Uncle Joey

By Joe Stevens

Published on Nov 9, 2004


OFFICIAL DISCLAIMER: This story is TOTAL FICTION and in NO WAY reflects the sexuality of any of the actors or characters portrayed involved. The author has no knowledge of the actors' sexuality and this is purely a work of fiction. Joey is produced by by Kevin S. Bright, Scott Silveri, and Shana Goldberg-Meehan.

**Here's the 4th installment of the `Uncle Joey' series. It's longer than the previous chapters, so please bear with me! Thanks to those who sent words of encouragement. They were very much appreciated. I hope this one lives up to your expectations!



(Part Four)

Young Michael awoke from a sound and peaceful sleep with a huge grin on his handsome face. His deepest, darkest fantasy had come true. Just a few hours ago, his hot Uncle Joey had allowed Michael to suck his enormous cock...shooting an immense load of manjuice into his very mouth. He could still taste it. So much excitement filled Michael's body, even now, that he found it difficult to lie still. He didn't want to wake the sleeping adonis beside him. He had fallen asleep in his uncle's strong arms, and although Joey had stirred in the night...their bodies remained in contact...their skin pressed firmly against one another.

Michael was euphoric. Even though he had long fantasized about Joey, his dreams paled in comparison to this new reality. He wanted to stay this way forever.

As adrenaline coursed through his veins, a new thought occurred to Michael...a thought that terrified him to the core. Last night, Joey had been terribly drunk. What if, when he woke this morning, he didn't remember what had happened last night? Or even worse, what if he did remember...and was angry about it? What if he felt Michael had taken advantage of him? He tried to stop himself from considering it, but he couldn't control his thoughts.

Again, Michael found it difficult to lie still. But this time, it was not excitement that made him restless...it was fear.

Michael's eyes looked downward. His usually snug tighty-whities were now stretched terribly out of shape, and stained yellow. The massive load of cum he had drained into them the night before had dried. The stiff, rough fabric of the soiled briefs itched his sensitive penis.

He brought a hand down to scratch his soft, warm nuts...his young cock stung familiarly, letting him know that he needed to take a leak.

Although it killed him to do so, Michael gently lifted himself from the bed, swinging his feet down to the floor. Before getting up, Michael turned to take one fleeting look at the man sleeping deeply beside him. Joey was now sleeping on his stomach, with one leg out-stretched and the other pulled upward toward his body. The effect pushed Joey's meaty ass up off the mattress...his hairy, massive balls visible just below.

With a deep sigh, Michael rose from the bed. He tip-toed toward the bathroom, scratching his young balls and tugging at his straining dick. Closing the door behind him, Michael stepped to the toilet. Pulling down the stretched waistband of his briefs, Michael allowed his young cock to pop free. As his piss forcefully shot from the irritated head of his prick, tears formed in Michael's eyes. What was he going to do?

Shaking free the last few drops of piss, Michael turned toward the mirror. He took in his reflection...his rumpled hair...his tear-filled eyes, and pouty lips...his smooth, hairless torso...and lastly, the stained, worn-out tighty-whities which had received last night's orgasm. Reaching to turn on the shower, Michael allowed the underwear to fall to his feet. His penis and sac were kissed with the cool air.

As he soaped himself up, Michael allowed himself to cry. He wanted nothing more than to crawl right back into bed with his uncle. To lie beside him, and kiss him passionately when he finally woke from his sleep. To profess his love, and spend the entire day in that same bed, exploring one another's bodies.

But all of these thoughts were followed by visions of how it all might go wrong. Michael hated himself for thinking these thoughts. But he couldn't shake the knowledge that it was all possible.

As he stepped from the shower and toweled off, poor Michael allowed the fear to take him. Quickly and silently as possible, Michael ran to his room and threw on some clothes. As the tears continued to wet his cheeks, Michael ran downstairs and left the apartment, unsure of where to go, or what to do next.

A few hours later...Joey woke abruptly with an excruciating headache. Propping himself up on his elbows, Joey found it difficult to piece together what had happened...everything was a blur. "I must have blacked out!" He thought. Joey remembered his disappointing meeting with Bobbie; and he remembered heading to a local bar, throwing back one to many vodka tonics.

