Uncle Charlie and Tots

By L Stone

Published on Mar 28, 2022


Thank you for reading my stories. Questions and comments are always welcome at lbr81050@gmail.com. This story is fiction regarding intimate relations regarding celebrities. Other than public identity, all other locations and parties are fictional, any similarities are coincidental.

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Uncle Charlie & Tots

Chapter 4

Adam woke up feeling a full bladder. As he moved Harrison nuzzled around on Adam's chest. Sparkling green eyes peered up at Adam's face, a smile appeared to stretch the younger man's face. Adam hugged Harrison and enjoyed the skin on skin contact. Adam grunted.

"Have to pee." Adam said as he pushed upward.

Adam man handled Harrison to the side as he rolled to stand up. Harrison looked up and was again amazed at the size of Adam's cock. Even flaccid it was longer than most guys when hard. Harrison shivered in both excitement and lust at how that cock had made him feel. Adam scratched his bushy brown pubes, making his cock jiggle. Adam chuckled as Harrison's eyes followed his cock's motion. Adam turned to walk to the bathroom and Harrison sighed at the sight of Adam's tight ass.

Harrison laid back down to the floor as Adam relieved himself. Harrison still was a bit in shock of what he and Adam had done together. Not that Harrison was ashamed or anything, just still a bit in awe that his crush not only liked him but was willing to play. This was almost too much for Harrison to handle. He had always had to keep his sexual desires under wraps for various reasons, personal and professional. Now with Adam he was feeling safe and able to explore.  

Harrison heard the toilet flush and he turned his head to watch at the door. Adam returned, his cock swinging as he walked back into the room. Again Adam chuckled as he watched Harrison tracking his cock. Adam walked over and pulled a jockstrap out for both of them. He tossed one over and Harrison caught it.

"We have done some cardio, but we need more. It is time for some running. We are going to hit the streets to burn off some energy. Then we can hit the weight room." Adam explained.

"Ok, Uncle." Harrison said with a smile as he watched Adam pull on the tight garment.

Adam was adjusting his crotch into the supportive fabric and he raised an eyebrow at Harrison still laying naked on the floor. Harrison blushed a bit and he rolled up off the floor. Quickly Harrison had pulled his strap up and arranged his junk. Adam had gone back over and was picking through Harrison's clothes. Harrison smiled as the straps of Adam's jock were framing the tight globes just right. Adam stood up and then tossed Harrison's skimpiest of running shorts at him.

Harrison looked at the shorts and then up at Adam. Adam was grinning widely as he pulled out his own shorts, also running style, but not as brief as Harrison's. Harrison began to put on his shorts, he mused that Adam had chosen these ones. Harrison usually only wore these when he was entertaining someone, not to workout in. Harrison shivered as the silky feeling material caressed his ass cheeks, these shorts were unlined which was not usual for running shorts, his own modification.

Adam pulled a tank top over his head and smoothed it down his chest. In his rummaging in Harrison's he found a mesh shirt that was sleeveless and large arm holes. That is what he tossed Harrison as the younger man was running a hand over his own ass. Harrison saw the shirt in his hands and looked up at Adam's face.

"I want to show off your hot body today. If you did not like it you would not have brought it, correct Tots?" Adam started with a question.

Harrison blushed a bit more as he looked up to Adam's hazel eyes. This was his clubbing shirt for when he could sneak away and party. He liked the way it draped on his muscular chest and also how it rubbed his nipples. The shirt really did not cover his body as it was almost fully see through.

"Yes, Uncle. I like that shirt, but I do not usually workout in it." Harrison said.

"Oh, I am sure you have worked out in it, just not in a gym." Adam replied back, Harrison blushed harder. "Shoes and we run, Tots."

"Ok Uncle." Harrison said as he pulled on the mesh shirt.

The pair pulled on their shoes. Adam tossed Harrison a water bottle and they headed to the elevator. Harrison moaned as Adam's hand was rubbing up and down on the silky covered ass cheek. Harrison's dick was firming up and pushing the jock pouch outward. The elevator opened and they walked in, Adam standing right behind Harrison so a hand was still feeling Harrison up. The elevator stopped and Tyler O'Neill joined them.  

"Heya Tyler!" Harrison said cheerily to his fellow outfielder.

"Hey Bro! Hey Adam!" Tyler greeted them.

"Hi Tyler. How is your workout coming along today?" Adam replied as he looked the outfielder over.

"Doing great so far. I have my cardio in today, I cannot do too much running per the team therapist." Tyler said as he glanced towards the crotch of his loose shorts, then "So I am heading for an extended weight lifting routine."

"Nice. I understand you have to pay attention to what the coaches and the therapist say." Adam said as they continued down. "We may see you later as Tots is working with me today."

Tyler spied Harrison's face at Adam's use of Tots. He and Harrison were buddies and he knew that nickname did not always make Harrison happy. Seeing Harrison simply grin at the use made Tyler think. Harrison's workout clothes were very skimpy and revealing, which made Tyler wonder. The bulge in the crotch of Harrison's shorts also made Tyler catch his breath.  

Tyler had on a dark compression shirt that was hugging his tight chest muscles, his grey baggy shorts covered his legs down past his thighs almost to his knees. His own crotch started to plump in his jock at Harrison's condition and a quick peek to Adam's huge bulge. Tyler had seen Adam in the showers and knew Adam had a large cock. His black eyes gleamed a little and he missed that Adam caught the glances and change in Tyler's crotch area.

Adam patted Tyler on the muscular shoulder as they got to the ground floor. Tyler had to stifle a slight moan. Adam smiled and as they walked out of the elevator, with Adam's hand still on Tyler's shoulder. Harrison was not completely aware but smiling at his buddy.

"We will see you later Tyler. Warm those weights up for us. We will be back." Adam said as he gave Tyler a squeeze before releasing the outfielder.

"Yes, pump up some iron man. See you soon, Popeye!" Harrison said with a razz at the end.

"You! I will get you Tots!" Tyler replied in a joking manner.

Adam laughed as he and Harrison headed outside and Tyler went towards the gym. Adam did catch that Tyler had to readjust himself before he headed too far. Adam smiled as he started to jog, Harrison followed along just behind. It was before lunchtime so not a lot of people were out, but the pair of joggers were catching many looks as they went by. The path that Adam took was about five miles long, an easy day for him, but a bit more than Harrison normally did. Added to the fact that Adam's legs were longer meant that Harrison's legs had to pump more to cover the same distance. They stopped just as they reached the hotel's front walk.

"Take a breather. Good run Tots." Adam said as he slowly walked around to stretch his legs.

"Thanks Uncle Charlie. That is like two days of running for me." Harrison said between his huffing breaths.

Adam walked over behind Harrison, reaching around, Adam snaked a hand in the arm hole and tweaked a nipple while his other hand rubbed up and down Harrison's ass crack. Harrison moaned loudly even through his ragged breathing. Harrison's cock sprang to attention in his jock, stretching the sweat soaked material. It was clear that Harrison was hard as the skimpy running shorts did almost nothing to cover him up. His mesh shirt did not offer any cover-up either. Adam gave an evil chuckle as he pulled away.

"Come on! It is weight lifting time, Tots." Adam said.

"OK, Uncle." Harrison replied as he tried to adjust himself.

