Under Construction

By Robert Burke

Published on Jun 1, 2020


Under Construction Part III

By Robert Burke

I didn't sleep long, but I slept soundly.

When I opened my eyes, the digital display on the alarm clock read 7:34, but the room had grown darker. Despite the warm weather, it was still January. I looked over at Nathan. He'd rolled half over away from me on his side with his right arm over his left shoulder. I leaned over and kissed his hip and slowly got out of bed.

I went to the bathroom and took a leak, holding my cock carefully so the heavy stream hit the side of the porcelain bowl instead of the water. I flushed and took a washcloth, ran it under the hot water, and wrung it out lightly.

I wiped off my cock and balls, spread my legs a little, and wiped out the drying lube from my ass. I ran it under the water again, wrung it out again and tossed it out the door in the general direction of the laundry basket. Taking a hand towel, I walked out the door drying myself, and tossed the towel in the basket, missing it, and picking up the washcloth.

Off my game, I thought, smiling, throwing it in the basket. If this keeps up, I thought, there's going to be a lot more laundry in my future.

Nathan hadn't moved much on the bed. He'd drawn up his right knee toward his chest, but continued sleeping. I noticed how soundly he slept, his breath coming out evenly, not quite snoring.

I pulled a pair of boxers from a basket of unfolded laundry -- which is most of my laundry -- and stepped into them and walked out to the kitchen. I opened the freezer and pulled out a lasagna I'd made earlier in the week. Turning on the oven to 325 and setting the timer for an hour and a half, I put it in. Drinking a couple of glasses of water standing in front of the sink, I walked back to the bedroom.

He hadn't moved at all. I noticed that his plaid boxers hadn't come all the way off. They were still hanging off his left ankle. I went over and gently lifted them off, letting them drop to the floor. I pulled my own off and stepped out of them before lying down next to him on the bed. I traced the line of his body from under his exposed armpit down to his hip with a finger. He stirred a little, but didn't move. I drew closer to him and ran my hand down his back and over his butt, gently nudging him.

It had the desired effect: he made a small sound and turned almost completely over on to his belly.

I put my hand over the small patch of hair at the small of his back and stroked it. I don't know why I was so fascinated by it, but I was; it seemed like a detail of him as a man, not just a physical effect. There was something about the way his long white body suddenly darkened with hair at the waist; the way the boy suddenly became a man.

I moved down the bed a little, still stroking it, and leaned forward, pressing my dry lips to it. I started kissing the cheeks of his ass, letting my tongue move across them and over the crack, darting in quickly and then pulling out again. I put my hand on his hip, gently, insistently nudging him over. He responded and rolled over some more. I moved a little further down the bed and put my hands on both of his hips. He awakened to the pressure and started to turn over, but I held him firmly in place.

"Blake?" he said drowsily.

"Yeah, I'm here," I said, "stay still."

"What are..."

He started to turn over, but felt the pressure of my hands on his hips. I began kissing his ass again, allowing myself to get wetter and sloppier with my tongue. He started to squirm and I began licking the top of his crack, letting it slip a little further down each time, spreading his cheeks apart a little more with each stroke.

At first, he tried to slip away, but I held him tightly, my biceps and triceps straining out. As I kept licking, I let some warm saliva drool into the crack of cheeks. It was getting wetter and opened a little bit more with each movement. He kept squirming and tried to pull away.

"If you don't settle down..." I said, raising my head.

"I don't..."

"Will you fuckin' relax, man? I'm not going to fuck you with spit!" I said, trying to sound annoyed.

Actually, the idea of fucking him with just spit had a certain appeal, but I could feel his butt starting to clench already and knew he wasn't ready for that.


He relaxed a little, but I didn't. Holding his hips tightly, I moved my head down and to the bottom of his cheeks and, forcing them open with my chin, let my tongue travel broadly up his crack, pausing to tickle his hole.

"Oh, fuck!" he said as he arched up as far as he could.

At that moment, I found myself thinking two things.

First, unlike me, he only seemed to say "fuck" when he was fucking.

I tended to use it for punctuation.

Second, I was glad that his ass, though small, wasn't bony. I'd have had two black eyes.

I went down and did it again, this time more aggressively. He was still squirming, but now he was squirming toward me, not away from me, his ass rising slightly up toward my face. I let my hands move down to his cheeks and moved them apart. I began licking him bottom to top and then top to bottom.

Though the room was dark, I could feel his anus pucker with my tongue and I tried to imagine its color. Some men are this soft pink, almost the color of a rose under the coarse hair. Others are darker, not brown, but a kind of tan. But from experience, I knew that they all responded the same way to a warm tongue moving across their holes.

I buried my face into Nathan's ass, letting my day old beard and my small soul patch rub against the tender skin. I came up for air and went down again, sometimes licking it, sometimes circling it.

With each motion, his butt got a little higher in the air, opening a little further. Looking between his legs, past his unshaved balls pulling up and down, I saw his cock was hard again, hanging in the air, dangling.

