Uncle Billy

Published on Jul 2, 2021


Uncle Billy 5

By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have comments send them to bldhrymn@yahoo.com

Our play with Uncle Bob was just a warmup for the main attraction.

We arrived at the party site at 11:00 AM. It was at a modern ranch in the Spanish-Mexican style and had been designed by a good architect. It was larger and better than real life. Like Bob's house it wrapped around a courtyard, but the courtyard had a pool the size of an oversized whirlpool or hot tub. It could hold 12 to 15 men.

There were ten or so guests there already. They seemed to be committee in charge of the party and were helping the host, Julio. He was a car dealer. I later found out his dealership had forty-five branches. Julio was a big man with and a hairy chest. Julio was wearing only a jock strap that seemed to be a size too small. He greeted us enthusiastically. He was Latino and recovering early historical artifacts of early South-Western history excited him.

We went to the dressing room. It was more correctly the undressing room. An older man named Freddy told us that since were new, we didn't need to strip completely. "Some men need time to adjust," he explained. I was pleased that Wally and Jonesy did not take that option. They also had a new bracelet Freddy described as the anything goes band.

"I like it all, but I'm not sure I want to do it all today," Wally told Freddy.

"If you take the anything goes band, I can add a green and red dot," he said. "That means you need to be asked before you poke. That is actually a general rule, but some of us are old friends. We know what the regulars like." We opted for the dots. Bob did not.

We went to the courtyard. Julio joined us and introduced us to the guests. The courtyard was informally designed, lush, and beautiful. I guessed that it had been carefully planned by a landscape architect and was expensive.

All the guests seemed friendly and most knew of our work. We were new and younger than most of the guests. Wally was popular. I looked at him and realized he was looking more bear like. Muscle had replaced most of the fat. He was tanned and was well hung for a bear.

Jonesy looked young, but healthier than he had been when I first met him. The excavtions were big news and Jonesy was talkative on the subject.

I guessed I was considered to be a well-tanned, muscular otter. Apparently, the older guys thought I looked like a guy from the old Beach movies. I didn't know what Beach movies were or who Annette or Bobby Darin were. The old guys liked me. I laughed to myself. I was well hung and assumed that was enough to be popular.

We had lunch. It was not a run to the burger joint to get the party platter food. It was cold cuts and rolls. I realized immediately the meats weren't from the supermarket, sealed in plastic. It must have come from a fancy delicatessen. The bread and rolls were still warm from the oven.

I sat with three guys. Emmet was an architect; Jerry was a decorator, and Phil was a television newsman. Conversation was easy. They knew my Uncle Bob and knew a little about me. I had the feeling that they had never met a guy who was raised in a trailer park. Jerry was raised by a single mother, but she had a job as an accountant. She wasn't into men.

Phil had worked in fast food as a teenager and had devoted his life to making sure he never worked fast food again. He was the early morning news and weatherman. Emmet was a successful architect of expensive homes. They were nice guys and only glanced at my cock once and a while and didn't openly drool.

After lunch, the activity picked up. I saw that Wally was with two older bear types and was having a good time. Bob was also occupied.

"Eddie, I'm afraid if I don't get to suck your cock soon, I might explode!" Jerry said.

"I am always willing to help a man in need," I said as a stroked my cock. I didn't win any awards for originality, but I figured having a guy sucking my cock was reward enough. As Jerry sucked me, Phil stood and got close enough for me to snag his cock. Emmet got up to kiss Phil and somehow, he was close enough for me to suck both.

Later I asked them if they had planned that move. "We've planned it before. This is the first time it worked!" Emmet replied. Phil and Jerry were exited so I got to suck a some of their precum. I complimented them on it. That seemed to eliminate and idea they might have that I was virginal. Everyone at the party seemed to be sexually engaged.

I realized this was my first real orgy. I had been in a few small groups, but this was different. While no one was shy, and everyone was busy. It seemed relaxed and casual. I think almost everyone knew each other, and it was sort of a get reacquainted party. I wonder if that would change as cocks approached orgasms.

The party was not what I expected. It wasn't an orgy in the Roman style. Of course, there were no virgins being deflowered or rent boys plying their trade. The most correct description might be a conversation group with anal involvement. There was oral action, but that was more of a warm-up activity.