"Ouch!" Joey's head throbbed, "Now I remember why I stopped drinking!"

Looking at the pile of clothes strewn about the floor, Joey suddenly became aware of the fact that he was lying stark naked on his bed without even a blanket to cover himself. He reached a hand down to relieve his itching balls. "That's odd!" Joey thought to himself. In the past, whenever he got drunk and passed out, he usually woke up the next morning fully dressed...shoes and all!

Joey blushed, as he realized that his bedroom door was wide open! What if Michael had seen him lying there bare-assed and fully exposed?

Just as the thought of Michael entered his mind, a flood of memories and images overcame him. Joey sat motionless, unable to breathe, as his mind processed these thoughts. Was it a dream?

Unaware, Joey's hand moved from fondling his balls, to caressing his suddenly stiffening erection.

He saw visions of his young nephew kneeling between his own legs, servicing his inflamed cock; kissing the young man's mouth obsessively and later, ejaculating furiously into that same mouth; then finally, taking the young man into his arms, as they drifted off to sleep.

But Michael was not sleeping beside him now. Moreover, there were no signs that Michael had ever been there to begin with. Joey was confused, and his pulsing headache returned as he strained to remember. It must have been a dream...a fantasy like all the others. Yet Joey couldn't shake the feeling that, this time, it seemed so real!

As Joey pulled himself from bed, he couldn't help but feel disappointed. For a moment there, he had allowed himself to believe that the object of his lust had at last been his. He stumbled down the hall toward the bathroom; his still semi-hard dick slapping against his thighs as he walked.

Abruptly, he stopped as he came to his nephew's bedroom door. He laughed to himself as he realized that he was still buck naked, semi-erect, and standing out in the open. He peered into his nephew's room, looking to see if the coast was clear, assuming that Michael might still be asleep.

To Joey's surprise, he wasn't there. "Where had he gone so early in the morning?" Joey wondered.

Confused by the situation, Joey proceeded to the bathroom. Scratching his ass, he stepped to the toilet to drain his thick meat. As he struggled to piece together last night's events, Joey felt his toes brush against something. Looking down at the bathroom floor, he noticed what appeared to be a pair of tighty-whities.

Shaking his dick dry, Joey squatted down and picked up the underwear, which clearly belonged to his nephew. It didn't take long for him to notice the boy briefs were covered in cum stains. It all flooded back to him. It wasn't a dream, after all. It was all real. He knew it for certain now. Joey's heart raced, he found it difficult to catch his breath...he became aroused so quickly and suddenly that as his cock became hard, it slapped loudly against his stomach.

For a few minutes, Joey was motionless; bare-ass naked, squatting on the bathroom floor, his swollen prick pointing north, holding Michael's soiled briefs lovingly in his hands.

As Joey pressed the tighty-whities to his face and inhaled the boy's scent deeply, he wondered where Michael had gone. Why had he left his side? Intuitively, Joey realized that his nephew must have panicked. After all, what happened between the two of them was very intense and extremely taboo. Certainly, Joey would have reacted the same way if he were in Michael's position.

Pushing any doubt from his mind, Joey smiled broadly, knowing what he must do. He only hoped that time would be on his side.

Late that afternoon, Gina was just finishing up with her last client at work. Michael had phoned that morning to tell her he'd be spending the day at her apartment, because he needed to study. As any over-protective mother would, Gina sensed that something was wrong. She detected a certain uneasiness in Michael's usual care-free voice, and she found his excuse unconvincing. Gina feared that perhaps Michael and Joey had gotten into a fight--Michael, after all was very sensitive; and Joey, much like herself, could be very abrasive. Unable to reach Joey by phone all day, Gina decided to drive over to his apartment after work to find out what happened.

When Gina arrived at the boys' apartment, she proceeded to let herself in with the spare key Joey had given her. Walking into the seemingly dark apartment, Gina's breath was taken away. Although all of the lights were off, the entire apartment glowed warmly.

