Uncle Ted

Published on Jun 5, 2011


Uncle Ted 2 By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, any comments send them to bldhrymn@yahoo.com

Years earlier, I had a friend, Donnie, who was looking for the prefect fuck. His lover had to be tall, slim and smooth. He was the perfect man and possessed the perfect cock. My friend wanted his dream lover to have a long, thin curved cock with a mushroom style cock head. This dream cock would slip painlessly into his ass and rub every magic spot. His fantasy lover possessed the stamina of an Olympic athlete, and my friend would moan and twitch for hours as the dream cock worked it magic.

I hardly need to say, I didn't not meet my friend's standards. We had some fun for a short while, but I fell short. He told me I was nice, but he wasn't going to settle for second best. He moved to New York City, then Los Angeles, and later to San Francisco. He hasn't found his dream lover yet, but he does have a collection of unhappy affairs to ponder in his old age.

Donnie had a mental checklist. He would meet a man who approximated his fantasy, but that man would eventually be disqualified. As far as I could tell Donnie's list included physical characteristics only. Donnie figured if the lover looked good enough, the rest was incidental. Donnie wanted a look, not a personality.

My dream lover had some resemblance to Donnie's fantasy, although I wasn't obsessive about it. When you are young, fantasies are fine. As I recall, when you are in your teens, fantasies are all you have. I was not an early bloomer. In my defense, I did discover my dream lover needed to have a personality of some sort. Sucking and fucking for 24 hours straight seemed like an ideal situation at age18, but in reality, there are gaps in the lovemaking. It's hard to talk with a man who possesses a black hole for a brain.

I also loved my work and enjoyed it greatly. I encountered some men who didn't like that. They wanted my attention 24/7. They had no interests other than sex. That seemed to tie in with the inability to carry on a conversation.

Uncle Ted didn't fit any items on my lover's checklist. Looking back, I remembered finding him attractive when I was ten. At ten Uncle Ted was just an adult, an old man. Adults were a different species as far as I knew at that age.

Neither Uncle Ted nor any of his friends were on my sexual radar. My interlude with Don and Theo had been a surprise. I had been looking for true love, not casual sex for most of my adult life. Don and Theo weren't in love with me; they were just having fun. I had fun too. It wasn't earth shattering, but it was more than just good.

For the last few years, orgasms were rare and far between for me. With Theo, I had been sucking on the thick, juicy organ of a man I barely knew. Theo was a heavy drooler of precum. He was the first man I had sucked who had produced enough of the sweet goo to enjoy. When he shot the first volley of man seed, I wanted to take his entire load.

Years earlier, I had a lover who wanted me to take his semen. I had fucked him many times and made multiple deposits in his ass. I owed it to him. I took his load, but it wasn't a great success. Theo's orgasm was a good one, a good one. Theo's shot off like a volcano. There were several massive spurts, followed by many lesser shots. Eventually he drooled whatever was left in his balls. I wanted it all.

After the first eruptions, I began to shoot. Theo had no problem feasting on my man seed. With Don in my ass, I had never felt so totally naked and so totally involved in sex before. They enjoyed me. I enjoyed them. We were casual friends who pooled our sexual resources. It seemed evenhanded.

It didn't seem possible to me they enjoyed it as much as I did, but orgasms don't lie. I had the taste of Theo's sperm in my mouth and Don's cream in my ass. All was well. It wasn't true love, but it was damn good sex.

My interlude with Uncle Ted was entirely different. I knew he was big. When relaxed, his thick, uncut organ rested on his bull balls. My friend Donnie described his type of genitals as "more potatoes that meat." I guessed Ted was on the high side of average.

In reality, Ted was a grower, not a show-er. Most of his cock was stored accordion style in his thick foreskin. It was a tight fit as he worked it into my ass. "Damn you're tight," he said. I knew that was a compliment.

Ted's cock got bigger once he was in me. Apparently, he needed the tight confines of a willing ass to get fully hard. Ted didn't fuck me; he occupied my body and my mind. My ass could barely contain his organ. Every movement sent shivers of excitement through me. At some point, I couldn't tell what was me and what was Ted. We merged.

I had to get to my rehab class that morning, so we didn't have much time, but it was good. The class was good too. The therapist worked at getting more limber and less stiff. By the time I got back home to Uncle Ted's I was sore, but more active. I had lunch and took a nap. The class exhausted me.

Splashing in the pool woke me. I went out and found three men with Ted, playing like kids in the pool.

"Is this your nephew?" one of them asked when he saw me.

"Yes that is Larry," Ted said. "I'd like you to meet Scooter, Skip and Sam. They were my best mechanics and they still help when I need them. We use to call then the Terrible Trio. That was partially due to their good looks, and partially due to their out of control sex drive. Don't bend over to pick up the soap, if you get my drift." The men smiled at Ted's description. They took it as a compliment.

