Uncle Charlie and Tots

By L Stone

Published on Oct 3, 2021


Thank you for reading my stories. Questions and comments are always welcome at lbr81050@gmail.com. This story is fiction regarding intimate relations regarding celebrities. Other than public identity, all other locations and parties are fictional, any similarities are coincidental.

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Uncle Charlie & Tots Chapter 2

Adam and Harrison rode down the elevator to the ballroom that was set up for the team's dining. Adam was his regular cool and relaxed self, although his smile was a shade brighter than before the rainout of the earlier game. Harrison was projecting his usual cocky, self-assured posture and attitude that was his persona. Every now and then the elevator would bounce and rumble as older elevators tend to do as they move up and down, the movement would cause the players some slight gravity pull. Adam smiled brighter as the next gravity pull made Harrison grimace slightly in the still mildly bow legged stance and would softly moan. Adam knew that Harrison was still feeling the after effects of their play just a short time earlier. Harrison looked up in the mirrored reflection into Adam's eyes and blushed at the shared understanding.

The elevator stopped about midway down and two couples entered, now the elevator was crowded. The new riders were having an animated conversation and were not paying any attention to the ball players. Harrison had to step closer to Adam in order to allow enough room, he let out a small moan as Adam put a hand on his shoulder and pulled Harrison back into Adam's front. The other guests failed to notice Harrison's reaction as they were too involved in themselves. The rest of the elevator trip downward went quickly, but for Harrison who was now feeling Adam's freeballing cock grinding into his ass it was taking an eternity. The ballplayers had locked eyes in the reflected surface of the elevator wall, Adam's showing an open hunger and lust and Harrison's showing a similar lust but a pleading about being so open in their play.

The riders all exited the elevator car as it reached the lobby floor. The two couples bounded out first, still in heavy conversation and still not paying any attention to athletes. Adam released his grip on Harrison, but Harrison took a moment in place before he moved away. Both men had enjoyed the semi public play and were showing some bulges in their shorts. The players exited the elevator and headed to the reserved area for dinner. They entered the ballroom and proceeded to the buffet line together. Soon plates were full of the fuel that the athletes needed. Harrison saw a table of his fellow outfieldmen, he made his way over and set his plate down. Then he went to get his drink from the beverage station. Adam steered to the table the pitchers were at to drop his plate and then go for his drink.

"Watch for me when it is time to go, Tots." Adam said quietly as they filled drinks together.

"Yes Uncle Charlie." Harrison replied in the same soft voice.

The two went to their separate tables, not causing any notice from their teammates. Well that was not entirely true, Yaddi was off to the side with a few of the vets and saw the interaction. Yaddi now smiled. Yaddi and Adam had been on the team for some time and working as a pitcher / catcher pair they were very close to each other. Yaddi was more than aware of Adam's enhanced libbedo and how much extra play that Adam needed to keep his calm and focused composure. Not that Adam and Yaddi had ever played together, they were just each other's confidants. Yaddi knew that Adam's missing buddy had now been replaced, which made Yaddi happy. A calm and collected Adam was what the team needed to be ready for the end of the season games. The team had a slump in the early to mid season, but were now starting to come together with a stronger rally. Adam's confidence would be inspiring to the other team members, Yaddi was ready for what was to come.

Adam had eaten his food and had then walked over to the tables that were set up with snacks that were available for the players to take back to their rooms. Yaddi had waited around and then joined Adam at the table. Adam smiled and bumped fists with Yaddi. Yaddi slid right next to Adam and leaned in.

"I see that look in your eye. Found a buddy replacement?" Yaddi said quietly as they picked up some snacks.

"Damn, am I that obvious? Yes, I think I have." Adam replied.

"No you are not obvious to everyone, but I know your signs. I am glad." Yaddi answered.

"Thanks, the next few days will be the true sign. I am hopeful though." Adam said in a more relieved tone.

"Have fun. Tots has a lot of young energy. It will do you both some benefit for that energy to be channeled." Yaddi said as he tagged Adam's arm with a play punch.

