Umm Whatever

By moc.loa@527meihK

Published on Mar 12, 2001


Umm...Whatever Chapter 8

Deal People,

Okay. I know that it's been quite awhile since I last updated this story and I'm sure y'all are gonna have to go back and reread some stuff. I'm totally sorry and stuff about that. I mean, I was totally swamped with stuff. Like, SAT and college applications and essays and school projects and stuff like that. I just got totally tired and unmotivated and stuff. But not anymore. I'm trying to start writing again and stuff. So I'm sorry if this is kinda distant to y'all. This isn't a very fun chapter but it's the best that I can do. So please bear with it. I'm workin' on it as best I can. Thanks =)

So like, I just wanted to thank everybody who means anything to me. Ron, Ted, Rick, Ryan, Gabby, Terri, Sean... and then to the people who I haven't talked to in forever! Harrison, Kyle, Fred, and there's more.

The disclaimer - Neuter your pets, cause they're horn balls, just like us. Could cats and dogs have sex together? I wonder what that looks like... not the sex part... I mean the babies. And we all know horses are hung... thus the expression 'hung like a horse' but doesn't that hurt when they run? God... I mean, we have jock supports and women have sports bra... doesn't anyone think about the animals.... Think about the animals! Thank you. Oh yeah... don't know 'N Sync... but I'm pretty sure JC and Lance are gay and that Justin is not that well endowed.

Yours truly, Khiem.

P.S. Y'all better email me! I want email... Just tell me what you think... or ever tell me what you ate or did today... I care. =) But I rather hear about what you think about my story... it'd be so helpful and nice and stuff like that. I'd totally appreciate it.

New York City is freaking dirty and so crowded! And it's not like everyone is nice and stuff either. It's worse than the traffic goin' on beside me! Everyone be on their phone talking to someone and they be pushing and shoving their way thru the crowds of people. Everyone was so nicely dressed in their business suit and swinging their big leather briefcases. And the thingy was, they walked fast. If you were slow, you'd get trampled. It was a jungle. A stampede. "Everyone is so serious looking and stuff." I said, catching up with JC. I mean, I didn't even have time to like, stop and take pictures or just stare or anything. "Unlike we deadbeats, they have a job and stuff to go to." He said, swerving through the traffic. "Wow... the fast life." I smiled. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Yum. Hot dogs! Come on, JC. Let's get a hot dog." I said, pushing him towards the vendor on the wheelie cart. "Umm... no. Let's not." He said. "But like, it's the New York way! I mean, when I think of New York, I'm seeing all these screaming brokers holding a cell phone in one hand and a hot dog in another! And notice like, how in all those New York movies, there's always a hot dog man at the corners and stuff. New York equals hot dog." I laughed. "Yeah... a hot dog. Smelly and disgusting. That about fits Joey." He said, making me laugh. "And he's a pig!" I laughed. "But come on! You don't have to buy one. I want one but like, we can go find something else for you. I want a foot long." I said, making my way thru the crowd. "A foot long Joey." JC snickers. "As if! He wishes he was. But ewww! I don't want to think about Joey's hot dog.... Ever!" I said, making gagging noises. So we bought a hot dog for me with the works on it which was disgusting looking but I didn't want to be rude and say anything. JC was right. It did smell. The hot dog was discolored. It looked like it had stuff growling on it. I guess that explained the green tint on it and stuff. JC was giving me the 'I told you so' look and smiling at me. He probably thought that I wasn't gonna be able to eat it or something. I mean, true, I had set myself up for this but no way in hell was I gonna let JC get the last laugh. That's not how I work. "I'm gonna eat it, JC." I said, giving him a serious look. "I will! I'll finish the whole thing. Just you wait and see." I said, building up my courage. "Oh. I have no doubt in my mind, dude. But I'm gonna get to see you finish off the whole thing. Every inch of it." He said as we paid the guy and started walking towards the subway entrance just across the street. "I know you will. You're such a pervert!" I punched him arm. He yelped and started rubbing his arm. "What?" He laughed. "Nothing. Let's just go. I don't want to waste any time." I said, walking ahead of him. I turned around to look at him. "I can handle way more than this, baby!" I said, as I stuffed a head of the hot dog in my mouth.

"Awe shit! I got ketchup all over my brand new shirt! Damn!" I said, holding the shirt away from my skin. I was wiping it but the stain was just growin' and growin'. Ugh! I'm such a ditz sometimes. I mean, I just bought this shirt and I had to go and ruin it.

