Uncle Billy

Published on Jun 26, 2021


Uncle Billy 4 By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have comments send them to bldhrymn@yahoo.com or bldhrymn@aol.com

The shower was a success. We didn't do much, but what we did was successful. Wally, Jonesy, and I had a good time. The next day we spent cleaning up loose ends at the excavation and the day after that we were on the way home. Dr. Millard and Dr. Smithson wrote up reports on the excavation and their careers were sky rocketing. We were listed as hardworking, alert students. Wally and Jonesy didn't think that was enough. Uncle Billy thought that any mention that didn't involve a court case and sentencing was good.

I had one problem resulting from the excavation. I had opened a pandora's box of sexual possibilities for Wally and Jonesy. They wanted more, but they were inept at picking up men. It wasn't possible to repeat the shower event in Arizona in the gang showers of the men's dorm. I mention this to Uncle Billy. He told me to bring them to our house. I tended to think of it as Billy's house. He told me it was my house too.

They came over several days later. I don't think they had been a gay household before. I think they were expecting feathers and a lot of glitter. It was the home of two men, but neither of us would pass for being a gay man on the television.

Uncle Billy is just a guy. He has no tendance to show off or be flamboyant. We had friends who were flamboyant, but that was their choice. Uncle Billy was a live-and-let-live sort of man, but he felt the flamboyant dress was a lot of stuff to take off before you got down to sex. I was beginning to think my own tendencies were not toward fancy dress. I was more into getting nude and fucking like rabbits.

Wally and Jonesy liked Uncle Billy as soon as they met. He was a father they could talk to, unlike their actual fathers. Billy thought sex was a part of life along with jobs, friends, and family. He thought you might fall into love and that was more likely than looking for love. He also thought that good friends were better than lover who was a drama queen or a jerk.

Not unexpectedly we all ended up naked in Uncle Billy shower. Billy connected with Jonesy and Jonesy like the connection with an older man. In his mind, the friendly uncle was less stress than the commanding father figure.

Wally was more self-assured than Jonesy and he liked me. He later told me that was for an odd reason. He had begun sprouting body hair when he was fourteen. This had deeply embarrassed since guy made snide comments about it. Smooth bodies were stylish. I was hairy and unconcerned.

I pointed out to him that hairy bodies were a masculine characteristic. I mentioned that his cock was larger than most cocks. He asked me how much larger. I told him it was large enough to be noticeable and that was all that counted.

Uncle Billy was giving Jonesy lessons in cock sucking. Wally began sucking me. After a minute or so, I noticed that his cock sucking turned from being an experiment into real cock sucking. I reciprocated, and Wally loved it. When nature took its course, he was close to shooting, and I kept on sucking. He was shocked and excited when I took his load. Wally had been saving up and his load would have deserved a ribbon at the county fair for his load. Those were the awards given behind the tents in an out of the way corner.

Of course, Wally had experienced orgasms before. He had never shared the experience. Sharing seems to double or quadruple the pleasure of the experience. Wally and Jonesy both had a good time.

Our trip to Arizona was good for them. When they went home for the Christmas break, they were minor celebrities. Jonesy had the remains of a tan, which shocked his family. They had treated him as a hot house flower due to a childhood disease. They now saw him in a different way.

Wally was shocked when his family actually listened to him when he described the excavation. His older brother had been a football player. He was the heir; Wally was the spare. Wally had become a star.

I had a surprise when my mom's brother called me. Mom spent much of her life burning bridges after the breakup of relationships. That included every relationship in her life other than me. When she died, I didn't know any of her relative names. I used her last name, since she didn't know who my father. Taliaferro is not a common name. It was pronounced Toliver.

When my Uncle Robert saw the name, Edward Taliaferro, in an article about the excavation, he figured it out. He contacted the college, and they gave him my number. Uncle Robert lived in Arizona where the excavation was big news.

Uncle Robert wanted to meet me. He said there were some personal things he needed to discuss. A week later he was in town. He got in early and when I went home for lunch, Uncle Bob and Uncle Billy were getting along like a house on fire. Uncle Bob had been with an international aid group and had traveled the world. Billy had been around, and they had been to some of the same places. Bob had never married. and I had a feeling Bob and Billy shared other interests.

When I walked in, I saw a man who looked like an older version of me. "Oh my god!" Bob said.

"Maybe I should have mentioned there is family resemblance," Billy said.

"You are your mother's son," he said. "We never found out who your father was, but apparently, you didn't get any of his genes. That is probably good." Uncle Bob was an engaging and interesting man. Our resemblance wasn't exact, but there was no question we were related.

