Under Construction

By Richard

Published on Sep 10, 2008


This story is fictional and involves unprotected fetish sex between two consenting male adults. Do not read it if this material offends you, or is illegal for you to possess.

Dedicated to Efrain. Comments and feedback encouraged.

Copyright 2008, richard@surfeit-verdure.com.

---- Nate stared through the windshield of the truck barely focusing on the scenery blurring by. It was only 4 pm, but the day had started a long time ago and a long way away. The company had turned all the roughnecks loose late the previous night after the pilot drill rig had been disassembled. The new well hadn't yielded anything, so everyone got a few days off while the geologists and seismologists scouted a new site.

Some of the drillers were staying down in New Mexico during the lull, but Nate just wanted to get home. He'd jumped in a company pickup and hit the road while the rest of the crew headed for the bars. Drill mud still clung to his steel-toe boots and splattered his sweat-stained T-shirt. He hadn't had a chance to change cloths or take a shower since the rig disassembly had started two days before.

This work schedule was nothing new. Nate had been a roughneck since leaving high school in Alaska, and had drilled from coast to coast during his 14 years on the job. It paid well, and gave him the freedom to work when and where he wanted to. Plus it put him in close proximity to other sex-starved guys.

Years of wrestling drill steel had left Nate with a bulging set of biceps. Years of drinking in the local cantinas every night had left him with a beer belly. Not that Nate cared. No one cared what you looked like in this business. His hair was buzz-cut to keep it out of the way. He hadn't shaved since this shift had started, and now four weeks of fur covered his round face.

His features and attitude had made him a favorite cub among the older drillers. A few were gay, most were straight, but almost all of them would put out after a couple of beers. In fact, he'd been "drilled" in just about every state too.

Sex wasn't on his mind right now however. The plains of New Mexico had flowed into the valleys of southern Colorado, and now the road began to climb upwards into the Rockies. Exhaustion had set in long ago, and Nate just wanted the trip to be through.

It was late summer, and it seemed that half the roads in the state were under construction. Luckily it was Saturday, so orange cones and idle equipment were the only remnants of the paving crews.

Nate had turned off the Interstate shortly after crossing the state line, and was now cruising along deserted two-lane roads as fast as the pickup would go. If his luck held out, he'd make the Wyoming line before dark.

Yet another series of orange construction signs whizzed by threatening delays, doubled fines, and flagmen ahead. Nate ignored them as he had the past 20.

"Fuck!" shouted Nate.

A giant gravel truck lay diagonally across the road, blocking both lanes and most of the shoulder. A flagman leaned against his sign a few yards ahead of it.

The tires squealed in protest as the pickup slid to a stop. Luckily there were no other cars in line yet, or the truck would have had a new hood ornament.

Nate angrily brushed a now-empty cup and its former contents off the seat into the floor of the passenger side, cursing loudly.

Leaning back into his seat, he waited for the gravel truck to move so that he could get the hell home.

Ten minutes passed. Sleep was getting the better of Nate, and his eyes involuntarily drooped, then closed.

His mind wandered back to the hotel room he'd rented two weeks before. He'd picked up another roughneck at the bar. He must have been 50 - a dinosaur in this business. They'd done the cliched glances across the bar, rubbing of crotches, and finally a shared beer. Nate had figured that he'd get to suck the guy's cock, and maybe get a blow job for himself.

One they got back to the hotel it quickly became clear that he was going to get more than that. The old man had started out by sucking his dick, spit-polished his balls, then dived into his ass. Nate had had a few rim jobs before, but they were rare. Most of the men he picked up wouldn't go anywhere near an ass, and just pretended that it was their girlfriend sucking them off.

This guy was clearly an expert. Nate's dick stiffened in his blue jeans thinking about the warmth of a tongue circling his hole, then diving in for what seemed like miles, forcing his quivering ass lips apart.

A loud rap on the glass brought Nate unceremoniously back to earth.

"Excuse me sir. Wanted to let you know that they're almost done with this load and we'll be letting traffic through in about five minutes."

Nate jerked his hand out of his crotch where it had been massaging his balls through the denim.

"Oh, uh. Thanks."

The flagman looked down, then into Nate's eyes and smirked before turning to walked down the line of cars.

Blinking a few times, Nate looked more closely at the flagman in the side mirror as he talked to each car in turn.