I raised myself up long enough to look at him. His hands were twisting the sheets; his head bent to the side. I went down again and this time pushed the tip of my tongue into him as deeply as I could.

He was panting and gasping now, but not saying a word.

Not even "fuck".

I raised my head, still holding his ass, and said, "Is it good?"

He nodded his head against the pillow. "Don't stop, man. Don't stop."

"Tell me it's good, "I said, putting my face down to his cheek and just licking the crack.

"It's good," he said, hoarsely, pushing his butt back toward my face. "It's good."

I dug my tongue back into him and came up again. "Tell me you want it," I said.

"I want it, Blake! I want it!"

"Want what?" I said.

He started to turn his head around to face me, but I'd gone into his butt again.

"Want what?" I said, coming up. "Tell me what you want."

"Eat my ass, man! I want you to fucking eat my ass! Do it!" he said, loudly.

I felt myself getting even harder than I already was.

"Happy to oblige," I said, smiling to myself as much as to him.

I polished him off by pushing my lips and tongue into his rectum and kissing it loudly. I pulled up and moved a little further up the bed, letting myself lie on top of him, my body against his, my face lying on the space between his shoulders, pressing in just enough that he could feel my hard cock resting between his cheeks. He was still panting, taking in full breaths that made his ribs stand out, but his hands had loosened their grip on the sheets.

"How was it?" I asked, kissing his shoulder blade.

"It was...it was great," he said finally, sounding like he couldn't find the right words.

"What was great?" I asked.

"What you just did."

"Tell me what I just did, Nathan."

He started to squirm a little under my weight, but I didn't move.

"Tell me what I just did. What did I just do to you?"

He moved a little more.

"You told me when I was doing it," I said.

"What's your problem?" he said. "I said I liked it."

"No problem, man" I said, shrugging. "But if you can't tell me what you want, I have to guess." I kissed his neck lightly. "I'd rather just give it to you."

He was quiet for a moment.

"I like it when you do that, Blake," he said, finally, like he was testing the words. "I like it when you eat my ass."

"Do you like it when I suck your cock?"

I saw his expression start to change slightly.

He was beginning to understand. I felt his skin warm. Was he blushing again?

"Yeah," he said, starting to smile. "Yeah, I like it when you suck my cock. I like it a lot."

"I like it, too. I like it when you suck my cock, Nathan. I like watching you suck my cock and the way you swallow my cum. Some guys don't like it."

"I like it," he said. "I like the way your cum tastes."

"Did you like fucking me tonight?"

He almost got away from me, squirming almost all the way around, so we were face to face. I felt the warmth of his body and belly, our skin and our cocks pressing against one another.

"I loved fucking you tonight," he said, pulling me down as if to kiss me, but moving instead to kiss my neck.

Fastidious, I thought abstractly. I can work with fastidious.

"Are you going to love it when I fuck you?" I said.

He stopped smiling, but was looking me directly in the eye.

I didn't say anything, but I moved my cock across his belly. His hands began moving up and down my back distractedly.

"Can I suck your cock again?" he asked, reaching under me and holding my balls. I stiffened a little as he squeezed them.

"You can suck my cock any time you want," I said, "but right now, I want to fuck you. If you start sucking my cock now, I might end up fucking you faster than I want to."

"I meant..."

"I know what you meant, man. But we said we had a deal, not "let's make a deal".

He was quiet, but I let the silence stand there, looking at him.

After a long minute, he nodded.

"Yeah," he said, nodding "we made a deal. Deal's a deal. But you're going to go slow, aren't you?"

I leaned forward and kissed his right nipple. He started and let go of my balls.

"Tell you what," I said, rolling him off onto my back. "How about you get on top?"

I moved up the bed a little and stretched. Nathan was kneeling; his legs spread apart, his butt resting on his heels to keep his balance.

I put my hands behind my head and stretched again, flexing my muscles slightly, pulling in my stomach a little, and basically just showing off for him.

I looked over at him and realized how much I enjoyed looking at him. My cock was wasn't quite hard anymore. I looked down at it and looked over at him. I smiled at him and he smiled back, raising his eyebrows. It was almost comical, like a cartoon of Groucho Marx. All he needed was the cigar.

"Maybe a little bit," I said, looking down at my dick.

Nathan didn't say a word, just leaned forward, took my cock in his hand and covered it with his mouth. I reached over with one hand and put it on the back of his smooth head, encouraging him down on it. He didn't need much encouragement. His mouth was warm and wet as his mouth went up and down, slowly at first, then quickening, then slowly again.

He was beginning to acquire some technique.

I felt myself begin to thicken again. He took just the head between his lips and wrapped his tongue around it. Trying to thrust up, he held my cock in place, never taking more than the head. The sensation was so intense that I finally pulled away and started to laugh.

"Son of a bitch," I said, moving further up the bed and raising myself up on my elbows.

"Sure you don't want me to finish?"

