Uncle Ted

Published on May 30, 2011


Uncle Ted By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have any comments send them to bldhrymn@yahoo.com

The car came out of nowhere. I didn't know it hit me until two weeks later when I came out of the coma. I had been a healthy 35-year-old with a good job and a life. I was now an invalid who could not function on my own. I had adequate health insurance, but nothing to cover the loss of income and no one to take care of me. I was single and lived alone.

My dad died two years earlier and my mother was battling cancer. I was up the creek without a paddle. Parts of me did not work well. Actually, parts didn't work consistently well. I could walk slowly, but my legs might buckle at any moment. I might lose strength in my hand, or lose mental concentration. I couldn't drive, or work to a schedule.

Mom was worried sick, but sometimes she was too sick to remember to worry. Her sister, my Aunt Elizabeth took care of her, but she was a great Aunt and in her mid seventies. There was no way she could deal with a second patient.

Out of the blue Uncle Ted appeared. He was my favorite Uncle when I was a kid, but had moved away and he seemed to have had some sort of a falling out with my Dad. We lost touch except for Christmas and birthday cards. I lived in upstate New York, he lived somewhere in Florida. He found out about my situation and came to see me.

When I was a ten years old, I thought Uncle Ted was an impressive man. He looked like a cowboy. Ted liked Country & Western clothes. He was also tall and muscular. When he walked into my hospital room, I recognized him immediately. He now sported a wild Hawaiian shirt, but was still tall and looked as if he were still in good shape. He seemed as confident and outgoing as he had twenty-five years earlier.

Ted had been to see Mom and had already arranged things. He told me he had a big house near a rehab center and I could bunk with him until I was back on my feet. I guessed he was nearing seventy, but he was in a lot better shape than I was.

He also had talked with my doctors. "They told me you need time to heal and get things working again," he said.

"I'm not so sure I'll ever get back to normal," I said.

"Larry, I had a long talk with the doctor and was direct with him. I asked him straight out how much time it would take. He said twelve to fourteen months should do it," Ted said. "Let me be frank. I'm willing to give you a year or so, but I live alone and I like being alone. As soon as you are functioning again, you can get back to your life."

I hemmed and hawed, but Ted finally said I didn't really have a choice, so I might as well come with him to Florida. I wasn't sure about that. He left and I thought about it. When I woke up the next morning, I realized he was right so I agreed. My Mom was overjoyed. A few days later, Ted appeared with a big Mercedes and took me to Ft. Lauderdale.

I had no idea about Ted's life during the 25 years I hadn't seen him. It was obvious Ted had spent a part of that time making money if the Mercedes was any indicator. It was a beauty and was new.

As we talked in the long drive down, I soon realized he was the same man I had so liked as a ten- year-old. He was friendly, helpful and cheerful. We like many of the same things. Ted was more liberal politically and socially than my parents. I got along well with them, but I rarely agreed with my father about anything. He was conservative, timid and unimaginative. Dad was a careful, fastidious man who never took risks.

We didn't fight or argue; we just didn't see the world in the same way. I had a successful career in Graphic Design. Dad never knew what I did and was never able to understand what I was doing. He was astounded I could actually make a living as a designer. He wanted me to go to business school and follow in his footsteps selling insurance. He was a good father but we were never close. My father didn't notice I never dated women, of if he did, he never mentioned it. We never discussed personal things anyway so that wasn't particularly odd.

I wouldn't say I was a wild and crazy man for I too was careful. Being careful didn't prevent me from being run over by a car with defective brakes. My father's approach of never taking any risks, didn't work for me.

I was weak and uncoordinated after the accident and hospitalization. Ted was strong as an ox, and energetic. He soon figured out my strengths and weaknesses and it seemed as if helping me was effortless for him. He was always jolly and upbeat. He had never married and I had never married, but I didn't put one and one together. I was on some heavy medication and it seemed to limit complicated thought processes.

He owned a body shop in Ft. Lauderdale. It grew to become a chain of body shops. He was involved in some real estate deals, all of which turned out well. He did comparatively small projects that made big profits, but he never over extend his resources.

When I saw his house in Florida, I realized he had made buckets of money. It was a Spanish style house wrapped around a beautifully landscaped pool. It wasn't huge, but it was quietly luxurious. Ted wasn't showy, but he had good taste. When I got there, I went to bed and slept for twelve hours. I got tired easily, and I crashed.

