Uncle Charlie and Tots

By L Stone

Published on Aug 10, 2021


Thank you for reading my stories. Questions and comments are always welcome at lbr81050@gmail.com. This story is fiction regarding intimate relations regarding celebrities. Other than public identity, all other locations and parties are fictional, any similarities are coincidental.

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Uncle Charlie & Tots

Chapter 1

Adam had thrown his gear bag under the team bus in a hurry. 'Oh how I hate rain out games!' he thought as he climbed on and found his seat marked with Wainwright above it.

It was like the sky had opened up a river and poured it out of the ballfield today. He got in two innings of three up and three down before they called it. His Cardinals uniform was stuck to his tall frame like a coat of paint from the rain.

When he had entered the dugout after his last out, he could feel every movement of the wet fabric. It made his jock fill out as he plumped up. He loved how the uniform rubbed against his skin. It took him some time sitting for his cock to settle down before he undid his pants and peeled them off. Even then he filled out his jock.

Adam was a tall guy and had big feet. He always chuckled when people would stare at his crotch to see if he was big there, too. His smug grin usually answered the casual observer, but he could not hide the monster between his legs when he showered with the team. Soft, Adam was close to six inches and to his partner's surprise he was a grower not a shower. Hard, he was close to ten and a half inches long and quite thick. It was not a cock that you could just surprise on someone.

Adam quickly stripped the rest of the way down and grabbed his towel. As the game was called there were not a bunch of reporters milling about, so Adam threw the towel over his shoulder and headed into the showers. His cock was still semi-firm and was bouncing between his thighs as he walked. Adam missed that he had a more than casual observer as he proceeded to the shower.

Harrison smiled as he positioned himself to watch his huge crush on the team. Harrison had been very discrete in his crushes, even since middle school when he and all his buddies started hitting puberty and began getting more than boy sized pricks. He knew even back then that what he wanted was between the other guy's legs, but in the environment he was in it would not have been safe for him to make overt actions in that regard. He had a few close friends that "traded" jacking and then oral, but not much beyond that. Once most of his buddies found girls, that extra fun was over.

Harrison had tried to fit in with what was expected of him. He dated many girls in high school and then college. He used some online hook up apps occasionally. He also had taken to frequenting a few seedier adult theaters and clubs to satisfy his true yearnings.

When he signed on with the ball club, he was getting too much media attention so he had to put the brakes on his extra outings. He returned to being more discrete, hitting a few guys on Grindr and similar apps. Harrison had made sure to frequently delete the apps and set up new profiles and none showed his face or a wide shot of his body that would be identifiable.

All in all, Harrison was doing a great smoke screen hiding of his true nature. He had resumed his crushes on teammates like he did back in school. That and a healthy amount of jerking, almost 6 to 7 times a day - impressive as he was in his mid-twenties. Still he was horned up almost all the time.

Since the game was called before he batted more than once and only had two innings as an outfielder to run off energy, Harrison was wound tight and needed some sexual relief. It did not help that in this locker room, his locker was very close to Adam's. Just the thought of that tall, trim body made his cock pulse. The sight of Adam walking by with just a towel around his shoulders and cock swinging, made Harrison gulp and have to do some cleansing breaths before he could strip himself.

Harrison did not have anything to be ashamed about. The sport's activities and workouts kept his slender frame, toned and tight. His cock was respectable four inches when soft but only got to about seven when hard. The curly blond hair that everyone loved on his head also covered his pits and his bush. He trimmed both, but left them longer than most guys that do trim.

Harrison's best asset was his toned and rounded ass. The leg workouts and running had not really trimmed his glutes down much. It was just short of being a bubble. There had been more than one guy that loved slapping and pounding that firm postier. He was very cautious though and kept up with testing and being safe.

Harrison had always liked the older guys on his teams. It was not like he had daddy issues, he really was not attracted to his coaches or anything. He just really looked up to his teammates who were more experienced. Not since he was in high school had he played with any of his teammates though, just for fear of being found out.

Adam for Harrison checked all the boxes. Adam was a powerful, sexy, older guy. The uber mascalent body and smile, paired with the warm hazel eyes got Harrison's motor running. Even though Adam was six foot seven, his proportions were so that he did not appear lanky or ackward. In turn Adam's monster cock was also in proportion to his frame, but Harrison knew from showering next to him a few times just how big it was - only soft though.

Thankfully Harrison's dawlding in getting undressed allowed enough time for Adam to be finishing up with his shower just as Harrison was entering. They shared a cheerful smile and nod as they passed each other. Harrison was sighing in relief as he was sure he would sprout wood with Adam in there.

Harrison was able to rush through his shower and hurry to get dressed before they needed to head to the bus. It was still raining so he hustled to get his gear bag under before he bounced up onto the bus. Just as he was passing one of the coaches who was in charge of room assignments, he got stopped.