Adam smiled at his friend. Yaddi turned to leave as he had made his selections, as he did turn he gave Adam a player's slap on the ass. Adam jumped a bit at Yaddi's playful action. He finished up with his selections and returned to the drink station. Looking up Adam caught Harrison's attention. Harrison nodded and stood up, telling his friends that he thought it was time for him to return to his room. He had eaten more quickly than Adam had and had already picked up a selection of snacks to go. Harrison walked over and picked up a couple more sports drinks and added it to his bag, now he was with Adam. Adam noticed the addition to Harrison's already full bag, he raised an eyebrow to the outfielder.

"Have to keep hydrated and recharged." Harrison said in a playful banter that caused both men to chuckle.

The pair slipped out of the room together and made it to the elevator bank. Soon they were entering the elevator and selected their floor that was close to the top of the building. There were no other guests in the elevator, but Harrison stayed close to Adam. When the door closed, Adam snaked a long arm around Harrison's waist and pulled the blond back into his front like the ride down. Harrison let out a moan as he felt the close contact and then ground his ass back into Adam's cock. They stayed like this the rest of the ride up in the elevator. No other guests got on, so the pair was able to reach their floor quickly.

Adam moved his hand up to the back of Harrison's neck, using that connection Adam steered them to their room. Due to the booked full hotel and then a waterline break that fouled ten guest rooms, Harrison was assigned to share Adam's room. That room turned out to be a mini king suite, enough room for them to share, but only one bed. Adam and Harrison stowed their snacks on the pub table and put drinks in the mini fridge. Adam now with his free hands pulled his t-shirt off and tossed it on one of the chairs. Adam was kicking off his slides and was in the process of dropping his shorts as Harrison was staring at the almost nude pitcher. Adam nodded his head at Harrison, which broke the spell. Now Harrison was shedding clothes like a preschooler - clothing items flying everywhere as he removed them.

Adam smiled as he reached down and began to stroke his hanging slab of meat between his legs. Harrison let out a groan of pleasure as he saw Adam, but he was still tugging at his boxer briefs. Harrison's cock was straining the material and making it more of a challenge to remove the tight briefs. With a cry of relief Harrison's cock was free and slapped his abs. Harrison's green eyes had not left the sight of Adam's huge cock that was getting bigger with Adam's stroking. A shiver ran through Harrison's body as he noticed a bead of pre-cum start to form at Adam's piss slit. Adam noticed Harrison's reaction and he looked down at his cock, seeing the liquid treasure there. Adam raised his head and nodded to Harrison when they had made eye contact.

Harrison moved closer and then reached down to swipe a finger to collect the pearly liquid on Adam's cock head. Adam's cock was three quarters hard and jutting outward at this point. Harrison brought the pre-cum to his lips, taking a quick sniff before plunging the finger into his mouth. Harrison removed his now cleaned finger when Adam leaned over and pulled Harrison into a kiss. Hard, naked athletic flesh was grinding together as the two kissed. Adam's tongue was dominating Harrison's mouth and tongue. Adam's hands were running up and down Harrison's body, making sure to contact Harrison's hot spots he had mapped out from their play earlier that day. Harrison was moaning and grinding into the larger athlete as his sexual energy was rising. Adam pulled his mouth back, breaking the kiss.

"Tots, get back on that bed. I want to have my dessert of man flesh." Adam growled.

"Yes, Uncle!" Harrison purred as he turned and began to head toward the bedroom.

Harrison gave a sharp yip as Adam's extended range allowed the pitcher to give the outfielder a swat on the ass. Harrison was rubbing the spot as he crawled onto the bed, positioning himself in the middle and facing up. Harrison's cock was standing like a flag pole. Adam crawled up on the bed like he was stalking prey. Harrison gave a moan when Adam bent down and licked Harrison's ankle. Adam looked up to see Harrison start to move a hand on his cock. Adam swatted the hand away and Harrison looked briefly disappointed, but again moaned when Adam licked his other ankle. When Adam looked up next, Harrison gave up and put his hands behind his head, opening up his full body to Adam's potential play. Adam growled approval as he moved higher on Harrison's legs, licking and nibbling on the spot right behind the knee. Harrison gurgled with pleasure and a shiver ran up his body. Harrison's reaction was the same even though he knew what to expect when Adam switched legs.