When I woke up, I met Carlo, his gardener-yard man. Carlo was shorter than I was, but strong. He helped me get dressed. I was shocked to find new clothes in the closet. Carlo told me I was 30 pounds lighter than before the accident and nothing fit.

He took me to the patio surrounding the pool and I saw Uncle Ted with another older man. "Larry, you are up! Let me introduce you to an old friend Dennis. He is a retired nurse and will be helping you as needed," Ted said.

I shook hands, but had to sit down immediately. I was a bit dizzy. Dennis was a bull-like man of perhaps 60, with a crew cut.

We chatted and I said I wasn't sure I needed a nurse. "Ted and I are old friends," Dennis said. "I'm here to give you advice. Let me be frank with you. I've looked over your medical records. It was a huge accident and you are physically and mentally messed up. My guess is there is no permanent damage, but you are probably going to need to find some new ways to do some everyday things. I work in rehab and I know what you need to do."

"What if those things don't work?" I asked.

"Ninety percent will," Dennis replied. "We will need to find other ways to do the other ten percent."

"I'm not sure I can do it."

"I don't want to hurt your feelings, but I don't care if you think you can do it," Uncle Ted said quietly and firmly. "You are going to do it. Your medications and post accident depression make it hard for you to think clearly. I spent a lot of time talking with your Doctors and the people in the hospital. You will do it and you will get back to normal."

A man came and served lunch, "Larry, this is Raoul, my cook," Ted said. "You will soon forget the hospital food." The food was wonderful, and I forgot my concerns as I ate. It was real food. We talked for an hour or so, and I fell asleep. When I woke, it was time for dinner. Again, Raoul served a spectacular food. I had forgotten what real food tasted like in my month of intravenous feedings and plastic wrapped food at the hospital. I almost felt human again.

After watching a DVD movie that I couldn't follow, but enjoyed it anyway, I went to bed. I woke up feeling good, went to the bathroom on my own and tried to get dressed. Carlo appeared and told me I was to take a shower for the first time since the operation. I was excited by that. Sponge baths never seemed like real baths to me. I felt dirty.

My room had a large, walk in spa type shower with a bench on one side. Carlo helped me strip and got naked himself so he could get in the shower and help was needed. I got in the water and it was wonderful. I began to feel like a human being again. I soaped up, but got a little unsteady. Carlo was there when needed. I was taller than he was, but he was in much better shape.

He got me on the bench and used the hand sprayer to get the soap off. I had been so excited by the shower I hadn't focused on Carlo. Carlo's body was beautiful. He was well defined and had a hairy chest. From my seated position, his cock was at my mouth level. While he was smaller than I was, his genitals were larger than mine, much larger.

Carlo's uncut cock looked positively beautiful. I leaned over and took the tip of his foreskin into my mouth. I have a thing for uncut meat, and Carlo was too much temptation. I think my medication must have allowed me to be bolder than usual.

I worked my tongue into the skin and licked the tip of his cock. I had no idea how Carlo would react. He got hard. All was well.

"Mr. Larry, it has been a week since I last shot off," he said. "You may get a mouthful of Cuban man seed!" He was getting very hard now. I licked the underside of his cock head where the head joins the foreskin. He oozed some precum when I did that.

"I don't think Larry would have a problem with that," Uncle Ted said. Ted was standing in the shower, naked and semi erect. He was smiling. "I have a feeling Larry's stay with us will be more enjoyable than we thought, Carlo," Ted continued.

Carlo twitched and filled my mouth with his creamy seed. When I say filled, I mean filled. I gobbled it down like a starving man in need of food. As I swallowed the last drop, I was afraid I might have offended or shocked Ted. I looked up at him. He was smiling in approval.

"Let's have breakfast," Ted said. We went to the patio naked. It was completely private so I was comfortable. It was already hot. Raoul brought a breakfast of fruit and pastries out to us, he was naked too and he joined us at the table. My head was spinning, but not so much that I failed to notice Raoul was well hung too.

"I see that Larry is a member of the club," Raoul said.

"Indeed he is," Ted replied. He is a member in good standing. He and Carlo exchanged the secret handshake." We all laughed. The doorbell rang and a minute later Dennis joined us. He saw we were naked and stripped.

I hate to seem like your standard, always horny, gay man, but seeing the long, white snake dangling from Dennis' crotch changed my opinion of him. He was uncut too and firmed up quickly when he saw us naked. Much to my embarrassment, I got hard.

"I see Larry has discovered the Florida dress code!" Dennis said. I must have looked puzzled. "Naked and having an erection can get you into some of the most exclusive clubs!" he explained. Dennis joined us for breakfast.

