Umm Whatever

By moc.loa@527meihK

Published on Dec 30, 2001


Umm...Whatever Chapter 9

So... It's been awhile, hasn't it y'all. I dunno where the time went. Out of nowhere, I just decided to start again. And I don't even know why I stopped... yes I do! I'm lazy. =) But Winter break is so cool cause you get a long ass time off.

Thanks to Ron (I call him Ronnie), Ted (aka Tedula), Sean, Kazuki, Rick, Gabs and whoever else I talk to. Thanks for the people who read. Y'all cool.

Remember to email... cause if y'all don't... I wish upon y'all bad breath. Muah! Y'all should reread... I encourage it. Cause I had to, yo. It's so hard keepin' info straight.

Disclaimer: You can choke on Frosted Flakes if you're not careful... that's why I always let my cereal soak... I like 'em soggy. And... Oreo's with milk makes sense... chocolate chip cookies and milk don't. 'N Sync rules! Stuff like that....

Enjoy. Email me:

IM me: Khiem725

Chapter 9

"So I've decided! It's taken quite a bit more thinking than I'm used to, but I've finally come up with something!" I sat down on the bed in Lance's hotel room. He was shaving above the shower. Like there was much to shave, anyway.

"Tell me then, what have you decided?" He asked, shaving his chin and dumping all of it into the sink.

"I want to have sex with JC!" I said, getting up and standing at the door of the bathroom with a huge smile. I guessed it really surprised him cause he quickly jerked his hand and accidentally cut his cheek.


"Ewww! Gross!" I said, running past him into the toilet and getting some tissue. He quickly rinsed his face and I came to the rescue with the paper. "If you aren't used to shaving, you shouldn't try, lil' boy." I said, laughing. But Lance wasn't laughing. He just gave me a 'whatever' look and grabbed the tissues from me.

I sensed he was mad at me or something. "I'll go find a band-aid or something. It looks really nasty." I quietly left the bathroom and went back to Jack's room to my luggage. I always had a box of band-aids with me. I was a responsible fella! And plus, I somehow always seem to be a bit clumsy. I grabbed one of those small, circular ones and went back to Lance's room. He was next to his bed, laying out his clothes for the day. He was wearing a pair of jeans and nothing else. It was a nice view. He's very white.

"Here, let me put it on for you." I said, pushing him onto the bed and standing affront him. "You really should be careful and stuff, ya know. I mean, you totally chopped off your skin, man. And the bad thing is, you didn't even finish shaving. You're half stubby."

He didn't say anything. He just sat there, staring at me and trying to make eye contact with me. It was weird. I never felt so... awkward. But I didn't want him to know so I just kept my eyes on his cheek. I peeled the cover of the band-aid and precisely placed it on his cut, which by now was not bleeding but still, it might get infected, ya know?

"Umm... maybe you should go see the nurse lady at the arena later because like, I don't think this'll hold with all the sweatin' that you're gonna do and stuff. But it's prolly not that bad." I said, staring at his hair. I wonder if he's really that blonde. His brows are kinda brown, if ya haven't noticed.

He unconsciously ran his fingers across my forearm and grabbed my hand. That got my attention and I stared right into his awaiting eyes. It seems like a whole minute but it wasn't. I could tell he was not happy. I could feel his fingers entwining with mine. I didn't know what was going on. I was feelin'... woozy. Like his touch was something more than it should be. He eased my fingers apart and grabbed the band-aid wrappers and went to throw it away in the bathroom without saying a word.

"Umm... thanks." Okay, so like, I felt like a total fool. Why the hell was Lance being all affectionate and stuff like that? That whole thing was too weird cause like, he's my friend, first off. And like, it's so not like him. Ya know... it'd be totally easier to read people if they told me what they were thinking first.

"What time is it?" Lance yelled from the restroom.

"Umm... two." I said. My phone rang. Wow! My dad got me this mad-ass phone before I went off tour. He says it's a present, I still think it's a leash. He, well, his secretary, calls me almost everyday and if I don't pick up, she tells my dad! I get so mad cause he then gives me a personal call and yells at me! I mean, gosh!

"Yellow?" I answered. I got that from Homer Simpson. He's my idol. I know, I know, he's not the perfect dude but he's the coolest! I mean, we have so much in common! I like donuts. He likes donuts. He likes to sit in his underwear watching tv. Me too!