Adam came up next to Harrison and put his arm around Harrison's shoulder and into a side hug. Harrison grinned and melted a little into the hug. Adam then left his arm over Harrison and he led them to the weight room. Discreetly, Adam would tweak Harrison's nipple that caused Harrison to moan lightly and kept his cock full in his jock. In addition Harrison could smell Adam's musk. There was not anything Harrison could do to hide his stiff manhood.

The hotel had a better gym than most hotels. That was one of the reasons that the team used them. The weight room had both free weights and machines, a perk for sure. It was lunchtime and Adam wanted to get their weight work done before they ate lunch. The gym was reserved for just the players, so when they got there it was almost empty. Only one person was still working out - Tyler.

Tyler had the squat bar loaded up. Adam glanced around and there were not any spotters and usually the weight that was loaded up required the lifter to have one. That was when he remembered that Tyler was a powerlifting champ. The Popeye nickname was earned while he was in the Minors. Tyler had a record of over 575 lbs. in a quarter squat. Adam had heard that it was herititory as his father was a famous bodybuilder in Canada.

Tyler settled under the bar with 400 lbs on it, he took position and lifted up. Then taking a half a step back he began doing the quarter squats. Adam knew from his own training that this version of the squat focused more on the quad muscle and less on the glutes. Tyler moved smoothly through a rep of 30 before taking the step and placing the bar back on the rest. That was when he turned and saw Adam and Harrison.

"So Tots made it back. Adam did not kill you on cardio, I see." Tyler said.

"Yea, yea, yea! Thanks for the confidence in me, Popeye." Harrison responded back.

Adam still had his arm around Harrison's shoulder and when Harrison spouted off he reached down and swatted Harrison's ass cheek. Harrison jumped, Tyler's eyes were watching Harrison's stiff cock through the sweat soaked fabric. Adam's smile got wider.

"Enough of the name calling, Tots." Adam said quietly at which Harrison turned his head and started to open his mouth.

Adam swatted the same ass cheek again, a bit harder this time. Harrison could not fully stifle the moan of pleasure, his cock responded by leaking some pre-cum that formed a little circle by his cock head. Tyler's eyes widened some, but his eyes were focused on the lump in Harrison's shorts. Adam did not miss that point or the fact that Tyler grazed his crotch before looking up. Tyler then blushed a little.

"I saw a closed for cleaning sign next to the door. Place it on the door and then lock it." Adam said with quiet authority.

"Yes, Sir." Harrison said as he heard the change in Adam's tone.

Tyler was looking a little confused at Harrison's answer and response to the command. When Harrison returned, Adam turned to look at both of the outfielders.

"I think Tots needs some work on his squat form. I know you are an expert Tyler. Since it is just us for now. I want both of you to drop your shorts. Tyler can give us a demonstration and then Tots can try it." Adam explained, then lowered his voice and quietly said. "Strip now."

"Yes, Sir." Harrison instantly replied and he hooked the waistband of his shorts.

Tyler was transfixed as Harrison worked to take off the sweat soaked running shorts. As they passed his ankles Harrison stepped out of them, now just standing in the mesh top and his sweaty jockstrap - straining with his full pouch. Harrison was in a resting position. Tyler then turned to look in awe and saw Adam's face with a frown on it. Adam cleared his throat while his hazel eyes bored down into Tyler's black ones. Tyler flushed, but then reached down to tug down his baggy shorts. He also stepped out of them and was now in his compression top and jockstrap. Tyler went to cover his crotch but got the same frown from Adam so he stopped.

Adam walked in front of both the outfielders in just jocks as he then slipped his running shorts down and let them drop. His large cock was stuffed into the jock but was sticking out to the side as he started to plump up. Harrison's eyes were glued to the growing snake of a cock. Tyler's face flushed as his eyes were also drawn as if by a magnet to Adam's cock. Adam reached down and stroked his hardening rod, both outfielder's eyes followed his hand.

"Ty, step in front of the mirror and take your squat stance." Adam commanded in a quiet, deep voice.

"Yea, yea, yea. Yes, sir." Tyler stammered as he walked to the mirror.

"Don't worry, Ty. It is just us guys. Nothing is wrong with helping a buddy out, right?" Adam said in a low voice, almost hypnotic sounding.

Tyler nodded while his skin flushed. He got in position facing the mirror, spreading his legs shoulder width apart and in a neutral upright position. Adam moved closer and snapped, Harrison followed. Tyler started to sweat on the brow of his forehead, his cock swelled as the two men watched in.

"That is right, Ty. Now demonstrate five full squats. Tots is going to watch your form closely. Step closer Tots. Good, get on your knees right behind Ty to get the best view of his muscle movement." Adam encouraged in the lightly droning voice, still with command in it.

"Yes, Sir." Harrison said as he moved to where he was directed.

Harrison was now less than two feet behind Tyler's body, staring at Tyler's rock hard ass muscles. Tyler was mostly hairless on his body, a faint dusting at his pits and a trimmed pube patch, Harrison had seen while in the showers. Now Harrison saw that Tyler's ass and crack were as smooth as his chest. Tyler was still in the start position and had not moved yet.

"Now, Ty." Adam barked softly.

Tyler jolted as if shocked. He did not say anything but started to drop down into the exercise. Tyler's glutes, hamstrings and quads flowed in precision as he moved into the lowest part of the exercise and then rose back up. Harrison watched the muscles, but when Tyler reached the bottom, his ass cheeks spread open to reveal a hairless, dusky rose colored pucker. Harrison gulped as he then focused on the rise and lower of that tight rosebud. Tyler finished the five reps that Adam requested.

"Switch." Adam ordered and then to Harrison, "Do it exactly like Ty demonstrated. Ty, you need to watch his form to make sure it is correct."

"Yes, Sir." Harrison said as he took the position.

"Uh, yes, sir." Tyler responded with still some hesitation.

Adam moved closer to the kneeling Tyler. Adam stepped right up behind the outfielder's head, his jock pouch brushing the back of Tyler. Tyler let out a little moan that got louder as Adam gently placed his hands on the sides of Tyler's head and positioned it to watch Harrison. A shiver ran through Tyler's body as the pitcher's body contacted his body. Adam left one hand in place and kept a slight pressure to ensure Tyler was in constant contact with Adam's full jock pouch.

"Now, Tots." Adam ordered.

"Yes, Sir." Harrison replied as he started the exercise.

Adam gently tilted Tyler's head as Harrison moved through the squat. Tyler was distracted by the warm body heat and the hard rod at the back of his head, but when he saw the dusty blond fur ringed pink pucker on Harrison, Tyler was transfixed. Adam did not need to direct Tyler's head tilt as the outfielder was moving to track the puffy rosebud of Harrison's. Harrison completed the five reps and stood in the waiting position.

"How did Tots do, Ty. Was his squat in good form?" Adam inquired.

"Mostly, his left foot is turned out. It should be more even with his right." Tyler said hoarsely.

"Fix it for him, position his foot correctly, Ty." Adam said as he stroked Tyler's head.

"Um, sure. I mean yes, sir." Tyler answered.

Tyler crawled forward and leaned around to move Harrison's left foot to the correct position. Tyler's shoulder and chest were in contact with Harrison's bare ass and leg. The skin to skin contact was turning both outfielders on. When the adjustment was corrected, Tyler went to move back.

"Ty, stay there and make sure Tot's foot does not move." Adam quietly requested.

"Yes, sir." Tyler replied as he was now directly behind Harrison.