"Tots, your assigned room got flooded with a burst pipe. They do not have any other rooms for the night. You are going to have to bunk up with someone. The only person who is not already doubled up is Uncle Charlie. So, follow him when we get there. I am going to tell him now." Coach explained.

"Ok Coach." Harrison said with some chagrin.

Harrison was not overly fond of the nickname 'Tots' but when your last name is Bader it is only natural that someone pegs you with that one. He had been close to outgrowing it when he came up to the majors but a college buddy of his came to one of the opening games and kept yelling for Tots to hit a homer. The other players and coaches picked it up and now he was stuck with it.

Worse yet for Harrison was that he was overly horned up and now would be sharing a room with Adam - his biggest team crush. "Uncle Charlie" was Adam's screen name on several of his fantasy football leagues that Adam gave to proceeds to charity. His nickname fit him to a tee. The coaches knew that Adam would always be open to help out a younger teammate in situations like this. It just was going to make Harrison even more frustrated than he already was and now without relief. Harrison groaned as he found his seat with Bader above it.

The bus did not pull out for several more minutes. The rain was still going hard and some of the team were taking their time getting dressed and out. Finally the last team member and the assistant coach assigned for locker room sweep boarded and found their seats. Now it was a quick drive to the hotel. Well it would have been quick but the rain was causing some lower areas to flood, so the bus had to make several detours to reach the hotel. There was a collective sigh as the bus pulled up under the covered entrance and came to a stop.

The team started to disembark from the bus. It was a slow process as they could leave their gear bags stowed under the bus, but had to pick up their regular luggage. Adam was close to the coaches in the front and made it out fairly quickly. He found and collected his luggage and stepped close to the hotel entrance to wait on Harrison. The coach doing room assignments came from the hotel and handed Adam card keys for both of them.

Finally Harrison stepped from the bus. Adam knew that he sat closer to the back, like most of the younger guys on the team. Since most of the luggage was already picked up, Harrison was able to retrieve his luggage quickly. Bags in hand Harrison scanned the entrance for Adam. Adam waved as he saw Harrison's gaze. Smiles on both their parts they headed inside.

Their room was on one of the top floors of the hotel. Adam handed Harrison a keycard as they were waiting for an elevator. Harrison fiddled with the keycard and it slipped from his fingers, falling to the ground. With a nervous chuckle he bent down to retrieve it. As Harrison went to return to standing, he looked up and right into Adam's crotch. Stunned, Harrison paused a moment before standing with an 'oops' shrug. Adam was grinning, but swore that he heard a slight moan and a sniff from Harrison before Harrison had stood up.

The elevator opened and the pair rode up to their floor. They exited the elevator and headed to the room on the keycard. It was at the end of the hall, a corner room. Adam opened the door and held it open for Harrison to walk through. It was a mini suite and had a small living room with two comfy chairs, a pub table with stools , mini-fridge and bar, and a desk in it. Harrison walked through to the bedroom and then stopped as he entered the doorways at the bedroom and bathroom junction.

"Oh, Dude there is a problem." Harrison said.

"What? Is it dirty or something?" Adam asked as he set his luggage down by the pub table.

"No, it is clean here. There is only one bed though - king sized, but one." Harrison said.

Adam had walked up behind Harrison and placed a hand on the younger man's shoulder, peering in. Harrison fought to stifle a moan, which he turned into a cough like noise. The close contact and then touch from Adam was making Harrison more horny and frustrated in turn. Harrison's crotch swelled some.

"Ok, let me call down to the desk." Adam said as he removed his hand from Harrison's shoulder and gave the outfielder a playful slap on the ass.

This time Harrison was unable to control the moan. Adam had already turned, but heard it clearly. He got a grin on his face, but erased it quickly. Adam picked up the phone on the desk and called the front desk. He chatted with the clerk and then the desk manager before he thanked them and set down the phone. He turned to find Harrison still in the doorway where Adam had left him, just turned around and his backpack being held in front of his waist.

"Sorry bud, bad news. This is the only room they have. They are booked solid and the pipe break that ruined your original room was one of ten rooms affected. We get to suck it up and bunk together tonight." Adam said.

A look of frustration passed through Harrison's face before he answered, "Well, we will have to make the best of it. I guess."

"Sure, it will be fine. It is just us guys. No problems, right?" Adam replied with a grin. Then he continued before Harrison could answer, "How about we get settled. We can do it."

Adam picked up his luggage again and headed into the bedroom. He brushed against Harrison as if by accident and got the stifled moan again. Adam's grin returned as he looked at the bedroom. It was a large king sized bed with plenty of room even for the two athletes. There was another easy chair and a small table against a large floor to ceiling window, looking out over the rainy city.