"Dude. We'll go home and wash it. It'll be good as new. Don't worry about it. Now just let it dry up and stuff. No problem." JC said, handing me a napkin. I gave him a sarcastic smile and continued to concentrate on my cleaning.

We finally made it to the stupid zoo. It took like, forever and stuff! The stupid stain on my shirt was already dried.

"It feels weird. I'm gonna go change shirts. Be right back, JC" I said. I walked away but JC grabbed my shoulder.

"Hey! I'll go with you. If you don't have to wear this ugly shirt, then neither do I." He said.

"But, JC! Come on! You have to wear it! I bought it for you! And it's not that ugly." I said, playing with my own shirt. He just stood there shaking his head. "Fine! I'll wear it." I said giving in. I might as well look like an ass if JC was willing to look like an ass too.

"Why do we have to go to the zoo, Khiem? Why can't we go somewhere... less hot and smelly? I can take you to visit Time Square and take you shopping. Or we can go to the New York Stock Exchange or something." JC whined. I swear, he's such a baby. "I don't want to go to Time Square. There's nothing at Time Square! And I shop too much as it is. And everything here is freaking expensive anyways. And what's there to do at the Stock Exchange? I've seen videos... it's boring. I want to go to the zoo and like just look at the animals or something. It'll be fun and stuff. So please?" I begged him. He sighed and silently nodded his approval. I loved how he always putted up with me and stuff. So we finally got to the zoo and JC bought the tickets while I dabbed my shirt with water from the fountain. It was no use. That freakin' stain was there for the whole day. I've always loved animals. They were so cute and stuff. "Do you have any pets, JC?" I asked him as we gave the door man our tickets. "I've had dogs all my life. Had a Labrador. His name was Benny. The coolest dog in the world! But it died a while back. And since then, nothing. Traveling and stuff makes it kinda hard to keep pets." "But Chris has that Pug." I said. "God! I know! I'm so glad he didn't take it along this time. That thing was not very well potty trained. He'd always leave great surprises in my bunk. That's why you should never get a bottom bunk. "Well, I love animals. Except cats. Well, it depends on what kinda cats. But most of them are ugly and stuff. I love dogs though. I've always wanted a dog but my mom never let me. She didn't like dogs or something." I said. "So you've never had a pet or anything?" He asked. "Yeah. I have. I had a pet rabbit when I was like, ten. It was really cool though. I was totally excited about having one and stuff. I called her Bunny." I laughed. "Good name." JC said, smiling. "Yep. I like to keep it simple. Anyways, I kinda killed it." I said. "What? How?" "Well, see. This rabbit was really small when we got her, right? So I thought that there was something wrong with her. I thought that maybe she wasn't getting enough to eat. So like I just kept feeding her and feeding her. Like, when I'd get home from school, I'd give her some chips and stuff from my lunch." I said, blushing. "Oh shit! You're not supposed to feed them junk food!" JC laughed. We made our way through the bird trail. "Well... now I know. So like, it was the coolest pet! I put a collar on her and walked her along the trail near our house. It was so cool." "You're such a nerd." JC said, pinching my cheek. I squirmed and pulled away. "So like anyways, the moral of the story is that junk food makes you fat, no matter what you are. But it's sooo good." Even though the zoo totally smelled like crap, we had a really cool time. We walked around the monkey caves and the petting zoo. We were the oldest in the petting zoo but it was fun to see all those small animals make those little kids cry. We had ice cream and lots of water. It was extra hot for some reason. I dunno why. Maybe it's because the smell and all the fleas flyin' all over the place. It was a perfect day, although it wasn't going to end anytime soon. "Khiem, it's already four. Let's get back to the hotel. We're leavin' early tomorrow." "Leavin' for where?" I asked. "To meet back with the tour." He said, tugging me off the bench that we were restin' on. "But, gosh! Why do we have to leave so early? Why can't they just wait until noon or something. I mean, ugh! Oh well. We'll be back here again after awhile. So I guess I'll have time to go shopping then, right?" "Of course! But anyways, let's go. I'm tired of this stinkin' place." He said, dragging me thru the bird trails towards the entrance. "Me too. I need a bath so much." I added. JC smirked and grabbed my shoulders, walking behind me step to step. "Is that a suggestion?" He whispered in my ear. "Hey! We're in public, dude. Stop that." I smiled. "So what? Who in their right mind would go to the zoo on a day like this? Only crazy people would go." He said. "But we... hey! Shut up! I'm not crazy. I'm just really... fun loving. Yeah! That's the word."

