Uncle George and His Buddies

Published on Oct 14, 2022


Uncle George and His Buddies

Bald Hairy Man

This is pure fantasy. If you are offended by stories about gay men and gay sex, or if you are under age, DO NOT READ IT. It is not a guide to safe sexual techniques. It does not depict real men, or real situations. It does not depict necessary safe sex practices. Fantasy characters can do anything they want, real men can not!

Everyone has relatives for better or for worse. I had a full set of Uncles, Aunts and cousins. I was brought up in a farming community. My dad owned the Seed and Feed. He was an only child. The general opinion was that my Mom did well when she married him. I am their oldest son, Edward White. I have a bother and a sister. They are five and seven years younger than me. My sister is nice. The general opinion was that my brother was a trial. I was the good one.

Mom had three brothers and two sisters. Mom was pretty, pleasant and kind. My uncles and aunts were normal. The men farmed and the women married well. Aunt Ellen taught school and aunt Betty was a nurse until they had children.

Uncle George was the only one who married badly. Aunt Mildred was sickly and very demanding. I asked my mom if being sickly was why she was so fat. Mom said no, it was a glandular problem. For some reason dad was all but rolling on the floor he was laughing so hard when Mom told me that.

In school I was a "townee" and a "brain". These were undesirable characteristics for a boy. By the time I was 14, I helped dad during rush periods at the Seed & Feed, such as the planting season. I also helped my uncles during harvest time. I helped uncle George the most, since he had no children.

My best friend, Joseph, helped too. Joseph and I discovered what we called "doing stuff." Doing stuff was lots of fun, but not the kind of stuff you tell any one about.

I had my 18th birthday was a few months before my high school graduation. My parents had a party for me. Mom said this was probably the last time I would have a traditional birthday celebration. It was fun with a cake, ice cream and gag gifts. It was mostly family. Uncle George came without Aunt Mildred.

Several years earlier, Uncle George caught Joseph and me doing stuff in the barn. I thought my goose was cooked, but nothing happened. Nothing happened at all. Joseph and I worked for him for the summer after graduation before I went to college.

One afternoon we were working, and were caught in a thunder storm. Joe and I went to the barn to get out of the storm. We were drenched. Uncle George was already in the barn.

"I saw you guys having some fun last summer," he said. I told him I was sorry and would never do it again.

"That's not a problem. You're adult now." he said. "I like the same sort of fun that you like. You were just playing around. I know how to do the same sort of stuff, man style."

"Would we like it man style?" I asked.

"You may not have looked in the mirror lately, but you are definitely men now," he said. "If you happen to like getting it off with other guys, you will like it. I had no one to show me the ropes when I was young, so it took me a while. Do you remember Rev. Redford, the holy roller preacher? He gave me some pointers."

"Redford told me that good man sex takes some practice, but it is worth it" George said adding, "He explained me that if we wanted to know what guys could do together he could teach us. Every thing he did to us, we could do to him. He said some guys were too up tight to enjoy it," Uncle George added. "He told me if any one needed pleasure it was me and that he was not talking about fun. He was talking about over the moon ecstasy. I didn't know that feeling was possible."

"Was that true?" Joseph asked.

"Rev. Redford was hard, but fair. When I say hard I mean rock hard," George continued. "We got naked, and I discovered the meaning of pleasure. His cock looked average until he got hard."

"Are you hard but fair?" I asked.

"I am if you are into it, I like to start with a hard cock and end with a soft cock dribbling the last drops of sperm from my recently drained balls," he said.

Joseph and I were young guys and the least whiff of sex turned us on. Five minutes later, we were in George's "office." It was just a room with a cot, a few chairs, and a TV. It was air conditioned. It was his hiding place away from Aunt Mildred. Aunt Mildred didn't like to walk, and she had no idea the office existed.