Harrison could feel his cock start to leak. His cock was so hard it was twitching to his heart beat. Adam nuzzled along Harrison's inner thighs, pushing them out wider to give the pitcher more access. Adam glanced up at Harrison's bouncing cock and used a finger to swipe up the sticky-sweet liquid. Adam's long arm reached up and he was able to push the covered finger tip in Harrison's mouth as Adam moved to Harrison's other inner thigh. Harrison closed his mouth around the finger, sucking his own essence from Adam's finger and moaning.

Adam pushed upward and moved his body on top of the outfielder's. Harrison gave a cry out as he felt the weight and friction of Adam's body against his. Adam pushed his lips against Harrison's, parting them and darting his tongue inside. Adam brought his arms up to drape on Harrison's, lifting them over Harrison's head as they kissed deeply. Harrison was moaning into Adam's mouth and trying to grind up into Adam's flesh, cock rubbing against cock.

Adam lifts his face up, breaking the kiss and staring into Harrison's lust filled green eyes. Harrison is breathing heavily as he is so keyed up sexually, while Adam is calm and in control. Adam slides up and begins to lick and nibble on Harrison's wrists and inner arms, but still keeping a solid grip on them. Adam continues moving down Harrison's arms getting closer and closer to the blond covered pits. Harrison gives another cry out as Adam scruffs up the inner biceps where the flesh is tender. Adam then dips his face into one of Harrison's pits. Harrison's back arched as he moaned and cried out from Adam's tongue began to lick the fuzzy blond hairs.

"Oh god! OH GOD! NOOOOO! NOOOOOOOOO!" Harrison began to cry out as Adam's tongue was tickling his pits.

Adam lifted his face, now wet with spit and he leered over at Harrison.

"Is my Tots ticklish?" Adam questioned in a mischievous voice.

Not waiting for an answer, Adam buried his face back in the spit wet pit. Harrison was now trying to struggle and keep from laughing. Adam's body weight, size and grip on Harrison's wrists kept Harrison from being freed. Adam chuckled as he continued to lick and nuzzle Harrison's pit to a chorus of yips and laughs. Adam lifted his head and Harrison sighed in relief but it was for naught, Adam dipped his head to Harrison's other pit.

"OH NO! OHHH! FUUUCCCKKK! BWAA! BWAAAHHHAAAHHH!" Harrison cried out as Adam attacked his second pit.

Harrison may have been struggling and laughing, but his body was responding to it. Harrison's nipples were like sharp spikes on his sun bronzed chest and his cock was rock hard and leaking more then before. Adam continued to lick and nuzzle with no mercy to Harrison's cries. If Harrison could see Adam's face, Harrison would have know how much trouble he was in for as Adam's look was fevered, horny and slightly evil.


Adam lifted his face up, his cheeks gleaming with spit and a smug grin shining. Harrison was huffing and puffing, trying to regain his breath as Adam has stopped working his sensitive pits. Since Harrison had called uncle, Adam decided to give the outfielder's pits a break. Adam moved to kiss and lick along Harrison's collarbone then to the hollow if his neck. Harrison started breathing heavily again. Adam continued down the trimmed chest, stopping with his lips around one of Harrison's spike hard nipples. The cries and laughter was replaced with loud moaning as Adam began to suck and nibble on Harrison's nipple.

Adam switched to the other nipple and Harrison's moaning became even more impassioned. Harrison was trying to grind his hard cock into Adam's abs that were still pressed down on top of him. Adam still had a grip on Harrison's wrists and was using his body weight to restrict Harrison's other movements. Harrison was turned on by both the nipple attention and the body restrictions, his moans and groans were getting louder.

Adam pushed his torso upwards, but forced his hips downwards against Harrison's body. Adam kept one hand holding Harrison's wrists as he leaned over the outfielder's body. Harrison was staring up into Adam's hazel eyes, not trying to hide his excitement or lust from the pitcher who was pinning him to the bed. Adam reached down with his free hand and used his fingers to close Harrison's eyelids. Harrison let out a moan in anticipation of what would be coming next. A shiver ran through Harrison's body as Adam's fingers traced down Harrison's chin and throat. Harrison then felt the hand brush over each hard nipple, which caused another set of moans. Harrison was anxious to find out where he would be touched next.

"BAAAWWWAAAAHHHAA! OOOOHHHH GOD! BAAWWAAHH! OH! BAAWWAAAHHHAAAHHHAAA! UNCLE!!!!!!" Harrison was laughing and crying with his eyes that had shot open as Adam was now tickling Harrison's sides and ribs.