"Lance! Lance! Hello?" I screamed, strugglin' to open the door with my keycard. I finally got the green light to shine and opened the door. JC was down stairs. Last I saw, he was digging in his pocket for some money for the cab.

"Hey Khiem. What's up?" Justin turned his head towards my direction. I just gave him a big smile and jogged to Lance's room.

"Just came back from zoo." I said before disappearing into Lance's room. Lance was just laying on his belly flipping through the channel. I leaned against the door and just smiled at him. It took him awhile but he got out of his daydream and noticed me in his room.

"Hey bud! I didn't hear you!" He said, quickly climbing out of bed. "D'cha have fun?"

"Yeah! I had fun. It would have been better with you though. But I'm just tryin' to get used to this whole dating thingy. Can't have a threesome now can we? At least not yet. But like, I bought you something! It's really cool. I hope you don't already have one." I digged through my bag and found his shirt. I held it up against my body to model it for him.

"Wow... it's... it's... it's nice."

"Ain't it though? Like, I got you one, JC one and myself one. But I got ketchup on it, which really sucks cause I don't know if it'll come out." I said, lifting up my jacket and showing him the stupid stain.

"Oh. We'll, dry clean could prolly take it out or whatever."

"I'm glad you had a good time."

"Yeah. Although JC was a little cranky. But I met this guy. He was really cool. He helped me unleash my psychic powers." I said rather proudly. Lance just looked at me and laughed. "Well, believe it or not, it doesn't matter. But I'm gonna have to practice on it and stuff. So who'll be my first victim?" I said, staring at him with pleading eyes.

"Yeah, I wonder who..." He said, avoiding contact.

"How about you? It'd be so cool. And perfectly safe and stuff. I don't even know what I'm doing. I can tell you about your future, love life, and like..."

"Okay. Try me. I'm totally curious." He said.

"Yes! Okay." I rubbed my hands together. "I guess the first thing is to relax and concentrate or something."

"No. The first thing is to go to your own room and take a bath. You smell like shit." Lance said, pushing me out the door.

"Ketchup, Lance! It's ketchup." I said.

"Not in New York, babe. Now go!"

"Hey, Khiem." "Yeah?" I turned around. JC was standing very close behind me, decked out only in a white bathrobe. "Hey sexy." I laughed. "I've never called you that. It sounds weird." "There's nothing weird about it. I'm sexy. It's a fact." He said, tickling my tummy. I squirmed away. "Really now... Truth, I don't find you sexy at all. You disgust me! That chiseled face, that round ass, the smooth hair, the six pack and broad shoulders. Ugh! So gross." I made gagging noises. "Why you little..." What started out as a fun quarrel turned into a make out session. Who knew that a person's tongue could be that talented. It was so cool. Here I was, makin' out with a hot dude. And I couldn't help but notice that the rope on his robe was not very well knotted. But who was I to stop and tell him. I was getting kinda excited myself, but I had to come up for air. "Wow. This is so much fun! Who knew? We totally have to do this more often, dude!" I said, giving him another peck on the lips. "Of course. You're still very inexperienced. So we'll have to do it a whole bunch." "Hey! I'm not that bad!" "Well... I don't know. I think I should see for myself... again..." Just as we were about to have another amazing make out session, someone knocked on the door. "Umm... come in." I said, climbing out from under JC. JC fixed his robe and tied the know into place, which was a total bummer. But I guess he didn't feel like flashing anyone just yet. But it was a good think that we stopped, cause Jack came in. "Hey Jack!" I smiled while straightening my hair. "Hi Khiem. How was your day in NY?" He asked, sitting on the edge of the bed. I was decked out in a pair of blue boxers and a t-shirt. I crossed my legs and rested my hands in my lap... strategically. "Nothing much. It was really fun and stuff. That's it." I said. JC was laying next to me, just staring at nothing. Jack looked at JC and then at me. "So what y'all boys up to?" Jack asked. "Nothing." JC blurted. "Yeah. Just talking and stuff." I said. "Really... about what." "Stuff." I said. "He was just telling me how he had a pet bunny when he was smaller. Really good story. I think you should tell Jack. I'll be goin' now. Bye y'all." JC made a quick dash towards the door. I just smiled, my eyes gleaming with mischief. "You havin' fun, Khiem?" "Yeah! Total blast, Jack. Why you ask?" "No. Nothing. I'm just wondering. The guys been treatin' ya okay?" "Yeah. Totally. They're great. I was thinking of joining the group." I laughed. "That's good to hear. The guys really don't mind you at all. They're so used to folks traveling along with them all the time." "Yeah... well... I should go. I have to go see Lance. Was there something you wanted to say?" "Huh... oh yeah. I'm gonna be tied up in a meeting tonight so you hang out with the guys. I hear they're gonna go eat and stuff. So behave yourself." I nodded and smiled. He messed up my hair and pulled me into a hug. "Ya know, kid. I've grown fond of ya. That means you're gonna have to stay here with us forever." "Hey. You don't hear me complainin'." I said. He got up and headed for the door. Before leaving, he added, "Stay out of trouble." "You know I never get into trouble." I gave him a devilish grin. He just looked at me and sighed.