We talked for several hours, he asked if I had a birth certificate or any documentation on my mother. My mother had a file with family stuff. Uncle Jake scanned it and set copies to Bob' computer. Bob went back to his hotel room. He said he had to make a lot of calls and get stuff straight. He told me I had an aunt and another uncle, and a slew of cousins that needed to be informed.

Uncle Billy told me he had learned a lot about the family and my mother from Bob. She had been a beauty but had always been difficult. Eventually she became more than difficult. She insisted on doing things her way. When her way failed it was because the family was sabotaging her. Since the family rarely knew what she was up to, it was impossible they sabotaged things she kept secret. That sounded like my mother.

Uncle Bob called and asked if he could come by. Of course, he could, but Uncle Billy appreciated a polite man. He asked him for lunch. Uncle Bob arrived before noon with a bottle of wine for Billy. Bob had an album of pictures of the family. I sort of knew a family existed, but Mom felt they were traitors who had ruined her life. I knew she had no need for anyone to help ruining her life.

Bob explained I was due to get some money my mother had before she ran off. It had been invested in a mutual fund. My grandfather has set up a college fund for me. That had been nineteen years earlier. My grandfather was a good investor. The funds were now worth over $300,000.00.

Uncle Bob said it would take a few months to get the funds. They had been set up so my mother couldn't get to them. There were other things, but it would take a while to find and get at them.

"Does Eddie need a lawyer?" Uncle Jake asked.

"The short answer is yes," Bob replied. "The long answer is that he needs a lawyer who is familiar with complicated estates."

"I know a man. I will contact him. Do you want to check him out?" Billy said.

"I think it would be best if he worked solely on Eddie's behalf." Bob said. "There should be no intertwining of interests." That was what Billy wanted to hear.

We had a good lunch. I suspected the wine was not bought at a grocery store.

"I assume you aren't married?" Bob asked of Billy. Billy shook his head.

"You never found the right woman?"

"Would I shock you if I told you the woman would need to have a cock and a receptive ass?" Billy asked.

Bob burst into laughter. "I assume you guessed I have the same requirements," Bob said. "I could add that shooting a big load is good, especially if you like to share the load. Do you know anyone who meets all those requirements?"

"Is versatility a good trait?" Billy asked.

"Guys, if you are trying to get me into bed so we can screw like rabbits, I am ready!" I said.

"You saw through our little scene?" Bob asked.

"I'm afraid that Uncle Billy and I are usually ready to screw like rabbits," I said.

"I was afraid Billy and I have been going at it pretty regularly," I said.

"Does it bother to be with your uncle?" Bob asked.

"I've known Billy for a year longer than you. It's fine with me," I said. "I am in heat most of the time. I don't remember ever saying no!" Bob and Billy laughed.

Uncle Bob was a proper, rather staid man. we soon found out he wasn't at all staid when he was naked with other men. He was a life-of-the-party type. Bob was comfortable and at ease. He had an odd trait. He could look staid and dignified while bouncing on a cock in his ass, or while trying to suck a man's balls out through the cock. It was my cock he was bouncing on, and it was Uncle Billy's balls.

Bob's cock and mine were almost identical. Bob told me it was exciting to feel my identical cock in his ass. It was as if he were fucking himself. It was enjoyable, but he said it was a real pleasure to feel something new. We explored every possible combination of cock, mouth, and ass. He went back to his hotel room with a smile. He flew back to Arizona the next day to get the ball rolling on the will and inheritance.

Unknown to me, Dr. Millard and Dr. Smithson were engaged in a battle to continue with the excavation of the monastery with an Arizona institution. Had I known about I would have guessed that Dr. Smithson would win. I had a feeling she rarely lost. She was an academic superstar. She won the battle and was going to return to Arizona.

I was surprised to find that Dr. Smithson was both married and going to have a baby in August. She would not be in Arizona that summer. Dr. Tom Millard would be the field man. He was much easier to get along with.

Wally, Jonesy, and I were back. We added George and Alice Brown, married graduate students, and four undergrad women. The three of us and George provided the muscle. The women could provide muscle if needed, but they were best at delicate work exposing and lifting fragile objects. Dr. Tom joined the three of us in the motel room. George and Alice took a room and the four under grad woman shared a room. The motel was booked for most of the summer by a tour bus company. These paid more than we did.

It turned out that having archaeologist in the motel excited the bus tour people. Some had heard of our work and soon all of them knew about it.

Dr. Tom wasn't a member of my college's faculty. He was a free-lance archeologist. He was a field man who got his hands dirty.