He must have been 40 or so. A pot belly spread his orange reflective vest, then hung over his belt. A thick beard carpeted his face. He was wearing a dirty white T-shirt under his vest, tar-streaked jeans, and steel-toe boots.

Nate re-started the truck and turned back to the windshield to wait for the construction equipment to move.

"Where are you coming from?" said a gruff voice.

Jumping, Nate turned to see the flagman leaning against his sign a few inches from the open truck window.

"New Mexico. Just finished drilling for this shift."

"On your way home?"

"Yeah. I live up in Wyoming."

"Wish I could say the same. We're done for today, but we've got another week on this stretch."

"That sucks."

The two lapsed into silence, but the flagman remained by the truck. Shifting his weight, he passed the sign pole to his left hand and idly scratched his balls with his right.

Nate hadn't really planned for this, but if the opportunity arose? He began to rub his own crotch to see if this was a real bite or not.

"What's your name?"


"Don't suppose there's a rest area nearby? I've got to piss bad."

"Yeah there is. About a mile and half down the road. I usually hit it on my way home."

The radio crackled.

"Northbound clear. Hey CPig - let em through."

Cody retreated to the side of the road, talking into the radio handset. The gravel truck shook, then lumbered onto the shoulder, clearing both lanes.

Spinning the sign, Cody met Nate's eyes, scratched his balls one last time, and gestured him forward. Nate pulled onto the fresh asphalt and quickly lost sight of Cody in the rear view mirror.

A few minutes later the rest area came into view. It was just a pulloff with a cinderblock shithouse. Nate swung into one of the parking spaces. He really did have to piss, but he was more interested to see if Cody would show.

The shithouse was a one-holer, but wasn't too bad. Nate squeezed the last drops out of his uncut dick and walked back to the truck to wait.

Traffic slowed as the backup from the construction cleared. A few cars stopped at the rest area, but soon the parking lot and the road were deserted.

His eyes quickly began to droop again as his mind returned to the old man in the hotel. The whole thing had been nearly silent, but ranked as some of the best sex he'd had in a long time.

The man's tongue had retreated after a few minutes, to be replaced by a finger. He had spit on Nate's ass a few times, then wormed the finger deep inside. Soon two more had joined it, stretching his tight lips. He'd nearly seen stars as the old man forcefully rubbed his prostate.

"Asleep at the wheel again?" chuckled Cody, standing just outside the truck window again.

Nate jerked upright.

"Oh, yeah. Guess so."

"Guess you found the pisser."

"Yeah, thanks."

"I'm in pretty bad need of it myself."

A brief silence passed. Nate was 99% sure that Cody wanted to play, but he wanted to be sure.

"Care to join me?" asked Cody.

That answered that. Nate nodded. Cody walked into the outhouse and held the door open. Nate almost jumped out of the truck and scurried after him.

"After you."

Cody swung the door closed and turned the deadbolt.

"I can see that you've done this before, but I have a few 'special' rules and requests you may not be familiar with. First off, I am in charge -you will not question my orders. We will review the remaining rules as we get to them. Do you understand?"

"Uh, yes."

"Yes what?"

"Yes sir."

"That's better. Now take off your clothes. All of them."

Nate was more than a little scared. He usually drove, and had never had a truly dominant partner. However the growing wet spot at the tip of his dick gave him away.

He kicked off his boots into the corner and unbuckled his belt. Dropping his jeans revealed a dirty white jockstrap streaked with yellow stains on the pouch.

"Very nice. Keep going."

Nate pulled his T-shirt over his head and wadded it up.

"Stop. Give me the shirt."

Pausing, Nate handed it over, now naked except for his jockstrap. Cody unfolded the wadded cotton shirt and held it up. Yellowish pit stains were ringed with darker wet fabric. Folding the two sleeves together, Cody held the pits up to his face and breathed deeply.

"I see you haven't showered in a while. Thank you."

Cody rubbed the wet pits against his face and beard, still breathing in Nate's funk. After one last snort, he tossed the shirt onto the pile of jeans and boots.

"Now, take off your jockstrap and hand it to me."

Nate slid the dirty fabric over his straining cock. The tip slapped back against his belly leaving a pool of pre-cum. Stepping out of the straps, he handed Cody the jock.

