 9" cock and a very high sex drive. The picture in his ad was of a very sexy looking athletic guy with the face cut off. His cock pic was him holding it from the base, and I swear I could fit both of my hands, fist over fist around his cock above where his hand was, and then some. The man was looking for a fit twink guy to use as he liked whenever he needed to get off. He explained that there would be little to no reciprocation and made it very clear that he expected to get exactly what he wanted when it came to sex. I had been through a bit of a dry spell, so I jumped at the chance with such a hot guy, despite my trepidation. We exchanged quite a few emails. Mainly, it was me answering questions about my lack of experience, seemingly mundane questions about my life, and assurances of my willingness to let him be in total control of our sexual encounters. It was several days of answering probing questions before Tom finally felt comfortable inviting me over to his home. He included some instructions on how to properly give myself an enema and he told me to shave all of my body hair off. "Only leave the hair on your head and your eyebrows. Once I sent him proof of my compliance to his request, I received a one-line answer and an address. The line said - "get ready to take this big fat dick, boy."

I anxiously followed his instructions on how to clean my ass and climbed in my car to head to his house, which was only about two miles away. He had instructed me to arrive in nothing but basketball shorts, flip flops, and a t-shirt. When I walked up to his front door, it was dark. There was a faint light coming through the front door window from one of the back rooms.

I knocked and I saw a large, hulking silhouette make its way towards the front door. The door opened abruptly and a large hand grabbed the back of my neck. I was pulled me inside before I ever really got a good look at him. Shock and fear overwhelmed my senses. Before I knew it, I was inside the darkened hallway. The front door was slammed shut and a massive forearm was pressing my neck against the door by. I heard the command "STRIP!" My shorts and shoes were off in an instant. My dick was hard almost as fast. Despite being completely terrified, I was extremely turned on. My next challenge was getting my shirt off, but I didn't have to think too hard. His massive hands were already forcing me to my knees, so I began to lift my shirt up over my head. By the time my knees hit the ground, my shirt had vanished. That is when Tom said, "Good boy."

I don't know what it was about hearing those words, but I felt a sense of pride having pleased this fucking amazing stud of a man. It was short-lived though. He immediately commanded me to "OPEN". I wasn't prepared for a dick that big. In one swift motion, his hardening cock slid to the back of my throat, causing me to cough and gag furiously. He pulled out enough to get me to stop gagging, but insisted that his cock would not leave my mouth until he said so. I reached up to help control how deep he went , but he slapped my hands away and told me if my hands touched his dick again, he would throw me out in the front yard without my clothes and lock the door.

For the next half hour, he trained my throat with his enormous cock, giving me instructions on how to take it. He instructed me to relax my throat, and breath out a little as it was on the back of my tongue, and to swallow as it slid down. He tilted my head in just the right way to let his dick slide past my tonsils. He kept gentle pressure on my head, pinning it up against the front door. I was trapped as he slid it in deeper and deeper. He spoke in a gentle but firm voice, telling me that I wasn't going to choke, it was just cock. He had plenty of experience, and would allow me the chance to breathe. He explained that the panic response I was experiencing was natural, but I could overcome it. It was weird, because even though he had taken complete control over my mouth and throat, he was not being brutal. His reassurances and praises helped me feel safe. Well, at least as safe as you can with a stranger's monster cock buried deep in your throat, with only momentary pauses to breathe. As I began to get the hang of it, Tom spoke to me in a soft voice, telling me how much I loved having his cock buried deep in my throat; how I couldn't get enough of it; how I would be thinking about this for days and wishing I could return to this moment. It was strange, because the panic I had been feeling was gone. I started to pace my breathing and so I was not running out of air in between breaths. I started to believe the thoughts Tom was feeding me. After nearly 30 minutes, I was able to take all 9 inches and was controlling the worst of my gag reflex. However, I felt like my jaw was going to cramp up and fall off. I wasn't good enough yet to make him cum despite my best efforts, but I felt like deep throating his cock was quite an accomplishment to be proud of, and he praised me for my efforts.