"Life is a bit more free and easy here than in upstate New York," I said. "I've never sat outside naked before."

"To tell you the truth, we tend to be naked in the house most of the time," Fred said. "It's more comfortable given the heat and I like the scenery better. Are you shocked?"

"I think I am, but I'm a lot more excited than shocked," I replied. "I think if my cock were a bit more obedient, I might be more comfortable. It seems to have a mind of its own."

"I think your cock had good taste," Dennis said. "When I walked in you got hard. It's nice to be appreciated. An erection has never been an embarrassment in this house." We talked for a while and I fell asleep. Carlo took me to my bedroom for a nap.

When I woke up the house was quiet. Ted was alone on the patio. He had been swimming. "How are you doing?" he asked.

"Sorry about falling asleep," I said.

"Larry, you need to stop apologizing all the time. You've been in a hospital bed for a month. Don't expect to be running a marathon soon," he said. "It will take some time. We all know this."

"I hate the idea of being a burden," I said.

"Let me be the judge of that," Ted said. "I guess after breakfast you realized you aren't in Kansas anymore. My friends are pretty open and free in their approach to life."

"Are all your friends like that?"

"Actually, these are my more conservative friends," Ted said. "For most of the nation the sexual revolution came and went in the 70s and 80s. It never left here. When AIDS came, we were all pals and there was enough sex here so no one needed to turn a trick to get their rocks off. We're sort of like a fraternity."

"Is this the frat house?"

Ted smiled. "Yes it is. My pals are all getting older, and you are a young man, but if you don't mind men with some mileage, they are a fun group," Ted said. "There is one thing I have to warn you about. We are still into old hippie sex, all bareback, sperm and semen in your ass, in your mouth and if there is a party, you may get enough to gargle in it. Some younger men are shocked by that."

"Well, I'm not exactly a virgin, but I'm not that wild either."

"I don't want you to think you have to do anything or participate in anything," Ted said. "Some of my pals would be really excited to play with a young man like you. Remember, it's not required. Carlo told me you like cock and are good at cock sucking too."

"I'm really embarrassed about that. He must think I'm a slut."

"He was afraid you would put an end to our lifestyle here. He was relieved when you made the first move," Ted explained. "He thought we might be in the closet for the time you were here. I didn't think so. I talked to your mother."

"Mom knows!" I exclaimed. I was shocked.

"Yes and no. She is a conventional woman, and likes things to be as ordinary as possible. She and your Dad were a good match," Ted explained. "She knows I'm gay, and intimated you were more like me than your Dad. Reading between the lines, I think she knew it in her heart, but has never officially admitted it."

"I thought I'd be taking care of her."

"She would rather have you thinking of her as your mom than a sickly patient. She's always been proper, and she thinks it's unseemly for you to be nursing her," Ted said. "She gets along well with Elizabeth, they are happy talking about their childhoods and relatives. With me talking care of you, she can die in peace."

"She said that?"

Ted smiled. "You know your mother never admits to reality. I'm pretty sure she knows it and is at peace with it. She believes she has had the most wonderful marriage in the world, with the best son. She wants you to have a full and happy life. My job is to get you back up to speed. You have been a loving, affectionate son, that all she cares about. Being gay doesn't affect that."

The next day was going to be my first visit to the rehabilitation center. I was to be there at 7:00, so I went to bed early. Ted and Dennis took me and it was mostly tests and evaluations. I thought I did badly on the tests, but I was in good shape compared to many of their patients. I was to go to the center three mornings a week and work with the physical therapists. I had home exercises that I was to do on my own.

We got home in time for lunch and I fell asleep again. When I woke up, I heard men talking by the pool. I went to see who they were and found Ted with three friends. All were naked.

"Larry I'd like you to meet some friends of mine," Ted said in introduction. "The man who looks like a gorilla is Theo. He use to own the best Greek restaurant in town, and is still a great chef. The tall lanky man is Don. He is my accountant and is a wizard when it comes to taxes. Hargrove is the man who decorated and furnished my house."

We shook hands and sat down. Theo and Don seemed down to earth. Hargrove was what is technically described as a flaming faggot. I was a bit turned off by him at first, but soon discovered he had an incredible sense of humor. He had nursed his mother and father when they had a stroke and heart attack respectively, and knew a great deal about medicine and rehab. He was a good man.