While George was old, he was in good shape. His red hair was mixed with white hair, and covered his chest and gut. He had a good cock. I had once seen the football coach's cock in the showers by accident. George's cock was uncut and a bit larger. I have glow in the dark red hair and matching hair on my chest. It was spreading. Naked, you could see we were related.

Joseph was muscular and blond. He was sort of hairy, but since he was blond, you couldn't see it. Joseph and I were close. George dropped to his knees and sucked both of us. My knob gets real tender when I'm hard. George seemed to know that. It was beautiful.

When George stood to catch a breath, I dropped to the floor to suck his cock. He had extra foreskin, it covered his knob even when he was hard. I worked my tongue into the puckered tip. I was rewarded by some sweet goo. I had tasted something like it when a sucked Joseph, but George's was thicker and sweeter.

I used my tongue to push back the skin and lick his naked knob. I felt and tasted his cock reacting to me. I didn't think the goo was cum, but I wasn't sure what it was. When I tasted something like this when sucking Joseph, I had pulled way. I was afraid it was piss. This definitely wasn't piss.

"Can I suck it?" Joseph asked. He took my place at George's cock.

"Ed, you got me going," George said. "Come closer, I want to suck you." He licked a blob of what turned out to be precum from my cock, before his warm mouth enveloped my cock. Five minutes later I shot off into George's mouth as George filled Joseph's mouth. A minute later we kissed and traded cum.

Joseph was still fully loaded. George sucked him off and then kissed me. "You need to taste you friends seed. I did and it was good. The rain had stopped and we broke up and went back to work. When Joseph got ready to go home, George came over to us.

"Are you guys okay?" he asked.

"I'm more than okay," Joseph asked.

"Is there more we could do?" I asked.

"You've just scratched the surface," Uncle George replied.

I was helping harvesting the hay the next day. Several of the neighboring farmers came to help. They shared the cost of the harvesters and balers. These were expensive and only a big farmer could afford to own one outright. It was a good day. We got the job done and the machinery worked perfectly. It didn't rain. Joseph was working on his uncle's farm that day. My parents were at an out-of-town wedding. They would be back late the next day.

"Do you know Billy Woolrich?" Uncle George asked after we finished. "He's an old friend of mine. We've had some good times together. I think you would like him. I know he would like you." I took the hint and when Billy asked me over for dinner since my folks were away, I said yes.

I knew him as one of my dad's customers. I also knew he was one of the farmers who paid on delivery. That placed him high on my dad's list of "good men."

Billy was in his sixties and looked like a hillbilly from a 1950s movie. He was tall, fit and furry. Mom said he cut his beard only when it got into his morning cereal bowl. She also described Billy as a perfect gentleman. He had two kids who had been in her class. They were smart and Billy raised them alone after his wife died. They both went to college and moved away.

Billy lived in an old farm surrounded by antiques he had restored. He cooked a good dinner. Since he had a vegetable garden so everything was fresh. The place had the true mark of a good farmer. There was not a trace of farmyard smell in the house.

Eventually, Billy mentioned that George told him I was his favorite nephew, and fun to be with. I said that George mentioned good times with him.

"Did he mention what sort of good times we had," Billy asked.

"No he didn't," I replied. "I had some unexpectedly good times with him yesterday."

"You enjoyed it?" he asked.

"Enjoyment is too tame a word," I replied. "I had no idea things could be that good."

"He mentioned you exchanged the food of the gods." Billy said. I told him I had enjoyed that.

"I assume you noticed George is well equipped?" Billy asked. I nodded. "My tool is as long as his cock, but I am not as thick. We have a limited circle of like minded friends, but several have noted my cock provides a nice introduction to anal sex. That is a nice way to say taking a cock up the ass."

"I guess I sort of knew that happened," I said.

"It's can be difficult, but no one has has a problem with my cock," he said. "A man's ass can be warm and tight. It can be quite inspirational."

"Inspirational for whom?" I asked.