Harrison thinking to himself, 'Oh Fuck! How could he know how ticklish I am? Now what am I going to do?"


Harrison was trying to struggle, but with Adam's pelvis pushing into his and Adam's hand still holding his wrists together. Adam did not say anything but kept tickling Harrison, showing no mercy or sign that he was going to stop. Harrison was crying, laughing, and gasping for air, but his cock was getting harder and leaking more in his thrashing under Adam's control of his body. The crying turned to pleading as Harrison could not handle the tickling any more.

"PLEASE UNCLE CHARLIE! I WILL DO ANYTHING! ANYTHING AT ALL! JUST PLEASE STOP! PLEASE UNCLE CHARLIE!" Harrison finally got out between long bursts of laughter.

Adam lifted his hand away from Harrison's sides and ribs and he reached out and tipped Harrison's chin down, tilting the outfielder's eyes to look directly into his own. Harrison was still gasping for breath, glad to have the tickling stop.

"Anything, Tots? You said anything?" Adam said in a husky voice, just louder than a whisper.

"Yes Uncle Charlie, anything." Harrison answered, staring straight into Adam's eyes.

Adam pressed his lips back on Harrison's and started to plow his tongue in and around Harrison's mouth. Harrison melted into Adam's fervent kiss, moaning into Adam's mouth. Adam was now grinding his body against Harrison's, frotting their cocks together. Quickly their abs were covered in sticky pre-cum. Adam reached around and hugged Harrison close to his body. Then Adam rolled the pair of them over, now Harrison was on top of Adam's body.

Before Harrison could come to grips of the change of position, Adam broke their kiss. Reaching down, Adam hooked an arm under Harrison's leg and began to manhandle Harrison around. Soon Harrison was staring at Adam's huge monster of a cock and Adam was looking right into Harrison's ass crack. Harrison wasted no time or opportunity as he opened his mouth and began to swallow the pitcher's ten plus inch cock. Harrison moaned around the big tool in his mouth as he felt Adam's tongue attack his pucker. Adam gripped each of Harrison's ass cheeks to spread them wider as he pressed his tongue into the blond's pink pucker that was still a little puffy from their earlier play.

Harrison was working his mouth and tongue all over the hard piece of steel between his lips. His head was now bouncing up and down on Adam's cock as he tried to get more of Adam's length into his mouth and throat. Harrison moaned again as Adam pushed two fingers in his hole and continued to lick and suck on his ass lips. Harrison was now trying to get Adam's cock as slippery as possible, he needed it to be in him again. Adam had reached under and began to playfully squeeze Harrison's balls as Adam's fingers were sliding in and out of Harrison's pucker. Harrison was trying to grind back, arch his hips and bury his face on Adam's cock all at once.

"Ride" Adam snapped as he popped his fingers out of Harrison's ass and swatted an ass cheek.

Harrison harrumphed at the swat, his mouth was full of the huge cock that was going to be in him shortly. Harrison pulled his head off as he felt another swat from Adam's hand for taking too long. Harrison crawled down Adam's body as he got closer to Adam's cock he had to stand up. Looking back, Adam had placed his hands behind his head and was watching as Harrison reached over himself to grip Adam's cock and begin to squat down. Harrison had to face forward as he felt the hot cock head at his slicked pucker entrance. He had to bear down while trying to open himself up to accept the large cock.

After several seconds and a few bounces, Adam's cock head pushed past Harrison's outer ass ring. Harrison gasped as the large mushroom head had stretched his hole out. Adam gave a soft moan as he felt the velvet-like steel grip around the top of his cock. Harrison joined Adam in the moan as he slowly lowered himself down. As he was still somewhat stretched out from before dinner it did not take Harrison as long to be fully impaled by the monster cock.

Harrison reached forward and held onto the bed as he tilted and lifted to slide the cock back out of his ass. Harrison reversed the motion and began to lower back after he was just over half way, letting gravity help and dropping down hard. Adam gave an appreciative groan as Harrison landed down so hard and then used his ass muscles to squeeze Adam's cock. Harrison released the squeeze before lifting up and dropping back with a squeeze at the bottom. Harrison continued this for a few minutes and was able to lift higher before dropping back down.

