Under Construction

By Richard

Published on Sep 14, 2008


This story is fictional and involves unprotected fetish sex between consenting male adults. Do not read it if this material offends you, or is illegal for you to possess.

Comments and feedback, and suggestions encouraged.

Copyright 2008, richard@surfeit-verdure.com.

The billboards lining the road announced that the great metropolis of Cedarville was approaching. They seemed somewhat optimistic, since only a few disheveled barns and farm houses disrupted the blurred view of trees and meadows.

Nate's foot pressed harder and harder on the gas. The ache in his ass that Cody's dick had left had faded to a pleasant burn. His own cock was already rock hard again, straining against the rough fabric of his dirty blue jeans. The smell of cum mingled with his sweat inside the cab.

Cody had only left a few minutes before him, but was nowhere to be seen.

Nate scanned the edges of the road for any sign of the promised motel. The remains of what might have been a neon sign many years ago answered his prayers.

The "Sunset Inn" appeared to have passed its prime shortly after the 1960's. The flaking paint on the sign promised clean rooms and kitchenettes, but the single-story cinderblock building looked nearly derelict. The only sign that it was still operating was the row of bright orange construction vehicles filling the weed-filled parking lot.

Nate's tires slid as he whipped the wheel over. Gravel and dust scattered as the truck ground to a halt near the end of the building. He jumped out, scanning the faded doors for room 134.

The blinds were closed, but the glow from a lamp shown though the dirty glass. Nate stood for a moment in front of the door, trying not to look as desperate as he was. Sucking in one more breath of air, he knocked on the door as firmly as he could muster.

It seemed like an eternity before the knob turned.

"You're punctual. I like that. Come in."

Cody was still dressed in his dirty construction cloths. He hadn't replaced his vest, so Nate had an unobstructed view of the sweat stains spreading from his pits. Nate stopped himself from burying his face in them again.

"I want some more sir."

"I thought you might."

Nate looked beyond Cody's bulky figure to the dim room behind. Beyond the expected table next to the window and the dirty looking bed there was some sort of bench or table against the far wall.

"As you can see, I'm prepared for you." said Cody, gesturing to the device.

"Take off all your clothes again and put them on the table."

"Yes sir."

Nate pulled off his shirt, then kicked his boots under the table. His dripping cock sprung to attention as he released it from his jeans.

"I see you are ready for more. We can't get in a rush, however. Come down here and lay on your belly."

Nate still didn't quite understand what the device was. It looked like a miniature picnic table with a central plank at crotch height, then a lower and narrower plank on each side. All three platforms were padded and covered in leather. The central one also had a three or four inch hole toward one end. The supports were steel. Leather straps hung from the edges. Several dried puddles of cum were arrayed across the surfaces.

"Make sure your dick and balls hang through the hole. It won't be nearly as fun for you without that."

A wave of fear washed over Nate as he grasped what the device was for.

"I don't know about this..."

"You have a choice. You can follow my rules and do what I say, or you can leave right now and never come back. It's up to you, but you have to decide right now.'

Nate paused for a moment.

"I'd like to stay sir."

"Good boy. Now get on."

Nate leaned over the central planks and slid his cock and balls through the holes. He was lying prone with his knees on the side planks.

"Put your hands on the handles near the base."

Nate's head was now hanging over the edge of the plank, looking down at what appeared to be a black tarp on the floor. His ass projected from the other end. His throbbing cock hung in the cool air of the room.

He couldn't see Cody, but he could hear him moving around the table. A cold strap slid across his back before being tightened. More followed across his calves. Finally Cody's legs came into view in front of the table.

"Just two more for your arms."

Cody squatted down and latched smaller straps from the uprights around Nate's wrists.

Nate tried shifting to see how much freedom he had. Except for his neck and shoulders nothing moved. He battled to control his fear. Nate had never done anything even close to this - much less with a stranger he knew almost nothing about.

A drop of pre-cum dripped from his flared head and left a thin thread as it descended to the tarp on the floor.

"I'm going to prepare your ass for the evening's activities. This is an 1.5" plug."