The living room had been filled with dozens of flickering, luminous candles. The fireplace crackled with a warm, roaring fire. The furniture had been pushed aside, and in the center of the room an inviting, comfy blanket had been spread out on the floor. The blanket was covered with several lush pillows, a bottle of champagne on ice, and two elegant champagne flutes.

The sight was so beautiful that the always tough Gina was almost brought to tears.

Just then, Joey bounded down the steps, his hair dripping wet, he clearly had just emerged from the shower.

"GINA!!" Joey cried, "What are you doing here!!"

Embarrassed and apologetic, Gina replied, "I'm sorry, Joey! I just wanted to stop by and see you...but what is going on here!! Do you have a date tonight??"

Upset and flustered, Joey stammered, "Yeah...I...I have a date tonight. Now can you please get out of here!"

"Of course, I will! But not until you tell me....WHO IS SHE??" Gina demanded.

The words echoed in Joey's ears. Who is SHE!! If only Gina knew. It wasn't a SHE at all. It was a HE. And `HE' was her son! Joey had prepared this whole romantic scene just for him, and now his tactless sister was about to ruin everything.

"She's....She's nobody, Gina. Just someone I met when I went out last night. She's a little out of my league, so I really want to impress her. Now, Gina, PLEASE GO!!" Joey begged.

"Okay, Okay!" Gina conceded.

And with that, Joey returned upstairs to finish getting ready. Just as Gina opened the door to leave, she saw her son standing right outside. He was visibly startled to see her.

"Michael, great timing!" Gina exclaimed. "Listen, your Uncle Joey needs us to get out of here! He's got a big date tonight, and is gonna need the apartment to himself."

"A date!?" Michael cried. "With who?"

Gina answered excitedly, "He told me he went out last night and met some girl. He's having her come back here tonight. He wants us out of here...now!"

Michael was shocked and confused. Joey had a date? It couldn't be true! But as he looked past his mother and into the apartment, he saw that she was right. He did have a date. And by the looks of the transformed apartment, it was obviously with someone that Joey cared intensely for.

Michael couldn't breathe. He choked back the tears that were welling up inside him. His heart was breaking. Things were worse than he ever imagined.

"Michael? Is everything alright?" Gina asked concerned.

His whole body was trembling now. Michael was afraid to respond...afraid that if he opened his mouth, he wouldn't be able to control his emotions. He turned his back to her...muttered a barely audible, "I have to go!"...and ran off.

"MICHAEL?" Gina called after him, "MICHAEL!"

Hearing his sister's shouts, Joey ran downstairs to the front door. "Gina, what's going on?"

"Oh, I don't know." She answered, "Michael seems to be upset about something...he's run off...but don't worry...He's not your problem. Listen, I better get back to my apartment in case he shows up there. But don't worry, I told him all about your big date tonight. So he won't be bothering you!"

"You did WHAT?" Joey screamed. Gina was visibly confused by the intensity of Joey's reaction.

He didn't have time to argue with her. He needed to go after Michael. He told Gina to head back to her apartment. Asking her what direction Michael had ran, Joey wasted no time in chasing after him.

Luckily, Joey didn't have to run far. He had only gone a few blocks when he spotted his young nephew, on his knees, crying in the local park. The sight caused Joey to get choked up, as well. He knew that today must have been quite an emotional roller coaster for the young man.

Joey approached Michael. Kneeling beside his, Joey took his nephew in his arms. Angry and upset, Michael broke free from the embrace, as he turned to run once again. Forcefully, Joey grabbed him by the shoulders, steadying the young man and looking into his tear-filled eyes.

"Let me go!" Michael sobbed. "You don't understand...no one can understand!"

"Michael," Joey responded softly. "I know what you're feeling. Believe me, I understand."

Michael simply shook his head, unconvinced that Joey knew how he felt.

Joey knew that there was only one way to show him. Standing there, in the middle of the public park, Joey pulled Michael toward him and kissed him lovingly on the lips.

Breaking free, Michael stared at his uncle in disbelief.

"Don't you see, Michael?" Joey pleaded. "It was all for you! You were the one that I was waiting for. I...I love you, Michael!! From the moment I saw you, I knew. And I can only hope that you feel for me a fraction of what I feel for you!"