He gave me about two minutes to catch my breath after his latest attack on the back of my throat and brought me some water, which I thanked him for. As I sipped the water, I finally got a good look at his incredible body in person. His 6'2" frame had just the right amount of muscle, and the same nice coat of soft dark brown hair that covered his arms and legs also dusted his pecs. His hair trailed down the middle of his rippling abs to his impressive cock. Even when his cock was soft, it was bigger than my hard-on and it draped down past his nuts. He walked around his house with a definite swagger, undoubtedly knowing how incredible he looked naked. As I sipped my water, I could see his cock swelling bigger and bigger by the second. And then, just like that, my break time was over.

He grabbed a fist-full of my hair and dragged me over to the couch. I managed to get somewhat to my feet before he flung me over the leather armrest, ass up. I was once again terrified, because I had never taken a cock that big. I was pretty sure I had no choice in what was happening next, and that feeling made me extremely hard.

Thankfully, he didn't just stab my ass with that giant prick. He eased his lubed cock in, in one long, slow stroke. A searing pain shot through my legs, ass and up my spine. With his body weight on me and his hot breath in my ear, he told me to relax and slow my breathing. He said "my cock is where it belongs, your ass was made for this." It was that same gentle but firm voice he had been using earlier. I slowed my breathing and relaxed my muscles the best I could. He gave me a few more seconds to adjust before beginning to piston in and out of my ass. He was taking full strokes in and out, leaving just the tip of his cock in my ass before driving it all home again. I couldn't help but tense up a bit, which made the pain unbearable. But then something else started happening. Every time he drove his dick into me, his cock punched my prostate like a sledgehammer on one of those carnival games that tests your strength. Each hit sent that little puck all the way up the tower and rang my bell. The pain slowly turned to ecstasy as he rode me hard over the armrest. My legs were spread, my arms pinned under me, and my face smashed as he pushed me down into the couch. His one hand was at the top of my ass, his other on the back of my neck shoving my face into the cushions.

Not only was this man an amazing physical specimen, but I had to hand it to him -- his stamina was incredible too. I'm not sure how long he was fucking me, but it was definitely upwards of 30 minutes, non-stop. His sweat was dripping off his face and chest onto my back, tickling my skin as it rolled down towards my head.

The whole experience was such a blur of pleasure, sweat, and animalistic passion. To be honest, I'm not even really sure how it happened. I was about halfway through this man pounding my ass when I jizzed all over the armrest of his couch. With my face buried in the cushions, I'm sure he heard the grunts and felt the convulsions of my orgasm as my ass clamped down on his cock, but it didn't stop him. I had never been fucked after I came before. I always had to stop. This time, I didn't have much of a choice. Even if I screamed "STOP!", I don't think he would have heard me or cared. But I didn't really want him to stop. He had told me, and I had agreed that I wasn't there for my enjoyment, only his. Besides, any discomfort I may have felt was superseded by the desire I had to be able to do this again with this stud. I did begin to worry that he was going to be mad that I dropped a load all over his couch. I didn't mean to. I wasn't even touching my dick. Just the force of him pounding into me and my dick sliding across the sweaty leather arm of the couch was enough to set me off.

As he got close to dumping his load, he leaned in close to me. He whispered in my ear that he was going to breed me. He growled about how tight my ass felt, how proud of me he was for taking his cock so well, how I was going to miss having him balls deep inside me, and how he was going to have it again, very soon. As he climaxed, He bit down on my shoulder, grunting and groaning like an animal. Finally, he collapsed with all his body weight on top of me, his cock still hard inside me. I could feel his heart pounding through my back, and his breath racing on the back of my neck. He said into my ear, "Good boy" and it sent shivers down my spine. Slowly he lifted himself off me, and his cock plopped out of my ass. Spent, I rolled off the couch onto the floor. That's when he saw it. My jizz covering most of the armrest at this point after my body smeared it all around. Instead of getting mad, he just let out a bit of a laugh and mumbled something about me liking his cock. Then he grabbed me by the hair again and rubbed my face in the mess like a dog. He ordered me to lick it all up, and I quickly complied. When I finished cleaning off my mess from his armrest, he handed me my clothes and opened the front door. On my way out, all he said was "Thursday, at 11:00 PM. Don't be late."

To be continued....


Please let me know your thoughts blmkr99@gmail.com

Next: Chapter 2

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