Adam set his luggage down by the dresser with the large tv over it. He began to unpack his things. He looked over at Harrison still stalled in the doorway to the bathroom. Adam motioned with his head to reinforce his earlier comment. Harrison took a breath and then moved to the other end of the dresser before he began to unpack as well.

"Coach said dinner will not be ready until 7:00. That gives us a couple of hours to relax." Adam said as he unpacked. Then, "I know we have both showered, so we can just hang out. Oh and I brought some relaxation supplies."

Adam lifted a bottle of Scotch from a protected case in his luggage. He set it on the dresser and then looked up at Harrison's questioning look.

"I like to unwind with good stuff. It is unlikely that they have this in the mini-bar. Even if they did it would cost way more than I would spend on it." Adam chuckled and that made Harrison grin.

"I usually just have a beer or two. I enjoy drinking the beers at the time, but hate it later at how much it costs when the deduction hits my room budget." Harrison condeded.

Adam was as unpacked as he needed. He was just about to say something else when a group text pinged both the guys' phones. Adam and Harrison pulled out their phones to read the message. The coaches were letting the team know that the game was being rescheduled in two days, making it a double header. Also they would be staying in town, not leaving and coming back as that would be too expensive. They would not have a team training the next day, only requesting everyone do some extended cardio. Also that meals would be available in the large meeting rooms with the times.

The message left Adam relieved. He did not like to make quick, short trips and then try to pitch games. His feeling did not match the look on Harrison's face. Harrison had a mix of anguish and frustration. He was already horned up and frustrated, now with no outlet. He could not shower and have some alone time to relieve his aching balls. Worse yet, he would not be able to sneak out or have someone come up for a hookup. Harrison was deep in his own reaction that he missed Adam's smirk.

Adam had suspected that Harrison might be attracted to guys. Adam being a big guy who had developed at an early age always caught the attention of other guys in the locker room and showers. He had dated the same girl since high school who was now his wife. Adam had never strayed with another woman. Adam found that it was easier and safer to have guys to take care of his extra needs. His libedo was always in overdrive - sports helped channel it, but he needed relief often. Adam was currently looking for a friend to help him out, as his most recent buddy had left the team.

Adam decided to push the situation and see if he was correct about Harrison. He gave a loud sigh and he started to strip. Adam kicked off his shoes as he pulled his shirt over his head. Adam's arms going up flagged Harrison's attention from his unpacking, he turned and started to stare at Adam.  

Adam caught the motion in the reflection of the TV. Smothering his smirk, he pulled his shirt off and tossed it on his suitcase. Next he hooked his thumbs in the waistband of his training pants. He pulled them down to reveal that he was going commando. Adam liked the feel of the fabric caressing his skin, it turned him on. He did not even want to wear a jock after he got out of the shower at the stadium, so his long, flaccid cock was hanging down between his thighs. As if unconsciously he reached down and scratched his low hanging balls.

Hand still holding his junk, Adam turns to Harrison, "So roomie, I hope you are ok with seeing me naked. I did not bring jammies and after the humidity of the rain I want to air out."

Harrison was looking flustered and trying not to blush and stare at the same time, he answered, "Yea, sure. Whatever makes you happy."

Harrison turned back forward and finished his unpacking. His cock pulsed in his boxer briefs. He started to move away when Adam called out.

"Dude, tell me you are going to stay all buttoned up. How can you be relaxed in all those clothes? Come on, it is just us." Adam said quietly, coaxingly.

"Uh.. I.. mean..." Harrison started as he turned his head towards Adam, to see Adam lightly running his hand the length of his long cock shaft.

Looking up, Harrison met Adam's eyes and started to blush. Harrison knew that he had been caught taking more than just a glance at Adam's huge cock. Adam was smiling now, still stroking his cock.

"You want to look at this cock, don't you? You want to touch it? You want to lick it?" Adam asked in a low, droning voice.

Harrison's eyes were drawn back down to the motion of Adam's hand as it glided up and down on the cock shaft. A drop of pre-cum started to pool at Adam's piss slit, Adam collected it with his fingers that he slowly spread apart. Harrison's eyes were locked on the sticky strands as they spread from between Adam's fingers.

Adam returned to stroking his cock that was starting to plump up. Harrison's eyes got round as he witnessed how big Adam's cock was getting. Adam reached down and stretched his balls some, then resumed stroking, all the while Harrison's eyes were glued to the motions.

"You want it? Right?" Adam said, Harrison nodded his head, "You want to feel it all, don't you? (Harrison nodded again.) You need to strip down. Strip for me tots. Strip for this cock, Tots."

Harrison popped his head up at Adam's use of his nickname, but Adam directed him back to his cock. Harrison dropped his gaze back to the growing length of man meat, almost in a daze.

"Strip for it, Tots. Show it some appreciation. Strip." Adam droned in the same rhythm as his cock stroking.