"Okay. So how do we start?" Lance said. I had made my way to his room and we were gonna do the 'psychic' thing.

"Umm... I guess we need a candle or something." I suggested.

"A candle? What for?" He asked, getting up to find one.

"Well, that's how all the movie people do it." I said. Lance found a candle in the bathroom and came back with a lighter. He turned off the light and lit the candle. It was really spooky and so so cool. I could see his white face set off against the pretty candle light.

"They say candle light is the most romantic light." Lance said, sitting Indian style across from me.

"They are often wrong, dude." I laughed. He smirked and set the candle in between us. "So I guess I'm supposed to start, huh." He nodded. "So umm... let's see. I guess we start with... umm... umm..."

"Maybe we should start by holding hands." Lance suggested. He extended his hands towards me.

"But why? I don't understand how that's gonna help." I said, confused.

"Well..." Lance said, taking my hands in his. "I just heard somewhere, that it's supposed to increase our psychic connections, to help us become one..." He said, softly rubbing his thumbs in circles. It tickled me.

"Good thinking Lance! Okay, I guess holding hands would be a good idea." I smiled at him. Looking at him in the candle light was different for some reason. The way the flickering lights danced on his face was cool. I dunno, he was cute.

So we sat in silence, holding hands, with the candlelight flickering in between us. I closed my eyes and tried to relax. I could hear Lance giggle and squeezed his hand, motioning him to shut up. He finally did and for about a few minutes, everything was quiet.

"Okay, I'm ready to predict your future." I smiled, trying really hard to take this seriously.

"You are, eh."

"Yes!" I laughed. "So ask away, mister."

"So I want to know. How long will 'N Sync last?" He asked.

"Umm... four more years at the most."

"Why so early?" He asked.

"When Justin hit's 23, his hair will start to fall out. Being very self-conscience, he will immediately quit the band and live a life of solitude with Britney Spears."

"Ohh! What's gonna be happening with Britney then?"

"Umm... Britney and Justin will date for awhile, but then they'll break up. And she'll go on and make two more albums. But like, one day, one of her breasts will pop, making her unable to be stable and thus, rendering her danceless. And seeing as how she can't really sing that well, she too will finally go into seclusion. She and Justin will reconcile and marry. But don't ask me about the children. Ugh!" I said. Lance just laughed really hard.

"What am I gonna do after we break up?" He asked.

Without hesitation, I said, "Porn." I tried not to laugh.

"What the hell?" He said, obviously shocked.

"Not! I'm just kidding. You're not well equipped enough for porn." I joked.

"Like you know."

"I know all. I'm psychic." I said, proudly. "But seriously. You're gonna go and become some music guy. Producer or something like that."

"That's cool."

"I know! Ain't it though?"

"So what about relationship wise?" He asked.

"Umm. You'll find someone really cool! Shorter than you. Totally cute. Y'all are made for each other. You love him a lot. It's gonna be someone you already know."

"What's his name?" He asked. His? Wow. I didn't know. I mean, sure, I did jump him in the bathtub, but that didn't mean anything. But then, he's really touchy and emotional sometimes. Duh! Why didn't I think of it? I'm such an airhead sometimes.