"Hey babe. Come over! I wanna cuddle." It was JC. He was whining. I laughed cause it's so weird especially when he does it cause he's so old and stuff .

"Okay! I'll be over in like, five minutes. I'm helping Lance with stuff."

"With what stuff? You better not be naked!" He warned me. He's always being weird =)

"Well... Lance is... I'm not... yet." I said, hanging up on him. He called back like, ten seconds later. I totally knew he was gonna but I decided to play him and not pick up.

"Hey, Lance!" I yelled, jumpin' off the bed and walkin' into the bathroom. He was finishing shaving. "I'm gonna go. JC just called and we're just gonna hang out. I'll see you tonight at the arena, okay? Well, if I'm there. I dunno yet cause seeing the same show over and over again gets boring, ya know? But then... there's nothing else to do in Seattle especially if you're my age and all alone with no one to accompany you except your dad's credit card..." I was babbling again. So I gave Lance a pat on his shoulder and went for the door. Just as I was about to walk out, I bumped into JC.

"Hey, JC! Whatcha doing here? I was just on my way over there. I was just teaching Lance how to shave." I laughed. "He got cut. That's what happen when you have nothing to shave in the first place." I joked.

"Yeah. You're one to talk, kiddo. You've barely hit puberty!" He said, pulling me in for a waddle hug. You know what that is... when you hug someone and you sway from side to side. Yeah, well that's what he was doing.

"Lancey! I'm going, okay? I'll see you later, buddy!" I yelled through the bathroom door.

"Yeah, Lancey! Be a sport and give us a ring around five, aight bro? Lata!" JC said, pulling me out the door. I saw Lance's head sticking out the door and I waved to him just before JC pulled me out the door.

"So I've decided, JC." I said, laying beside him. "What have you decided, babe?" He said, playing with my hair. "I wanna have sex." I said, sitting up. "With me?" He said, opening his eyes to stare at me. "Well duh! No... I wanted to have sex with Joey! What do you think?" I said sarcastically. "Are you ready, babe?" "Well, how hard can it be? You can't be that big? And me and Chris have surfed for porn on his laptop enough times for me to know how it works." "What do you mean I can't be that big?" He said, smiling. "Well, you never showed me before. And all those tight pants you wear... I dunno. Not that I was looking or anything but like, nevermind." I giggled. "Tell me!" JC said, tickling my sides. "Well... Lance has a bigger bulge than you. I've just noticed." I said, hiding my smile. "Hey!" JC was about to go off about something but I decided it was the perfect time to make out. So we spend the next ten minutes kissin' and touchin'. He wasn't that small after all. "At least you're bulge is bigger than Justin's." I said, trying to justify his manhood. "Thank God." We both laughed. Soon, I feel asleep on his shoulder while he rubbed my chest. I was happy.

So I had this dream... it was such a weird dream... a nightmare really. I mean totally scary. It was actually funny though! Nick from the Backstreet Boys and I were boyfriends. Now if that wasn't scary enough... all the BSB were sleeping on this king size bed... as if they're actually that close though. But they were. And I was laying between AJ and Nick. Nick undressed me and was spooning me and everything, which was actually quite comfy since he's really squishy. All of a sudden AJ pulls me away from Nick and seduces me right there next to Nick. Then they all get up and go to play tennis... without me! I woke up sweatin' man. And the thing I didn't understand was why they left me to go play tennis... I mean, you can't play tennis with five folks, ya know? They need even numbered folks!

But it was only a dream so it was okay. And I had my boy here with me... or so I thought. I woke up rubbing my eyes and noticed that JC wasn't there. That was a total bummer for me cause I wanted to molest his body while he was asleep. I guess that would have to wait though. That's when I remembered I didn't really finish discussin' the start of our sexcapade. I didn't even really remember what we actually talked about either. So I decided that it'd be best to take things into my own hands. I mean, I'm a grown boy and stuff, right? How hard is it to actually prepare for sex?

But what I'm saying is... sex is a big thing right? And if it's sucha big deal and all then I should totally prepare for it. I mean, I'm not gonna go into a final exam without studyin' right? Well... everyone always told me to prepare for sex... so I gotta. But how?