Harrison nodded as he pulled his shirt over his head, his blond curls flying around. Then he pulled his shorts down revealing his own firm cock, tightly bound by the boxer briefs he had on. He was starting to kick off his shoes as he stepped out of his shorts. Harrison paused, now with his hands covering his full, cloth covered cock.

"It wants to see all of you, Tots. Strip off those shorts." Adam urged as Harrison's eyes were still focused on the pitcher's cock.

Harrison nodded as he slipped his boxer briefs down, his cock slapping his toned abs as it broke loose of confinement. Adam looked at the shorted man's body - tight and toned from their sport. Adam liked the blond fuzzy pubes, kinky curly like Harrison's head. He saw that Harrison was still entranced by his almost hard cock - like most guys when they see it hard. Adam walked closer towards Harrison.

Harrison gulped as Adam got near him. He glanced up and saw Adam's smiling face, those hazel eyes almost beaming into his green ones. Harrison jumped a bit as Adam put a hand on his shoulder and gave it a downward push. Harrison moaned as he slowly sank to his knees, taking in the view of Adam's muscular chest smattered in the dark brown hair that got thicker as it went lower on to the happy trail to Adam's bushy pubes. As his knees hit the floor, Harrison was now close enough to almost feel the heat from Adam's body, more so from Adam's cock.

Harrison licked his lips as he gazed at the thick cock that was close to ten inches with a bit more to grow. Adam's cock head was right at Harrison's mouth height. Harrison closed his eyes as he took a large breath in, taking in Adam's strong, masculine scent. When he opened his eyes, there was another pearl of pre-cum forming. Harrison looked up through his blond eyelashes at Adam's face, almost silently pleading for permission. Adam nodded. Harrison's mouth opened and his tongue sprung out, quickly collecting the sticky, sweet liquid. Harrison moaned as he pulled his tongue back in and fully tasted the liquid treat.

"You can lick it." Adam urged.

Harrison stuck his tongue back out and he proceeded to lick Adam's cock head. Adam sighed. Harrison then licked down the shaft towards Adam's balls. Adam let out a little moan as Harrison then buried his face in Adam's bush, letting his tongue lick both shaft and pubes. Harrison was becoming intoxicated by Adam's manly scent, breathing in deeply as he nuzzled in Adam's crotch.

Adam sighed again and he lowered a hand down to run his fingers through Harrison's curls. They were still slightly damp from Harrison's earlier shower. Adam let them flow between his fingers as he stroked Harrison's head. Harrison was so turned on by the huge cock, the masculine smelling bush and Adam playing with his hair. Harrison gasped as Adam stepped back, pulling away the new found treasures.

Adam sat down at the end of the bed and spread his hairy legs wide open. His cock was jutting almost horizontal out and his balls were hanging down. Adam looked into Harrison's eyes and then down at his cock. Harrison needed no additional request, he scooted over on his knees between his pitcher's open legs. With his mouth open, Harrison's tongue flashed out and swabbed Adam's cock head. Adam sighed in pleasure.

Harrison opened his mouth wide, careful to cover his teeth as he took Adam's cock head into his mouth. It was not the largest cock head he had sucked, but in combination with the thick, long shaft it was attached to - Harrison was excited and a bit scared. Adam let out a low moan as Harrison's lips stretched out below his cock head and then started to slowly slide down his cock shaft. Harrison was going slowly and using a lot of spit as he moved down the long, hard cock shaft. Harrison had relaxed his jaw and as Adam's cock head brushed the back of his throat, Harrison made a yawning motion and bobbed his head forward.

Adam looked down in some amazement, most people could not take his cock back into their throats without Adam having to force it. Even then less could take it without excess gagging. Adam let his head drop back as he was enjoying Harrison begin to bob up and down on his cock, pushing his cock head in and out of the tight throat. Harrison had added a hand to wrap around Adam's cock as his lips moved up and down, increasing the sensation. Adam was enjoying this blow job greatly.

Harrison knew what to do. He loved cock and being able to worship this fine piece of cock meat that he had lusted after for so long was making him even more horny. His own cock was leaking all over as he worked his lips, tongue, mouth and throat on Adam's king sized cock. As Harrison worked, he was bobbing lower and lower on the ten inch cock. He was pushing deeper each time, now the cock head was just clearing Harrison's throat before he plunged back down.

Adam brought his head up to look down at the curly blond outfielder as Harrison's hand by his lips touched Adam's bushy pubes. Awe spread across Adam's face as Harrison's hand dropped and Harrison's lip sank lower still - easily deepthroating nine inches of cock. Harrison bobbed up and down several more times, but was not able to get any further down.  

Adam moved his hands down to Harrison's head. Harrison felt the shift of weight and the touch, he looked up into Adam's eyes as Adam took control. Harrison tried to relax his mouth and throat as much as possible. Adam's hands set the pace of the bobbing, keeping it about what Harrison had already done so far.  