"You have excellent taste in underwear. Now let's see if you've done a good job preparing them for me."

Cody held the mesh pouch up to his nose and breathed in deeply, closing his eyes.

"You've done very well. Thank you again. I will keep these for later use."

Cody stuffed the jock into the back pocket of his dirty jeans.

"Now I have been out in the hot sun all day, and need a shower. Come over here and take off my shirt."

Nate stepped up to Cody. A string of pre-cum hanging from his jutting dick. The smell of sweat and tar filled the air.

"Start with the vest."

Nate quickly slid the left side over Cody's large shoulders and down his relaxed arm. He moved within inches of Cody as he reached around him to pull the vest off the other arm. Nate breathed in the warm vapor rising from Cody's sweat-soaked shirt.

"Now pull my shirt off."

Cody lifted his arms, intensifying the funk in the tiny room. Nate slid the tight shirt over the bulge of Cody's stomach and over his head. Wadding it up, he pressed it to his face and breathed in its musk.

"Very good. I see you appreciate a real man's scent. Now you will clean my pits."

Nate's dick twitched, freeing another string of pre-cum to drip slowly to the concrete floor.

"Yes sir."

Cody lifted his left arm above his head. Nate jammed his nose into the dripping mane of fur and began licking up as much sweat as he could.

"Now the other one."

Switching sides, Nate began tonguing again. A had pressed against the back of his head, forcing his face into Cody's pit.

"Get it all out."

Nate quickly obeyed, rubbing his face and beard against the wet fur.

"Excellent. You've done very well. Now I will give you something more substantial to eat. Unbuckle my belt."

Nate dropped immediately to his knees and fumbled with Cody's belt buckle. A darker musk wafted from the thick fabric. Sliding the leather strap out, Nate unbuttoned the fly and slid the zipper down.

"Slide my pants down to the knees."

Nate yanked the jeans down over Cody's substantial ass into a pile at his knees. His eyes were now even with a black jockstrap. He inhaled deeply to suck as much of the intoxicating musk into his lungs as he could.

Cody reached into the side of the pouch and pulled an uncut cock out. The long foreskin completely covered the head. It was still soft so Nate couldn't really tell how long it was.

"Clean it."

Nate didn't need to be told twice. He reached into the jock and pulled out Cody's large scrotum and balls. The left ball hung at least four inches below the base of his cock. Nick wrapped his hand around the huge pouch of skin pulling it taut. The veiled tip vanished into his sucking lips.

The soft dick allowed Nate to slide all the way down until his nose nestled in the bush of hair ringing the shaft. The smell was sweat, piss, and the deep musk that only a man can make.

"Clean under the hood."

Sliding the stiffening cock out of his mouth, Nate probed the puckered skin at the tip. Here the taste was saltier, with a smell that hinted about what lay underneath.

Nate released Cody's balls and wrapped his hand around the shaft, pulling the skin back. As each millimeter was revealed Nate's tongue polished it. The taste became tangy as the thick hood slipped behind the corona.

"Excellent. Now I told you that I needed to piss. You will take as much of it as you can. Do you understand?"

"Yes sir. Please give it to me."

Cody removed Nate's hand from his cock and slipped the foreskin back over the tip.

"Open your mouth and close your eyes."

Nate had never drunk piss before, but now he wanted it more than anything. He kneeled in front of a stranger, his eyes closed, his mouth open, and cock-snot running down his dick.

The spray hit the back of his throat, causing him to involuntarily rock backwards. The flow jetted onto his chin, dripping down onto his throbbing cock. Nate quickly recovered and began drinking in the warm salty liquid.

The stream seemed endless. No matter how much he swallowed more seemed to build up until it flowed over his lips and down his hair-covered chest.

Finally the torrent slowed to a trickle. Nate felt Cody shake the last drops onto his face.

"You're an excellent student. Now I'm going to fuck your ass. Spread your jeans out on the floor, lay down on your back, and hold your ankles."

Nate grabbed his jeans and laid them on the dirty concrete. Grabbing his ankles he pulled his ass up into the air.

Cody looked down on Nate, his pants still around his knees and his dick quickly stiffening.

"Good. Normally I would perform some extra preparation on one of my new students, but unfortunately I am short on time, so we'll be going for the direct route. I recommend that you push down to help me in."