"Hi Jack!" I walked outta the room and everyone was gone. They totally left me. But it was okay. They prolly were at the arena and I didn't feel like goin' anyways. I had other things to plan for. So I called up Jack. "Finally woke up from your nap, kiddo?" "Like, yeah. So anyways. I wanted to go around Seattle and stuff and so I need a car or something. So I was wondering if I could take the cab or something and if you left any cash here?" I asked. "Don't take a cab. Ummm... yeah I have some money in that purple travel pouch of mine. It's hung on the restroom door. Call the front desk and talk to the concierge folks. Get a limo from them and they'll take you anywhere you want, okay? Don't take the cab though." He warned me. "Okay so like, call the concierge folks and then get money from your purple purse... gotcha!" "It's a travel bag!" Which it really wasn't. It had embroidery and stuff on it... now no travel bag I know has fancy stuff on it... unless it was a travel purse... "Okay I gotta go then. Bye!" "Wait! Where you going?" "Umm... I'm gonna go to..." Shit! What was I supposed to tell him? Hell, I totally couldn't tell him where I was going. All I was thinking about was preparing for sex and stuff. My head was filled with penis and more penis! "... the Space Needle!" "Oh. Okay. I'll call you later then." Jack said, believin' me and everythin'! "Okay. Bye." So I got dressed and everything, grabbed some money from Jack's purse and called the concierge folks to get me a limo. Wow... I felt like a celeb and everything.

So I'm sitting here wondering, 'how the fuck did I end up with this stuff?' I looked down at all the things that I had bought. They were all lined up, in no particular logical prder or anything, but they were spread out. I didn't know what I got myself into. Did I really need all of this? Maybe I went overboard? I couldn't believe I spent $300.00. It was ludicrous and stuff!

"Fuck!" I whispered. Yeah, with all I bought, I'm sure that's what I'll be doing!

I didn't get back from going out until around six and so I called Jack to see what was up. Jack is always busy, ya know. He works 25/7... and no, that's not a typo. It's funny really cause the company tagged him with a cell. It's really cool cause that means he gets free long distance and stuff. So I always use the phone to call folks back at home. But it's a dog collar really. He gets calls all night long sometimes too. It's like he's in charge of so much shit and every lil' problem that happens, he gets called. It's cool though cause I'm sure he gets more cash than he needs.

"Jack?" I said. He picked up on the other end.

"Hi, Khiem. What can I do ya for?"

"I need to know what time you're gonna be home tonight?" I asked.

"Around twelve or so, I guess. Same time as always. Why? Did you need anything?"

"Oh, no. I was just wondering cause I wanted to hang out with the guys when they came home and stuff."

"Okay, well. Behave yourself until we're home." He ordered.

"Okay. Bye." I hung up before he could start lecturing me. So good. They were gonna be home at twelve, which gave me enough time to prepare for that night. I just hoped that JC wasn't gonna be tired and stuff. And, it was late enough so that I could eat dinner, watch tv and take a nap cause I needed energy for that night.