"For me, I get to shoot off deep in your warm, tight hole," he said. "Sometimes the bottom shoots off when I shoot, but that is rare. I love it when that happens. The sperm tickling deep in your ass can be inspirational."

"Do I get to fuck you?" I asked.

"Sure, I love that. That excites me. Having a young guy spurting his man seed in me is rare and lovely," he said. "I have to make a confession. I love it when I trade cum with another man."

"Why do you think I would do that?" I asked.

"Young men are often horny, and I was betting your sexual urges will triumph over your common sense," he said.

I stared at him for a few moments. "Damn, you won that bet!" I replied. We both laughed. Five minutes later we were naked, showered and on his bed.

Baggy, well worn farmers' clothes cover a multitude of sins. In Billy's case he was much better looking naked than dressed. He had low hanging balls and long, thin, cock. We sucked, got very hard and sucked again. Ten minutes later he asked if I was ready. Two minutes later, I was on my back with my legs on Billy's shoulders. He lubricated his cock and pushed it into my ass. He stopped pushing.

"I'm at your sphincter. This may sting a little," he said. A second later I felt a twinge of pain followed by an intense burst of pleasure. I moaned and shivered in pleasure.

"Let me introduce you to your prostate. It is your stealth sex organ," he said. He began to slowly thrust. When I caught my breath I asked him what was next.

"Well, I am going to get more and more excited until I shoot off in you. I will unload my man seed and then pull out," Billy said. "Then I will get on my back and your cock is going to visit my ass. You can fill me with your man seed or not."

A few minutes later, Billy briefly froze. Only his cock was twitching as he squirted his sperm deep in my ass. I felt him ejaculate, it was beautiful. He pulled out. I rolled him over, coated my cock in lube, raised his legs and pushed my cock deep into him. I didn't expect the tight warmth and intimacy. I didn't know what to do next. Fortunately, by cock seemed to know exactly what to do.

A few minutes later I began to transfer the entire contents of my balls into Billy's ass. I shivered with each ejaculation. Billy moaned, "I want it all. Every drop!"

After I pulled out, we talked a while. I told him I didn't know what to feel.

"Don't worry," Billy said. "A lot of our ideas about love and romance assume you are going to get married and have a family. You are not my wife and are not going to have my babies. I confess that I was in love with you while I was draining my balls into your ass. Those feelings diminished as my erection faded. I would like to become a friend and a playmate. That would be nice, but it isn't necessary."

"I don't know exactly what I felt," I said. "I only know I want to do it again."

"That's a good start. I can assure you if you called me and asked if we could fuck," Billy said, "I would not say no!" he said. "I have never said no to George, and he has never said no to me unless Mildred was in one of her moods."

"Has she ever not been in one of her moods?" I asked.

Billy laughed. "I have one question for you. If I told your Uncle I had fucked you and you took it well would that be a problem?"

"Do you think he would like to fuck me?" I asked.

"You may not know your uncle as well as you think," Billy said. "The question is, do you want him to fuck you? He would never make the first move."

I told him I needed to think about that. I went home.

Aunt Mildred had a fall five days later and broke a leg. She went to the hospital. She was so fat, she needed specialist attention. I went to help Uncle George since he had to spend time at the hospital, and got behind on the farm chores.

He was there when Mildred had a big operation. He came home afterward. She was okay. George changed into work clothes and we finished the chores. We had a cool drink in the kitchen before I went home.

Trying to be casual I said, "Billy and I had a good time the other day," I said. Uncle George was not a fool. He knew exactly what I did with Billy.

You liked it?" he asked. "He mentioned you were a good sport."

"Did he mention I took things well, and he thought I would like something bigger?" I asked. "I am pretty sure I would like that." There was a lull in the conversation.

"Let's go to the bedroom," he said. We went to his room. "We can see what works. Anytime you are uncomfortable, just tell me," he said. "I won't shoot off, so don't worry." he said in a whisper.

"I liked that part," I said. "I liked it a lot." An hour later. I still liked Uncle George. I loved knowing that some of his sperm was in my ass.