Tyler was now looking almost directly at Harrison's ass crack. The strong masculine scent was radiating out and Tyler drew in a calming breath, but inhaled Harrison's essence at the same time. Tyler's cock was now rock hard and a leaking patch formed at his cock head. Harrison could feel the air move from Tyler's breathing, it tickled his pucker which twitched. Harrison let out a soft moan.

"Again, Tots." Adam ordered.

"Yes, Sir." Harrison answered in an affected voice.

Harrison moved down into the exercise. The squat opened and spread his ass crack now right in front of Tyler's face. Tyler's eyes were tracking the pink pucker that would not stop twitching from the attention and the air movement from Tyler's breathing. Harrison was making his best effort to complete the movements, his cock was getting even harder in his jock pouch. Both outfielders moaned as Harrison completed the fifth repetition.

"Excellent Tots. Very good job. I want Ty to check one thing for us." Adam said as he walked closer to Tyler. "Tots start the squat again, but stop just before you would raise up."

"Yes, Sir." Harrison responded and lowered down into the squat.

Tyler was about to ask what Adam wanted to examine when Adam moved forward and pushed Tyler's face into Harrison's crack. Tyler struggled a moment, but took a deep breath when Adam's hand held him in place. Harrison felt the air touch his pucker and a shiver ran through his body. Tyler gulped and the movement of his face along Harrison's ass cheeks made Harrison moan loudly.

"Fuck, Ty!" Harrison exclaimed in his moaning.

Leaning right next to Tyler's ear, "That is it Ty. See that pretty little pucker. Give Tot's rosebud a taste. Give it a lick, Ty. You can do it, Ty." Adam murmured very suggestively.

Tyler sat in almost stasis, staring at Harrison's crack and pucker. Tyler's inhalations were filling his brain with Harrison's scent and his exhalations were stimulating Harrison's twitching hole. Adam gently stroked Tyler's head as he continued a quiet litany of encouragement.

After a few breaths, Tyler's small resistance broke, he tentatively thrust out his tongue and ran it over Harrison's crack. Now Tyler was tasting Harrison's tangy sweat, coating Tyler's lips and nose with Harrison's musk. A shiver ran through Harrison's legs as Tyler's tongue worked up and down a few times. When Tyler paused and swirled his tongue in a circle around Harrison's rosebud, the puffy muscles twitched open wider.

"OOOOHHH FFFUUUUCCCKKK! OH TY!" Harrison moaned as Tyler began to concentrate on just Harrison's ass lips.

"Very good, Ty. Lick that hole. Eat that ass. Let yourself go. Enjoy." Adam encouraged Tyler as he began in earnest of pleasuring Harrison's hole.

Tyler was now caught up in a sexual haze, his lust was spilling over. Tyler now was reaching up and pulling Harrison's ass cheeks further apart to get in deeper. The taste was overwhelming him as with the scent, Tyler now could not get enough of Harrison. Tyler missed that Adam was no longer holding his head in place or stroking his hair. Tyler at this point could have cared less, he dove into Harrison's tender place with more enthusiasm.

Adam stood up and walked to stand in front of Harrison, still in the holding squat with Tyler voraciously eating his ass. Gently Adam moved Harrison down to all fours, chuckling as Tyler moved as Harrison did and did not stop what he was doing. Adam reached down and smoothed back Harrison's hair and tilted Harrison's face upward. When their eyes locked, Harrison used his other hand to pop his huge erection free from the side of his jockstrap. Harrison gasped and licked his lips as he watched the large member come closer.

Adam then placed his cockhead in Harrison's open lips. Slowly he pushed forward as Harrison opened his jaw. Adam was about half way in before he pulled back some and then thrust forward. Harrison closed his lips around the moving shaft to suck and lick it as it thrust. Adam then took his time and pushed deeper with each thrust, not pulling more than half way out before going back in. Adam's cock head was brushing the back of Harrison's throat. Harrison hummed in pleasure from both the blow job he was giving and the rimming that Tyler was providing.

Tyler was feeling more comfortable and more lust. Tyler's fingers were now spreading Harrison's hole open wider. The tongue thrusts were reaching deeper making Harrison rumble in pleasure. The level of sexual energy was increasing more and more as they continued. Harrison was moaning around Adam's cock as it thrust into his throat. Adam then was moving his cockhead in and out of Harrison's throat. It was bringing Adam closer to a climax.

Tyler became bold and slid a finger into Harrison's spit slicked hole. A shudder rippled through Harrison's body, he swooned. Adam picked up this thrusting, his cock snaking deeper in Harrison's throat. Now Adam's cockhead was just clearing Harrison's throat entrance before plunging back in. Harrison was so caught up in the sexual haze to not really pay attention to that fact, he was only trying to suck and please Adam.

Adam felt his balls pull tight to his body. He grabbed Harrison's curly hair in each hand and began to skullfuck the outfielder. Adam's grunting and Harrison's now gagging noises broke Tyler's concentration. Tyler rocked back on his heels as he stared at Adam's commanding pounding of Harrison's face and mouth. Tyler still had a finger on Harrison's hole, he began to slide it in and out of the spit soaked hole. The deeper that Tyler thrust in his finger the more Harrison tilted his hips and flared back into it.

Tyler's finger brushed deeper and rubbed against a hard bump. The touch caused Harrison to jolt as Tyler had found his prostate. The jolting continued as Tyler rubbed the hard gland. Adam was getting even closer and the jolting was causing Harrison's throat to constrict more tightly on Adam's thrusting cockhead. Adam looked down and locked eyes with Tyler, the intensity was almost overwhelming to Tyler.

Adam roared as his cock pushed deeper. Harrison's grunts and gags were muffled with a wet sound as Adam's cum was shooting down his throat. Adam pumped two jets that deep before he pulled back and shot the rest in Harrison's open mouth and face. Rope after rope of hot cum coated Harrison's face. Harrison moaned loudly and then grunted as he started to climax. Tyler had still been finger fucking Harrison through Adam's explosion and it pushed Harrison into a hand's free climax. Tyler's finger was now trapped as Harrison's ass muscles were clamping and contracting around it. Cum was not jetting out of the wet patch of Harrison's jock pouch onto the floor.

Harrison's climax crested and his ass muscles relaxed enough to release Tyler's finger. Tyler tore it out as he fumbled to pull his cock from his own jockstrap. Violently he was beating his pole with his fist. Tyler was so worked up he knew it would not take long. He let out a yelp when Adam slapped his hand aside, his cock was bouncing with his pulse. Questioning Tyler looked up into Adam's intense hazel eyes.

"Tots, take care of Ty." Adam ordered.

"Yes, Sir." Harrison replied as he twisted around.

Tyler was still in shock and lust when Harrison's cum streaked lips sealed around Tyler's cock. Tyler's dick was normal in size and length. After the skullfucking of Adam's monster, Harrison was able to take the full length of Tyler's cock to the root. Harrison bobbed his head as he sucked. Tyler's hips were wildly thrusting now as he was so close.

"AAAHHHHH FFFFUUUUCCCCKKKK!!!!!!!" Tyler screamed as he gripped a hand of Harrison's curls and pummeled his cock as it began to jet his seed.

Tyler's body shook hard with each blast of cum as it went from his body. Harrison sucked hard and savored the taste of Tyler's cum as it filled his mouth and went down his throat. Finally Tyler shot his last jet and he rocked back again. Harrison cleaned up the firm cock before sitting up.

"Tots, you need to give Ty a taste of his seed." Adam said quietly.