A hand descended into Nate's view holding a short black object. It had a wide cylindrical base, then a thinner shaft that flared out before tapering to a rounded point.

"You'll be enjoying this for some time, so I will be using lubricant this time. You will still need to press down to let it in. Do you understand."

"Yes sir. I want it in me sir."


Nate felt a cold liquid trickle down his exposed crack, followed by Cody's thick fingers jabbing into his already-dilated ass. The fingers quickly withdrew, immediately replaced with the cold tip of the plug.

"Push down."

Nate pushed as hard as he could as he felt the firm rubber of the plug spreading, then stretching his ass lips.

"uuuhhAaaah!" groaned Nate.

The pressure became pain as the insistent black shaft threatened to spit Nate's ass. He strained against the leather straps but couldn't budge.

Just as Nate was about to scream the pressure subsided. He felt the shaft slide quickly as his ass pulled it in. The base nestled into his spread cheeks and stopped.

Nate's breath came in short gasps as his ass adjusted to the giant invader. Finally the overwhelming sensations mellowed to a tolerable level. Nate's head collapsed till his chin rested on the leather padding below him.

"Do you like the plug?"

"Yes sir!"

"Good. Now as I told you earlier, I'm short of time. I have a crew meeting to go to. Enjoy yourself while I'm gone."

A hand reached across the top of his head and pulled his neck back till he was looking at the wall.


Nate opened his mouth as if by reflex. A second hand shoved something soft into his open jaws. The smell of sweat and cum drifted up into his nostrils.

"That jock had better be there when I get back."

Footsteps retreated and the door swung open. Darkness enveloped the room with a click. The door slammed shut.

Nate stared down at the floor, straining to see anything in the gloom. Ten minutes passed, then 20. His ass began to spasm against the smooth shaft of the plug. He tried pressing against it and found that he could slide it out about an inch before the wide head stopped it. Relaxing allowed it to slide slowly back in. He let the plug fuck him over and over in the darkness.

Eventually the exhaustion from the day and the exertion from the plug drove him to sleep. This time he didn't even dream.

"Damn that's a nice sight."

Bright light stung his eyes as Nate jerked awake. The door slammed again.

"I don't know where you find them, but I'm fucking glad you do. What's on the menu tonight?"

Nate didn't recognize either of the voices.

"Let's get the formalities out of the way first shall we? Nate, this is Tony - everyone calls him T, and FDog - no one cares what his real name is. They will be joining us this evening. You'll get a chance to see them a bit later."

Nate found it oddly comforting to hear Cody again.

"Can I fuck him first CPig?"

"Too late for that. Besides it's finder's keepers. Now get me a beer."

Nate could hear bottles clinking behind him. Chairs slid across the floor and someone sat on the edge of the squeaking bed.

"I don't care what they fucking pay me. I'm not running that F55 again next season."

"You just now figured that out? I told you four months ago that dozer would kill you if you gave it a chance."

Several thumps were followed by fabric rustling.

"This one open season?"

"Yeah, he's a good pig. He'll enjoy that cumrag you call a jock."

Nate's cock had sprung back to full attention. He listened intently to the three men behind him as they continued to bullshit about work.

"I gotta piss." said the voice Nate assumed was T.

"You know where the pisser is. Nate, I expect you to treat my friends here like you'd treat me. Understand?"

Nate nodded, the straps of his jock still hanging from his mouth.

Footsteps approached and a hair-covered pair of legs walked into Nate's view. Nate could see that the man was naked, but was still wearing a pair of steel toe boots. Even craning his neck he couldn't see the man's face, but he had an excellent view of a half-hard cut dick in a giant mount of dark pubic hair.

"That a jock?"

"Yeah, it's a good one too. Try in out."

A hand reached down and pulled the soaked fabric out of Nate's mouth. It vanished up and out of sight.

"Fuck yeah. Spit, cum and piss - the three basic food groups. You're going to like FDog Nate."

"Yes sir."

"Heh. Trained and everything. Nice. Well Nate, as I said, I've got to piss. I know from experience that your position will make this tough, but I know you'll give it the old college try."