Michael's tears of pain and heartache now become tears of joy. He could not bring himself to speak. A smile emerged on both men's faces, as they realized the magnitude of what had just happened. Neither man took any notice of the fact that this love scene was unfolding in a very public place.

Finally, Michael mustered the courage to reply, "I love you too Uncle Joey...I...I always have."

Again the men kissed and embraced. After a moment, Joey took Michael by the hand, leading him back toward their apartment. Neither spoke a word, as they looked and smiled coyly at one another...each, knowing in his mind, what was about to happen.

As they entered the apartment, Michael allowed himself to fully take-in the breathtaking scene. He could not believe that Joey and done this just for him...It seemed like something out of a movie. Joey led the young man to the center of the room, where the blanket and pillows had been laid. Kneeling down, Joey instructed Michael to make himself comfortable, as he reached for the bottle of champagne.

Michael watched in awe as Joey's muscular forearms flexed to twist off the top of the champagne bottle. With a subtle grunt, Joey managed to twist free the top, which shot across the room with a loud pop. White, foamy liquid spilled from the top. Both men blushed as they smiled at one another in response to the foretelling innuendo.

Filling a glass for each of them, Joey made a simple toast "To us! And a memorable evening!" They wasted no time in drowning their glasses.

Without a word, Joey rose to his feet before Michael. Seductively, he began to slowly unbutton his clingy shirt. Michael was frozen with anticipation as Joey delicately pulled his shirt from his body, exposing the fit, manly chest beneath. Michael knew how beautiful his uncle's body was, but the flickering candlelight gave the man's body a certain glowing radiance. Michael bit his lip, his heart pounding, wanting to see more.

Caressing his own bulging pecs, Joey's hand unhurriedly traced down his body and disappeared suddenly below the waistband of his pants. Joey moaned as he fondled his hidden cock and balls.

"Would you like to see more?" Joey coyly flirted.

"Yes!" Michael answered breathlessly, "Please don't stop!"

With that, Joey's hands moved to unbuckle his belt, and unbutton his pants. As he did so, he kicked off his shoes and socks. Joey had a surprise for Michael...tonight he was going commando! With a brief pause to build the excitement, Joey allowed his pants to drop to his feet.

Michael gasped as his eyes worshipped the fully naked man before him. As Joey's hands caressed his own perfect body, his skin radiated in the candlelight. Michael's eyes began at the man's ruggedly handsome face; drifted over his broad shoulders and beefy pecs to that memorable happy trail, which this time, led Michael's eye's unobstructed to his uncle's bulging manhood. He wanted to run his hands through the dark, thick patch of pubic hair from which hung Joey's plump, semi-hard cock and meaty balls. Joey's muscular, athletic legs held him still and strong.

After a few moments passed, Joey extended his strong hand to Michael, pulling the boy to his feet. Michael began to unbutton his own shirt, but Joey stopped him. "Let me do it!" was all that he said.

He could feel Michael's heart pounding in his chest, as Joey slowly removed his loose-fitting shirt. Tossing it to the floor, Joey slid his hands all over Michael's torso. He felt the young stud's smooth, tight skin. His chest and abdomen were hairless, but firm, and his little pink boy nipples were hard, as the older man teased them playfully.

Joey noticed that Michael had the perfect swimmer's build. His arms were small, but muscular. His chest, while still boyish and slightly underdeveloped, did show some respectable definition. But what made Joey's cock really stand at attention was the perfect, natural six-pack just below.

Michael, motionless, could feel the sudden poke of Joey's cock-head against his thigh. Squatting down, Joey removed his nephew's sneakers and socks. Resting on his knees, Joey's face was eye-level to Michael's crotch. He couldn't wait any longer. Hastily, Joey undid Michael's pants and pulled them to the floor. Underneath was reveled a crisp, white pair of boy briefs. The underwear left little to the imagination, as the outline of Michael's hard cock was pressed against his body, within his taut briefs. Surging with adrenaline and testosterone, Joey grasped the underwear with his strong, manly hands and tore the tighty-whities right from his nephew's body.