Harrison leaned over the short space and planted his mouth on Tyler's. Tyler opened his lips as Harrison's tongue shot into it. The lust was still thick as Tyler was then kissing Harrison back, just as deeply. Tyler was tasting his own cum from Harrison's mouth.

"Oh yes. Well that taste also has my cum." Adam told the kissing pair, "Ty, you can also clean up Tot's face."

Tyler separated his mouth from Harrison's and he began to lick up the sticky seed from Harrison's face. Harrison let Tyler get in a few licks before he pulled Tyler back into a kiss to share Adam's cum. Tyler repeated the licking and then kissing until Harrison's face was cleaned. Adam walked up and closer and rubbed a hand on both outfielder's heads. They looked up at him, an energized lust of youth gleaming up at Adam.

"Very good Tots and Ty. Very good indeed." Adam said as he was shoving his more relaxed cock back into his jock pouch. Then he went on, "You two have had a snack, but we now need to go to lunch. After all three of us will go to mine and Tot's room. There will be some more fun cardio. Don't worry Ty, no running is involved."

As a pair, they replied, "Yes, Sir."

Adam retrieved his shorts and found some towels which he tossed to Harrison and Tyler to clean up further with. After both outfielders were back in shorts and dried up as they could be, Adam unlocked the door to the gym. He held open the door as he ushered them out. Carefully Adam retrieved the gym closed sign and returned it to its home. The three of them made the way to the rooms set aside for the team's meals.

"Thirty minutes and we go." Adam ordered quietly as they entered the room, both men replied with a nod.

Adam went and got his lunch before placing it in the seat next to Yadi. He then selected some sports drinks and bottled water before sitting down. Yadi had a huge smile as he moved his eyes between their table and the table of younger players.

"Two?" Yadi inquired softly.

"Heir and a spare. Isn't that what they said for royal lineage?" Adam said with a smirk.

"Happy pitcher, happy life. That is what I say. Tyler, good to go?" Yadi asked.

"Looks likely, the first meeting was successful. This afternoon will be the final test. He might need to warm up with Tots before he is ready for Uncle's monster." Adam chuckled.

"I know it is good to warm up a catcher before he gets heavy use." Yadi replied with the full weight of the innuendo.

Both he and Adam laughed before finishing their meal and chatting about other things. A glance to the younger player table showed that only Harrison and Tyler were remaining and they were in a conversation.

"Dude, I had no clue." Tyler said as he sat next to Harrison.

Harrison looked a little guilty, "It is not something I have been able to be open about. I'm ok with it. How about you?"

"Well, I guess I am like you as well. Sports is not the best of places to be open about being gay or even bi. Let me guess, you had buddies in school but kept it very DL?" Tyler asked.

Harrison nodded, "Yea, a few close buddies. Then when the scouts started sniffing around during games, I knew I had to be careful. Now in the Majors I have to be super discreet and extra careful. I do not need a social media scandal to end my career early."

"I understand. I knew that I was bi in late grade school. My dad is deep into bodybuilding and fitness. I was alway surrounded by muscular bodied gods growing up and working out. Sometimes I had to wear a jock and two pairs of compression shorts to keep my cock from giving me away. Damn, I had always wanted to find some safe play. Fuck. How do you take his bat? It is huge." Tyler explained and then asked.

"It is the biggest I have ever had. OMG it is huge, but I have never been so satisfied with taking one like that before. You would not believe it. Well, you will today?!?" Harrison said as he wiggled his eyebrows.

Tyler blushed, not fully able to answer. Harrison glaced down and saw the lump in Tyler's shorts and a new wet spot. Their eyes met and a knowing grin was matched by each of them. Harrison looked at the time and then to Adam's table. He got a subtle nod.

"Dude, it is time to go and find out." Harrison said as he stood.

Tyler eyed Harrison's tight, sexy body displayed around the mesh top and tight running shorts. He growled very lightly as Harrison then chuckled and waited.

"Yes, it is." Tyler said as he had to readjust his cock.

Tyler's compression shirt was stretched over his bodybuilder-like chest and shoulders. The baggy shorts he was wearing had a stiff lump as well. The outfielders chatted as they exited the room, following Adam to the elevator. Adam moved to the back of the elevator and Tyler and Harrison moved to stand directly in front of him where Adam pointed. The doors closed and a hand went into the back of each outfielder's shorts. A pair of muffled moans came out as Adam's fingers found the rosebud of each player.

The elevator rose directly to Adam and Harrison's room's floor. Adam was able to play with each hole during the ride. His finger slid deeper into Harrison's but got no less a response from the shorter, more muscular outfielder. Noone was in the hallway when the doors opened, so Adam guided them to the room with busy fingers working. Harrison took a few times again to open the door as he was distracted. The trio walked in the living room of the suite and he pulled his fingers free and gave each ass a sharp swat.

"Strip." Adam said as he confirmed the door was locked.

Harrison was already pulling the mesh shirt over his head as he was kicking his shoes off. Tyler was a bit stuck but started tugging at his compression shirt when Adam's intense eyes landed on him. Harrison ripped his tight shorts off and yanked the strap off, freeing his semi firm cock. Adam chuckled at the curly blond hair bouncing and waving and Harrison's cock bouncing when Harrison tugged off his socks as well. Tyler made quick work of his shirt and moved to pull his shorts down. As the shorts pooled at his ankles, Tyler worked on his tight jockstrap which quickly joined his shorts.

Adam stood and watched the two athletes as they undressed. Harrison was only about an inch taller than Tyler, but weighed about 15 pounds less. Both men were densely muscled in chest and arms, but Tyler had more of a classic bodybuilder taper to his waist. Harrison and Tyler's lower bodies were evenly matched with hard, firm muscles and tight asses. Their cocks were very comparable, slightly over normal sized, but not to Adam's length or width. The main difference was body hair - Harrison had his blond fur covering most of his body, bushier in places you would expect and Tyler was mostly smooth with tidily trimmed brown pits and pubes. The outfielders were now fully undressed and turned their attention towards the clothed Adam. He looked them up and down as he grinned. Adam then walked past them into the bedroom. The guys followed right behind him. Adam stopped at the foot of the bed and turned to the nude outfielders.

"Tots, you may undress me for a shower. Ty, you can help him." Adam said in an authoritative voice.

Harrison shivered at Adam's tone, "Yes, Uncle Charlie." Harrison answered.

Again Tyler hesitated slightly, then said "Yes, sir. Umm.. Uncle Charlie."

The nude players walked closer. Harrison tugged at the side hem of Adam's shirt and he began to lift it up. Tyler stepped up and helped from the other side. Together they lifted the shirt over Adam's head and outstretched arms. The strong musky scent hit the outfielders in the face, as they were face level with Adam's pits. Next they moved to either side of Adam's shorts and pulled them down. Adam lifted each foot as directed to step out of them.

While they were at Adam's feet, Harrison began to untie one of Adam's shoes. Tyler did the other foot. Again Adam lifted each foot in turn to remove his shoes and then his socks. The strong scent filled both Harrison and Tyler's noses from Adam's large feet. Harrison went to stand up and then work on Adam's last remaining garment, the jockstrap, but Adam put his hands on both of their heads.

"Not yet." Adam said as he sat down on the bed.

Adam laid back and placed his hands behind his head. He looked at Harrison and Tyler and then towards his armpits.

"I think I need a bath Tots. Show Ty." Adam said in a quiet voice.

"Yes, Sir." Harrison said, then he turned to Tyler and nodded his head.