Adam was gurgling in pleasure as Harrison added a squeeze at the top before he dropped back down. Adam's cock head enjoyed the tightness, he gave Harrison a good slap on the ass to which Harrison yipped. Harrison continued this pattern at a steady tempo, bouncing and squeezing on Adam's cock. Both men were moaning as the tension built higher and higher.

When Harrison dropped down next, Adam latched onto Harrison's hips. Leaning forward himself and pushing Harrison towards the end of the bed. Harrison moved as he could with Adam's cock lodged deeply in his ass. Soon Harrison's arms walked down off the bed and were on the floor, his knees were just on the mattress and his body hanging off. Adam slid a bit of his length up, still deep in Harrison's ass, as he stood up and straddled Harrison's upturned ass.

Now Harrison was stationary as Adam began to plunge his cock in and out of Harrison's ass. This position was allowing Adam's long cock to push deeper in Harrison's recesses. Harrison was reduced to groans and drooling as Adam worked his ass. Adam varied the tempo and depth of each stroke down, pushing Harrison to a higher sexual tension experience than he had had before. Each downward thrust that Adam made caused Harrison to compress towards the floor. Harrison was having to push his hands down on the floor to stabilize, this added pressure into which Adam was able to pound harder. Harrison could only moan and groan as Adam's cock was plunging deeply into his chute.

Adam pulled out after several minutes in the new position. He was getting closer but wanted to see Harrison's face as they both shot their loads. Adam stepped down off the bed and Harrison was breathing heavy again from being head down. Slowly Harrison pushed himself back up on the bed while Adam was digging in his bag. Both men were covered in a sheen of sweat from their activities so far, Harrison flipped over and was watching the tall sexy man lean over as he was sorting in his suitcase. Harrison could not help his cock from getting even harder just seeing his team crush, nude and glistening from their sex together. Harrison's hand came down to stroke his cock, tugging on his balls every so often just staring at Adam's ass with balls hanging down under. Harrison groaned.

Adam straightened up and turned his head at the sound, he chuckled as he saw Harrison stroking his cock reclined on the bed. Harrison groaned again as Adam turned his body and Adam's huge cock was jutting almost straight out, gleaming from their sex not so many moments ago. Adam had a long black strap in his hands with some adjustable cuffs at the ends. As he walked back over to the bed he was extending the strap out, Harrison looked at it and raised an eyebrow.

"This is a modified harness sling. It is great for travel as you do not need to suspend it. This will help keep you spread wide open, but still able to use your hands and have access to your cock." Adam said with a smile.

"I am excited Uncle Charlie!" Harrison said in a husky voice.

"I can see, Tots." Adam responded as he climbed on the bed and gave Harrison a tug on his cock. "Lift up your shoulders and let me slide the harness on you."

Harrison sat up and let Adam stretch the harness straps behind him. Adam pushed Harrison's chest back to the bed and then reached down and lifted up one of Harrison's legs. The cuff attachment allowed for Harrison's foot to push through and then tighten back to support it with Harrison's ankle. Adam then repeated this with Harrison's other leg. Once both legs were attached, Adam then made some adjustments to the straps, pulling them tighter and lifting Harrison's legs up and apart. Harrison reached down and ran his fingers over his ass lips now exposed as he was spread open. Harrison pushed a finger in and moaned.

Adam chuckled as he swatted the finger from Harrison's ass and then gave Harrison's balls a good tug. Harrison groaned again. Adam used the straps on the side to pull Harrison to the side of the bed, his newly exposed ass just hanging off. Adam leaned between Harrison's legs and bent down to plant a kiss on the outfielder's lips. Harrison met his kiss with equal fervor, their tongues were flashing between each other's mouths. Harrison was able to run his hands up and down on Adam's body, especially Adam's chest and neck. Adam ran his hands up and down Harrison's lifted legs, firm enough to not be tickling. Harrison moaned into their kiss.