Emmet told me he didn't feel he knew a man until he had tasted their sperm. He liked it fresh, straight from the cock, or used, drooling from the ass. He pointed out one man who called himself Old Fred. He like to lick his own cum after he just had just deposited in an ass. We all had a good time.

A little later, Uncle Bob told me that some of the men preferred the phrase rectal massage to the vulgar word fuck. One couple, Denny and Georgy, shared responsibilities. Denny like to push his cock head just beyond the sphincter and used the sphincter to massage his head to shoot off. He would pull out and Georgy pushed his friend's sperm deeper into the ass and deposit his own cum to refresh the load.

There was another man named "Lurch" after the character in the Addams family. He was big. His cock was huge. He liked well lubricated rectums and a stretched sphincter. That described anyone who Denny and Georgy had worked over. Lurch appeared and while he stretched the well-used ass, he added his own special sauce deep inside.

As far as I could tell the rectal massage and personalized lubrication was perfect for Wally and Jonesy. They were new to the scene and uneasy. Most of the men at the party were calm and mellow. They were experienced. I talked with a younger man Talbot. He was a hairdresser and gay as a goose. He was turned on by inexperienced man's discovery of extreme pleasure as a bottom.

I told him my days as a virgin were in the past. We connected. Talbot was his nom-de-cock. His real name was Skeeter, and he was from East Hellhole, Alabama. Skeeter wasn't his nickname. I was his Christian name, and he had a problems on the first day of school for years getting the teachers to believe it.

Skeeter discovered a knack for hair styling, and he re-invented himself as Talbot. It was an act, but a most profitable act. His cock was a magic wand and sex with him was as advertised. He told me that when he was working me over, he was Talbot; the orgasm was pure Skeeter.

When I said the men were laid back and a bit reserved, I soon discovered the reserve vanished as their cocks slipped into an ass. My own reserve tended to vanish too. I could also tell that few of the men were amateurs. They were skilled men. They knew what they wanted and knew how to get it while providing as much pleasure to their playmate as possible.

I noticed that Jonesy seemed to have settled down with an older man. The man was a grandfather type, and he was gently sucking Jonesy's cock. Jonesy looked perfectly relaxed and at peace. I tried to think if I had ever seen Jonesy relaxed before.

Wally came over to me. "Is there a limit on the number of men you can suck?" he asked.

I smiled. "I don't know but it seems unlikely," I said.

A big bear came over to us who introduced himself as Rufus. "I'd love to play with you guys, but I have a problem. I tend to get carried away, and I'm not the delicate type. I'm full service, but I am picky about who gets in my ass."

"Do we pass the test? Wally asked.

"Well, you passed the test the second time I saw you," he replied. Rufus looked like the "all potatoes and no meat" type. That was right except for the no meat part.

While talking with Rufus, he recommended getting in the sling to turbo-charge making friends. Somehow, I took his advice, and soon I was strapped in the sling. Once I was in the sling, I thought that the position didn't show off my best features.

I was wrong about that. That was not the way the other men saw it. They considered a hairy ass hole as the most private and enjoyable part of a man's anatomy. I was clearly friendly and accommodating. Rufus was the first man to enter me. He was experienced and careful. Since my legs were spread wide, there was no way my ass could resist a hard, lubricated cock. His tool slid into me easily. I was surprised it was so easy. I could appreciate his cock. He had a large head on a curved tool and I knew where his knob was every time he thrust. It was lovely and almost relaxing.

When he pulled out, Wally took his place. I was surprised that my "student" was now a top. That was almost shocking. Three or four minutes later, I realized this was Wally's graduation ceremony. He was no longer an uneasy kid worried able his sexual urges. He was an adult, giving and taking sexual pleasure.

"I'm afraid I'm close to shooting," he whispered.

"I want to feel you squirting in my ass!" I said. A second later he shot off. I should have felt like a teacher watching a problem student graduating with honors. It felt so good I forgot about that and just enjoyed it.

Wally pulled out slowly and asked, "Was that as good for you as it was for me?"

"It sure was," I replied.

Lurch appeared and asked if I was still open for business. I nodded.

"By the way, my real name is Theodor, most people call me Teddy. I'm a house builder." He said as he adjusted the chains of the sling. "You like big men?" he asked. I nodded again.

"I like to find the groove, the perfect place in an ass. Sometimes it takes a few thrusts to find it. It is really good if I find it," he said.

"For you or for me?" I asked.