Harrison crawled on the bed on one side of Adam while Tyler did on the other side. Smiling Harrison moved his face into Adam's exposed pit that was dry, but was full of the pungent musky sweat. Harrison drew in a deep breath, drinking in the heady smell. Harrison could feel his dick surge as the masculine scent invaded his brain. Glancing over Tyler was starting to get a whiff of Adam's scent.

Tyler let out a soft moan as he was breathing in the cloy smelling musk. The powerful aroma forced a visual flashback to the masculine, testosterone filled gyms that he went to with his father as a youth. In his mind's eye, he could see large muscled athletes pumping iron with sweat glistening as it rolled down their tight, massive bodies. It was when he was with his father working out that he realized that he was sexually attracted to men. One visit Tyler became so excited that his dick exploded in his underwear making an embarrassing wet spot on his shorts. It was after that visit that Tyler began wearing multiple layers of compression shorts and a jock to prevent an accident again.

The slurping, licking sound broke Tyler's reverie. Looking over Tyler saw Harrison's tongue out and was licking and sucking Adam's pit. Harrison was wallowing his whole face in the musky scent as he licked and cleaned Adam's pit. Tyler turned his focus to the bushy pit in front of him, he opened his mouth and stuck out his tongue. Tentatively Tyler swathed his tongue around. Then the taste and the scent pushed Tyler into a haze of desire, his cock pulsed as he pushed his face in and rubbed it all over Adam's pit.

Adam moaned in delight as the two younger men attached each pit with passionate tongues. Adam had guessed from his observations that an obvious gym rat like Tyler might be open for play. How far Tyler might be guided Adam was not sure, but right now he did not care. The outfielders combined efforts with little grunty noises coming from each pit, turning Adam on a great deal. Adam had to groan as his huge cock was now straining the jock pouch as it was leaking pre-cum like a spigot.

Harrison had licked and sucked Adam's pit clean, the taste was not just his own spit. Harrison moved his mouth over to Adam's exposed nipple. Adam rumbled as Harrison's lips and tongue worked the nipple to a hard point. Tyler felt the rumble and saw Harrison's new position. Tyler moved to the other nipple and began sucking. Adam growled deeply in his chest as he lowered his hands behind each of the outfielder's heads pulling them in closer. Harrison and Tyler sucked and teased Adam's nipples until Adam was moaning in pleasure.

Adam could not stand it any more, he used the grip of boys' heads and pushed them down and off of his nipples. Harrison turned and winked at Tyler as they began licking down Adam's chest and abs. As the outfielders got closer to Adam's waist the musky, pheromone laden scent of Adam's jock and crotch was filling their noses. If Adam's pits were strong, his crotch was even more intense. Tyler had not experienced this with Adam before and he moaned loudly as he neared the intoxicating source. Above Adam had a huge grin, he had chosen the right guys.

Adam felt Tyler's hands rub over his straining jockstrap, his cock was solid and pulsing. Tyler could not get over how large Adam's cock was. Tyler was amazed thinking that Adam had to be a shower from his glances of Adam in the shower. That was not the case, Adam was a grower, Tyler's fingers trembled slightly as they ran across the length of the huge, cloth covered member. Tyler got to Adam's cock head and it was soaked with pre-cum. Pulling his finger back, Tyler pulled a strand of leaked pre-cum away and put the finger in his mouth to taste it. Tyler moaned at the heady taste of the sticky, sweet liquid.

Harrison had moved his face close to his side of Adam's jock and started to lick and suck the material and the hard member under the material. Tyler pushed closer on his side and started the same. Adam was again moaning and rumbling sounds of pleasure as they worked. The taste of the jock material was not unlike Adam's pits: viril and masculine. The difference was the intensity, it was like ten times stronger. Soon slurping and licking noises were mixed with each Tyler and Harrison's moans as they worshiped this prize.

Harrison was getting anxious, he wanted to suck on Adam's cock. Lifting his hands up Harrison gripped the waistband of the jockstrap. Tyler then added his hands and together they began to pull the now spit soaked jockstrap down. Adam lifted his hips slightly to allow the jock to come away. When Adam lowered back down the jock pouch was pulled away enough that his cock sprung free. Tyler's face was close enough that Adam's cock head slapped against it and left a trail of pre-cum slime on Tyler's nose and cheek.

The jockstrap was then pulled completely free from Adam and his cock was now towering upward, glistening with the combined spit and pre-cum. Harrison could wait no more, he lifted his head up enough to be over the hard cock. Opening his mouth wide Harrison sucked the cock head and a few inches of shaft into his mouth. Adam moaned in pleasure as Harrison sucked on his cock like a treat. Harrison bobbed his head up and down a few times before he pulled off. Harrison looked over at Tyler's intense stare.

"Your turn." Harrison said to Tyler who shook his head slightly side to side.

"I don't think I can. I have never sucked one that big before. It is huge." Tyler panted as he licked his lips.

"You can do it Ty. Just give it a lick. You can do that Ty." Adam said in a low, persuasive voice like at the gym.

"Yea, Ty. You can lick it. Here I will show you." Harrison said.

Harrison took a grip of the base of Adam's cock to steady it and then he licked from where his hand was up to the shaft all the way to Adam's flared cock head. Adam moaned in pleasure. Harrison pulled his face back, but maintained the hold of Adam's shaft base. Harrison then nodded to Tyler. Tyler hesitated a moment, but then moved his face closer and opened his mouth.  

The seductive scent took hold of Tyler's brain as he neared the base of Adam's cock. Pushing his concerns aside, Tyler jutted his tongue out and licked up the hard shaft like Harrison did. When Tyler's tongue reached the cock head a new drip of pre-cum had leaked out. Tyler opened his mouth as wide as he could and sucked the cock head into his mouth. Adam sighed with pleasure as Tyler sucked his cock head.

"Fuck!" Tyler exclaimed as he lifted his mouth with a pop from around Adam's cock.

Harrison chuckled at his buddy's burst, but moved down to lick from base to tip of Adam's cock again. That started the pair of them trading off licking the solid length of Adam's cock. This went on for a few minutes as Tyler became more comfortable with the sheer size of Adam's member. He even put his hand around the base with Harrison's.

Harrison wanted more, the next lick up he then enclosed Adam's cock head and sucked down again. Harrison took about three inches of shaft down before he lifted off. Turning to face Tyler, he raised an eyebrow. Tyler was not as intimidated as he was before so he decided he would try it as well. He finished his lick and did like Harrison, opening his mouth wide and taking more than just Adam's cock head in his mouth. Tyler got about an inch of shaft past his lips before he sputtered and lifted off.

"Good job, Ty. See you can do it. You can take more next time, Ty." Adam praised Tyler as he ruffled Tyler's hair.

Tyler peered up at Adam's face, pleased by the praise he had received. Harrison decided to up the ante, so he just opened his mouth and bobbed down on Adam's cock twice before pulling off. Tyler opened his mouth and he tried to relax his jaw as best he could. Tyler bobbed his head down and took in two and then three inches of shaft before he lifted off. Harrison went next and he pushed himself to take in six inches of shaft feeling the cock head brushing the entrance to his throat. He pulled off and Tyler went again.

Adam was reclined back and moaning more and more each pass of lips down his cock. Adam knew that Harrison was experienced and could take all but the last inch without assistance. He was curious on how much Tyler could handle. Thankfully the play at the gym had taken some of the edge off before lunch or Adam would have shot off already. He was wallowing in the pleasure of the two men sharing his cock to put much more thought into it.

