Uncle Billy

Published on Jun 13, 2021


Uncle Billy

By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have comments send them to bldhrymn@yahoo.com or bldhrymn@aol.com

Uncle Billy wasn't my uncle. All of my mother's boy friends were Uncle this or that before they married her or after they divorced. My mother wasn't too picky. That included my father. She never figured out which of several candidates was my dad. She named me after her father, Eddie.

Mom was a good mother between boyfriends but tended to ignore me in favor of her current hot prospect or temporary husband. At an early age I figured out how to get along and I knew no other life.

Uncle Billy worked on oil rigs, so he made good money. Mom liked that. He was away a lot. She didn't like that. They never married. I did okay in school, but it was hard for me socially because I couldn't take anyone home. I got a job at a fast-food joint after school. That paid for food.

When I was fifteen, I figured out that I wasn't into girls much, but guys liked me. It was mostly older guys. Since I worked the night shift, one or two guys would wait around and take me home. I went to their homes. I discovered gay sex that way.

I know some guys have a hard time getting into gay sex. I was not one of them. I loved it the second I sucked a cock. When the guy sucked me, I was in heaven. They would also slip me some cash to help me make ends meet.

One night, when I came back from the burger joint, Mom was sitting in her favorite chair. She had been watching the Bachelor, her favorite show. She was dead. I got the neighbors to call the police. Luckily, she was just dead, not murdered. Mom was never careful about taking pills and she had an overdose.

My birthday was the day before she died and I was 18, no longer a minor. It was a mess, but I got her buried and went out on my own. None of her relatives or ex husbands came to the funeral. I owned the trailer now, so life just continued.

Two months later I was cruising in a park and ran into needy man. We went to his house. He was a big, bearded man, almost shaggy, and had a nice cock. He had a good time and I told him my mother had just died, a cash was tight. I mentioned her name.

"Holy fucking shit!" the man said. "Are you Eddie?" I nodded.

"I'm Uncle Billy," he said. "I don't believe you gave me a blow job."

"I hope it was okay. You shot a good load," I said. It was a good blow job.

"I'm so sorry, I wouldn't have done it if I knew it was you," he said. I had a hairy chest and a treasure trail to my bush. I looked older than my age.

"Why?" I asked.

He took me home. When he saw the trailer, he was shocked. "The place is the same as it was the day I left. Actually, it's worse," he said. We went inside. The outside looked pretty respectable compared to the interior. He took me back to his house. He told me I could stay there until I had some money.

We went to his house. That night when I walked into the bathroom he was showering. I joined him. One thing led to another, and he gave me the best fuck I had experienced. He apologized and I told him it was fine. I told him I was an adult now and we weren't related at all. I said it had been the best sex I had experienced and hoped we could do more.

The next day was Saturday. I fucked him and it was a total success for him and me. He told me my ass was better Mom's cunt, and it was without the aggravation of dealing with Mom. I told him I had only fucked one or two guys. I was quite sure my cock fit his ass perfectly.

We both liked sex a lot and got along well. We were both easy going, and after years with Mom I knew how to go with the flow.

A couple of weeks after I moved in, Uncle Billy told me he was having some pals over on Saturday night. He seemed uneasy about this. Officially, it was a poker night. He told me it was usually strip poker and most of the men were naked after the first game.

"Is that when the real fun and games begin?" I asked.

"Does that bother you?" he asked.

I laughed. "Do you think a young gay guy would worry about naked men? I assume they are all horny and hot to trot?" I asked.

Uncle Billy laughed. "Let's say there are no blushing virgins in the group. They don't look like much, but all their equipment is in working order," he said. "If they get overly aggressive, I can help you out."

"I wouldn't worry about that. I can take care of myself," I said.

"Some of them are big. They might hurt you," he said.

"Uncle Billy, you are making them seem more attractive!"

He laughed. "That's the way I saw things when I was younger. To tell you the truth, that's pretty much the way I still see things!

The men arrived early. Tony, Butch and Mark were older guys, Uncle Billy's age. Tony ran a catering service. Mark was an event planner, and Butch had an auto parts store. Tony was an Italian bear, beefy, average height and cheerful. He was bald, clean shaven and a furry pelt peaked out of his shirt. Mark was tall thin and looked like an old-time dandy. Butch was six feet four, with white hair. He could have been a strong man in the circus. They were all friendly and cheerful.

I didn't know much about poker, but I did alright When I was getting beer for the men, Tony came in with Italian pastries.

He came over to me. "You know we all want to suck and fuck you to heaven," he told me in a whisper.

I smiled and said I guessed that.

"Billy told us you were new to the scene and were delicate. Some of us are big boys and he's afraid we would hurt you," Tony said. "We don't get fresh meat much anymore."

"I've never been with more than one man at a time. The idea doesn't bother me at all," I said. "I like it all. I suck, top and bottom."

"For your information we are all negative. We only play with each other," Tony said. "I need to warn you my sperm is Italian flavored."

"Does that mean Butch's cum is flavored with motor oil?" I asked.