Adam lowered his hips as he moved the tip of his rigid member to Harrison's pucker entrance. Harrison cooed at the feeling of the cock head just resting there. Adam moved his hands to grip Harrison's shoulders just as he thrust forward, bouncing his balls off Harrison's ass. Grunting, Harrison looked deeply in Adam's hazel eyes as Adam pulled back to just the cock head and then thrust in hard again. The new position let Adam's cock head slide deep with ease, adding extra thrust bounced his pelvis harder against Harrison's ass. Harrison broke the kiss as Adam started to swiftly pummel his ass. The two still has locked eyes as Adam pounded away.

Harrison was able to relax into the thrusts differently with the harness sling taking the weight and position strain of lifting his legs. Resting his head back Harrison stared up as Adam was moving like a piston in and out of his hole. Harrison reached up and caressed Adam's jaw line, his hand then trailed down Adam's neck to his broadly muscled chest. Adam grinned down at Harrison, giving a grunt as Harrison grabbed a nipple and squeezed it. Harrison smirked as he moved his other hand to his own nipple and then was playing with them both at the same time.

Opening his mouth Harrison let out a lusty moan, while he began experimenting with tightening his ass muscles as Adam's cock moved in and out. As Harrison would bear down, Adam would pound in using the grip on Harrison's shoulders to ensure full penetration. Both men were moaning at variations in play. The extra pressure and power that Harrison was experiencing was making his climax start to build. His moans became needy as he wanted all of Adam's cock in him. Harrison moved his hands down Adam's and his body until he could feel his ass lips and Adam's cock sliding in and out. The look of fiery lust intensified as he could feel Adam's hard cock pounding in and then pull back, Harrison let out a long moan of pleasure.

Adam moved his grip from Harrison's shoulders to Harrison's chest, putting a nipple between each thumb and index finger. Adam began to massage each of Harrison's nipples to points, the strong pitcher's grip sending lightening bolts of pleasure through Harrison's body. Harrison let out a cry and arched his back, tilting his hips at Adam's play. Harrison moved his hands to his bouncing cock, the continued pressure of Adam's pumping and the tweaking of his nipples was pushing Harrison even closer to a climax.

Adam noticed the movement and the change of excitement level of the blond under him. Harrison began to jack his cock in the same rhythm that Adam was plowing him in. Adam had been holding himself back from climaxing too soon, now he was letting go. Eyes blazing and boring into each other, the two men were moving like oiled machinery; grunts and moans echoed through the bedroom only to be punctuated with the slapping of Adam's flesh into Harrison's and Harrison's pounding fist on his own cock.

Harrison's toes started to curl and being in the harness sling, Adam could see quite easily as the tension steadily ran down Harrison's legs. Harrison's breathing had become more rapid and his steady gaze was now flickering as his eyes were twitching. Adam chose that moment to roughly flicker his thumbs over both of Harrison's rock hard nipples. Harrison started to gurgle and growl as his pleasure and pain were building to an incredible level.

"UNCLE.... FUCKING..... CHARLIE....." Harrison yelled as his body started to quiver.

Just then Harrison's balls started to explode. Jets of cum began streaming out of Harrison's cock. The first five went well over Harrison's head. The next few sprayed his hair and eyes. The last few hit his mouth and chin. When he tasted his own cum, he was almost ready to pass out from the pleasure.

The whole time that Harrison had been coating the bed and then himself in his own cum, his ass was quivering and gripping Adam's steadily pounding cock. When Harrison cried out his name Adam was already close, but as Harrison's climax crested that was when Adam felt his balls pull up like a rocket. Wave after wave of his best swimmers were shooting out of his cock and filling Harrison's quaking chute. Adam pumped his hips as fast as he could and his cock was spraying deep in Harrison's ass, filling up and then dripping out.

With a final grunt Adam made his last thrust in before he fell forward onto Harrison's front. Adam's cock was still embedded in Harrison and Adam's last jets of cum pumped into the outfielder's receptive ass. The men were still huffing and puffing from their explosive climaxes when their eyes met again. Hazel eyes and green eyes were locked like laser beams. Harrison gave a gasp and Adam grunted before they resumed kissing. Harrison was mostly trapped beneath Adam's body as he was still in the sling and on bottom, but his mouth and tongue were all over Adam's mouth. Adam appeared to feel a physical presence of Harrison's passion and emotion. It renewed his vigor and soon Adam was returning Harrison's passion as well.