When you meet a man named Scooter, you don't expect him to be 65 years old and look like Gabby Hayes. I was also accustomed to upstate New York old men who tended to be pale. These men were tanned and vigorous looking. None of these men had tan lines.

Scooter and Skip had strong Southern accents. Sam was clearly from Brooklyn. The phone rang and Ted went to answer it. The men got out of the pool and we talked. Sam was short, stocky, very hairy and very Jewish. He had a compact set of balls and cock and was cut. Skip was a flamboyantly outgoing redneck from Alabama. He talked a mile a minute and sounded like the sort of men featured on the Redneck Comedy tour. His cock had a large head on a thin shaft. Foreskin covered the head, even when he was partially erect.

Scooter was quiet and tended to watch, with a slightly amused look on his face. Skip was scrawny, hairy and sported a Fu Manchu style beard. They had pooled their Social Security Checks and shared an apartment. They seemed to get along well, but all of their accents were so strong, they must have needed a translator.

They did share one common interest and it was hanging between my legs. They weren't shy about looking. Scooter liked to stare and drool a little. They also weren't shy about talking about their favorite subject.

"Damn," Skip said. "Does everyone in your family have a big one? You have a beauty."

"It's nothing special," I said.

"I bet it would do something special in my ass!" he proclaimed.

"Let me warn you Larry. If you like the shy, virginal types, avoid Skip," Sam said. "As far as I can tell his brothers started fucking his sorry ass when he was two and he's never been happy without regular cum deposits by old friends, new friends or casual passersby."

"That's a complete lie!" Skip protested. "I was two and a half!" I laughed. "I never actually played with my brothers until I could get hard!"

"They raped you?" I asked.

"It wasn't like that. I lived with four brothers, Pop and two uncles," he said. "I was the youngest kid and Ma took off two years after I was born. I was the youngest, but I was a horny little tike from the start. We lived in a cabin and farmed a little, hunt a lot and once and a while someone might get a job.

"I liked playing with my cock and any other cock that was in reach. We were all guys and no one had a problem with that. We didn't have electricity, so there was no television or radio. Dad got a transistor radio and we thought that was hot stuff. Personally, I liked to stoke Uncle Billy's meat until he popped. I thought it was pretty, like a fountain. He could hit the ceiling sometimes. I loved that. Baths weren't a regular part of our lives, it was best to watch a bother beat his meat and get off. It was best to keep an arm's length away."

"I went to school, but kids were pretty much scared of me. I was a little country then."

"You do look like one of those guys from Deliverance!" Sam said.

"Well, I was none too sure about them too, so I lay low, and just did my lessons. A teacher told me she didn't know what planet I came from," Skip continued. "I did take gym and took showers. I was pretty gamy and the Coach helped me out."

"That sounds like a good start for a porn movie," I said.

"The coach was a good man. One of the lady teachers sort of liked me and got him to help. He came from a poor family and baths hadn't been a part of his life either," Skip said. "He gave me lessons in being a normal human. He taught me to take a shower and wear clean clothes. He told me how to eat with a knife and fork too. There was no funny business at all. He just helped me out.

Eventually, I discovered a few pals at school and found out a clean cock was a lot more inviting and entertaining. One of my pals sucked me and I sure knew a good thing when I found it."

"I was in my teens when I figured out life in the cabin would be more fun if I could do more than just stoke a cock. This may seem odd, but I was smarter than my brothers were and a lot more imaginative. I expanded the sexual repertoire. None of them wanted to take a bath, but they would swim. I played with their cocks under water and got them clean; we were at the swimming hole when I got them to suck. They loved it.

Now my Uncle Henry came upon us. I thought he might be mad, but we kids were bigger than he was by then. He joined in. I liked older cock. He had never been sucked before, and I will say when I licked his untouched by the human tongue cock head he was a happy man.

"Daddy was never good about birthdays other than he knew we had all been born. I was born at home and getting a Social Security Card was a trip. I was fully grown too and was going to teach Daddy some new tricks, but he already knew about a little about sucking. Ass fucking was new to him but we all took to it like dogs to water. Daddy called my ass a man cunt and he liked that. He had a really shirt fuse, so it was easy for me. "

"People talk about the evils of sex but for us, it was better than the alternative. Let me tell you, life got better once we got fucking," Skip explained." We were all related and lived in a small cabin. We could get on each other nerves easily. It was a lot better to shove a cock up an ass then punch a guy in the nose. We got a bit free and easy about sex."

"Larry, let me warn you. No one is sure if Skip's stories are real," Sam said. "He tells them so well, no one wants to know!"