On the next bob down, Adam used his strong arms to grip and force Harrison's head down the rest of the way. The extra push and force were able to push Adams full ten plus length to Harrison's mouth and throat. Now Harrison was starting to gag, but Adam held Harrison's nose deep in his pubes. Adam was reveling in the tight, constricting feeling of Harrison's throat around his cock head and shaft. Harrison was gagging more and starting to feel the need to struggle. Just then Adam lifted Harrison's head up and all the way off of his cock.

Harrison was huffing and puffing, trying to get a breath. His eyes were tearing up and he had snot all over his face. Harrison's lips were puffy and slicked up. Adam still had a firm grip of Harrison's head, tilting up Harrison's sex dazed green eyes to look up into Adam's hazel ones.

"Damn, I knew you were hot for me. I had no clue that you were a world class cocksucker. Fuck, dude no one has been able to take all of me in quite a while." Adam purred with pleasure.

Harrison gleamed with pride at the compliment. His eyes kept going from Adam's eyes to Adam's rock hard cock. Adam smirked at Harrison's divided attention.

"You want more of this cock. I can tell" Adam said as he gripped the base of his cock and wiggled it. Then in a low, stern voice, "I think we both know where you want it next, but I need to taste that pussy before I plow it."

Harrison's head was still in Adam's grip, tilted back to be able to see Adam's face. Harrison was still turned on, but gulped in concern with the large cock size. He started to have second thoughts, his face clouded. Adam gave him no time to second think.

"On the bed, hang that ass off the end. Now!" Adam barked, which scared and excited Harrison.

Adam gently flung Harrison's head towards the bed and released his grip. Harrison took a second before his horny desire took over and he scrambled onto the bed. He got on all fours and scooted back so his feet were just off the end of the mattress and his ass was exposed. Harrison winced as Adam gave an ass cheek a solid slap.

Adam moved down off the bed and got on his knees behind the outfielder's exposed crack. Adam ran his hands up and down the solid ass muscles, peering down to the dark blond hairs in the crack. Adam gave each ass globe a firm swat again which made Harrison grunt and try to stifle a moan.

Using a firm grip on each globe, Adam spread the ass open wide revealing the dark blond ringed pink pucker. Adam leaned his face forward and used his tongue to swipe up and down Harrison's crack, taking time to circle around the pink pucker as he went in both directions. Harrison could no longer muffle his moans as he felt Adam's beard, even though it was trimmed, move roughly against the walls of his crack and the large tongue swipe all over his crack. Adam went up and down again, this time he dipped his tongue lower and swiped a few licks around Harrison's balls before going up.

Harrison groaned deeply and he lowered his head to the bed, thus arching his hips which he pushed back towards Adam. Adam brought his tongue up from another trip to Harrison's balls, up over the taint and then made a big circle around Harrison's pucker lips. With a large swipe of the wet tool, Adam drove it starting in a large circular pattern that kept getting smaller with each rotation. As Adam neared the center each time, he pushed his tongue into the wet, loosening hole.

Harrison cried out into the mattress as Adam's tongue pushed in past the tip. A shiver ran through Harrison's thighs as Adam was now working his tongue in and out of his sloppy hole, Adam's beard was brushing his tender flesh. Adam growled as he plunged his tongue in and out, flicking the tip around when it was inside of the hot hole. Harrison's outer ring was pulsing around Adam's tongue as the tongue explored. The only noise in the room was Harrison's moans and groans and sloppy, wet noises as Adam rimmed the tight hole.

Adam rimmed and teased the outfielder's hole for almost ten minutes. As he worked, he alternated plunging one finger in and out, then kept increasing it to two, and finally had three fingers working in the hole between his tongue assaults. Harrison was pushing his hips back into the thrusting fingers or bearded face the whole time, his cock was hard as rock and pooling his pre-cum on the mattress below. Harrison let out a little yip in surprise as Adam nibbled on the edge of his ass lips when he was alternating tongue and fingers.

Adam pulled his face away from the sloppy hole and gave each ass cheek a solid slap, leaving a handprint on each. Harrison gave a yelp with each swat, but stayed in place. Harrison felt the absence of Adam's tongue or fingers, he stayed waiting. Adam stood up, with his longer legs, he was able to move closer to Harrison's ass and drop his hard ten plus inch cock with a slap on Harrison's back. Harrison swooned at the feeling of the hot steel now pulsing on his back, unconsciously he pushed his hips back against Adam. Adam lifted his hard cock and let it slap back again, Harrison gave a horny moan.

"I know you want this cock, but even with my rim job it is going to be tight in your ass." Adam said as he ground his legs forward into Harrison's hips. Then going on, "You are going to ride me and fuck yourself on this cock. If you are good I can give you a load before we have to go down to dinner."