Adam had only lost a little firmness to his cock after his orgasm, but with the powerful making out he was now fully hard again. The fact that he was still deep in Harrison's ass did not hurt either. The way that Harrison was grinding upward as he could, Adam could tell that Harrison's cock was full mast as well. Adam knew that he had at least one more large climax in him before he needed rest, but he guessed that Harrison could give a few more.

Adam broke the kiss and pulled his body up and back. Harrison moaned as the full ten plus inches cleared his hole with a popping sound. Adam was correct, Harrison's cock was now standing at full attention. Not removing the sling straps, Adam lowered his head and engulfed the top part of Harrison's cock in his mouth. Adam began to pump his mouth up and down on the hard member and he felt Harrison bring his hands down on Adam's head. Not that Adam needed guidance, as his oral skills were superb. Soon Harrison's cock head was slipping in and out of Adam's throat while Adam was added a hard swallow to massage the younger man's cock head even more. Words could not have come out of Harrison's mouth even if he tried at that moment.

Adam continued his deep head bobbing as he was gobbling down Harrison's prick. Harrison was quickly feeling another climax begin to rise. He was groaning and moaning, his head thrown back in passion. Harrison was using his hands now to control the speed and depth of Adam's bobbing. Adam relaxed his jaw and used more tongue as Harrison took over the pace. Adam's face was buried in the blond pubes so he could not see the same toe curling sign of Harrison's pending explosion. Adam could hear that Harrison was grunting and starting to growl in a low, gravelly sound.

The shout next was all the warning that Adam got as his mouth and throat began to be filled with spurt after spurt of jizz. Harrison's hands had gripped Adam's hair and was being forced with as much leverage as the outfielder could muster to force his cock further into Adam's mouth. Adam was swallowing as best he could and with this being a second load after such a large one, Adam was managing to get most of it. The final grunt and twitch from Harrison, then the grip on Adam's head loosened. Adam took over the last few bobs, causing more twitches and moans from Harrison.

"Please stop Uncle Charlie! Please!" Harrison was now pleading as his cock needed a break.

Adam slowly sucked off Harrison's cock with tight lips all the way to the tip of Harrison's cock head. Harrison shuddered as at last, his cock was free from Adam's talented mouth. Adam looked up and licked his puffy lips to capture any stay cum from them. Adam hummed as he reached up and loosened the bindings and straps from the harness sling. Adam massaged each leg as he lowered them to the bed, Harrison happily moaned. Then Adam loosened the harness and pulled it over Harrison's head. Tossing it aside, Adam climbed back on the bed and pulled Harrison into a cuddle, Harrison as the little spoon. Harrison snuggled back into Adam's tall frame and relaxed as Adam's top leg and arm pulled Harrison in closer.

"You like the way that Uncle Charlie plays, Tots?" Adam whispered into Harrison's ear as he nibbled on it.

"Yes, Uncle Charlie!" Harrison purred as he ground back into Adam's body.

The pair cuddled for a few minutes without talking or moving much, they were just enjoying the afterglow of their exertion. After a bit Adam slipped his hand down to Harrison's chest and lazily began to play with Harrison's nipple. Harrison started to purr like a cat and his body was wiggly against Adam's. Adam continued to play and Harrison shifted his ass to try and rub against Adam's cock. Adam's dick was starting to firm up again and Harrison's wiggling finally positioned between Harrison's ass crack. Harrison sighed and then was tilting his hips back and forth, sliding his ass along Adam's hardening member. Adam nuzzled against Harrison's ear.

"Does my Tots need some more cock?" Adam whispered in a low, sexy voice.

"Yes, Uncle Charlie!" Harrison replied quickly as he was increasing his pelvis tilting, moving Adams cock along his crack.

"Turn your head then." Adam said in the same low voice.

Harrison turned his head at the same time that Adam did, their faces met and Adam started to kiss and lick Harrison's face. Harrison cooed at the kisses and then sighed as Adam gripped Harrison's hip and positioned his cock head at Harrison's pucker entrance. Harrison gurgled in pleasure as Adam slid his hips forward and pushed his cock into Harrison's slicked entrance. Adam continued to tease and play with Harrison's chest switching between nipples and still was giving the younger man kisses and licks to the face. Harrison was trying to tilt his hips to be as open to Adam's cock as he could and was reveling in the soft, playful nature of this exchange. Adam coupled them for several minutes, his cock working in and out without problem.