I wouldn't have thought you could make a living doing that. Many academics are in poor physical condition or older. Many excavation sites are challenging and physically difficult. Dr. Tom has no problem with this sort of site. He was not demanding as to the credit for the work. He is happy being listed as field director. The academic can stay in an airconditioned office and periodically visit the site.

I assumed that having Dr. Tom in our room would be a problem. Dr. Tom was a jogger. He was five-ten, without an ounce of body fat. He had a hairy chest, treasure trail and a meaty cock. I soon discovered my minimal dress code was fine with Tom. He mentioned he liked the scenery adding, "I wish you weren't so young." He was shirtless a wearing light weight shorts.

"I was raised in a trailer park," I said. "I have to confess that parts of me are well used."

"How about your buddies?" he asked, glancing at Woody and Jonesy.

I smiled. "They are in training. They are good students."

"Are you full service?" he asked.

"I think so, but if a guy has some special skills, I am willing to learn," I said.

"Do you fall in love easily?" he all but whispered.

"Yes and no," I replied. "In general no. When a man is filling my mouth or ass with his spunk, I'm in love. I fall out of love when the spurts stop." Tom was a good addition to our happy band.

You might think that four gay guys in a single room would be a wild and crazy place. The normal temperature of the Arizona dessert is nightmarish. We worked from six in the morning to one and then returned to the motel. We then returned to the site at seven and worked to ten. Tom had lights installed for the night work.

During the mid-day heat we discovered the reason for the traditional siesta. Hot and sweaty sex was not on the agenda, although a quick lick of a cock added a little excitement at mid-day. Wally said he thought his sperm had been baked in his balls. Wally had been overweight. The heat solved that problem and the digging built up muscles. He was becoming a muscle bear. Jonesy developed muscles and adapted to the temperature. He didn't exactly become a buffed beach bunny, but he was getting close.

A few day later, we made a major discovery when we found the reredos. I learned the reredos was the sculptural backdrop to the altar in older Catholic churches. It had been knocked over but was intact. Tom believed it might have been a rare earthquake. Everting was in place, but all the sculptures were on their backs.

I could tell the sculptor was the same man or men who had done the tomb sculptures I had discovered previously. These works were a little less than life size. Tom told me they were life size for men in the 17th Century. It was a stunning discovery, but they were heavy. That meant more work for us. We soon discovered what heavy was like in 100-degree heat.

We now had 24-hour guards on the site. The sculptures were both valuable and desirable. We also had a professional moving crew building crates to move the sculpture to protected storage. We dug out the sculptures and wrapped them protective coverings for the movers.

Tom made a rule that we had to take the weekends off. He was afraid that exhaustion would make us sloppy. On the weekends Tom gave tours of the site to special people. Special people were the media, academic, historians, antiquarians and potential doners.

Uncle Bob was following my activities, and he called me and when I told him I had the weekend off, he invited me to his house for a weekend. I mentioned Wally and Jonesy. He said he had a big house and there was room. He mentioned there was a pool party at a friend's house. He told I would like it, but he didn't know if my friends would enjoy it.

"Am I right in thinking the dress code at the party might be informal?" I asked.

Bob laughed, "It is informal, and I might add that none of the guests is shy," he added. "The host describes his guests as being both giving and willing to take. By the way, all the guests are tested."

On Friday, the three of us were in the way to Uncle Bob's house. He greeted us warmly. I noticed that Wally and Jonesy seemed more attractive than they had been. Wally was almost macho, and Jonesy had a slightly Indiana Jones looks to him. Bob lived in an attractive hacienda type house. It was wrapped around a beautifully landscaped courtyard.

We had a good dinner and Uncle Bob got along well with my friends. Bob had been following the excavation closely and had noticed them lifting a statue of John the Baptist in a television report. I realized that Bob was one of those men who could get a rock to join in a conversation. Wally and Jonesy were animated and interesting.

"Did Eddie tell you about the pool party?" he asked them. They nodded.

"Let men give you a few more details. It is clothing optional, but that means it is 90% naked," he said. "Most of the men are middle aged. You will be popular. At the door you can take a bracelet. Red means you suck, blue you fuck, green means you suck, top and bottom. You get a bracelet with a white dot if you give and take liquid souvenirs. I hope that not too much information. By the way, no one gets offended if you are not interested."

"I've never done anything like that," Wally said. "I'm embarrassed, but I sure am interested."

"Don't worry. At one time, almost every gay guy was embarrassed and frightened to admit they were gay, and even more were afraid of gay sex," Bob said. "It's normal to want it but be afraid of doing it."

I think that described Wally and Jonesy perfectly. As we talked, they relaxed. They realized that Bob understood them. We went to bed early. We had put in a half day of digging and we were tired.

Next: Chapter 5

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