Nate just nodded, tilting his head up to meet T's cock. He felt his wet jock land on his back.

T's fat fingers aimed the head at Nate's open mouth. Warm piss splashed over his tongue, quickly filling his mouth. Nate swallowed as fast as he could, but soon a steady flow dribbled down his chin to the floor. The flavor was more pronounced than Cody's.

"Now that wasn't so bad now was it?"

"No sir. Thank you sir."

Nate felt T pick up the jock from his back. He tilted Nate's head back and wiped the piss off his chin and the table before tossing the jock back.

"I believe that ass should be just about ready now. What do you think Nate?" asked Cody.

"Yes sir. Please fuck my again ass sir."

Heavy footsteps approached and suddenly there was tension on the butt plug again. Nate pushed down to try and force it out. His ass lips stretched again as the wide bulb slipped out with a pop. Suddenly he felt empty as his ass grasped at the air.

Without warning the emptiness was replaced by Cody's cock. Nate felt it slide all the way in with one smooth motion.

"Fuck!" he yelled out.

T and FDog chuckled. Cody began the same slow long-dicking he'd enjoyed back at the rest stop. Soon Nate's stretched ass was humming with pleasure.

"My turn." said a voice from above him.

Nate looked up to see T's now-hard dick inches from his face. He opened his mouth and T slid in. Nate choked and coughed as the purple head collided with the back of his throat. T slid back slightly, but kept a firm pressure on the back of Nate's head, trapping him.

Tears streamed down his face as he tried to relax his throat. Finally T slid all the way back till his head was nestled in Nate's lips. The invader slid forward again, but this time stopped short. Nate began swirling his tongue around the head. His nose sucked in the thick musk coming off of T's crotch. Dirt, sweat, and pure male flowed into his lungs and straight to his brain.

Cody's long strokes in Nate's ass continued. Cock snot poured from Nate's trapped penis. He felt near cumming without a single touch.

"Make some room there." said FDog, playfully shoving T.

T slid out of Nate's lips and wiped the head across his bearded chin.

A new crotch centered itself in front of Nate. Cody had been right about the jock. What had once been a white Bike strap was now yellowish tan. Loose threads hung from the elastic. Best of all, an intoxicating odor washed over Nate as he craned his neck to get closer.

"You're right. We've got a fucking pig here. You want this?"

"Yes sir."

Two hands slid the belt of the jock down, freeing another cut cock. This one was much fatter than T's or Cody's, but mercifully shorter.

Stepping out of the strap, FDog draped it upside down over Nate's head. The reeking pouch hung over his nose and blocked his eyes. Nate snorted as deeply as he could. The wave of scent was like being fucked by 100 men.

"CPig, can I have some?" said T.

Nate felt Cody's long dick slide entirely out of his ass. He expected it to be replaced by T's shorter rod. His ass clenched in anticipation.

Instead, he heard the springs of the bed squeal.

"Oh fuck you've got a big dick CPig." grunted T.

The sounds from the bed fell into Cody's trademark slow fuck rhythm. The complaints from the bed springs mixed with animal grunts from T.

The jockstrap still blocked Nate's view, and his attentions were focused entirely on the sounds in the room. He visualized the head of Cody's cock diving through T's ass lips again and again.

Suddenly his own ass lips were spreading. Nate gasped as FDog's cock muscled in. His shaft had to be as thick as the butt plug, and this one didn't have a taper. Nate thanked god that Cody and the plug had gone first as his ass strained to take the cock.

Bottoming out, FDog immediately pulled out and dived in again. His technique was the antithesis of Cody. Nate felt like he was being fucked by a jack hammer as FDog's thighs slapped against his ass again and again.

Nate put his head down and gripped the handles under the table. The friction of the staccato strokes mixed with the vapors invading his brain to bring him to the edge.

"Take it you fucking pig." grunted FDog as he drove in with even more force and held it.

Nate felt his burning bowels filling with cum. FDog held it in for a few more moments, panting. Suddenly the dick slid out as suddenly as it had gone in. Cum cascaded down Nate's spread ass and dripped onto the tarp.