Adam's large cock was working against Harrison's gland, the spooning position was making it easy access. Harrison would moan as Adam's large cock head would brush against it. His own cock had risen and Adam would drop his chest teasing hand down to fondle Harrison's balls or give the shaft a gentle tug. Harrison was cooing into the slow easy pace, letting the sensations wash over his body. Adam kept the pace low and slow.

Harrison was starting to feel another climax begin to build, his third after dinner. The easy, relaxed pace that Adam was using to fuck him was making Harrison even more horny than a quick, pump and dump meeting. This was something that he had never had before, Harrison was letting his emotions be exposed on his face. Adam noticed the change and was sure to kiss the corners of Harrison's eyes and lips in a sensual manner. A tear of joy dripped from Harrison's eye and Adam caught it before it made it past Harrison's cheek. Adam pulled Harrison in tighter as he slid his cock in and out.

Adam continued to rock his hips, flexing his cock in and out of Harrison's ass. Adam started to nuzzle against Harrison's neck. Harrison was still building for his next climax and the rough scrapping on his neck was pushing him closer. Harrison started to make a whimpering, moan sound reflecting the level of sensitivity and sensuality he was feeling. Unable to help himself, Harrison started to try and rock his hips to meet Adam's strokes in. Adam smiled and provided a matching thrust power.

Harrison added some internal clenching of his ass muscles as Adam's cock was pulling out. Adam gave a sigh and then a grunt as Harrison's pulsing picked up more frequency and power. The gentle pacing that Adam had set earlier was now picked up by both of them. Adam was holding onto Harrison's hip as he was now pounding more forcefully, both men were grunting. Adam started to growl at his second climax building. He had been steadily milking it since he started the relaxed spooning start, now it was getting closer. Adam tightened his hand around Harrison's rigid member, stroking in a hard and fast manner.

"OH I'M CLOSE! UNCLE CHARLIE! OH OH OH! GAAAAWWWWDDD!" Harrison screamed as his orgasam crested.

Adam was growling louder as he began slamming harder into Harrison's quaking ass. Adam's fist was still pumping as Harrison's cock was shooting jets of cum. Harrison was grunting and moaning as Adam was plowing his ass and jerking Harrison's shooting cock. Even having this be Harrison's third load to shoot since dinner, he was still delivering a healthy amount of cum. Waves of pleasure were washing over Harrison's body with each jet of his own cum and with each hearty pound of Adam's cock in his ass.

Adam's growl progressed into a full throaty roar. Adam stopped pounding his fist on Harrison's cock, instead using it as an anchor point in his power fuck he was now throwing Harrison. Harrison cried out as Adam turned on more power thrusting. Adam's roar was getting louder, all of a sudden Adam's body started to vibrate, he was so close to shooting off. Then Adam let go.

"AAAAHHHHHEEEEEAAAAHHHHHHH!" Adam screamed at the top of his lungs, rattling Harrison's post climax body.

Adam's cock was jetting his boiling cum deep in Harrison's chute. The heat and volume was making Harrison gasp. Adam pumped seven or eight full jets in before he gave a final, forceful thrust in. Adam's body collapsed on top of Harrison's. Harrison still felt another pulses of cum pump in even after Adam's last thrust. Harrison was moaning as loudly now as when he was being pounded, shivers were coursing through his body.

Adam revived some after giving such a thorough sexual experience for both men. Harrison, still in Adam's encompassing grip and with Adam's cock still buried deep, gave a sated and contented sigh. Adam gave a chuckle that was deep and rumbling as he pulled Harrison in tighter. Harrison had a goofy grin as he turned his head to stare into Adam's eyes. The pair shared a deep and bonding look.

"Uncle Charlie, that is what Tots' needed. I am not sure if I have ever been made love to like that before." Harrison purred.

"That Tots is what we will have to work on. That is how you deserve to feel each time. You are a special man and very special to your Uncle Charlie." Adam replied in a soft, deep voice.

The pair drifted off to sleep, tightly bound to each other. Harrison pulled Adam's arms around him. Grins spread on each man's face. Snores then dominated the bedroom that was still awash with sweaty, man-sex smells. They were happy.

Next: Chapter 3

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