Tyler steadied Adam's cock as he opened wide, he bobbed down taking close to five inches in when he felt Harrison move a hand behind his head. The next bob down Harrison pushed Tyler's head down another two inches. Tyler sputtered but Harrison guided Tyler's head up only a few inches before pushing back down. Tyler was sputtering and starting to put up a fight when Harrison's other hand tapped Tyler's nose and Harrison made a breathing sound through his own nose. Tyler took a deep breath in through his nose, his nostrils flared as Harrison guided him back down.

Tyler's focused inhalation took in a strong dose of Adam's scent. This shot through Tyler's head and the hazy lust filled his mind. Tyler relaxed his struggle and the next bob down Adam's cock head brushed the entrance to his throat. Harrison did not push further down, but helped Tyler move a few more times. Then Harrison did not guide, but Tyler bobbed that deep on his own. Harrison allowed Tyler to continue working on Adam's cock while he shuffled lower.

Adam moaned loudly when Harrison's mouth attacked Adam's balls, sucking and licking them. Tyler was still bobbing on Adam's cock, changing speeds and sucking. Adam's cock head was brushing the back of his throat most of the time. Tyler was getting into the groove of his motions when he felt Adam's hand rest on the back of his head. Adam just rested his hand, not forcing or pushing. Tyler made the effort with the next bob to go further down. He was able to push the large cock head into his tighter throat, Adam moaned in response. Tyler tried again and pushed too far causing him to gag and sputter. He pulled off Adam's cock breathing hard.

Harrison moved up from Adam's balls and took Adam's cock deep into his mouth. The next bob down he pushed the cock head and an inch of shaft into his throat without gagging. Tyler watched how Harrison's jaw opened and the motion of Adam's cock imprinted through Harrison's throat as Harrison deep throated the huge cock. Harrison got all but the last inch down when Adam moved his hand to the back of Harrison's head. With a hum of anticipation, Harrison bobbed back down and with a strong push from Adam, Harrison succeeded in taking all of the monster cock into his mouth and throat. Harrison paused trying to let the huge member stretch his throat out before lifting off. When he did raise up he only let the cock head just clear his throat before bobbing back down.

Tyler was mesmorized as he watched Harrison work his magic in taking all of Adam in. Adam's need for release was getting stronger. The grip on Harrison's head got firmer as Adam began to pump his hips upward and thrust in and out of Harrison's mouth. Harrison relaxed his jaw further and pursed his lips around the thrusting member as he could. Adam hammered his cock in and out of Harrison's throat in swift repeat. Harrison was starting to gag as Adam forced himself deeper, crushing Harrison's nose and lips into Adam's pubes. Harrison did not struggle, but it was becoming difficult for him. Just as his vision was starting to go dim, Harrison felt Adam's grip on his head pull him completely off of Adam's cock.

Harrison was limp in Adam's grasp as Harrison gasped in gulps of air and coughed throat slime and mucus out. Tyler could only stare at this point, his cock was in hand stroking while he had watched the skull fucking deep throat action. Tyler was so turned on now. Adam used his hand to pull Tyler's head up to his face. Adam then planted a hard kiss on Tyler's mouth, Adam's tongue forging in and dominating Tyler's. They made out for a minute while Harrison recovered his breath. Adam pulled Tyler's head back, separating their kiss.

"Tots has earned a reward for his excellent oral skills, Ty. Don't you think he did a great job, Ty?" Adam asked in a quiet, intense voice.

"Yea, Adam sir." Tyler replied with a face flushed with desire.

"You like Tot's cock don't you, Ty? You want to have his cock fill you up. Isn't that right, Ty? Huh?" Adam said while his hazel eyes bored into Tyler's sex glazed eyes.

"Yea...yea. Umm. Yes, sir." Tyler stammered out under Adam's gaze.

"Tots, I think Ty needs some bone to fill him up. You can do that for him, right Tots." Adam droned in his suggestive voice.

"Yes, Uncle Charlie. Tots can make Ty feel good." Harrison answered as he began to rub his hands over Tyler's body.

Tyler moaned as Harrison's hands brushed his aside from stroking his cock and then grabbed his ass. Adam pulled Tyler back in for another hard kiss as Harrison started to explore Tyler's ass. Tyler gasped into the kiss as Harrison's fingers brushed around Tyler's smooth rosebud and crack. Adam's tongue action and Harrison's fingers were making Tyler moan and quiver. Tyler's moan got louder as a wet finger pushed through his pucker lips. Had Adam not maintained a firm grip on Tyler's head it would have broken the kiss as Tyler's body arched from the second finger pushing into his ass ring. Adam pulled Tyler's head back to look into his eyes again.

"Is my little Popeye going to make his Uncle Charlie a happy boy? Is my Popeye going to take Tot's dick while Uncle Charlie gives Tots his dick? Will my little Popeye make Uncle Charlie and his Tots happy?" Adam seductively whispered as he stared into Tyler's eyes while Harrison's fingers loosed Tyler's hole.

"Yes, Uncle Charlie. I need Tots' dick in me. Gawd, please Tots fuck me." Tyler answered Adam in a needy voice and then whined to Harrison.

"Good boy, my little Popeye. You will be our strong little man and take care of Tots' big dick. Good boy." Adam praised Tyler's choice.

Tyler was almost gurgling with pleasure as Harrison had worked a third finger in his ass and was thrusting them with some pressure. Tyler's head flew back and he moaned as a ripple of lust worked through his body.

"On your back, legs in the air!" Adam shouted as he slapped Tyler's ass cheek with a hard swat.

"OH FUCK! Yes sir, Uncle Charlie!" Tyler yelped as he jumped down on the bed next to Adam.

Harrison was reaching for the lube that he spread on his turgid cock and fisted it a few times to make it slick. He walked closer to Tyler laying with his legs spread wide on his back. Harrison put more lube on his fingers and pushed them into Tyler's pucker. Tyler moaned as the three fingers worked in and out, with Harrison adding more lube now and then. Tyler looked up when Adam stood up, the spit soaked cock jutting obscenely outward. Harrison took his lube coated fingers from Tyler and reached behind himself. Tyler then watched as Harrison lubed his own hole before handing the lube to Adam. Tyler watched as Adam starte to coat the monster cock with lube.

"Pops, are you ready for me? You ready for Tots' cock to fill you up?" Harrison asked Tyler as he lifted up Tyler's legs.

"Yes, Tots. I need it. Give me your cock. Please fill Popeye's hole." Tyler whined in his need.

"Ok, Pops. Put that pillow under your ass. Pops is going to need it when Uncle Charlie takes Tots' ass and plows us both. Do it." Harrison ordered as he moved his hands up and down Tyler's legs.

Tyler reached up and pulled a pillow down. With Harrison's help he lifted up and placed the pillow under his ass. Tyler quivered as he felt Harrison's cock head place in his smooth crack. Adam walked behind Harrison and he reached down to push two long pitcher's fingers into Harrison's lube slicked hole. Harrison moaned loudly and his cock twitched right in Tyler's pucker lips. Adam began working his fingers in and out while Harrison moaned ever louder, raising up on his toes as Adam lifted the buried fingers up.