Two weeks later I was on the way to college. In many ways my life began again. I had spent eighteen years in the same town and almost knew everyone there. I knew no one at college. Looking back it should have been scary, but it was too exciting to be scary. At home I was a "brain." In college I was an average guy.

Everyone at college was a brain. The guys at home were into cars, and sports. At college the world included politics, science, literature and art as well as cars and sports. No one seemed overly interested 4 by 4 trucks. I also quickly realized being a brain was not enough. I needed to study.

I was required to take phys ed in my freshman year, so I took swimming. I was an okay swimmer, and soon was a good swimmer. Luckily, I was good, but not great as a swimmer. I was not recruited for the team.

I had a good biology teacher in high school. The Biology professor at college was great. He was way up in the science faculty. He taught the introductory classes to recruit talent.

Since I was from a farming community, I did a project on natural alternatives to chemical insecticides as a final paper. I got some of the information from my uncles who noticed some successful, old-fashioned varieties of plants. I didn't think I was afraid of a bad grade, but I didn't want to find out so I worked hard on the project. My Professor loved my project. That was nice and I made biology my major. I didn't have a clue how much my professor liked my project until I got a major scholarship.

My professor was in the stratosphere of the academic world. In my second year, I worked mostly with an associate professor and his top graduate student, Elroy. Elroy was a country bumpkin with a high IQ. It turned out that Elroy was a swimmer too. We shared the showers a few times and discovered we shared another common interest. I took his load in an equipment storage room. Elroy like that a lot. No one had ever taken his sperm and swallowed.

Elroy has a small apartment near the University. He was all but a virgin, but after a month of encounters with me, his black and white world turned to technicolor.

Elroy was not actually ugly. He was non-standard. He looked a bit like a marionette made by a mediocre craftsman. Part of that was due to his marked-down-for-quick-sale clothes. He tended to slouch and not stand-up straight. Since I had seen him in the showers, I knew he was in good shape, and one part of his anatomy in particular was impressive.

At the end of the year, we received a small grant to make additional searches of the area around my home town for native plants which were disease resistant. I stayed at home with my parents, but Elroy got a free room with Billy Woolrich.

Elroy had been raised in a trailer park. Billy's house looked like a museum to him. Billy was friendly and didn't put on airs. He knew every plant, tree, hollow, and creek in the area. He also knew the traditional name of each plant. That saved hours of research finding the botanical name of each species. It was a hot summer with an average rain fall. Elroy loved tramping around the area. He got some good out door clothes that didn't fit Billy anymore and actually got a tan. The exercise was good for him. Billy was good for him too. Billy had an informal dress code and Elroy learned to relax when he was naked. Elroy's cock was his best physical feature, and Billy liked it.

Billy told me he and Uncle George had a little party they called Saturday Game Night with their pals once a month. He told me that Elroy and I would like it. He said his pals would like Elroy and me a lot. When I said they would liked us, I knew they would really liked us. Billy's pals were older guys and enjoyed sex with younger men. Elroy and I were invited to these parties. I said we would like to attend. I knew it might be an orgy and told that to Elroy.

The games were darts, bowling, and horse shoes. Those games didn't require any uniforms and most of the men used Billy and George as a fashion model. After a half hour or so they were naked or wearing a jock. The winners would fuck the loser or feed the loser a drink straight from their cock. Elroy was good at darts and that was a highly admired skill.

Elroy's experience with older men at the trailer park had been bad, as was his mother's taste in men. In Elroy's mind men were aggressive and crude. Sex was a display of aggression and domination.

The guests at the party were similar to Billy and George. They were nice guys. When they met Elroy and me, they became nice guys who just got lucky. The youngest man there was fifteen to twenty years older than us. At first they seemed to think we were breakable and fragile. They were all careful and gentle until they realized we shared the same interests, sexual needs and desires.

Next: Chapter 2

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