Michael cried out at the forcefulness of the gesture, his stiff prick began to drip precum. Instinctively, Michael bent over slightly in the effort to hide his sudden nakedness. His body blushed with modesty.

Joey lovingly reassured the young man, and put him at ease. Joey then slid back slightly to get a better view of the naked stud before him. Michael had a smaller patch of dark pubic hair, which contrasted to his hairless chest and abdomen. Joey observed that his impressive, cut dick stood about 7.5 inches from his body; Joey smiled to himself to observe that the boy-meat cutely curved slightly upward. It was certainly not as thick as his own cock, but it was very respectable nonetheless. The flawless pink shaft rose proudly above two substantial, low-hanging balls.

Joey's face glowed with pride and lust at the hot, young man his nephew had become. Michael's hands shook nervously at his sides, unsure of what to do next.

Joey pressed a fingertip to the head of Michael's cock. Pulling his finger gently away, a thin strand of precum clung to his fingertip from the dick head. Michael trembled with desire, his dick longed for attention. "Now it's time for me to return the favor!" Joey promised. Cupping the boy's firm ass in his hands, Joey teased his engorged shaft with his tongue.

Licking his lips, Joey took Michael's cock in his hot mouth. He began to suck slowly at first, gradually increasing his speed and depth. Joey was impressed with himself to learn that he was able to accommodate most of his nephews hard penis within his mouth. Sucking passionately, Joey continued to molest his young ass. Michael moaned and sighed loudly at the new sensation. No one had ever touched his prick before, let alone suck it. Joey's manhood throbbed needingly, as he continued the juicy blowjob. Saliva dripped down his chin, as well as the length of Michael's cock.

Michael's legs began to feel weak. He didn't know how much more he would be able to hold off the approaching orgasm. Sensing this, Joey pulled back. He stood before Michael, the two rigid dicks knocking against one another. The men kissed long and hard. Without a word, Joey guided his nephew to the blanket. As Michael lay on his back, Joey lovingly placed a pillow beneath his head and just under his hips for comfort. Adjusting his own cock, Joey lied down between Michael's quivering legs.

Not wanting to over-stimulate the boy so soon, Joey loosely stroked his nephew's cock, as his mouth moved down to suck Michael's plump balls.

"Uncle Joey!" the boy cried out. "Oh, God YES...Uncle Joey!"

Wiping the saliva from his face, Joey's hands moved to the back of Michael's thighs. With one quick motion, he lifted the boy's legs up above his young body, exposing the boy's ass. Instinctively, Michael clenched his virgin ass cheeks together...although he truly desired to allow his uncle access.

Again licking his lips, Joey lowered his face down to the boy's tight ass. As he began to lick, he could hear the vehement gasps and moans of Michael. Michael relented. Pulling his face away to get another look, Joey grinned slyly as he viewed the small pink rosebud that was Michael's boy pussy. Virtually hairless and wet with his saliva, Joey moved one hand down to finger it.

"Do you want me to fuck you, boy?" Joey asked seductively, as his finger played with the tight hole. "Do you want me to fuck your ass with my huge cock?"

"Yes, Yes!" Michael whimpered.

"Let me here you say it" Joey demanded softly.

"I..I want you to fuck me, Uncle Joey." Michael's voice trembled. "I want you to...to fuck me with that big dick."

Joey grinned broadly. "Then why don't you get my cock lubed up, while I get your virgin ass ready!"

With that, Joey swung himself around so that his thighs were straddling Michael's flushed face. As Michael took Joey's pulsing erection in his mouth, Joey leaned over to continue fingering his boy pussy. Michael choked as Joey forcefully thrust his tool down the boy's throat. As Michael was distracted with the task at hand, Joey discreetly reached beneath one of the pillows to pull out a hidden bottle of lube. As he lubed up his fingers, he resumed loosening up the tight hole.

Michael sucked aggressively, as Joey had managed to relax his ass enough to allow first two, then three fingers inside. His heart raced. He couldn't wait any longer...he needed to take him...now!