We were all naked and I tried not to look at their cocks. This was a losing battle, but I soon realized they were looking at my equipment with frank interest. They made no effort to conceal their curiosity.

The three men were physically very different, as was their cocks. Theo was a hairy gorilla with an uncut, beer can shaped organ. Don had a very long, white snake and low hanging balls. Hargrove was average in size, but seemed to posses extra foreskin. His knob was two inches from the top of the foreskin. This time, they firmed up, as I looked them over.

The conversation was pleasant, interspersed with dips in the pool. Ted left and returned fully dressed. "I have to go to a party in Boca," he said. "Can you boys look after my nephew? Don't tire him out! He needs an afternoon nap. Raoul is of off today, but he left some dinner for Larry."

"Ted you sound like a teenager's parent! Larry's a big boy and we are certainly mature enough to babysit!" Theo said. Ted smiled and left the name and number of the people giving the party. As Ted drove away, his trio of friends got more excited.

I was a bit tired so I went to my room. The Trio came with me. "Let me help you get to sleep." Theo said. He swallowed my cock in a quick movement. It took me two or three seconds to realize Theo was a master cock sucker. He was a wonder. While he looked like a gorilla, he was delicate as a cocksucker.

Don's cock was within sucking distance and I took the opportunity. His long thin cock must have been designed to tickle my tonsils. I hadn't taken an entire cock in a while. I could suck him and breathe at the same time.

Hargrove provided a running commentary. "You just relax and let you juices flow," he said. "Are you a top or bottom? We can do it all, if you wish. Theo is orally gifted. Don is an easy top. That thin probe of his can reach some special places, without any strain at all. He self lubricates too. He can screw for hours."

Don had pulled out of my throat. "Hargrove, what is your special skill?" I asked. I'm not good at playing hard to get, and I was excited. The three men were excited and it's easy to catch the enthusiasm. Hargrove said he was the social director.

I normally attracted men my age or younger. That had been fun, but when I hit 30, the younger men dried up. I was over the hill. I had been thin and almost elegant as a youth. As I aged, I got heavier, I was six feet tall and 170 pounds, but I also began to lose my hair. My chest hair began to thicken, as my head grew balder. While I was nothing like Theo, I was hairy.

A friend suggested Rogaine and waxing, or shaving, but I wasn't into that at all. I was a healthy man and I wouldn't take a drug for cosmetic reasons. I did shave once, but it itched badly. That was my one and only time.

A year earlier, I had been to a bar in New York City, and one of the effeminate 20 something referred to me as a troll. I had seen men who tried to hold back the clock. They always looked desperate and deluded. You can't do it, so why try?

The trio seemed to see me as a young stud muffin. They weren't my type, but I was flattered and relieved to be seen as desirable again. Given my physical state after the accident, I felt like used and abused merchandise. They didn't see me that way at all. They knew I was injured and were careful, but they saw me as a handsome person who needed to be restored to my former glory. The change from being an invalid to being a desirable sex object was good for me.

When Theo began to suck me, I felt odd for a little while then let go. Later I realized that I had been looking for true love in my sexual partners. True love is hard to find. I didn't like the users; I wanted a permanent relationship and that often seemed to scare off most guys. The Trio wasn't after true love; they were friends. In the personal columns, they were friends with benefits. Sex for them wasn't associated with true love; it was an expression of friendship. Sex was what friends did for each other. It was friendly, enjoyable and fun.

Somehow, I hadn't considered that possibility. I was like the financier who wanted to be a billionaire, but wouldn't settle for being a mere millionaire. Most of those men become neither. I had wanted true love and wouldn't settle for friendship.

I was soon sucking on Theo's very productive and juicy cock as he nursed my organ. It seemed easy and casual to lick up his sex juices as he did the same to me. At some point, he would shoot off and I was looking forward to his man seed. I wasn't sure I was going to climax, until Don popped his long probe into my ass.

As Hargrove said, it was painless and effortless, It was also effective. Don did an anal massage, quite lovely. When Theo began to spurt, I shot off too. My ass must have contracted and pushed Don over the edge. I fell asleep. I got up for dinner and found Theo had prepared a spectacular dinner for all of us.

They left when Uncle Ted returned. I was tired and he helped me to bed. I slept very well. I woke up feeling great, but sexually excited. Ted came in. he was nude and erect.

"Are you a top, Uncle Ted?" I asked.

"I sure am," he replied. I rolled over on the bed and presented my ass. Ted was long, thick and very hard. I offered no resistance. It was lovely.

Next: Chapter 2

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