While Skip told his story, Scooter eased closer to me and sucked my cock into his mouth. Ted returned from his call, but neither he, nor they other men commented on Scooter's activity. Cock sucking was just part of a summer's afternoon normal activity.

Looking back what impressed me wasn't that it was sexual, or unexpected; it was so casual. The actual sex was good and intense at some times, but the trio and Ted were so relaxed. It was as if working your cock into a pal's ass and massaging his prostate for a half hour or so was just a nice way to send the afternoon.

Remarkably, Skip could take Ted huge member and still carry on a conversation. I admit there was a break in the conversational flow when someone had an orgasm, but that was all. Scooter and Sam shared me. Scooter sported a seven-inch member with an unusually large cock head. He got on his back and I sat on it. I sat back and his head popped in, and the rest of the shaft was easy.

Scooter sat up and rolled me on my back. With my legs in his shoulder, Scooter move only enough to maintain his erection. Sam fed me his cock and then leaned forward to suck me. I could suck him and breathe at the same time. He like to deep throat. Sam's cock oozed buckets of sweet cock juices.

I assumed Scooter did the same. He spent a long time in my ass and I didn't get sore. He must have been self-lubricating. After twenty minutes, we switched positions. Scooter sat on my cock and then I rolled him over. I have to admit a sixty-year-old man who looked like Gabby Hayes wasn't my idea of a dream date, but Scooter had a wonderful ass.

His ass opened up and caressed my cock. His ass lips kissed my knob as it popped in and then clamped shut to hold me in. I had thought of an ass hole as a purely utilitarian feature. Scooter's hole was a full featured sex organ. As far as I could tell, it was a sex organ devoted to pleasing my cock.

I shot off but Sam told me to leave it in, Scooter had plans. Once I began to get soft, Scooter's cock had more opportunity to manipulate my organ with his almost prehensile ass. It felt good and soon I was getting hard again. Sam went over to play with Skip and Ted leaving me alone with Scooter and his ass.

Scooter wasn't much of a conversationalist. Talking wasn't his strong suit. I dozed off for a while. When I woke up, Scooter and I were friends. His hole made friends with my cock, and what my cock liked, I liked. I had a second orgasm and pulled out. Ted came over and slipped his monster into Scooter. Ted is vigorous and driven; Scooter didn't last long.

I could sense Scooter building up to the climax. I'm not too partial to man seed, but I suddenly had a need to suck up every drop of Scooter's orgasm. I swallowed his cock a second or two before his first volley. Ted began to twitch and shiver as he rear loaded Scooter. I drank up Scooter's man seed as if it were the elixir of the gods.

Afterwards I fell asleep. I woke up with Slip slowly pumping his cock in my ass. I didn't know if I was an exceptionally heavy sleeper of if Skip was a particularly careful fucker. I fell asleep again. The trio left in the late afternoon.

After dinner, I asked Ted about the trio.

"I take it you got along better than you expected?" he asked. "I could tell you weren't much impressed by them when you met. They tend to grow on you."

"They grew on me and in me," I said. "What characters! Are all your pals like that?"

"I'm not sure anyone is quite like the trio. They come close to being unique," he replied. "Most of my pals have been friends for a long time and none of them were monks when we met. I lived in a little isolated house on the edge of a swap they called the playpen. This was in the "be free, be natural" period with long haired hippies and free love."

"I shared the house with an older man Hal. He started as a fuck buddy and turned into a lover. Hal loved man seed. He gobbled the stuff up and couldn't get enough of it," Ted continued. "I loved my hard cock in a tender ass. That was a recipe for success in making friends. I had about as big a cock as most guys could reasonably take. You know, big but not monstrous. I'd fuck a guy until he climaxed and Hal would then suck them dry. When I say dry, I mean dry."

"Hal was also a nice guy to be with, social and fun. Hal had a good job as a teacher; I was building up my body shop. We were both hard working and we attracted similar men," Ted explained. "We never attracted the bar flies and party boys. Our friends were solid, hard working men who liked man sex. Our pals were too tired after a day of work to spend the night dancing or getting drunk."

"When AIDS reared its ugly head we were in a quandary. I like bare ass fucking and Hal was a cum hound. We got out friends together and asked them if they'd like to go steady. If we stayed in the group we could enjoy our bare ass and cum drinking. Well, it turned out that most of our friends were pretty exclusive already. We all got tested and settled down," he said. "We have added some men through the years. Hal died of a heart attack seven years ago. For all practical purposes we are a sex club with twenty to twenty five members."

"Twenty-five!" I exclaimed.

Ted smiled. "That is for the Christmas party and birthdays. Guys drop by singly or in small groups. On weekends, we may get ten or twelve. We all have lives in addition to a taste for man sex."

Next: Chapter 3

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