Joey pulled himself off of the young man, and positioned himself, once again, between Michael's legs. Joey bent down, and looking intensely into his eyes, lovingly kissed the young stud's face. They both knew what was about to happen. Joey knew that Michael was nervous; his legs were shaking now. Trying his best to calm the boy, Joey gave him one long kiss on the lips. Michael, in turn, instinctively raised his legs, exposing his ass...allowing his lover entrance.

Joey spread some more lube over Michael's hole, after which, he generously lubed up his own engorged cock. Doing so, Joey realized that Michael was not the only one who was nervous. With a deep breath, he regained him composure. Using one hand to support Michael's raised legs, his other hand guided his massive, dripping erection toward the young man's virgin ass.

Gripping his still stiff prick firmly, Michael bit his lip and shut his eyes as his uncle pressed the head of his cock against his hole. Michael cried out loudly as Joey forcefully thrust the mushroom head of his dick into the young man. Joey trembled, fearing he was hurting the boy. He looked to Michael for reassurance. With a nod, Michael bid him to continue.

Slowly and with short thrusts, Joey managed to work his shaft further into Michael's ass--inch by inch. Joey grunted with pleasure...the boy was SO TIGHT!

Tears briefly ran down Michael's cheeks. It was more painful than he thought it would be...but he wanted this...he wanted it more than anything. His Uncle Joey was making love to him! He pressed a hand on his uncle's abdomen, just above his pubes, to guide him.

"Oh Fuck!" Michael cried. "Your cock is so huge!....fuuuccckkk!!"

As Michael's ass relaxed more and more, he was surprised that the pain he had felt gradually was overshadowed by feelings of pleasure. As Michael moaned in ecstasy, Joey increased his pace.

Michael's cock oozed with even more precum as his uncle's man-meat filled him, and his massive balls slapped against Michael's ass with each thrust. He ran his hands all over the man's bulging, hairy chest...sweat dripped from both their bodies.

As Michael locked his legs around Joey's body, he begged, "OH, don't stop!!....Fuck me, Uncle Joey!...yeah, fuck my ass!"

Joey couldn't stop himself from smiling. He couldn't believe this was happening. He could not take his eyes off the hot young body that lay underneath him, accepting his enormous dick.

"Yeah, Michael!" Joey pleaded, "Take it...Take my hard cock!"

The Tribiani men moved in unison. As Joey's forceful thrusts increased, faster and deeper, Michael held onto his uncle's thick, defined arms. He inhaled deeply the musky, masculine scent of the man that was fucking him.

Joey supported his weight with one arm, as his other hand moved to molest Michael's rigid, aching dick.

As his swollen, meaty balls pulled against his body and his sac tightened, Joey trembled as he fought back the imminent orgasm. He didn't want the pleasure to end, but he knew he could not hold off the release.

Sensing Joey's approaching climax, Michael grasped Joey's head in his hands, clenching his hair in his fingers.

"That's it, Uncle Joey!...cum inside me!!...cum inside my tight boy pussy!!" he demanded.

Michael's words drove Joey over the edge. His body shook as his inflamed dick pulsed. Joey cried out loudly as the eruption occurred.

Michael cried out as well, when he felt the hot fluid fill his ass. Hot, thick manjuice gushed out of Joey's cock.

Joey felt light-headed as his body shook. Michael was furiously pumping his own dick, no longer able to hold off his long-awaited orgasm.

With his cock still inside his nephew, Joey rolled himself onto his back, positioning Michael on top of him. Michael rode his uncle's spent dick as he violently jerked off.

Looking longingly into Joey's eyes, Michael allowed the climax to overtake him. Never in his young life had he ever experienced an orgasm so powerful.

Spurt after spurt of hot boy-juice blasted out of his young dick. He ejaculated all over his uncle's sweaty hairy chest.

Tired and overcome with emotion, Michael collapsed onto his uncle's body. Joey wraped his strong arms around the young man, kissing and hugging him tightly.

Joey pulled some pillows beneath their heads. He then drew the blanket they were laying on around their entwined bodies.

Once again, the Tribiani boys fell asleep in one another's arms.

...The End

(Let me know what you think and if you'd like me to continue! I'm open to story ideas/suggestions!)

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