Tony laughed. "If you are talking about cum from the spigot, you may need to swallow a few times," he said as we returned to the card game. Fifteen or twenty minutes later we were naked. They were all either hairy or carnival side-show hairy. Their cocks were meaty. Tony and Butch were uncut.

I am what is guess is a typical over sexed teenager. Uncle Billy knew that. Tony's conversation with me was intended to make sure I knew what I was getting into. After Billy deposited a few loads in my ass he guessed I had no problem with old guys. Billy figured fore-warned is fore-armed.

The men were perfect, sex-crazed gentlemen. I guess technically it was an orgy. The men were all careful and in control until the final push to an orgasm. I discovered that I could shoot off or take loads four or five times when inspired. I also discovered teen sperm was a rare delicacy for them.

While I was over 18 and an adult, my life with Mom was not much like living in a monastery. I figured I had a forty-year-old's experience. Uncle Billy's friends were pillars of rectitude compared to some of the men Mom discovered in her bed the next morning.

Tony's cock was wider that it was long and began oozing the minute my lips peeled back the foreskin. He moaned and twitched as my tongue licked his sensitive knob. His precum wasn't flavored but it was plentiful and sweet. I was admiring it when he flooded my mouth with sperm. I managed to take it all. I would have liked a longer session, but a liquid display of passion can only be so bad.

As I sucked Tony, Mark had been sucking my cock. I was proud of my sucking skills, but Mark must have had a degree in cock sucking. It was beautiful. After Tony shot off, he pulled off and Mark shifted me, so I was on my back with my legs spread wide in a fuckable position.

I didn't know it at the time, Mark had been into young guys when he was younger, and he enjoyed deflowering virgins. I don't know how he did it, but his cock was suddenly deep in my ass, and I had barely noticed it. Once he was in my ass, his cock became a magic wand.

As the wand started massaging my prostate, the tip of Butch's uncut cock was dangling over my face, inches from my mouth. I tried to snag it with my mouth. His low hanging balls had draped over my eyes, so I didn't get it. On my third try I caught the skin. As I sucked it into my mouth, my tongue got into the skin and went searching for his knob.

My tongue followed the precum trail and it soon found his drooling slit. That turned me on more. Butch leaned over and swallowed my cock as I feasted on his sex juices[BW1].

With Mark fucking me, Butch sucking my cock, while I was sucking Butch's cock I was enveloped in sex. I briefly thought it was too much. A second or two later I realized it was perfect. I relaxed and concentrated on Butch's cock. Butch and Mark had control of the rest of me.

Mark was a good fucker. Great sex is self-limiting, and Mark shot off, fire-hose style in my ass. It was beautiful. He pulled out and Butch took up the position at my ass.

I knew that Butch's cock was huge. I was so excited to take his cock, I didn't consider my asshole's ability to take it. It was tight, but not a problem. Both Tony and Mark had shot buckets of sperm into me. I was well lubricated. Butch's cock was wonderful. My ass had never been completely filled before.

There was no place for my prostate to hide. It was beautiful. I shot off and that seemed to set off Butch's orgasm. At the time it seemed that it lasted for minutes. It's hard to trust your feelings when you are shooting off. A little later I realized Uncle Billy was taking my load. This was a first for him. The party broke up after that. It was late and Uncle Billy and I went to bed.

At breakfast we talked. Uncle Billy told me they had been friends for years and Butch referred to them as the Four Horsemen. He said it was more like one Horseman and three ponies. I laughed.

"Are you feeling any ill effects?" he asked.

"Well, I am sort of depressed it's over," I said. "I didn't know sex could be that good. Do you get together often?"

"We play cards every three to four weeks. Gus drops in when they are horny," Uncle Billy explained. "I have a feeling any one of them would be willing to adopt you. I take it you enjoyed them. They are nice men. Most men see guys like us as old geezers."

"I didn't seem to notice," I said.

A few days later I ran into Butch. He lived in a house on the way to my job. He told he that he was worried that we had a one-sided relationship. "We all topped, and you bottomed. I hope you are okay," he said.

I smiled and said, "All was well with me, and it was much more than just being well. I loved it," I said. "I was afraid you would think I'm easy."

Butch laughed. "I hope you realized that when you are a middle-aged man with a young playmate, easy is what you want," he said. "Sometimes it's hard for a guy to admit he likes what he wants." He asked me in for coffee.

"I've been thinking about you a lot," he said. "We really worked you over. I haven screwed a guy and shot off in him the first time we met in years," he said. "I don't know what got into me."

I wasn't sure what he was after, but I knew whatever it was I would give it to him. It turned out he was me to fuck him. We got naked, fooled around some and then I fucked his tight ass, but I got in. Uncle Billy says nature will take its course. I shot off and had a spectacular orgasm. Butch could feel each squirt and loved it.

I wanted him to fuck me. He said no. "I discovered years ago that a guy needs full balls and a rock-hard cock the enjoy my cock," he said.

About a week later, Uncle Billy had some pals over. Tim was an old friend who was having his 60th birthday. He invited two of Tim's friends, Grover, and Pat for the festivities. Timmy was a school janitor. Grover was a teacher and high school football coach. Pat was the father of a kid who vandalized the school. He had cleaned up the mess to keep his kid out of jail. The kid was in a treatment center after a drug overdose.