Harrison locked his green eyes onto Tyler's black ones. The shared energy of sexual lust was almost palitipable. Harrison's cock head was gently rolling over Tyler's entrance. Tyler took in a deep breath and then nodded to Harrison when he released it. Harrison's grin became a little feral as he thrust his hips forward and pushed his hard member into Tyler's hole. Tyler gasped and then moaned as Harrison began rocking his cock in and out of Tyler's pucker. Tyler gave a groan as Harrison thrust his full length deep into Tyler's ass.

Harrison was starting to find a rhythm when he felt Adam's fingers pull out of his ass. Adam had moved around enough to line up behind Harrison's thrusting ass. Adam let his huge cock rub up and down Harrison's crack, teasing the thrusting man's pucker. Harrison whined in need as Adam played with him. Adam pushed Harrison's chest closer to Tyler's, in effect folding Tyler's legs closer to his chest and exposing Harrison's ass crack while it was thrusting in and out.

Tyler's eyes locked with Harrison's as they were face to face. He saw the look of need from Harrison as Adam grabbed Harrison's hips and stopped the thrusting motion. Harrison's cock was about half way in Tyler's ass as Adam pushed his huge cockhead into Harrison's outer ass ring. Harrison's face flicked a quick succession of pain, awe, and pleasure as Adam smoothly thrust more than half of the monster cock in. Adam held Harrison's hips firmly as he thrust in and out, keeping Harrison's cock in a steady place while more and more of Adam's cock was thrust deeper.

Harrison was moaning when Adam's grip from his hips moved lower and held onto Tyler's. The next thrust in from Adam into Harrison, then pushed Harrison's cock balls deep into Tyler. Tyler groaned loudly and Harrison ooffed. Both outfielders were moaning in pleasure as their pitcher began to pump the long, hard cock in and out. Adam's thrusting was now moving both cocks.

Tyler and Harrison were already keyed up from their play and oral pleasure of Adam's cock. Tyler was being pounded by Harrison's rigid dick, stretching Tyler's insides with every motion. Sparks of energy were zipping along his limbs as Adam's thrusts and additional power made Harrison's cock burrow deeper in his chute. Harrison was thrust into a full sexual trance, his cock was being squeazed by Tyler's ass muscle and his own ass was being plundered by Adam's huge monster dick. His eyes were rolling back in his head as wave after wave of pleasure was crashing through his body.

Adam picked up his pace as Harrison now fully warmed up. His hold on Tyler's hips were allowing Adam to pull the three of them together tighter with each with thrust. Harrison was gurgling in pleasure and Tyler was moaning in lust. The room was awash with grunts, moans, and slapping sounds as the trio continued.

Tyler gasped louder as he could feel a pulsing pressure in his groin. His legs started to tighten up as his building climax was beginning to crest. Tyler started panting as the need to release became dire. Folded as he was there was no way for Tyler to reach is cock to provide the release he needed.

Adam saw Tyler's toes start to curl and hear the change in his noises. Adam began to thrust with more power, bouncing the three men even harder. The report of the bodies together sounded like slaps and punches. Harrison was still gurgling in the total middle experience and was really unaware of the changes in either Tyler or Adam.

The change in Adam's thrusting which caused Harrison's cock to pummel directly on Tyler's gland. That was the needed element to push Tyler over the edge. A strangled cry burst past his lips as Tyler's trapped dick started to spew cum on his and Harrison's bodies.

"AAAAHHHHH FFFFUUUUUCCCCCKKKKKK!!!!!" Tyler screamed as his boiling seed shot out of his cock.

Harrison jolted as Tyler screamed and realized that in his climax, Tyler's ass muscles were clamping and gripping his cock as Adam's thrusts moved them in and out. Adam's cock pounding in and out of his hole and his own cock being forcefully stimulated by Tyler's ass. Harrison could not have resisted or stopped climax even if he so desired. His wordless, guttural cry ripped from his throat as he began to fill Tyler's spasming chute.

Adam had held off as long as he could, Tyler's shout and then Harrison's cry pushed Adam over. Adam began to grunt loudly and he picked up his speed and power of thrusts. Adam's body was slamming alarmingly against Harrison's as Adam flailed away. Adam felt the burning cum begin to pulse out of his cock as his battering pounded the spurting cock head into Harrison's inner ring. Harrison gave another wordless cry as the heat from Adam's seed was searing the rarely entered area.

Adam gave a final grunt and thrust of his body and he came to rest, falling over Harrison's back. Tyler began to whimper at the weight on his folded body. Adam stirred enough to push up and pull both he and Harrison backward. Tyler gasped as Harrison's cock ripped free from his ass. Harrison still had Adam's cock in his ass, being that it was so big even as Adam was less firm it was still big enough to stay in place. Harrison looked forward and he could see Tyler still on his back with his legs spread apart.

Leaning forward, Harrison pushed his face into Tyler's still exposed ass lips, now puffy and a trail of Harrison's own cum dripping out. Harrison could not help himself as his tongue darted out and began lapping around the smooth ass lips that his cock had so recently abused. Tyler sighed and then moaned as Harrison started rimming him. Harrison thrust his tongue deeper into Tyler's ass lips sucking up his buried seed. Tyler reached down and gripped the curly blond hair tightly as Harrison ate him out. Tyler's other hand grabbed his cock and started to pump it up and down on his renewed erection.

Adam looked up and saw that blond outfielder still impaled on his cock was rimming Tyler with enthusiasm. This energy was matched with Tyler jacking his hard cock again. The hot tableau was making Adam's huge member reharden. Adam rocked them forward, moving Harrison onto all fours and Adam now able to be behind him. The grip that Tyler had on Harrison's head kept Harrison in place and rimming. When Adam began thrusting again, each impact into Harrison caused a puff of breath into Tyler's ass. Tyler was moaning louder each time.

Adam reached forward and pulled Harrison's hair, pulling back he arched Harrison's back as he pounded. The change made Tyler's grip on Harrison's hair separate and Harrison's rimming stop. Harrison grunted as Adam picked up speed. Adam looked up and locked eyes with Tyler who was steadily fisting his cock, now at a fast pace.

"Hands off, Popeye." Adam said in a low growling voice.

Tyler jumped as if slapped and he threw his hands back, "Yes, Uncle Charlie." Tyler said meekly, but between heavy breaths as he was close to another climax.

Adam was pounding his flesh bat into Harrison's ass with increasingly hard, percussive body slaps. Harrison's eyes were glassy as The huge member was roughly rubbing his gland with each stroke. The gurgling noise was coming from Harrison's throat again. The strong masculine energy from Adam and Harrison was washing over Tyler like a tsunami, he shivered and his cock was bouncing to his heartbeat. Tyler had to grasp his wrists behind his back to keep them from grabbing his cock and shooting another load. "My little Popeye needs to come here." Adam said between his rutting, as he was staring into Tyler's eyes.

"Yes, Uncle Charlie." Tyler said, nodding but not losing eye contact.

Adam watched Tyler scramble off the bed and make it over next to Adam. Harrison was still moaning and bouncing from Adam's strong thrusting. Adam reached over and pulled Tyler closer to him with his long arm. Tyler grunted as he was now right at Adam's pistoning hips. Adam reached his hand lower and ran a finger into Tyler's smooth ass crack. Tyler cooed as the digit flicked his spit soaked pucker, still wet from Harrison's rim job. Adam was pounding his cock harder into Harrison while he started to finger Tyler.

"Get lubed up." Adam said as he turned his head to face Tyler.

"Yes, Uncle Charlie." Tyler replied as he reached for the tube of lube.