FDog grabbed Nate's own jock and unceremoniously wiped his dick off before running it up Nate's crack and dropping it on the floor.

Nate heard him drop into one of the chairs near the window. The fucking on the bed continued. Nate put his head down again and let the feelings from his abused ass wash over him.

"Here's what you wanted. What do you say?" barked Cody.

"Thank you sir!" shouted T.

The squeaks stopped. Only the sound of both men panting could be heard.

Nate visualized T's ass filling with cum just as his own had back at the rest stop.

"You know the rules. Don't spill any. That belongs to our guest."

"Yes sir."

The bed squealed again. Footsteps approached Nate. He was surprised to feel the straps across his legs being removed. Someone walked in front of him and loosened the straps on his arms. The jock over his eyes was pulled off. Blinking, he looked up to see Cody's unmistakable figure. His dick was soft now and red from its lengthy fuck.

"I have another job for you, but first let me more formally introduce everyone. FDog is on the chair over there. T is on the bed. And I believe that's FDogs cum dripping out of your ass. We'll need to work on that."

"Yes sir."

"Stand up."

Nate stepped back onto the floor, his dick at full attention. A stream of cum ran down his leg.

FDog was slouched in a chair, one leg thrown over the arm. He was a stocky guy somewhere in his mid 20's. His beer can of a cock was soft now and hiding in a mane of fur. The shaft and balls appeared to be shaved however. His barrel chest was well carpeted with light brown hair, as was his slightly chubby face. A cigarette hung from his mouth.

A quick nod followed by another drag on the cigarette served as a greeting.

T was lying on the bed, his head propped up on an elbow. He appeared to be from somewhere in the Mediterranean with dark black hair and olive skin. He looked to be in his mid 30's. His own cock was jutting up above a tight set of balls.

"I've left your payment for the evening in T's ass. I'm sure he would appreciate it if you would go get it."

"Yes sir!"

Cody slapped the top of the leather bench. T leaped off the bed and sat on the edge of the bench before rocking onto his back and wrapping his arms around his calves. His ass spread to reveal a dark trail of hair circling a swollen rose bud.

Nate immediately dropped to his knees and dove into T's ass. As his tongue circled the bud he could taste the tang of ass juice. His nose snorted in the musty smell. Pressing the center of the puckered flesh he felt T unclench. A trickle of Cody's cum spilled onto his tongue. The taste was of pure man. He greedily forced farther in, sucking at the leather ring. The taste intensified as T's ass melded with Cody's spunk.

"Damn you found a good one this time CPig."

T spit on his hand and began stroking his dick. Nate circled his hole, then dived in as far as he could before returning to the edges.

"Fuck!" yelled T as yellowish-white cum splashed onto his chest.

T milked the tip, his ass contracting around Nate's still-probing tongue. Putting his legs back down, he sat up, catching the cum on his chest on his hand. He held it out to Nate who hungrily licked it. T wiped the remainder into Nate's short hair.

"You've done well for a first time student. I believe this is yours." said Cody, handing Nate a wadded up jockstrap wet with cum.

"Thank you sir."

"Put it on."

Nate quickly stepped into the straps and pulled the cold wet pouch over his still-straining cock.

"Sir, can I..."

"You will speak when spoken to. I am tired and have to get up way too fucking early in the morning. Take your clothes and get out. If you would like to continue your training we can discuss it tomorrow."

"Yes sir."

FDog stood and swung the door open. Nate gathered his jeans, shirt, and boots and scuttled out into the cool night air. The door slammed behind him.

Nate was left standing in the dim light from a street lamp, naked except for his jock. He ran for his truck, slamming the door.

Sitting in the dark he rubbed his still hard dick through the wet mesh. The smell of man and sex filled the cab. Sliding his cock out through the side of the pouch he spit twice on his hand and tugged angrily at the tip. A few jerks later his own cum sprayed onto his belly and the seat. Wiping it absentmindedly into the fabric of the jock he stared out the window to the cinderblock wall.

Nate suddenly swung the door open and stepped out of the cab. He pulled on his jeans and shirt, then slid his boots on unlaced. He walked to the motel office to rent a room.

Next: Chapter 3

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