Tim knew that Pat's son was just an accomplice for an older kid from a "good family", so he helped Pat who had a sprained ankle. They became friends.

Tim and Pat were scrawny rednecks. Tim was five-six feet tall. Pat was six-two and sported a Fu Manchu. Grover had been big and muscular. He was big and intimidating. I home after I worked overtime at the burger joint. The party was underway. There had been a lot of beer and food. The party had reached the opening the joke gifts stage. The gifts included: poppers, a fluorescent dildo, and a twelve pack of breath mints. I did not know the inside stories that made then funny. I had a feeling that the real gifts would be served later that night from the cock in liquid form.

I was wrong about that. I went off to take a shower after working all day. Uncle Billy looked in my bathroom as I got ready for showering. "Is there any chance you would like to make the Birthday Boy a happy man?" he asked.

I smiled. "That's not a problem at all," I said. "Are the other guys interested too?"

"I haven't asked, but I can all but definatly tell they are interested," he replied. "Some of them are tops. Are you really that into it?" I nodded.

"I felt that way when I was young. Why don't you go to my room. The shower is walk in," he added. I went to his room and began to shower. Tim, Grover, and Pat moved quickly. I had barely gotten wet when Tim was with me. He was thin, but all muscle with no fat. I didn't get to see much of him. because water was in my eyes. By the time I could see again, he was sucking my cock. It was a walk-in shower, with room for two, but the entire floor was ceramic tile, sloping to the shower drain.

Pat was behind me. "Are you sucking only, or is ass-play, okay?" he asked. "Grover has a doctor pal. Were all tested and clear in case you like man seed."

"Well, let's just say I entertain on the front and back porch. I like homemade refreshments if you get my drift." He traded places with Tim. His cock was long and thin.

"Pat's a bit deaf. When he whispers you can hear him," Tim said. "I'm a back porch kind of guy. Do you really like that? It's not just being nice to the Birthday Boy?"

"I sure do. I don't have a present for you, but I wouldn't mind a taste of your cum" I said.

"I haven't shot off in a guy's mouth or ass in years. Is that a problem?" he asked. I said it was no problem at all.

"Grover is uneasy with young guys. He likes them, but he is strictly no touch or even glances. He may be a bit standoffish. He horse-hung, so it doesn't always fit," Tim said.

I looked at Grover who was sucking Uncle Billy. It wasn't the first time Grover had sucked a cock. I wondered if his fucking skills were advanced. The men knew the ropes but didn't get to practice their skills often.

After showering we went to Billy's king-sized bed.

"I hate to sound crude, but I think it's time fuck around some," Uncle Billy announced.

"I wish there was a better word than fuck," Grover said.

"I had an old pal who called it a buff and shine," Uncle Billy said. All the men laughed.

"I knew someone who called it a deep massage followed by a prostate bath," Grover said.

"There was a male nurse at the hospital who called it an exam tune-up with a fluid exchange," Tim said.

"Well, a plain old good fuck hit's the spot for me," I said. The men laughed.

"I was hoping that I will hit the spot," Tim said.

He did. Tim was a good top. His cock slid in easily and pushed deeper. Tim took his time and gradually picked up the pace. I could feel him spurting semen five minutes later.

Pat was next in line. He was careful and almost timid. He became wildly enthusiastic as he approached climax. Pat was even more careful. It seemed he was afraid he would hurt me. Once he was in, all was well. He seemed to have a particularly lengthy climax. I later found out he had been fucked, but never had topped. I was the first man he had both fucked and seeded.

Apparently, Grover had a long talk with Uncle Billy about my ass and my sexual life. Billy told him he didn't need to worry about my virginity or my sexual interests. He told him about my sexual connection with him. Billy told him I was a nice guy with a monumental interest in man sex.

When Pat pulled out of my ass, Grover was ready to fill the void. Grover was a big man with a huge cock. He didn't really fuck me; he gave me an anal massage. I thought he might be the man who was too big to take, but Tim and Pat had given my ass some warm up exercises. They also had dumped massive cum loads into me.

Grover slid in, encountered my sphincter. It opened to let his cock head pass, and then tightened to grab his cock shaft.

"It may be sort of messy," I whispered to him.

"It feels like the tunnel of love. Could you pretend you love me?" he whispered.

"I don't know, but I do know I'm in love with your cock," I replied.

"That's a start," he said. Grover didn't fuck me, he made love. I could feel the difference. He was also a master fucker.

I was in a group of five men. Uncle Billy was fucking Pat as Tim inserted his anal probe into Billy's backside. We were all individuals but were all sharing intense sexual pleasure. We had a group orgasm. when Billy shot off, he set off a chain reaction of orgasms.

I don't think any were an intense as Grover and mine. He ejaculated long spurts separated by ten seconds for the next spurt. They were forceful and I felt each individual ejaculation.

The party wound down. Grover and Pat went home. Tim stayed overnight with Uncle Jake. When I woke the next morning, Tim's cock had just passed my sphincter.


Next: Chapter 2

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