"I'm sure I want you to remember that," I said, reaching into the open drawer of the nightstand and pulling out the foil string of condoms. He sat back on his heels again, watching me until I found the bottle of lube under one of the pillows. I tore one open with my teeth watching him. He was looking at me intently as I fixed up the rubber with some lube and rolled it down over my dick. I poured some lube out of the bottle into my fingers.

"Come `ere," I said.

He moved across the few feet of bed and straddled me.

I was surprised when I reached forward and he leaned back a couple of inches, taking a cheek in each hand, and spreading them for me. I didn't say anything, but put my fingers between his cheeks and found his hole. I covered it with lube, smearing it around. His breathing was getting faster and I was watching his flat belly move in and out until I let my forefinger slip inside of him. He let his hands go and his cheeks covered my fingers.

He held his breath for a moment and then, breathing more quickly, started to move himself up and down my finger. I took out my finger and began rubbing his hole again. He started moving down toward it, and I let both my forefinger and my middle finger slip inside of him. He was slippery and warm as I moved my fingers back and forth inside him. His sphincter was opening and tightening against my fingers as I moved them in and out. I moved them deeper until I was brushing his prostate with the tips.

He arched his back and then suddenly forward as he fell toward me, holding himself over me on the bed with outstretched palms, while his butt pushed down on my fingers.

He wasn't hard anymore, but his cock and balls swung back and forth as he made a rhythm for himself.

His eyes closed, his mouth open in a silent moan, as he pushed himself back and forth.

I took my fingers out of him, felt them slipping past the slick hair on his ass, and took my cock in my hand. He opened his eyes, looking directly into mine, and started to smile. I pressed the head of my cock against his cheeks.

"Blake..." he said, raising himself off my cock. I put my other hand on his hairy thigh.


He reached behind him and held my cock, pulling on it slightly.

"Can you fuck me without it?" he said, tugging slightly at the condom.

I looked at him carefully and nodded.

He pulled the condom off of my cock and threw it on the floor and leaned back, straightening himself up over me, and moving my cock between his cheeks, slowly moving himself down until the head of my cock felt his puckering hole contracting.

I put my hands on his hips.

"Take a deep breath," I said, holding his hips, "and push out."

He nodded and his belly sucked in, rippling the thin line of hair across his abs, and I raised my hips to meet him. I felt the hair of his butt move across the slick head of my cock and pushed up.

The head of my cock slipped into him and he gasped and caught himself between pulling away and pushing further down. I pulled down on his hips, moving him further down my cock.

He moaned and his face went somewhere between a grimace and an exultation.

I slipped my hands further around his hips and pulled him down until I felt my cock all the way in him. I pushed my hands up against his hips and moved him up slightly, raising my hips to keep my cock inside of him.

He was a very intuitive fuck. He quickly began sliding up and down my cock, a little tentatively at first as he felt for his rhythm again, and then breaking into confident strides, rocking himself back and forth.

Seeing him take charge of himself, I let myself get lost in sensation. Condoms are a necessary part of the sexual life today, but the thin latex always takes away a few telling degrees in temperature, the tickling sensation of skin against hair, and adds a sense of containment and constraint.

Now, with Nathan, I remembered just how it felt to be inside another man, to feel my cock filling him, spreading the sphincter with each thrust and feeling that muscle tighten and push back again.

"Yeah," he said, in a short breath. "Yeah, man, yeah. C'mon on, man! Fuck me!"

My hands reached up and found Nathan's nipples. I began to pinch them between my fingers, trying to alternate each movement with each thrust, but losing track. There, in the dark, I began to wonder where he began and I left off.

I realized that I was getting ready to cum and began thrusting into him more insistently, letting go of his nipples and pulling him down on me.

"Take it, man. Take it!"

Nathan was biting his lower lip and nodding his head up and down.

We were both just panting and sweating when I arched up and started to come inside of him. He bent over me, his chest almost to my face, as I pushed into him, harder and harder. I could feel my cock thickening as it began pumping into him, filling his ass with cum, slick and sticky at the same time.

When my thrusts began to slow down and I felt myself begin to slide out of him, I put my arms around him and pulled him on top of me.

Our skin sticking to one another with sweat, his face buried in the crook of my neck, breathing into the bed, we held each other without a word. Finally, he rolled over, lying next to me on his back, his eyes closed. I felt the warm mix of lube and my cum that had made a damp spot on the sheet next to my thigh.

I raised myself up on one elbow and let my other hand move casually across his belly, stroking his thigh, and coming up again, gently cupping his balls.

"How ya doing?"

He nodded, smiling, his mouth opening slightly without saying a word, and opening his eyes.

I kissed him once and looked down at him.

"That was..."

"Fuckin' incredible!" he said suddenly, starting to laugh.

I rolled over on my back and started laughing, too.

From the kitchen, the timer started chiming. He looked at me.

"What's that?" he asked.

"Dinner," I said, leaning over and kissing his navel.

End of Part III

Next: Chapter 4

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