"You will soon know," he said as he slipped his oversized tool into my behind. Since Rufus and Wally had shot off in me, Lurch's cock slid in deep on their cum. Both he and I moaned. I think it got bigger as it filled my ass.

"You're ass feels like it is silk lined. You are tight, but smooth. Are you okay? Some guys feel used," he asked.

"I was thinking that Christmas came early," I replied. Teddy laughed and pushed deeper.

After a while, he asked, "Do you get turned on when a perfect stranger shoots off in you?"

"It seems I do," I replied. A second later I felt explosive ejaculations in my ass. I felt his sperm tickle my ass. I could feel him draining his balls and depositing it all in me. It felt wonderful.

Over the next half hour four men sucked and seeded me. I found out that Lurch had a fan club of men who wanted to use his cum as lubricant.

Uncle Bob came by to get me. I was getting late, and we went home. I was afraid Bob thought I was too slutty. Actually, he admired my stamina. When we got home, Jonesy went directly to bed. Bob, Wally, and I talked.

"You made many men happy today," Bob said. "Do you have any ill effects? Are you sore?"

"I don't think so. I may be sore tomorrow," I said. "The sling was comfortable. Rufus shot a big load in me. I think that provide extra lubrication.

"It sure did!" Wally added. "It was beautiful. I couldn't believe fucking could be beautiful."

The conversation continued for a while. Uncle Bob got hard, and I asked him if he wanted a poke. I wasn't surprised when he said yes. Bob and Wally took turns massaging my prostate. Wally was fucking me when Bob worked his cock into Wally's ass.

"Is my cock an invader or a welcome guest?" Bob asked. Before he could answer Wally moaned and shot off in me. Uncle Bob shot off next, filling Wally's ass. We all slept well that night.

After breakfast, the older man who had been with Jonesy came by the house. He was Oscar Nyland, a retired doctor. Oscar apologized for occupying all of Jonesy's time at he party. When Jonesy saw him, it looked as if someone turn on the Christmas tree lights. It was a nice day of conversation before we had to return to the excavation.

Back at the site, our task was to move the Madonna to a safe place. She wore a crown as the queen of heaven. The crown was both large and delicate. The carving was exceptionally complex. The moving crew was mostly Latino, and it was important to them, both because of it was a Madonna and because it might be the first sculpture carved by a Christian Latino sculptor. We also had a television crew on site.

Tom was in charge, but Wally was the hands-on man. It went without a hitch. Tom and Wally could have been the cover of Otter and Bear Magazine. They were sweaty, hairy, and hot.

Back home, Dr. Smithson gave birth to a girl she named Maria. That became a mini sensation. Maria was a rare case of a Presbyterian girl named Maria.

The next day I found two small wood boxes at the foot of the Madonna. They would have been next to the altar. One contained offerings, and prayers to the Virgin. The second had a manuscript of the history of the church. Even Tom couldn't believe our luck.

Three weeks later I was back home with Uncle Billy, getting ready for the next semester's work. My inheritance from my mother's family was complex and confused. Some had been distributed to members of the family assuming my mother was dead. She had vanished with no trace. While she had remarried several times, it turned out she did not use her real name and she didn't use a real minister or official to do the wedding. Mom's marriages were the same as my uncles, unreal.

That was good. The lawyers searched for a real marriage but found none. There were no other claimants to the inheritance. Someday I might be well off if they could get things strait.

I got a surprise call from a Cousin Edward. He was the son of my mother's old sister. He said he would be in the area and would like to meet. I said that was fine. a week later he knocked on the door of Billy's house. Billy called me and told him I would go home after my class.

When I got home Uncle Billy and Edward were getting along well. Edward didn't look like me at all, unlike Uncle Bob. We shook hands.

"You do look like Uncle Bob. I look like my father," Edward said. He had a wrestler's muscular build. And was a little shorter than me.

"My mother cut us off from her family. I had no idea I had a family," I said.

"It may have been something my mother said. She was a good mother, but she had a knack for putting things the wrong way," Edward said.

I smiled. My mother had a knack for taking things the wrong way," I said. "Your mother and my mother must have been hell to live with."

"Uncle Bob said you were a nice guy. He was shocked to find you. He said you got so close so fast you almost overlapped," Edward said. "Uncle Bob and I are close. He was the father you could talk to. My Dad was too up tight. He was a good man but didn't understand some things."

"I'm not sure my mom understood anything at all," I said. "Count your blessings."

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