Cody reached down and pulled the jockstrap still stuffed in his back pocket out.

"Open your mouth."

A mix of terror and lust washed over Nate. He didn't get fucked very often, and didn't think this god-bear's dick would fit without help. However, right now he wanted it wedged in his ass more than anything in the world.

Cody levered himself down onto his knees in front of Nate's waiting ass. He stuffed the jockstrap into Nate's mouth.

"This may be uncomfortable for a few minutes, but I promise I won't hurt you."

Cody spit into his hand two or three times and slicked his dick. Hawking deeply, he spit again into Nate's open ass crack and wiped the slime into the hole with a wide finger. Two more followed, then spread. Nate yelled out, but was muffled by the jockstrap.

"You can take it. Remember to push down. I will go slowly."

Nate felt the three fingers slide out, immediately replaced by the tip of Cody's hooded cock. Pressure was replaced by fire as the head slid into his barely-lubed ass.

"I told you to push down."

Nate fought through the pain and tensed his abdomen. Sure enough, his stretched lips parted and Cody slid slowly in. Still biting down on his own jock, Nate felt the fur he'd sniffed earlier bottom out into his spread ass. He felt like he should be in agony with the pain, but instead he felt wonderful with this giant spear lodged in his rectum.

"I'll hold here for a second till you get used to it. Nod when you're ready."

Nate laid his head back on the dirty floor, trying to relax his muscles.

His spit was soaking the jock in his mouth and sweat ran off his face.

After a moment he looked back up at Cody. The older man was looking directly into his eyes with surprising warmth. Nate nodded.

Closing his eyes, he felt the dick in his ass sliding out till only the head remained behind. Looking up again he saw Cody spit down into the crack again. Next, he picked up Nate's rock-hard cock from his belly and milked the pre-cum from it.

"Let me borrow a little bit of that from you."

Cody's big paw wiped the spit and pre-cum onto his dick before sliding it slowly back in. This time the pain was far less intense.

As soon as his balls slapped into Nate's ass Cody reversed directions again and slid almost out. Nate kept expecting to get jackhammered, but Cody maintained his slow pace. Each stroke took almost three seconds.

Now the burn was gone and Nate's entire body felt like it was glowing from the prostate stimulation. Waves of pleasure rippled up his cock from its base to its tingling head.

Nate closed his eyes and lost himself to the feelings coming from his ass. It seemed like an hour had passed, though it was probably no more than a few minutes.

"I'm going to cum in your ass now."

Cody's pace never quickened. The bush of hair collided one last time with Nate's stretched ass, then stopped and held. Nate could feel what must have been gallons of cum filling his ass. Cody's eyes were closed.

The spasms in Nate's ass slowed, then stopped.

"I am going to slide out. You will tighten your ass to hold my cum in."

"Yes sir." said Nate through a mouthful of jockstrap.

Cody's head popped through Nate's abused ass lips one last time. Nate clinched down as hard as he could but felt a trickle of semen running down his ass.

"Not bad for a new student. You will improve with additional practice."

"Yes sir."

"I'm sorry that I won't be able to do more for you this evening, but as I said, I'm short on time. I will take care of that dick for you however."

Cody slid his fingers up Nate's ass crack, collecting the trickle of cum. Wrapping his hand around Nate's stiff dick he worked the semen around the shaft and slid expertly over the head. A couple of short strokes later Nate's balls pulled up till they nearly vanished. Waves of cum sprayed onto the hair carpeting his chest. Nate screamed into the spit-soaked fabric filling his mouth.

"Good boy. Open."

Nate opened his mouth and Cody pulled out the jockstrap. He wiped up the cum from Nate's chest, then wiped off his own cum-slicked dick.

"Get up and get dressed."

"Yes sir."

Cody tucked his dick back into its black fabric lair and pulled up his pants. He pulled his shirt over his head as he headed for the door. Cody turned back as he unlocked the bolt.

"The road crew is bunking at the Sunset Inn up the road about five miles. Room 134. You can claim your jockstrap there."

The door swung closed and Cody was gone. Nate lay on the floor for a few more minutes before getting up and pulling his jeans and shirt on.

He could feel Cody's cum slowly leaking out of his ass into his jeans as the truck sped toward the motel.

Next: Chapter 2

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