"I don't know his name. Something like, J or L or something. I'm not sure. But he's really cute. And don't worry, y'all gonna live happily ever after." I smiled. He didn't say anything for awhile so I opened my eyes to see what was wrong. I looked at his face. He was sad or something. Actually, he was day dreaming, or in a daze. Whatever. "Are you okay, Lance? Am I spooking you out or something? I'm sorry if I did, it's just that my powers are so amazin'..."

"No. You didn't." He laughed, obviously lying. I did spook him out or something. He was actin' different. "Umm.. I was just thinking. J or L... hehehe. That means it's either Joey or myself. Thanks a lot Khiem. I'm so gonna kill you if that ever comes true." He laughed. He blew out the candle and got up to turn on the lights.

"Don't worry about it. I still have to develop my powers and stuff. I'm not good at all. I'm just a novice." I said, throwing my hand over his shoulder as we walked into the living room. Everyone was just sprawled around and stuff.

"So folks. Let's go eat. I'm freakin' hungry. I feel like... something exotic. Spicy. I say we go eat Thai food."

"Never had that... sounds good. Let's go!" Chris said.

"What'd you order for us?" Joey asked, as the waitress took the menus away. "Lot's of stuff. You'll like it." I said. JC was sitting beside me and had his hand on my leg. It was making my leg kinda sweaty but I didn't want to say anything so I just smiled. "So what do y'all wanna do tonight? Let's take Khiem around and see New York." Chris, who was sitting beside me, said. "Oh! I know! Let's go to Central Park." I said. All the guys looked at me with bulgy eyes and disbelief. "No!" They all screamed at once. "You crazy? There be psycho folks out there! You just wanna get shot at, don't ya." Justin laughed. "So what? What we gonna do?" I asked. "I know!!!" Joey yelled, all enthusiastic and stuff.

"Bye! Bye y'all!" I yelled before they closed the door. I was back at the hotel again. Stupid ass Joey and his great ideas. 'Let's go clubbin'!' That ass. So sure enough, everyone agrees and then they all be like 'Oh shit, we forgot about Khiem.' Aweee.... How freakin' nice! So of course I ain't one to spoil the mood so I'm just like, ' sure, go ahead. I'll just stay home... on the last day I'll ever be in New York.' The sarcasm just went straight over. They all said good sport and stuff. So dinner came and went and it was fun seein' a grown boy cry, even if it's not emotionally induced.

"So what do you wanna do?" Lance said from behind, startling me. Well, duh! Of course the only person who would not go clubbin'. Sweet, dearest Lance. I'm so glad the guy can't dance, otherwise it would've been another night of pay-per-view. Of course, JC offered to stay behind, but then I know how much he likes clubbin' and stuff. So I told him to go, Lance would be here to keep me company. He still wasn't all that happy about it but he still went. Oh well. It's just me and Lance again. The coolest folks in the world.

"I don't know. Anything. Just sit here and order a movie. What's out? I haven't seen Erin Brockonich or something like that." I said laying on couch.

"I have so we aren't gonna sit here and watch that. I know what we can do." He said getting up and phoning someone on his cell.

"What you doing?" I asked. He just put his finger a front his lips and shhh'd me. So I just ignored him and flipped though the limited hotel cable channels. After a few minutes of channel surfing, Lance walked over and grabbed the remote from my hands.

"All settled, bro. Grab your camera. We're gonna go for a ride." He said.

"Where we going?" I asked, getting all excited and stuff.

"Surprise, dude. Just be patient. Trust me. You'll like this."