"Please Adam. Please let me ride that cock, Sir!" Harrison pleaded in a horny whine, then he yelped as Adam swatted his ass again.

Adam walked to his bag and grabbed out some lube. He then walked to the head of the bed. He pushed the pillows back to the wall and sat with his legs spread and his cock pointing almost straight up. Harrison had watched as Adam moved around and when Adam settled Harrison began to crawl up the bed. With a look of approval, Harrison took Adam's cock head in his mouth and started to spit soak it. Harrison bobbed his head as he could, depositing a coating of spit as he knew where it was going. Adam flipped the cap on the lube and applied it to his fingers, then he reached down the shorter man's back and plunged them into the wet hole. Harrison cooed as he bobbed while Adam slicked his hole more.

Adam used a hand to lift Harrison's face from his cock, as Harrison's eyes met with Adam's, the look of lust was shared by both. Harrison stood up and straddled Adam's legs on the bed facing the pitcher. Adam took some more lube and slicked the rest of his huge cock as Harrison stared him in the eye.

Adam nodded and Harrison began to squat down, lowering his ass towards the upwards pointing monolith. Harrison reached behind him as he got closer and gripped the hard cock shaft in his hand. With a firm gip Harrison guided it to his sloppy and wet hole, he let out a sigh as he felt the hot cock head start to push into his pucker. Adam's cock head was huge and Harrison had to take his time with it. Slowly Adam moaned as he felt the stretched ass lips encircle his cock head and lower down. Harrison was sweating and moaning as he was slowly pushing down, impaling the cock into his ass.  

Harrison gave a little yip as the cock head finally pushed past the outer ass ring. Harrison then reached out and used a hold of Adam's shoulder as an anchor as he tried to lower more. The hard cock was slowly inching into Harrison's hole as he squatted down. Harrison was concentrating and sweating as he willed his hole to loosen up to accept more of Adam's cock.

Harrison missed that Adam brought his hands up and put a grip on both of Harrison's nipples, pinching hard. Harrison gasped at the unexpected nipple work, but his hole loosened up and he sank down to Adam's bushy pubes. Harrison could only moan in a low, lusty way as he became used to the fullness of the bat sized object in his ass. Adam kept playing with Harrison's nipples, alternating between them with pinching and rubbing. The nipple work was still effective as a distraction as Harrison was accommodating Adam's hard buried rod.

After a few minutes, Adam could feel Harrison's hole start to loosen up. Adam pinched and lifted upward with both nipples. Harrison yelped but used his leg muscles to rise up at Adam's direction. Adam had Harrison lift about two inches before he released the pressure on the nipples, then Harrison sank back down with a yearning moan. Adam then repeated the process, guiding Harrison up and down on his cock.

Adam continued to pinch and release Harrison's nipples making Harrison rise slowly more each time. Harrison was grunting and squealing as Adam directed him in sliding up and down the hard cock. Harrison was getting more relaxed and his ass muscles were allowing the rigid member to easily slide in the needed direction. As the upward motion brought Adam's cock head to just Harrison's outer pucker lips, Harrison let out a gasp at the oversized feature on Adam's glorious cock. Adam kept Harrison at the top to let pleasure and pain mixture to work through Harrison's body to the fullest.

Adam then released his nipple grip and removed his hands from Harrison's body. Harrison looked into Adam's eyes as Harrison then took control of the motion and pace. An expression of lust crossed Harrison's face as he began to work his ass on Adam's rod. Harrison was using changes of speed and depth of insertion to pleasure his hungry ass and Adam's mammoth cock. Finally feeling freed enough, Harrison put his hands on Adam's shoulders for stability and then began to bounce as fast and as hard as he could on the impaling member.

Adam relaxed his head back and let the pleasure wash over him as Harrison's ass was worshipping his cock. Harrison's ass muscles were still firm and were gripping the cock as it moved in both directions. Harrison was thoroughly enjoying himself, his own hard seven inches were bouncing and flinging pre-cum all over both men's abs. Letting his strong leg muscles do the hard work, Harrison was glad he had maintained a rigorous squat routine to extend the level of his current activity.

Adam was ready for more and now that Harrison was fully warmed up he could change it up. When Harrison dropped down next, Adam clamped his hands on Harrison's hips. Harrison changed and was grinding his hips in a circular pattern, using Adam's hard cock to swirl his insides. Adam took a deep breath and sighed at the pleasurable feeling coming from his cock from Harrison's movements. Adam then used his grip to lift the outfielder's body completely off of his cock. Harrison now gasped as his hole was empty and his pucker gaping somewhat.

Adam turned to his side and deposited Harrison on the bed next to him. Quickly Adam positioned Harrison on his back and pushed Harrison's legs towards his chest. Harrison reached up and held his ankles lifting them apart to open access to his still gaping hole. Adam grinned as he leered down at Harrison spread wide and waited for the return of Adam's monster cock. Adam positioned himself and pushed his cockhead back into Harrison's hungry hole. Harrison moaned in pleasure and a shiver passed through his waiting body.