Tyler put lube on his fingers and then reached behind himself. Adam moved his hand to an ass cheek while Tyler worked. Tyler set the lube down and Adam's fingers returned and were now two pushing in and out of the puffy, smooth ass lips. Tyler leaned in closer to Adam while tilting his hips back. Adam chuckled and was able to push his fingers in deeper. Tyler moaned.

Adam had been plunging his cock in and out of Harrison's hole while his hand was busy with Tyler's bussy. Tyler was not sure where this was going, he had taken some large cocks before, but not like Adam's. Adam's fingers brushed his gland and he jolted while he moaned more loudly. Adam left his fingers in deep and began to massage Tyler's gland, making Tyler weak in the knees.

Adam released his hold of Harrison's hair and used that hand to swat the blond outfielder's ass hard. Harrison yelped and then he felt emptied as Adam pulled his cock clear from Harrison's ass. Harrison started to turn his head back to see what was going on and received another swat from Adam. Harrison groaned and then shivered as Adam ran his hand over the spot that was swatted.

Adam then moved to the side, pulling Tyler along with him. This put Tyler directly behind Harrison's slicked hole, still with a slight gape from taking Adam's cock. Using the fingers buried in Tyler's ass, Adam pushed Tyler forward. Tyler's hard cock was jutting forward, fully hard due to the finger fucking and gland massage. Adam leaned close to Tyler's ear, his scruff catching on the tender skin.

"You are not ready for my cock. That will be for later. Tonight these fingers are doing to pitch you a homerun. Tots is going to field your balls tonight. Is that alright, my little Popeye?" Adam whispered into Tyler's ear as he licked and nibbled on it.

"Oh gawd! Fuck yes, Uncle Charlie." Tyler said in a panting voice while his body shivered again.

"Good boy, my little Popeye. Time to make you and Tots squeal with pleasure." Adam said with a dark chuckle.

After saying that Adam used his buried fingers to line up and push Tyler's hips forward. Tyler held onto Harrison's hips as his cock slipped into Harrison's lubed hole. Harrison moaned at the feeling of a cock pushing back in him, he pushed back into the thrust. Adam used his grip to pull Tyler's hips back, sliding Tyler's cock almost out of Harrison's ass. Then Adam pushed Tyler back forward to repeat. That started a quick thrusting pattern with Adam guiding the speed and power of Tyler's thrusts.

Harrison was arching his back and rutting back into Tyler's thrusts. Tyler's cock was the right size to pound his gland with each of the hard thrusts. With a sensual growl, Harrison was thowing his hips back as hard as he could into Tyler's incoming cock, trying to get more pressure against his gland. Tyler was grunting and crying out as the impacts became more forceful, his body was awash with stimulated nerves.

Adam lifted his other hand and began to tease Tyler's nipples. Tyler's nipples were directly linked to his cock and balls. The stimulation made his cock head flare that created more pleasure for Harrison. Adam contiued to play with Tyler's nipple while his fingers were still thrusting in and out of Tyler's ass.

"Get ready my little Popeye." Adam said as he licked Tyler's ear.

Adam then thrust three large fingers in Tyler's slicked hole. Tyler squealed as he tried to buck, but Adam's arm around his chest and grip on his nipple kept Tyler in place. The only way Tyler could buck was with his pounding hips directly into Harrison's ass. Harrison grunted and moaned again as the bucking was hitting new areas in his chute. Harrison doubled his efforts to pound back into Tyler's thrusts.

Adam continued with his three fingers plunging and his hand nipple tweaking Tyler for a few minutes. Tyler was sweating and yipping and moaning at the maintained pace. Tyler could feel the tingling in his balls, deep and powerful. Tyler breathing was coming in huffs and moans. Adam used the grip on Tyler's nipple to rub the hard nub between his thumb and forefinger. It was like shocks of lighting were shooting through Tyler's body. Tyler was squealing again.

Adam kept up the attention to Tyler's nub, but stopped his fingers moving. Tyler was loose enough that he was sliding off and on the trio of fingers as his thrusts in and out of Harrison continued. Adam nuzzled his bearded chin along Tyler's ear as he got closer.

"Ride those fingers and pound Tots' hole." Adam said as he let his tongue circle in Tyler's ear.

"YES, UNCLE CHARLIE!" Tyler yelled as he was started fucking himself on Adam's fingers.

Harrison felt the frantic change of pace, he began to use his ass muscle to grip on Tyler's cock as it was trying to pull back. The extra friction made both Harrison and Tyler start to squeal again. Tyler felt his balls quickly pull up like a slap, his whole body quaked as he screeched wordlessly.

Tyler then lost control as his cum was jetting out of his thrusting cock. Tyler's body was still slamming between Adam's fingers and Harrison's ass, only Adam's chest grip kept Tyler upright. The boiling liquid splashing Harrison's chute and the extra pressure of his squeezing, pushed him into his climax. Harrison's shout and shaking body was adding more sensations to Tyler's shooting cock. Adam shoved his fingers in deeper feeling Tyler's flexing ass muscles quake harder.

Harrison was coating the floor with ropes of his cum as Tyler finished filling his hole. Tyler's cum was now leaking from Harrison's pucker. Adam released his hold on Tyler's chest and pulled his fingers from Tyler's hole. Tyler now collapsed on top of Harrison. The two tumbled to the floor at Adam's feet. The landind dislodged the outfielders and they were huddled on the floor looking up.

Adam's cock was full mast again, the play had recharged him. Both, Harrison and Tyler's eyes were glued to the huge slab of fuckmeat. Adam was sliding his fist up and down the hard length. Adam's hand picked up speed as he worked, he was keyed up and close. Harrison pulled up to sit on his knees in front of Adam. Tyler joined Harrison, now they were hip to hip and their arms cross behind each other.

Adam's breathing became short, staccato bursts. His fist beat up and down his cock with more force. Harrison and Tyler pushed their faced to gether right at the end of Adam's angry cock head. With a loud growl and snarl, Adam's cock began to shoot his load. Jets of his hot seed were now blasting over Harrison and Tyler's face. The jizz covered each outfielders face, dripping in eyes and over noses. The last jets Adam directed one each in Tyler's and then Harrison's mouth.

Adam was breathing hard as he stepped back. He used his hand to wipe a few drips of cum in Harrison's hair. Adam smiled as he turned their faces together. Harrison and Tyler began to lick and suck the cum from each other, pausing to share it in a deep kiss. Once they were cleaned somewhat up. Harrison turned back towards Adam. Looking up at Adam's face, Harrison opened his mouth and sucked in Adam's cock head to clean it up.

Harrison finished and he rocked back on his heels next to Tyler. Tyler pulled Harrison into a side hug as they looked up at the uber masculine pitcher. Adam pointed to the bed behind them.

"Good job boys. On the bed, we snuggle for a nap before dinner." Adam praised.

"Yes, Uncle Charlie." they cheered as they scampered on the bed, as Adam smiled and lept between them.

Adam opened his arms wide and an outfielder cuddled into him on each side. Adam gave Tyler a quick peck and then turned his head towards Harrison. Harrison's blue eyes were locked onto his. Adam took a deep breath in and then leaned over to kiss Harrison. The kiss was slow and sensual, with a small bit of Adam's possessiveness. Harrison melted even closer to Adam's body. Adam broke the kiss and then pulled Tyler closer. A contented smiled crossed Adam's face as the younger players dozed off, thinking to himself "Yes, right where I need them."

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