Okay... remember what Sam said. 'Sex is supposed to be fun and the first time is the one you'll remember the best, the most vividly. So you have to have the most fun your first time. Or else, every other time will just be blah cause you'll keep remembering how Unfun sex was. Got it?' I shivered at the thought. So I set up everything as planned in JC's room. It was cool cause I had an hour to spare before the guys would be back. I didn't have any campaign or hard liquor like Sam suggested mainly cause I wasn't old enough to order anything... but everything else she told me to do was set. It was perfect. So, having a whole hour to myself, I decided to go take a shower. So I stripped and showered, throwing my clothes on the bed. I never liked those toilette amenities that the hotels give you. Even in a rich ass hotel they give you generic soap and stuff. And knowing this, I still don't know why I steal the bottles all the time. I mean, I'm not gonna use them and eventually, I end up throwing them away. But I guess it's a habit or something... or human nature cause you can't stay in a hotel and not 'accidentally' drop something into your luggage. So anyways, after finishing my rendition of Whitney Houston's 'I Will Always Love You' in the shower, I dried my hair, brushed my teeth and put on the complimentary bathrobe and sandals. I was tying my bathrobe and walking into the room at the same time when I noticed that the lights were turned off. And I remembered leaving them on cause I always stub my toes when I don't know where everything is. And that's a big problem cause every hotel room is always arranged differently from each other. "Hello? JC? Is that you?" I whispered. "Just come over here." He said from the bed. The draped were shut there was very little moonlight coming in. I couldn't really see anything. So I guess JC came home earlier than expected or my Whitney Houston remix lasted a whole hour... I don't know. Either way, I wasn't gonna complain. Although I did want him to come in and find me sprawled out on the bed naked in some seductive position and moan 'Take me now' or something instead of seeing me drowning in an oversized bathrobe with floppy slippers. "Okay!" I said, jumping on the bed next to him. I reached out for him but he stopped me. "Don't move. Take your clothes off and lay down on your tummy." He whispered again. I guess the whispering part was supposed to make it more seductive or something. "Why are you whispering JC? Is your throat sore? I have some cough drops in my bag in the other room if you need some." I said, whispering just for the fun of it. "Shut up" He whispered more loudly. Whoa... I guess he was getting into some role-playing business. Not what I had in mind but I didn't mind at all. He grabbed my hands behind my back and started to tie them up with some rope or something. Whatever it was, it was kinda rough. "Hey J, do you think you could turn on the lights a lil' bit? Cause I mean, if you're gonna tie me up and stuff... I wanna be able to see so I don't accidentally role off the bed or something." He finished knotting the ropes and patted my ass. "I told you to shut up. Do I need to gag you? I can take off my underwear and stuff it down your fuckin' throat." He threatened. Now it wasn't fun anymore. JC never talked to me that way before and even if we were role-playing or whatever, he wouldn't be that way. "Okay, I don't wanna play no more. Untile me now, JC." I was being serious. It turned from fun to strange and scary... not the best memories for the first time. "I really hate you, you know?" I could feel his breath on my ear and his stubble on my cheek. There I was, on my tummy tied and scared. "What do you mean? I thought you... that me and you... that... ummm... I'm confused." I said, struggling to get my hands free and trying to move away from him. But I couldn't cause he was half laying on top of me. "It's not surprising, bitch." He raised his voice. That's when I realized it was not JC. His voiced changed completely. But I was too scared to pinpoint the voice, although it did sound familiar. "Hey! You're not JC! You slut! Get off me or I'll hurt you! Who are you? You're really heavy!" I said, trying to squirm my way from under him. I couldn't though cause he had one hand on my ass and the other pressing down on my back. "Okay, ya know... I'm really gonna have to gag you cause you talk way too much!" "Fuck you, man!" I yelled. "I ain't taking no one's underwear in my mouth" I screamed really loudly and started going crazy on the bed. I was able to throw him off my back somewhat and got on my knees and tired to knee my way over to the other side of the bed. My eyes were getting used to the dark and everything so I was able to kinda see what he was doing. He gave a big growl of some sort and grabbed my leg. I fell half off the bed and half on. "You asshole! You think you can get away from me? I'm twice you size, man." He yelled. I kinda laughed. "Ha! Then you must be a whale, bitch." I said, kicking him in the head. He yelled and let go of my foot. I lost my balance and fell completely on the floor. I got up on my feet and started getting away. But I guess the whale was faster than I had thought cause the next thing I knew, I was on my back with him on top of me. It was really uncomfortable cause my arms were behind my back. "I would have done this sooner, kid. But I didn't want to make it too obvious so I waited for a while. Now I have you... and I'm gonna fuck you up." That's when I recognized the voice. That's when I knew who he was. "Umm... okay. So like, you're totally overreacting dude! Don't go overboard, man. Just relax and let me go, okay?" I asked. "No." He yelled. "Okay... just wondering" I said and kneed him in the balls. He groaned with pain and I kicked him off of me. Man... I kneed him really hard. I'm pretty sure, whatever he had in mind to do with me, he wouldn't be able to do it now. I got up and I kicked him in his stomach. He was on the floor, grabbing at his crotch and stomach and moaning in pain. "Serves you right! Underestimate ME will ya." In all the commotion, we had moved away from the bed and further away from the window, so there was even less light. And like I said before... I usually have the lights on in hotel rooms cause I never know where I'm going. Well, I was trying to head for the restroom cause that way, I could lock myself in and call the cops with the toilet phone. But I kept bumping into the wall. And it was even harder cause I didn't have hands to feel my way around. He tried to get up and crawl after me. I heard him coming, although I couldn't see him, and panicked and stuff. He grabbed at my feet and I, being the coward that I am, jumped up in fear and hit the wall... flat! It really hurt too! My forehead was gonna be bruised for awhile after that. I got dizzy from the impact and started wobbling. The guy grabbed my ankle and I lost my balance. Apparently, we were near a side table with a vase on it... cause the next thing ya know, my left arm starts flying out and hits the vase and it fell with a loud shatter and I then felt water on my legs... and the hand that was tightly wrapped around my ankle went totally dead. This was serious. The guy was unconscious. I knocked him out... or the vase did. I was totally lucky. I was panicking too though. I didn't think it was all that serious until, adjusting my eyes to the dark, I noticed the potential danger I was in. Just then... I heard the key to the door slide in and the light on the lock shining green. The door opened and I could see a shadow. He reached over to the wall and turned on the lights and gasped. What a sight to see. There I was, on the ground, sweaty, wet and naked and there was the evil dude, naked, wet, bleeding and very hairy. "Oh my God! Khiem!... Carson!"