Adam reared up and pounded his full ten and a half inch python all the way to the hilt into the offered hole. Harrison grunted at the solid impact and the complete filling pressure in his ass. Adam pulled all the way out, popping his cock head from the still mostly tight ass lips. Smiling down at Harrison, Adam plunged back in again with power and speed. Harrison was gurgling at the pleasure and pain that were radiating from his body. Adam proceeded to plow and pound Harrison's hole to Harrison moaning and grunting.

Adam long dicked Harrison's hole for about ten minutes. Adam moved Harrison's legs to be up over his shoulders during his next full thrust in. Adam then tilted forward, folding Harrison's body almost in half as he resumed the hard pounding. The only change was Adam was not fully withdrawing his cock with each stroke so the speed was picking up. Harrison was almost in a sexual energy daze, but the new position had the pair now face to face. Looking up into the powerful hazel eyes, Harrison craned his neck upward and pressed his open lips on Adam's.

Harrison was attacking Adam's mouth with the same type of fervor that Adam was pounding Harrison's hole. Adam's power and strength were battering the hard cock time and time again into Harrison's receptive cavity. The tilting position had another benefit for Harrison as Adam's huge cock head was now fully rubbing his prostate gland with each stroke in and out. The built up frustration that Harrison had was now building towards a powerful apex and release. Harrison was groaning even while passionately kissing his pitcher.

Adam was feeling his own climax start to build. Harrison's hole was still gripping and stroking his pounding cock. The hot and sloppy wet hole was providing waves of pleasure for Adam as he plowed away. Adam could feel the changes in Harrison's body, like the tightening of a spring. Adam broke the kiss and stared into the lust filled green eyes below him.

"What, you need to cum, buddy? Is my tots needing to feel some release? Is my little Tots wanting to bust his nut and feel that relief?" Adam goaded Harrison with questions as he pounded.

"Yes. OH God! YES! PLEASE, PLEASE LET ME CUM!" Harrison was almost shrieking as he was being plowed.

"Oh, you will get to cum my boy, but you need to call me. You need to tell your Uncle Charlie what his Tots needs." Hissed Adam as he could feel his own climax building higher.

"Uncle Charlie! OH Uncle Charlie, I need to CUM. Please Uncle Charlie let me CUM!" Harrison began chanting as Adam was pummeling into his hole with more speed.

Adam kept adding more pressure and additional speed to his thrusting. He was feeling Harrison building up with more pressure with each pounding stroke. Harrison was whining and pleading with his sparkling green eyes boring into Adam's hazel one. It was like feeling a rubber band right before it broke, the building sexual pressure that Harrison was expounding on each successive stroke of cock in his ass. The tension was almost vibrating the younger outfielder under the pitcher's body.


Looking deeply in Harrison's eyes Adam huffed, "Now!"

"AAIIIIEEEEAAAHHHHH!" Harrison screeched as his rigid dick began to explode the built up loads of cum, splashing the sweaty men's chests and bellies.

"YOUR! UNCLE! CHARLIE! IS! GOING! TO! CUM! NOOOOWWWW!" Adam yelled as he plowed into Harrison's body that was still quaking and shooting his continued load.  

The pulsing ass muscles of the outfielder's surrounding the pitcher's plowing cock was what finally pushed the climax over for Adam. Adam was spraying his cum load deep in Harrison's chute. The long cock had way past Harrison's inner ass ring and the heat from the boiling cum was depositing in places no cum had before. Since Harrison had been unable to jerk since the night before his load pumped eleven to twelve jets of cum onto their combined bodies. The last of Harrison's jets were matched with the beginning of Adam's climaxing deposit making Harrison's body writhe was the same climax like feeling even though there was no additional cum to pump out. Adam's load was filling up Harrison's chute, since Adam's cock was so big the cum had no other place to go and was leaking out of Harrison's used hole.

A final grunt and massive thrust ended Adam's pounding of Harrison's ass. Adam collapsed down, his body covering the still folded body of Harrison. Gasping breaths were shared by each man at the level of physical exertion that they had exhibited. Sweat from the powerful bodies was mixing with the seeping cum both from the fronts and from Harrison's hole. It took a few moments of heavy breathing before Adam lifted his body off of Harrison's, carefully sliding his still firm cock from Harrison's used hole. Harrison whimpered as the cock head passed through the puffy pucker lips.

Adam settled down on the bed next to Harrison and pulled the spent man into an embrace as Harrison lowered his legs. Adam's lips pressed against Harrison's in the start of a deep passionate kiss. Adam was letting his hands rub and caress the skin of the blond man, learning potential hot spots as Harrison would moan or whimper. Adam's tongue was still wrestling Harrison's when Adam began to jack Harrison's still hard cock.