So we were sitting in the limo again and going somewhere. It was already dark outside but there were still so many cabs all over the place. I just sat there, kinda bored and stuff. I mean, don't get me wrong. Lance is fun to be with. But so is JC! And it's like, I totally never get to spend any time with JC. So it totally sucks and stuff. I guess Lance sensed it too cause he was staring at me. "You okay? If you're not feelin' well, dude, we could just go back to the hotel." He said all concerned and stuff. "Naw. It's not that. I feel fine." I said, staring out of the window. "What's wrong then? You don't look okay to me. And I know cause I've been around you for awhile now and you can't act for shit." He said. I smiled at him. "Ohhh! Did I just see you smile?" He said, poking my tummy. I just slapped him and laughed. "I'm just missin' JC or something I guess." I said. "Oh no. You're not one of those 'I can't be away from you for a second' people are you?" He laughed. "No... I don't think so. I don't know what it is really. I guess it's love or whatever." I sighed. "Have you ever been in love?" Lance asked me. "No... I don't think so... Have you?" I asked him. He looked at me, not saying anything for a second. "Well... yeah. I have been." He said kinda quietly. "Really? With whom?" I asked all excitedly. "I don't really wanna talk about it right now." He smiled. I wasn't gonna let him drop the subject that easily. "Come on, Lance! You can trust me. If you don't want me to tell anyone, I won't. Not even the guys although I'm pretty sure they would know about it, right?" I smiled at him. He looked at me, not sure what to say or do. "Well..." He hesitated. "I know! You can just change the name or something. Like... Jean! Yeah!" I laughed. Finally he gave in. "Alright. Well, Jean was this guy I met quite awhile back..." "Was he hot? Cute? How tall?" I asked all excitedly and stuff. "Chill... He's cute and hot. You'd like him. We got to be really cool friends and stuff. And I guess I just fell in love with him." He said. "Just fell in love? What? There has to be a reason why and stuff, right? I mean, you just can't fall in love with someone because y'all hang out and stuff. Cause then, that would mean me and Chris would be datin' and I ain't gonna let that happen." I smiled at him. He just laughed at me. "Well. Jean is special. He's everything I could ever want. He's sweet. He's... nice. He's... selfless. He's just everything I could ever dream of." Lance sighed, running his fingers through his short hair. "Well, lots of folks are nice and sweet and selfless. There's got to be something else, right?" "He's got a nice ass too!" He said. I busted out laughing. "Ha! I knew you were superficial." I laughed and pointed at him. "Just jokin'... although... nevermind. He's someone you can talk to for hours and not ever get bored and stuff. He's ultra smart and stuff. I could just sit here forever and listen to him talk on and on about everything and nothing. He's got the cutest voice I've ever heard too..." "Well, that's nice to hear..." "He smells like apples. I guess it's the shampoo that he uses or something but he always smells like apples. I love that smell. He's one of those folks that are like unknowingly cute. He's too modest sometimes though and sometimes, he doesn't give himself enough credit..." "Okay..." I yawned. I tried to stop him from talking but he just kept going on and on and on. "He's funny and he always goes out of his way to make other folks feel better..." "That's nice." I yawned again. I laid my head on his lap and tried desperately to stay awake. "He's not someone you meet everyday, ya know?" Lance sighed. "I just wished I had a chance with him. I'd give everything to just be with him. He's that important to me. It happened so fast. I've never felt like this before with anyone..." Lance said, sighing heavily. By now, I was fast asleep, sprawled out on the limo seat with my shoes kicked off. But I guess Lance didn't notice. He just kept talking and patting my head like I was a dog or something. "I guess it's my fault though. I should've have been more forward or something I guess. Maybe if I were, I could be like with him and stuff right now. I don't know. He's just too perfect to be true. Or I guess... too perfect for me to have." It was like he was talking to himself now... "The more I think of it, the more I kick myself in the head for not doing anything about it. He's with someone now and I can't do shit to change that. He's happy and that's all that matters I guess. I'm just waitin' patiently for my turn to be happy..." Lance said closing his eyes and leaning his head back against the headrest. "I love you... Khiem. I always have..." With that, he fell asleep. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "We're here, Lance!" I said, shaking him back and forth. I woke up and I found him fast asleep. It was a good thing too because I accidentally drooled on his slacks. "Come on! Wake up! I can't believe we're here! You are so freakin' nice! Come on, Lance! Wake up!" I said, punching him. "Alright! Stop hittin' me! I'm up!" He said, getting out of the car. We were actually in Central Park and stuff and I couldn't believe it! I mean, it was Central Park! It's like, the most famous park in the entire world and stuff. "Is that for us too?" I pointed to the black carriage waitin' in the middle of the street. "That is way too cool!" I ran towards the horses strapped to the front. The guy sitting on the top bench thingy was in a black suit. It was really cool. It was like Cinderella or something. The horses were black too. Their coats were shiny and so very