"Ain't it funny, Carson." Chris started laughing. "Khiem's camera seems to always catch you in very compromising positions, huh." He laughed, holding the camera up and filming Carson tied to the bed. He was naked, spread eagled, tied and gagged.

"Yeah... and ain't it fuckin' funny how easy it is to blackmail people?" Joey said. Taking a feather and teasing and ticking Carson down there.

"Ya know, Khiem was right about you, Carson." Chris laughed. "You're big everywhere except where it matters most."

"You're a sick pervert, man! Look at all these things here." Chris pointed down to the floor. It was littered with sex toys, dildos, leather gadgets and other stuff. "And they're all lined up in not particular logical order and stuff."

"What the fuck were you planning on doing to the kid, asshole?" Chris asked. Carson tried to talk but it was useless with the gag in his mouth.

Justin, Lance and JC took me to the restroom and got me cleaned up. I wasn't really dirty or anything and I had no substantial bruises but they just wanted to make sure. And... Chris wanted these guys out cause they knew JC woulda prolly kicked Carson's limp body and Lance and Justin would have been propping him up for the whoopin'. Plus, only Chris and Joey, with their twisted minds and strong stomachs, would want to film a naked Carson.

"Luckily Jack isn't here yet. If he found out..." Justin said.

"He's not gonna find out. We can't let him find out what happened here. It's nothing he should be worried about. Khiem's okay... right babe?" JC looked at me. I nodded. "And Jack's already too stressed out..." All the guys were worried for me, which as so awesome. And J was right. Jack shouldn't find out about this... cause it would lead to so many problems. Like, I'd have to tell him about JC and I and he'd prolly make us break up or send me back home for the rest of the summer or something... I dunno. I didn't want to know, so there was no point in telling Jack... that we agreed on.

"So what happened, Khiem?" Lance asked. They cleaned up the room, got rid of Carson and was just sitting on the bed surrounding and pampering me like some wartime hero. I was feelin' special. "Well. I was in JC's room because I was gonna spend the night here. Then like, I took a shower and when I got out, I thought Carson was JC. Next thing ya know, I was tied and stuff and he brought all these sex toys with him. He was intending to use them on me, yo! But I told him no. And no means no and stuff, ya know. So I fought him. I was kicking and running and jumping. And then I just knocked him out with the vase. Classic move, yo." I said triumphantly. All the guys were happy I was okay and one by one they left until it was only Lance. JC was in the restroom. He was smiling at me. "I know there's more to this, Khiem." He said. "What do you mean?" I said, giving him a innocent look. He ruffled my hair. "For some reason... I don't think those toys belonged to Carson, now do they?" He asked. "What you sayin'? You think they're mine?" I smiled. "Oh. No! Of course not! I'd never!" He said sarcastically. He got up off the bed and gave me a big hug. Awwwww... "I'm really glad you're safe. I would have pissed my pants." "I know, Lance. I wasn't scared at all!" I said bravely. He stared me down. "Okay, just a little." More staring. "Okay, maybe a lot. But I'm okay!" "Yes, buddy. You are." He sighed. "You always seem to get into some kinda trouble everywhere you go." "I know! It's like... I'm living a story fantasy life." "Okay, well. You sleep tight okay? I'll see you tomorrow for brunch." Lance said. "Okay... and I still can't believe you think I'd buy those toys. Why would I? It wasn't as if I was tricked into buying them or anything." I said. "Okay, okay" He said, walking towards the door. "Oh! I forgot to give you this... I found it in your pant pocket on the floor near the bed." He said, handing me a piece of paper." He grinned and left. I looked at it and blushed. It was the receipt from "Joe's Jumbo Sex Junk", signed by me.

That's all for now. Thanks y'all.

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