Harrison began to moan in Adam's mouth as Adam's fist was stroking the full seven inch cock. Adam used his other arm to pin Harrison's arms down as he continued to stroke the outfielder's cock. Adam scooped up some more of the sent cum from their chests and used it as lube as he worked his hand on Harrison's cock. Harrison was moaning and whining as he was thrusting his hips into the jacking fist. Adam was moving his hand in a steady beat on the hard dick, sometimes focusing on just the tapered, cut head and other times pulling lower to tug and fondle the blond pube-covered balls.

Harrison could feel his younger body respond to Adam's treatment. His balls were starting to churn as Adam continued to jack and play with his cock. Adam could feel Harrison's body start to tighten up again, beling a building climax. Harrison's hip thrusting became erratic and he started gasping for air, breaking apart their kissing lips. Harrison was moaning in a staccato fashion as his climax was getting closer.

"OH UNCLE! PLEASE LET ME CUM! LET YOUR TOTS CUM!" Harrison cried out as Adam's stroking slowed down and not allowing the younger man to cum right away.

Adam resumed his fist movement and Harrison was tightening up again. Harrison's whine for release started to get higher pitched as he was nearing climax. Harrison's body was becoming as tense as a violin string as Adam continued to jack the curly blond. Adam paused right on the brink for Harrison and Harrison was breathing in hard, quick breaths. Adam resumed his hand motions after Harrison had come back down from the high tension state with whimpers of desire and need.

The sweat was again rolling off the blond outfielder's body, Harrison was in a constant state of almost bliss and then frustration of stopping as Adam edged him several more times. Tears were leaking from the corners of Harrison's eyes in his sexually agitated state. He had tried to move in counter rhythm to Adam's stroking, but Adam moved with him and thwarted that plan. Harrison was resigned now to let Adam control his body and release, even in his heightened sexual level.

Adam felt Harrison's internal struggle settle down and the compliance of Harrison's body to Adam's control. This is what Adam was waiting for, he understood that this release was going to be as important as the one that he had fucked out of the younger player earlier. Adam was using the combination to cement a bond between the two players. Harrison was exhibiting the high levels of lust and desire, but Adam needed to pair that with the yearning to please and be satisfied by Adam's actions.  

The next time that Adam resumed stroking, he started out using more intentional strokes. Adam in addition was drawing the outfielder closer to his own body to which Harrison was cleaving to. Harrison could feel himself getting closer again and just relaxed into Adam's tight body. Harrison could feel the cum start to boil in his balls, fully expecting Adam to stop again he was surprised that Adam was continuing stroking. Harrison's breathing got shorter, his nipples were now hard points and his toes were starting to curl. He was on the precipice of completion and Adam had not stopped.

"Oh Uncle! OH FUCK! OH FUCK! HERE IT COMES! OH FUCK UNCLE CHARLIE! YEEEEIIIIAAAHHHHH!" Harrison yelled as he began to shoot his load.

Cum was flying out of the pulsing seven inch cock that Adam continued to pump. Harrison was experiencing full body pulses as his cum shot out from deep in his balls. Jets of cum flew past the men's heads and then began to splatter their faces, necks and chests. At the end Harrison was twitching as Adam coaxed the balance of cum from his stiff pecker. Harrison finally slumped even more firmly into Adam's solid embrace.

Adam used his strength to roll the spent Harrison on top of his body and pulled the outfielder in close. Adam snuggled and cuddled the recovering Harrison who was beyond words still. Harrison opened his tear streaked eyes to look into the bearded face holding him close. Dipping his head down, Harrison collected some of his shot cum and then kissed Adam deeply sharing the spent seed. Harrison then continued this until all the cum was cleaned from Adam's face and beard.

"Good boy, Tots. You did good." Adam said in a low voice.

Harrison practically glowed from this compliment from Adam. Harrison started to blush, but not because he was embarrassed, but because he was so excited. This had been more than he dreamed and lusted after, Harrison was more than content to be held in Adam's arms.

"Thanks Uncle Charlie! Thank you very much!" Harrison said quite emphatically.

"Now I am getting hungry for some food now that my hunger for some hot man/boy-flesh has been sated for the moment. We need to shower before going down. Tots, get this hot ass moving!" Adam said with a sharp swat to Harrison's ass cheek.

"Yes, Uncle!" Harrison replied as he leaned in and gave Adam a quick kiss before crawling off the pitcher.

Adam sat up and chuckled as he watched Harrison tenderly scamper towards the bathroom. Harrison was almost bowlegged and turned his head as he neared the bathroom door beckoning Adam to follow. Adam smiled wider and got up. This was going to be the start to a fun filled few days and a new adventure for each of the hot men.

Next: Chapter 2

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