soft. I was petting the horse next to me. "Her name's Camelot." The driver guy said. I just smiled at him. What a perfect name, too. Camelot. The horse was huge up close. I didn't know horses could get that big. She was totally taller than me and so strong. You could just see all the muscles bulging everywhere. "Lance! Come here! Look at this horse! Her name's Camelot! Ain't that cool?" I turned to the driver guy. "What's his name?" I asked. "King Arthur." "Wow... is this a coincidence or what? We have a Camelot, a King Arthur and a Lance! That's really freaky and cool." The driver was wearing a black top hat and a tux. He was all professional. Everything was awesome. I had always wanted to go on something like this. I saw in on a 'Roseanne' episode once. And who better to do it with than Lance? Well, there's JC but that's beside the point. It was fate, I think. I mean, their names and all. Except I didn't have a cool Medieval name like the horses. "Come on. Let's get in. It's already freakin' late." Lance said, dragging me to the carriage door. I got up inside the dark carriage and smiled. It was really pretty and stuff. The seat was made of leather and there was a latern in the corner so we could see and stuff. I sad on one side and Lance climbed up and sat on the other. The driver closed the door and climbed onto his seat and smacked the horses ass and we were off. "How long are we gonna go for?" I asked him. The ride was already ten minutes in progress. "As long as you want, Kiddo. I rented this just for you." He said. "Really? Wow, thanks Lance! You're the awesomest person ever!" I went back to taking pictures out of the little window. There was this one picture I took of this homeless guy. He was pissing into a bush. I couldn't help but laugh cause it was a funny pictures. But I felt bad for him too. New York was just so pretty. Well, compared to Los Angeles at least. The buildings around the park were pretty too. "Don't mention it, Khiem. Anything for my best bud." He said. He got up and sat down on my side. I just looked at him and raised an eyebrow. "Sorry. It's just going backwards in a bumpy carriage is not my thing." He laughed. "I know what you mean! When I went to Vietnam with my mom, I threw up because the road was really bumpy and the car was trying to pass all the motorcycles everywhere and it was hot and humid and there was no ac. I hated it there." I told him. He just smiled at me. The ride lasted another twenty minutes. We mad a very slow round around through the park. It was kinda scary actually. "Wouldn't it be cool if like some Indians came by and try to kill us or something? It's like those western movies. I'll be the rifleman and you can be the helpless lady with the bonnet." I said, laughing. "Hey hey! Why the hell am I the helpless woman?" He said in mocked offense. "Because. You're obvious." I got out of the carriage and ran to pet the horses again. "Thank you, Mister. It was so cool. I had loads of fun." I said. The driver man nodded and tipped his hat. Lance and the driver exchanged a few words while I played with the horses again. "Come on, Khiem. Let's go." He said. I thanked the driver man again and said bye to the horses and followed Lance to the awaiting Limo. I looked at my watched and noticed that it was nearly two in the morning. I was kinda tired. We got into the Limo and I sprawled out on one of the chairs. "So... I'm obvious?" He asked. "Well, duh! Lance you were made for flippin' pancakes." I smiled at him. "What does that supposed to mean?" He asked. "Well... you wrist, it's kinda flimsy if ya know what I mean." I laughed. "Hey! You watch it, punk! Or else I'll smack you silly." He threatened. "Yeah... with your flimsy hands?" I said laughing. He got out of his chair and grabbed me by my shirt. We wrestled for awhile until I finally said 'mercy'. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Dude! Where have you been all night? I've been trying to call you for the last hour!" JC yelled right when we walked into the room. "Sorry, man. I forgot to turn on my cell phone." Lance said, pulling out his phone from his pocket. "Hi, JC." I went up to him and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Don't worry, JC. We were safe and stuff. I had a fun time tonight. Did you?" "Uhhh... yeah. We just got back from clubbin'. We just ordered some room service. It'll be here in about twenty minutes." I had made him forget about being angry with Lance. Lance just walked passed him and sat on the couch with Justin and Joey. "So baby, where'd y'all go tonight?" "Oh! It was so cool, JC. Like, Lance took me on a carriage ride through Central Park." I said happily. "Central Park? What the hell. That's fuckin' dangerous. I can't believe... Lance!" JC turned his head and yelled over the couch. "What now?" Lance asked in frustration. "You took Khiem to Central Park during midnight? I can't believe you, man! That's freakin' dangerous. Did you not think that something might have happened?" JC was mad. "JC. Stop yelling at Lance, please? Don't worry. Everything was okay. I'm alright and so is Lance. It was fun. Just be happy that the Indians didn't attack cause I don't know how Lance would handle it with the wrist problem and all." I smiled at Lance who was sitting there giving me the middle finger. I just laughed. JC was confused though. "Indians?" "Nevermind, J. I have to go take a shower. I feel all sticky and stuff. Save me some ice cream, okay?" I said, kissing him and walking off to my room. It was kinda cool being able to do that in front of people. It was awesome actually. Justin and Joey didn't mind. I was embarrassed kinda though.

I came back from my shower and the bellboy was just leaving. Joey tipped the guy and rolled the cart to the living room. It was a mountain of junk food and fried chicken. Chris was there too. The guys and I crowded around the couch and began eating. I was sitting on the floor in between JC's lap and he was on the couch with a paper plate filled with chips and chicken. We were watching some kinda gangsta movie. I didn't know what it was. Like always, I was the first to fall asleep. It was already four in the morning and the plane was supposed to leave for Washington at seven. We were supposed to meet the band up there and continue with the concert.

When I woke up I noticed I was lying on Justin's leg. My neck was sore and my tummy was hurtin'. Lance had the couch to himself and JC and Joey were on the love seat, each sniffin' the other persons feet. I started stretching and accidentally kicked someone. I looked down and noticed that I kicked Chris on his arm. He woke up and groaned really loudly. None of us had gotten enough sleep. The room was kinda messy with greasy plates everywhere and cups and chips on the floor. We lived like wild pigs and I totally loved it. Having someone clean up after yourself is the ultimate thing in the world. Chris and I both got up and headed to the bathroom. He did his daily morning stuff while I brushed my teeth. I glanced at the lock and noticed it was six. Our flight was at eight so I told Chris that we better pack.

I went to wake Jack up and noticed he was already gone. I called his cell and found out he was downstairs. So we packed our clothes and got dressed. I wanted to wake up the guys but Chris said we should wake them up at the last minute.

"But then they'll be all grumpy and stuff." I complained.

"It's their own fault. They should be awake by now." Chris said.

"Hey! You wouldn't have been awake if I hadn't kicked you!" I said. He just shrugged and we headed for the door. He opened the door and turned back.

"Hey guys! Wake up!" He yelled. All the guys just groaned and turned to their side. "Y'all have ten minutes to get ready and down stairs. Plane's leaving."

"Fuck... why didn't you wake us up?" Justin moaned.

"Now where's the fun in that? Now get your asses up and movin'! Oh yeah, the Tums is on the bar counter but we're out of toilet paper. Bye." He laughed and ran out the room.

Apparently while I was in the restroom, Jack had called up to wake the guys up. Chris answered it. Jack wanted us to meet him at the café in the hotel lobby. Me and Chris were stuffin' our face with croissants and fruits when the guys came down from the elevator. All of them were in some state of distress. Justin just decided to wear a bandana and his pj's. Lance wore the same thing he did last night. I made a mental note not to sit next to him on the plane. JC's hair was all over the place and he had paste on the side of his mouth. Joey was a mess... as always. Chris pointed them out to me and I busted out laughing. Jack looked over at Chris with a questioning looked. Chris just shrugged. "They're going to kill you." Jack said. "Let them try. I know kung fu." I said. The guys came up to our table and stood around. I was smiling at JC but he was giving me a mean/tired/constipated look. I just laughed. They were just about to sit down to eat when Jack stopped them. "Too late guys. Limo's been waiting for y'all for five minutes now. Flights in half an hour. We need to get going. Walk now, eat later." The guys growned and whimpered. "Well, Khiem. I have to say, that was a good breakfast." Chris said, standing up and patting his belly. "I know! All that bacon and eggs and that omelette that chef made. Wow! I haven't been full like this since yesterday." I said standing up and patting my tummy too. The guys all hissed at us. We just laughed and made our way to the airport. "Do you think there'll be food on the plane?" Lance asked Justin. "I sure hope so." He said, laying his head back. "You can have my peanuts, JC." I said. All the guys started laughing at me. "Shut up, pervs! Oh..." I reached into my backpack and pulled out a napkin. "I happened to smuggle a croissant for you." I unfolded the napkin and gave it to JC. All other guys were beggin' JC for a piece but he practically pushed the whole thing into his mouth. Jack, like always, was too busy on the phone to notice what was going on. He was in his own corner in his own world handling business stuff. I'm just glad I wasn't him. "Okay y'all... off to Washington we go!" Chris shouted. We all said 'yay', the guys somewhat unenthusiastically. Yet another journey... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I'm sorry if this chapter was boring. It's been awhile since I've done this... everybody needs practice right? Till next time y'all... have fun and stuff.... Bye now =)

Next: Chapter 9

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